Walmart Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

Walmart Inc. is one of the global highest retailers by sales and workforce count. The corporation is an example of successful human resource management, with millions of employees globally. Since its inception in 1962 in Arkansas, the company had grown its retail operation via good financial tactics to acquire its current global position. Walmart's mission and vision statement spell out the company's driving values.
In this aspect, Walmart's performance is determined by its ability to carry out its vision and goal. Employing an adequate generic competitive strategy and linked intense growth plans is one way to achieve this. To achieve goals based on the details of the company vision and purpose statements, Walmart's general and intense tactics build the company's business and secure its comparative edge.
Walmart implements its vision and mission statements through a generic cost leadership strategy that helps the business gain a competitive advantage over competitors, including Inc. and its separate company Whole Foods Market, as well as Costco Wholesale, Amazon, and Lowes. Walmart's effectiveness in achieving its goal and vision is aided by a variety of intense growth techniques such as market saturation and market growth.
Mission Statement
The business aim of Walmart Inc. is to "save money, live better." This statement embodies the company's founder, Sam Walton's, principles. This goal statement, which is associated with the company's tagline, "Save money. Live better," is a direct embodiment of decision making. Walmart's business methods incorporate leveraging pricing as a selling element to lure potential customers, as seen by this remark. Many of the company's initiatives reflect the importance of such a selling factor. Walmart Inc.'s marketing mix, or 4P, for example, includes cheap pricing as a tactic. Other aspects of the business are influenced by the requirement to reduce selling prices to remain competitive.
Walmart's low selling prices help to achieve the mission statement's "save people money" component. Consumers, for example, save money by purchasing items from specific vendors/retailers rather than purchasing the same or similar things from mid-scale and high-end retailers. However, it is unclear if the corporation meets the corporate mission's "live better" component. There have been complaints about Walmart's employees' low earnings, which make it difficult for them to improve their life, as well as different human resource management difficulties inside the company. There are also concerns about the company's large-scale sales of low-cost imported items having long-term economic consequences.
Vision Statement
"Be THE place for people to save money, regardless of how they choose to purchase," says Walmart Inc.'s business vision. The company's investor community conference in 2017 publicly expressed this aim. "To be the leading retailer in the minds of the target audience and workers," the company's prior vision statement read. The shift in Walmart's corporate vision organization is vital adjustments made in reaction to shifts in the competitive marketplace and the state of retailing as a whole.
Previously, the company's business aim was to become the industry's leading player. Walmart's current vision statement incorporates the same goal but with a focus on the company's flexibility in serving consumers. The component "no matter how they choose to purchase," for example, denotes the company's strategic goal of gaining leadership in both conventional brick-and-mortar and online retail transactions.
The same adjustment, on the other hand, emphasizes Walmart's vision statement's exclusion of "workers" as a foundational element. Employee support may be reduced as a result of this move. Employees are a significant stakeholder group related to Walmart's Corporate social responsibility programs and stakeholder management; therefore, the move might represent human resource management difficulties.
Core Values
"Customer first, frontline oriented, inventive & agile, listen, inclusive, high performance, accountability, honesty, and fairness" are Walmart's fundamental principles. They describe the factors that influence Walmart's operations. With these, the business stays true to its goal and vision. The following principles are among them:
- Frontline emphasis on the customer
- Listen
- Inclusive, innovative, and agile
- Exceptional performance
- Responsible
- Honesty
- Equality
Either the first or second element of the core values demonstrate how important the customer is to the organization in all aspects of its operations. In the third element, there is a similar concentration. Walmart aims to demonstrate adaptation and flexibility in the services it provides to its customers by being inventive, accessible, and maintaining a strong degree of superiority in quality of service delivery. To win the distinction of greatest destination, the firm goes above and above to do the right thing while also demonstrating the highest degree of justice and sincerity to anyone with whom it engages.
Walmart Mission and Vision Statement Analysis Mind Map
Walmart's reputation in the retail business is unrivaled by many companies. Since its inception in 1962, the firm has been regarded as the most trustworthy. All of Walmart's success can be traced back to the vitality of the company's mission and vision statements. A company's vision statement explains what it hopes to accomplish in the long run. Its purpose outlines the steps that may be taken to serve its clients.
The existence of guiding concepts enshrined in Walmart's core values makes a difference in the company's operations. They are, in reality, the cogs that drive the company's goal and vision.

Key Takeaways
Walmart Inc. should do better when it comes to following norms for ideal corporate mission statements, as the company's mission statement only meets a few of the traditional ideal attributes evaluated incorporate mission formulation. The company's goal statement is quite explicit in terms of client financial savings. Other aspects, such as details on goods, target clients, market segments, and corporate self-concept, are missing from the statement.
In the instance of Walmart Inc., the rules for establishing excellent corporate vision statements are met. The company's vision statement is succinct and straightforward. It's also broad enough to include the entire company, and it provides a motivating task for personnel. Furthermore, it is forward-thinking, particularly in terms of the e-commerce environment. In addition to targeting consumers, another method to improve this corporate strategy is to integrate knowledge about other parties, such as staff.
Having a mind map for the mission and vision statement can easily convey your ideas and motivation. You can make one too with EdrawMind, as they provide hundreds of pre-made templates for everyone to choose from.