MindMap Gallery 1984 - George Orwell
This is a mind map talking about George Orwell's book - 1984. You can create a mind map like this with MindMaster.
Edited at 2020-09-17 03:11:55Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
1984 George Orwell
Friend or enemy? P. 25
Large, burly man, coarse, humorous, brutal(p. 10)
uses spectacles
Invites Winston and Julia to his home, turns off his telescreen and gets him to confess: "We are thought criminals." p.170
Employs Mr. Charrington as a spy
Gets Winston the secret manual of theBrotherhood
"The primary aim of modern warfare ... isto use up the products of the machinewithout raising the standards of living." p. 188
”An allround increased in wealththreatened the destruction of a hierarchicalsociety“ p.189
War keeps people psychologicallyenslaved, threatened and easier to control.p. 192
There will always be three kinds of people:High, Middle, Low (class). "The aims ofthese three groups are entirelyirreconcilable." p. 184, p. 201
It is necessary to change the past so that no one can make comparisons and grow discontented. They won't complain because they don't believe live was or could be better. p. 212
Double-think is at the heart of the party's control: "to tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient..." p. 214
The Party seeks power for its own sake: notfor the good of the people. p. 263
The Party's power over everything begins in the mind: it controls the perception of reality. p. 265
Has Winston arrested and eventuallybrought to Room 101 - a place thateveryone fears because it is where youfinally, break.
She tells Winston that while the Party'sMinistry of Love can torture you and makeyou say anything, "they can't make youbelieve it. They can't get inside you." (p. 166)
She discovers this is wrong: "Sometimes they threaten you... and then you say, 'Don't do it to me - do it to the other person... All you care about is yourself... And after that, you don't feel the same to the other person." p. 292
about 27 years old (p. 10)
mechanic, runs the novel writing machines
thick dark hair
Later, described as "sallow" p. 291
shapely, strong, athletic
Later, described as "stiffened" and "clumsy" (p. 290-91)
clear skinned, freckled
Later, described as "sallow" p. 291
direct gaze
Big Brother
INGSOC stands for English socialism, apolitical philosophy (p. 36)
Orwell feared socialismwould take away rights and freedoms
Socialism for Orwell lead to communism and authoritarian regimes
Four Ministries: Minilove, Minitruth,Minipax and Miniplenty
Ministry of Truth had Thought Police whosnooped on citizens using telescreens,helicopters and spies.
Newspeak: eliminated words - "It's abeautiful thing, the destruction of words...The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrowthe range of thought." (p. 51-52)
Enemy of the People: Emanuel Goldstein(p. 11), commander of the Brotherhood (p.13)
Thoughtcrime is when you think against the government; facecrime is when you show displeasure (p. 62)
"In the end the Party would announce thattwo and two made five, and you wouldhave to believe it." (p. 80) but... "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." (p. 81)
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
The Party aimed to prevent men and women from being loyal to each other; marriage had to be approved by the party and couldn't be for love. (p. 65)
London, Airstrip One, Oceania
Airstrip thirdmost populated province inOceana (p.3)
bombed out cities, old 19th centuryhouses patched and rotting
atom bombs fell in the 1950s (p. 27)
Winston Smith
In the first part of the novel, we see how hebecomes aware of the manipulation ofwhich he is a victim. This provokes in him,anxious to know the way of life existingbefore the revolution. In addition, hemeditates on his life, embodying everythinghe feels in a little journal. That is to say, hethinks of everything he can and does notpossess, because the Big Brother(concretion that the party presents to theworld) wants to maintain power at anyprice. He sacrifices all human value in orderto possess absolute power. Therefore, let ussay that Winston ultimately understandshow to live in that society, withoutunderstanding why to live this way and notin a different way. He does not find anysense in his way of life. In the second part,the discontent in his person impels him torebel against the party, carrying out actsthat the party considers criminal. Thus,through Julia (another member of theparty), which falls in love, violates thedoctrine of the party, since, according tothis, the only love that a member of theparty.
Rats - Winston's biggest phobia and his downfall. When O'Brien learns how much Winston fears them, he gets him to break by threatening to put Winston's head inside a cage with huge, starving rats. Winston yells, "Do it to Julia!"
Peripheral Characters
The Parsons
Mrs. Parsons calls Winston for help with repairs at their flat, because Tom is rarely home.
Tom Parsons is a co-worker of Winston's who is fattish, active and unquestioning - stupid.
Parsons goes to the Ministry of Love (to be tortured) because his daughter reported that he said "Down with Big Brother" in his sleep. He is grateful! "I'm proud of her" (his daughter) "It shows I brought her up in the right spirit." p. 233
Parson boy and girl play Thought Police, like to see hangings, report their father. (p. 24) "Nearly all children nowadays were horrible."
Mr. Charrington
Proprietor of the curiosity shop
rented the upstairs apartment to Winston
agent for the Thought Police
coworker of Winston's at the Ministry ofTruth
worked on the 11th Edition of theNewspeak dictionary
fanatic, loves watching hangings (p.49)
Structure of Novel
1984 places its action in a totalitarian statecalled Oceania, which, has been implantedafter a revolution of the population againstthe capitalist system. This state is governedby a single party, whose ideology isdenominated INGSOC (English Socialism). Heexercises absolute control over his subjects,through various instruments of control, andover the aspects that concern people, such astheir past, present and future. Consequently,this level of control has ended with someaspect of freedom and true human affection.
Oceania is constantly at war with Eurasia or Eastasia; the world has three countries (p. 34, p. 180