MindMap Gallery Hypothalamus
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Edited at 2020-09-25 13:01:01Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Anterior Pituitary
Somatotrophs: GH
Lactotrophs: PRL
Thyrotrophs: TSH
Corticotrophs: ACTH
Gonadotrophs: FSH
Gonadotrophs: LH
Posterior Pituitary
SON cells: ADH
PVN cells: Oxytocin
GHRH (+)/Somatostatin (GHIH) (-)
TRF (+) Dopamine (-)/Somatostatin(-)
TRH (+)
CRF (+)
GnRH (+)
Stimuli: 1) Partuition 2) Nipple stimulation 3) Hypertonicity
Uterine Contraction
Let-down reflex
Mammary glands: causes milk to be let down into subareola sinus
Important for cervical dilation at birth
Osmolarity (1-5%) sensed in the hypothalamus
Blood volume (15-20%): sensed by baroreceptors & relayed via brain stem
V1 receptors: G-protein linked
Arterial smooth muslce constriction
Hepatocytes: glycogenolysis
Pituitary cells: ACTH secretion
V2 receptors: G-protein linked
Act at kidney through cAMP & adenylate cyclase to increase H20 reabsorption
Growth Hormone
(+) amino acid uptake
(+) protein synthesis
Decreased plasma [amino acid]
(-) glucose uptake in cells
(+) glycogenolysis --> (+) plasma [glucose]
Stimuli: exercise, stress, sleep (all +)
(+) lipolysis: TAG --> FFA + Glycerol (+) plasma [FFF]
Negative feedback
Other cells
Bone (+ growth)
Fat (+)
Muscle (+ growth)
Stimulates proliferation, differentiation, metabolism
Stimuli: suckling, sleep, stress
(+) Leydig cells to produce testosterone
(+) Mammary glands & milk production
(-) [Oestrogen] & [Testosterone]
*Responsible for loss of menstruation in lactating women
Increase plasme [T4]/[T3]
T4/T3 are transcription-activation factors when bound to receptors located in almost all tissues.
(+) Growth
(+) CNS development
(+) CVS: C.O, blood flow, rate, strength, resp via up regulation of beta adrenoceptors
(+) Metabolism: mitochondria, Na+ absorption, gluconeogenesis, glucogenolysis, lipolysis, BMR, protein synthesis
(+) TRF
Stimulus: (+) Cold (-) Anxiety
Glucocorticoids: Cortisol
Carbs: (+) gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthase (-)
Lipids: (+) Lipolysis, free fatty acids
Proteins: (+) catabolism, (-) amino acid uptake, (-) fibroblast function (+) caloric intake
(-) lymphocytes, eosinophils, monocytes
(-) T cell function (IL-1, IL-2, TNF)
(-) B cell activation
Increases apoptosis
Bone: (+) bone reabsorption, (-) osteoblatic function
CNS: neuronal & glial function reg.
Electrolytes: increase GFR, renal K+ secretion
Promotes cellular differentiation (in fetus)
Inhibits growth
Potent anti-inflamm effects
Increases susceptibility to infection
Deficiency can result in uncontrolled inflamm. response
Free cortisol: only free is excreted in urine & measuring gives measure of plasma levels that day
Therapeutic uses:
Addison's Disease = low cortisol. Symptoms = weight loss, vomiting, depression, loss of appetite
Inflammatory diseases: asthma, rheumatic disorders, allergic disorders, crohn's dx, thyroiditis
Stimulus: (+) K+ & (+) Renin-Angiotensin system
Minerocorticoids: Aldosterone
(+)Distal tubule reabsorption of Na+
CRF (+) ADH (+)
(+) Spermatogenesis
(+) Male secondary sexual characteristics
Follicle Cells
Ovulation (Day 14)
1) LH Surge: rate-limiting step
2) Granulosa/Theca cells convert to mainly Progesterone secretion
3) Progesterone results in expulsion of ovum
4) Cells then Leuteinize (LH) & become Corpus Luteum following ovulation
5) Corpus Luteum secretes large amounts of progesterone & estrogen
At 9-12y.o, these hormones increase in level
Days 1-4: 6-12 primordial follicles --> primary follicles
rapid proliferation of granulosa cells
Secondary Follicle : Development of 2nd layer of cells, Theca cells.
Theca interna: secrete androgens-Testosterone & Progesterone
FSH stimulates Testosterone to move into granulosa cells & is converted to Estrogen by aromatase
Theca externa: highly vascular capsule
Vesicular cell growth: 2 stimuli
(1) Estrogen secreted by theca cells & up-regulates FSH receptors & increases receptor sensitivity
(2) FSH & Oestrogen combine to promote LH receptors on original granulosa cells
Tertiary cells form through FSH & LH
Rapid growth occurs once both hormones synergise
Atresia --> 1 Mature follicle
From Primordial to Antral stage (mostly FSH alone)
Leydig Cells
6) Becomes Corpus Albicans 12 days post-ovulation
7) Sudden cessation of secretion of androgens & inhibin removes (-) feedback so cycle can begin again
Lutein cells also secrete Inhibin (-)
Sertolli Cells
Spermatogenesis: Spermatids --> Sperm