MindMap Gallery Music Theory Curriculum
This is a mind map talking about the music theory curriculum. You can create a mind map like this effortlessly.
Edited at 2020-09-27 07:33:43Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Music Theory Curriculum
1. Staves, Clefs & Pitch Notation
The Grand Staff
Naming the Notes
note sign
B & H
In almost all European countries, except those whose main language is English or a Romance language, the 'German' system is used. This also uses the letters A to G of the Roman alphabet, but reserves B for the note called B flat in the 'English' system, and uses H for the note that is B natural (or just B) in the 'English' system.
pitch class
octave equivalency
Staff or Stave
staff or stave
numbering of lines/spaces
systemic barline
Describing a musical notation in which the pitch of a note is represented by its vertical position on the page
ledger lines
The Clef Sign
clef, clef sign, clef signature
Great Staff, Grand Staff, Great Stave or Grand Stave
treble clef
bass clef
alto clef
middle C
The Treble Clef
treble clef
G clef
violin clef
The Bass Clef
bass clef
F clef
The Alto Clef
alto clef
viola clef
counter-tenor clef
Other Clefs
soprano clef
mezzo-soprano clef
tenor clef
baritone clef
subbass clef
French violin clef
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a special clef was used for violin music, particularly that published in France. For this reason it is known as the French violin clef, French clef or G1 clef, although it was more commonly used for flute music. Being a G clef rather than a C clef, it sets the position of the G above middle C - in this case, on the bottom line of the five line stave.
indefinite pitch clef
The Score
Why Middle C?
The naming of the notes and position of middle C arise from the way we set out our great staff. Guido d'Arezzo (c.995-1050) called the first line on the lower staff by the Greek letter gamma. The lowest note in the scale was called ut and was placed on gamma. This first note was soon called gamma ut, which contracted to gamut. At some point, French musicians began referring to the whole scale (by then an octave) as the gamut, a typical example of metonymy, the rhetorical or metaphorical substitution of a one thing for another based on their association or proximity. The term was next extended to refer to the musical range of an instrument or voice. By the seventeenth century gamut was further generalized to mean an entire range of any kind.
Guido d'Arezzo
Ut Queant Laxis
ut re mi fa sol la
Scientific Pitch Notation
distinguishing octaves
2. Notes and Rests
time value
proportional or mensural notation
The Anatomy of a Note Sign
placement of stem and flag
Chart of Note and Rest Signs
Dotting and Double Dotting
augmentation dot
Beams and Beaming
Origin of Music Notation
Measures and Bars
Measure and Bar Lines
1. bar
2. measure
3. time signature
4. bar line
5. double bar line
6. final bar line
7. bar number
8. rehearsal letter
3. Time Signatures and Meters
Time Signature and Meter
1. Time Signature
2. meter
3. beat
4. pulse
5. simple time
6. compound time
7. compound meter
8. divisive rhythm
Unusual Time Signatures and Hypermeasure
A hypermeasure, large-scale or high-level measure, or measure-group is a metric unit in which, generally, each regular measure is one beat (actually hyperbeat) of a larger meter. Thus a beat is to a measure as a measure/hyperbeat is to a hypermeasure. Hypermeasures must be larger than a notated bar, perceived as a unit, consist of a pattern of strong and weak beats, and along with adjacent hypermeasures, which must be of the same length, create a sense of hypermeter. The term was coined by Edward T. Cone in Musical Form and Musical Performance (New York: Norton, 1968).
odd meter
1. mensuration
2. modus
3. tempus
4. prolatio
5. major
6. minor
Common Time & Alla Breve/Cut Time
1. common time
2. modus
3. tempus perfectum
4. tempus imperfectum
5. alla breve
6. alla capella time
7. cut time
Changing Time Signatures
The Whole Bar Rest
whole bar rest
multiple bar rest
Incomplete Bars
imcomplete bar
incomplete measure
Ametric Music
augmented rhythms
diminished rhythms
retrograde rhythms
4. Tempo
Tempo Markings
tempo markings
1. grave
2. larghissimo
3. adagissimo
4. largo
5. larghetto
6. largamente
7. adagio
8. adagietto
9. lento
10. lentamente
11. andantino
12. andante
13. con moto
14. moderato
15. vivace
16. allegro
17. allegramente
18. allegrissimo
19. vivacissimo
20. prestissimo
21. veloce
changing the tempo
1. doppio movimento
2. accelerando%2c accel.
3. stringendo
4. affrettndo
5. incalzando
6. meno mosso
7. ritardando%2c rit.%2c ritard.
8. rallentando%2c rall.
9. strascinando
10. allargando%2c allarg.
11. calando
12. mancando
13. morendo
14. smorzando
15. ritenuto%2c rit.%2c riten.
16. piu mosso
17. piu moto
18. ritenuto
19. meno moto
20. a tempo
21. lunga pausa
22. rubato
fermata, fetura, caesura
1. fermata
2. hold
3. bird's eye
4. fetura
5. caesura
6. railroad tracks
7. cut-off
Dance Tempi
1. Aleman
2. Bouree
3. Bransle
4. Chaconne
5. Coranto/Courante
6. Galliard
7. Gavotte
8. Gigue
9. Giga
10. Ground
11. Menuet
12. Passacaglia
13. Pavanne
14. Rigaudon
15. Sarabande
Metronome Marks
5. The Keyboard
1. keyboard
2. scale
3. chromatic scale
4. flat
5. sharp
6. Small Intervals
The Tone and Semitone
1. keyboard
2. tone
3. semitone
4. whole step
5. half step
The Octave
1. octave
2. natural
3. double flat
4. flat
5. sharp
6. double sharp
The Chromatic Scale
1. microtone
2. microtonal
3. quarter tone
4. eighth tone
5. comma
6. cent
7. Major Scales
The Major Scale
1. major scale
2. chromatic scale
3. key note
4. degree
5. Roman Numerals
6. W W H W W W H
The Tetrachord
combined by disjunction
The Twelve Major Scales
1. major scales
2. sharp key
3. flat key
4. natural key
Deriving Major Scales
building major scales
key signature
8. Key Signatures and Accidentals
The Key Signature
key signature
music ficta
The Circle of Fifths
1. circle of fifths
2. key signature
3. tetrachord
The Order of Sharps and Flats
relative major
relative minor
Using Accidentals
1. accidental
2. precautionary mark
3. courtesy accidental
4. accidentals and ornamentation
Changing Key
1. key change
2. cautionary sign
3. inflection
4. compound signs
9. Minor Scales
The Natural Minor Scale
ancient minor scale
natural minor scale
Double Sharps and Flats
Harmonic Minor
1. haronic minor
2. seventh degree
3. leading tone
4. tonic
5. dominant chord
6. dominant 7th chord
7. tritone
Melodic Minor
melodic minor scale
Relative & Parallel Major & Minor
1. key note
2. key signature
3. relative major
4. parallel major
5. relative minor
6. parallel minor
7. rule of 7
8. rule of 12
9. key name
10. tonic major
11. tonic minor
10. Chromatic Scales
The Diatonic Scale
The Chromatic Scale
The Harmonic Chromatic Scale
naming rules
The Melodic Chromatic Scale
naming rules
11. Intervals
Degrees of the Scale
1. tonic
2. supertonic
3. mediant
4. subdominant
5. dominant
6. submediant
7. subtonic
8. leading tone
9. degree
Melodic & Harmonic Intervals
melodic interval
harmonic interval
Unisons and Octave
1. dyad
2. unison
3. octave
4. perfect unison
5. perfect prime
6. augmented unison
7. augmented prime
8. diminished unison
Some theorists do not allow the diminished unison because the C flat lies below the C natural and this breaks the rule that all dyadic intervals are named from the lower note.
Diatonic Intervals
1. perfect intervals
2. major intervals
3. minor intervals
Chromatic Intervals
1. doubly diminished
2. diminished
3. augmented doubly
4. augmented
5. quality of intervals
The Tritone
1. tritone
2. diabolus in musica
3. consonance by circumstance
Compound Intervals
Inversion of Intervals
rule of 9
12. Note Groupings
Simple & Compound Time/Meter
1. simple time
2. simple meter
3. compound time
4. compound meter
Uneven/Asymmetrical Time/Meter
irrational rhythm
irregular divisions
Grouping Notes and Rests
13. Triads & Chords
Concord and Discord
1. music
2. noise
3. concordant
4. discordant
5. consonance
6. dissonance
7. form
8. function
9. perfect consonances
10. imperfect consonances
11. dissonances
1. triad
2. Roman Numerals
3. primary triad
4. secondary triad
5. major triad
6. minor triad
7. augmented triad
8. diminished triad
9. close position
10. open position
Diatonic Triads
seventh chord
dominant chord
Chords in Jazz
Broken & Spread Chords
broken chord
spread chord
14. Chords in Detail
Chords: Structure vs. Function
1. structural
2. functional
3. naming seventh chords
Seventh Chords
1. major seventh chords
2. minor seventh chords
3. dominant seventh chords
4. minor seventh flat five chord
5. fully diminished seventh
6. half diminished seventh
7. augmented major seventh
8. augmented minor seventh
9. minor major seventh
Dominant Seventh Chord
Naming Seventh Chords
Inverted Chords
Slash Chords
Extended Chords (9th, 11th, 13th)
Special Chords
1. power chords
2. sus2 chords
3. sus4 chords
4. add2 chords
5. add9 chords
6. aug 5th %26amp; dim 5th chords
7. augmented sixth chords
8. Italian 'augmented' sixth chord
9. French 'augmented' sixth chord
10. German 'augmented' sixth chord
11. six/nine chords
12. polychords
15. Figured Bass
Figured Bass
1. thorough bass
2. realization
3. basso continuo
Figured Bass Notation
1. 5 3
2. 6 3 or 6
3. 6 4
4. accidental under note
5. line through number
6. accidental under number
7. accidental beside single 6
8. accidental beside number
9. horizontal line after number
10. 7 or 8 or 9
11. 6 5
12. 4 3
13. 4 2
Naming Chords With Roman Numerals
Roman numeral figuring
16. Transposition
Transposition at the Octave
Transposition into another Key
What key Is My Instrument In?
key of
concert pitch
Transposing Instruments
transposing instrument
concert pitch
written pitch
sounding pitch
17. Rhythmic Variety
Rhyrhmic Modes
1. iamb
2. anapest
3. trochee
4. dactyl
5. amphibrach
6. pyrrh
7. tribrach
8. spondee
off the beat
Dotting & Double Dotting
Rhythmic Syllables
18. Phrasing & Articulation
Slur & Phrase
1. rhythmic structure
2. strong beat
3. medium beat
4. weak beat
5. phrase
6. slur
Tenuto & Staccato
1. tenuto
2. staccato
3. mezzo-staccato
4. staccatissimo
Slurs & Staccato
1. slurred staccato
2. portato
3. articulated legato
Variety of Accents
1. staccato accents
2. staccatissimo accents
3. normal accents
4. strong accents
5. legato accents
Articulation on Wind Instruments
Articulation on Stringed Instruments
bowing terms
Articulation & Phrasing on Percussion Instruments
Piano Pedalling
Dynamic Markings
1. fortissimo
2. forte
3. mezzo forte
4. mezzo piano
5. piano
6. pianissimo
7. ffff%2c fff%2c ppp%2c pppp
8. forte piano
9. crescendo
10. decrescendo
11. diminuendo
12. marcato
13. sforzando
14. sforzandano piano
15. forzando
16. rinforzando
17. calando
18. incalzando
19. con sordino
20. dolcissimo
21. leggiero
22. pacato
23. mancando%2c morendo
24. martellato
25. mezza voce%2c sotto voce
26. senza sordino
27. tacet
28. tutta forza
29. una corda
General Musical Markings
1. a
2. a capella
3. a capriccio
4. accelerando
5. ad libitum
6. affettuoso
7. agitato
8. alla
9. alla breve
10. allargando
11. amabile
12. amoroso
13. ancora
14. animato
15. a piacere
16. appassionato
17. arioso
18. arpeggio
19. assai
20. ben%2c bene
21. brillante
22. cadenza
23. calando
24. cambiare
25. cantabile
26. chiuso
27. col%2c colla
28. come
29. comodo
30. con
31. con brio
32. con dolore
33. con forza
34. con fuoco
35. con giusto
36. con passione
37. con spirito
38. crescendo
39. dal
40. decrescendo
41. decisivo
42. delicato
43. diminuendo
44. dolce
45. dolente
46. doppio movimento
47. e%2c ed
48. e poi
49. espressivo
50. facilmente
51. feroce
52. fine
53. furioso
54. giocoso
55. grandioso
56. grazioso
57. il%2c la
58. impetuoso
59. lacrimoso
60. lamentoso
61. largamente
62. legato
63. leggiero
64. lusingando
65. ma
66. maestoso
67. mancando
68. marcato
69. mertellato
70. marziale
71. meno
72. meno mosso
73. mesto
74. mezzo
75. misterioso
76. molto
77. morendo
78. nobilmente
79. non
80. ossia
81. parlando
82. parlante
83. pateticamente
84. perdendosi
85. pesante
86. piacevole
87. piangevole
88. piu
89. pizzicato
90. placidamente
91. pochetto
92. poco
93. poco a poco
94. poi
95. pomposo
96. quasi
97. rallentando
98. religioso
99. replica
100. risoluto
101. ritmico
102. rubato
103. scherzando
104. secco
105. sempre
106. semplice
107. senza
108. serioso
109. simili
110. sino al
111. slargando
112. slentando
113. smorzando
114. soave
115. solennemente
116. sonore
117. sordino
118. sostenuto
119. sotto voce
120. spiccato
121. spiritoso
122. stentando
123. strepitoso
124. stringendo
125. subito
126. sul
127. suono
128. tanto
129. tempo primo
130. tempo rubato
131. teneramente
132. tenuto
133. tessitura
134. tosto
135. tranquillo
136. tremolo
137. troppo
138. tutti
139. un poco
140. vibrato
141. vigoroso
142. vivo
19. Chords & Cadences
1. harmonic cadence
2. turnaround
3. melodic cadence
4. rhythmic cadence
5. textural cadence
6. form %26amp; cadence
Perfect Cadence
Plagal Cadence
Imperfect Cadence
Interrupted/Deceptive Cadence
The 'Six-Four' Cadence
Feminine Endings
Antecedent & Consequence
20. Ornamentation
Grace Notes
1. grace note
2. appoggiatura
3. acciaccatura
1. trill
2. preparation
3. prefix
4. shake
5. termination
6. unprepared
7. prepared
8. vocal trill
1. mordent
2. inverted mordent
3. upper modent
4. lower mordent
5. long mordent
6. double mordent
21. Repeats
Repeated Bars
Repeated Whole Bar Rests
Repeated Notes
Repeated Groups
Repeated Sections
Da Capo
Minuet & Trio
22. Notes, Harmonies & Scales
Origin of Diatonic and Chromatic Scales
1. monochord
2. Pythagoras
3. interval
4. lyre
1. Dorian
2. Phyrgian
3. Lydian
4. Mixolydian
5. Aeolian
6. Locrian
7. Ionian
our major scale
Jazz Scale
Bebop Scales
Pentatonic Scales
The 'Minor Key' Problem
Altered Chords
Neapolitan Sixth
Symmetrical Scales
1. whole tone scale
2. diminished scale
3. dominant diminished scale
Non-Harmonic Tones
1. passing tones
2. neighboring tones
3. appoggiatura
4. escape note
5. suspension
6. retardation
7. anticipation
8. pedal note
9. auxiliary note
10. neighbor group
23. Harmonic Functions
What are Harmonic Functions?
1. The Tonic
2. The Dominant and Subdominant
3. The II and VII Degrees
4. The III and VI Degrees
5. Harmonic Functions in Minor Keys
6. Harmonic Analysis
Nonharmonic Tones
1. Passing Tone
2. Neighbor Note
3. Suspension
4. Anticipation
5. Appoggiatura
Secondary Dominants
1. The Dominant Chord
2. The Pivot Chord
3. Modulation to Distantly Related Keys
Augmented Sixths
Neapolitan Sixth
24. Score Formats
Instrumental Ensembles
1. orchestral layout
2. brass quintet layout
3. band layout
4. woodwind quintet layout
Solos & Parts
How to Write Parts for Transposing Instruments
Sounding Range & Clefs of Orchestral Instruments
25. Pitch, Temperament & Timbre
1. History of Musical Pitch
2. A Brief History of Musical Tuning
3. Physics of Musical Instruments - A Brief History
Harmonic or Overtone Series
1. harmonics
2. fundamental
3. overtones
The degree to which the frequencies of overtones (known as partial tones or harmonics) depart from whole multiples of the fundamental frequency.
harmonic overtones
inharmonic overtones
Pythagorean Series
1. tuning
2. temperament
3. Pythagoras
Meantone Scale
Equal Temperament
Just Intonation
Anatomy of An Octave
Naming Intervals
Beats and Tuning
Timbre/Tone Color
26. Key Centers
The Nature of Tonality
What makes music tonal?
Major Keys
Minor Keys
Triad Progressions
Combining Major and Minor Keys
Using Dominants
Diminished Seventh Chords
melodic substitution
1. parallel key modulation
2. relative key modulation
3. enharmonic modulation
4. direct modulation
5. pivot chord modulation
6. transient modulation
27. Musical Forms
The Minuet
Compound Ternary
The Minuets
Phrases, Periods and Motives
1. What is a phrase?
2. What is a period?
3. Parallel Period
4. Contrasting Period
5. Double Period
6. Other Periods
7. What is a motive?
28. Counterpoint
opening and closing patterns
Analysis of note-against-note counterpoint
Voice Leading
Aural Skills/Sight Singing
1. Meter Recognition
2. Interval Comparison
3. Rhythm Dictation
4. Scale Identification
5. Melodic Dictation
6. Interval Recognition
7. Chord Comparison
8. Chord Recognition
9. Form/Structure
1. Original Rhythmic Composition
2. Transpose Clefs
3. Original Melodies
4. Species 1 Counterpoint
5. Root Position 4-Part Chorale