Discharge Planning: F/U with PCP;Cardiology referral; Smoking cessationsupport if needed; Other Supportgroups; Assess $$$ to afford meds
Collaborative Care: Dietician; DiabeticEducator if indicated
Action of meds: Slows production ofcholesterol in the liver; Side Effects ofmedication: increased cataract risk,HA, abdominal pain, diarrhea, SEVERE:rhabdomyolysis & liver failure
Risk factors: Atheroscelrosis, HTN,Smoking, Obesity/sedentary,Hyperlipidemia, Diabetes, Family Hx,Post-menopausal
Important Points: Contraindicatedw/liver disease, monitor liver enzymes,no grapefruit products
What to look for: Unstable angina -chest pain at rest; MI: angina,diaphoresis, SOB, neck, jaw, or backpain, etc.; Stroke or TIA: neurologicalchanges dizziness, weakness ornumbness on one side of body,dysphasia, drooping on one side offace
Diagnostic Procedures: Coronary arterycalcium scoring; possible angiographyto look for blockage if symptomatic
Labs: HTN > 140/90; LDL > 160; HDL < 40; total cholesterol > 240; triglycerides > 200; glucose > 200
Patient Teaching: Diseaseprocess; Diet reduced fat &amp;cholesterol; exercise regular;medications; Smokingcessation; Control HTN &amp;diabetes
Nursing Interventions: Monitor VS andlabs; Assess for S/S of complications;Administer medications; Referrals;Patient Teaching
Medications: Atovstatin calcium(Lipitor) &quot;statins&quot;
Priorities of Care: Monitor forcomplications; stabilize and reduceplaques; Reduce risk factors educateon diet, meds, &amp; exercise; AddressHTN and/or diabetes if present
Potential Complications: Unstableangina/MI; Stroke or TIA
Assessment: Often have HTN, ElevatedLipids/cholesterol, may have elevatedglucose. May have S/S of TIAsassociated with stress/exertion, arterialbruits