MindMap Gallery Iron Deficiency Anemia
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general surgery
chronic asthma
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development of a virtual platform
autonomic nervous system
Systems of Human Body
Fruit for Patient
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Most common type of anemia
Defined as a decreased total amount ofiron
Can usually be corrected
Lack of iron lead to lack of hemoglobin
Lack of hemoglobin affects oxygentransport throughout the body
Blood Loss
Lack of Iron (FE) in your diet
Inability to absorb Iron ( Celiac Disease)
Lack of Vitamin C
Infections or damage to gastrointestinaltract
Signs and Symptoms
Tired and Weak
Difficulty Breathing
Pale Skin
Chest pain
Headache and Dizziness
Brittle Nail
Poor appetite
Cravings of nonnutritive food such asdirt, ice or starch
Diagnostic Tests
Pheripheral Blood Smear
TIBC and Serum Ferritin test
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Measrment of hemoglobin A2
Reticulocyte hemoglobin content
Bone Marrow Aspirition
Endoscsopy/colonoscopy to rule outbleeding
Risk Factors
Women at greater risk, one Mainreason because of menstruation
Infants at low brith weight
Premature infants
Vegetearins, if they do not eat food high inrion
Dononating blood frequently
Lack of Vitamin C, which can decrease Ironabsorbtion
Cancer, Especially esophageal, andgastrointestinal cancer
Iron Supplemsts such as Iron pills
Vatmain C to help in absorbtion of IRON
Treating underlying casues suchs asMedications or antibiotics that cancause anemia
Not taking antacids with FE pills