MindMap Gallery Learning Style
This is a mind map that contains information about the learning style.
This is a mind map about 3-step Writing Process Business.
This is a mind map about advertising 2.
This is a mind map about SBAR. Let's see!
use of ppen source intelligenc
semantic map
sexua assault
theological conflict
open education
6 steps of goal setting and achieving
How to Make Postitive Effects on Communication
Concepts about Money
Careers in Education and Training
Adapted Physical Education Specialists
Learning Style
Like to read and show intenseconcentration while reading
Good speller
Remember better by seeing charts, diagrams, etc.
Easily lose focus
Prefer written directionsover spoken directions
Enjoy music
Move a lot when studying
Like to participate in learning
Like doing things insteadof reading about them
They like to read thenarratives and descriptions
Thoughts wander during lectures
Observant but may miss some of what is said