MindMap Gallery Spain Builds an American Empire
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This mind map is about Western Front. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
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Spain Builds an American Empire
Spain's influence Expands
Spain's American coloines helpedmake it the richest,most powerfulnation in the world during much ofthe 16th century.
New node
The Spanish strengthened their othermilitary forces, by creating a skillful anddetermined army.
Before the Spanish built their empire onthe American mainland, they actuallysettled in parts of the U.S.
They built a capital calledSanta Fe, or "Holy Faith".
Scatters Missions, forts, and smallranches dotted the lands of NewMexico.
Spanish Conquests in Peru
Fransico Pizarro marched asmall force into SouthAmerica.
He Kidnapped the Incan ruler Atahualpa. Hehad the Spaniards wait in an ambush tocrush the Incan force.
Atahualpa offerd to fill a room once with goldand twice with silver in exchange for hisrelease.
By the middle of the 16th centurySpain had created an Americanempire.
The relationship between the Spanishsettlers and native women were in commonit created a large mestizo
Encomiendaa grant of landmade by Spain to a settler inAmericas.
Spanish Conquests inMexico
After colonizing several Caribbean islands,the Spanish had turned their attention tothe American mainland
The Spanish were the firstEuropean settlers in theAmericas.
Cortes goes to the Aztec capitol ofTenochtitlan. The Aztec emperor, Monetzuma II,was convinced that Aztec was a god wearingarmor.
He agreed to give the Spanish explorera share of the empire's existing goldsupply.
In June 1520 the Aztecsrebelled against the Spanish.
The Spanish struck back and conquered the Aztecs. TheSpanish had some advantages. 1Advanced Weaponry. 2-Cortes inlisted the help of various native groups.
The Voyages of Columbus
October 12, 1492Columbusthought he reached theEast Indies
Columbus called the surprised people whogreated him, los indios, which meansindian.
Columbus claimed the island for Spain andnamed it San Salvador, which means HolySavior.
In 1493 Columbus returned to Spain andtold of his journey. The men who funded histrip agreed to fund three more.
He journeyed to the americas nolonger as an explorer, but as an empirebuilder.
The spanish intended to transform theislands of the Caribbean into colonies orlands that are controlled by another nation.
Amerigo Vespucci returned to Europe andclaimed that the "land" was not part of Asiabut a new world. It was called America in hishonor.
In 1519 Ferdinand Magellan led anexploration around the southern end ofSouth America and into the waters of thePacific.
Magellan reached the Philippines andengaged in a civil war there and waskilled.
Out of Magellan's original crew only 18men and one ship arrived back in Spain in1522.