MindMap Gallery French Revolution
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US Marine Corps Leadership Course
U.S. Presidents from 1901
Russian Revolution
Italian Renaissance
history and evolution of drug regulation
World WarII
Industrial Revolution in Brita
Why is History important
The Renaissance
French Revolution
French Philosphers
Wrote about Democratic Ideas
believed in Free Speech,Press, Religion, and EqualRights
"I do not agree with a word you say, butwill defend to the death your right to sayit"
Believed in Liberty
Freed to much Government Power
Said government should have 3branches to keep powerchecked
Opposed Monarchs and Nobility
Believed all people are Equal
Said it was governments jobto defendindividual and protect the good ofSociety
Troops in Paris
People gathered in Paris forEsates General Meeting
believed help was coming
Grew Impatient
King called Troops to Paris
Angered People
Stromed Bastille
Estates General
Louis XVI ordered meeting
1st and 2nd Estate refused to meet
3rd Estate formed National Assembly
1st and 2nd Estates agreed to meet
Had more power than 3rd Estate
Voted down changes
1st meeting of EstatesGeneral since 1614
People wanted change
Money Problems
Huge National Debt
American Revolution
Sent money and supplies toaid United States
America could not repay loanimmediately
Previous Monarchs
borrowed and spent money tofight Seven Years War
Built an Palace at Versailles
Poor Harvest
Bad weather
not enough wheat
population grew
Monarch's Spending
Marie Antoinette and LouisXVI cut royal spending
Marie Antoinette wasdespised by the French
Blamed her for problems
Created Necklace Affair
Supported American Revolution
Extravagant parties
Seven Years War
Built Palaces
Jacques Necker
Louis XVI's Director of Finance
Blamed for debt incurred inAmerican REvolution
Advocated for loans
People loved him
Created high interest Rates
Meant not raising taxes
Divided poll tax more equally
Had Enemies
Marie Antoinette
Kings Advisors
Convinces Louis XVI to fire Necker
Published Royal Finances
Showed expenditures
Made people aware ofMonarch's spending
Showed Revenue
False Statistics
France looked stronger
Created a $10 million revenue