3.Variable: context in which the studentsreceive language
Some suggestions
1.Try to distinguish the interlanguageerrors.
2.Don’t make a student feel stupid
3.Give the message that mistakes arenot bad
Communicative Competence (CC)
Refers to
communicative competence want to achievethe use to language with fluency, not withaccuracy but that is authentic, students canuse it in real and not only applied to theclassroom contexts.
Has these components
1. Organizational competence(grammar and discourse)
2. Pragmatic (functional andsociolinguistic)
3. Strategic competence
4. Psychomotor skills.
1.Remember that grammar and theothers components functional,sociolinguistic, psychomotor, and strategicare important of CC.
2. Some pragmatic aspects are verydifficult then make sure your lessons aim toteach subtle.