MindMap Gallery Transport in Plants
This mind map is about Transport in Plants. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
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This mind map is about THE SAMPLING PROCESS. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
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This mind map is about Western Front. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
This mind map is about THE SAMPLING PROCESS. Start to use a mind map to express and organize your ideas and knowledge right now.
Transport in Plants
Holes in the sieve plates allows flow of the foodsubstance (mainly sucrose) through sieve tube cells.
Transports food from theleaves to rest of the plant
The sucrose,amnio acidsare also storedin fruits.
Has Sieve Cells which allow thefood (Sucrose) using osmosis.
Companion Cells help in providing the energy forthe sieve cells as the transportation of the foodrequires energy.
Means: Loss of water vapour fromaerial parts of the plant, especiallythrough the stomata of the leaves
Dependent upon evaporation.
Factors affecting Transpiration
Humidity of air
More Humid, slower rate of transpiration
Temperature of air
Higher temperature -> increasesrate of evaporation of water vapor ->Transpiration is greater
Strong Wind
Stronger Wind, higher rate of transpiration
Affects the size of stomata -> presenceof light = increase of transpiration
Transpiration Pull: As a result of transpiration,water moves up the whole column from theroots to the leaf. This is also how water gettransported up the plant. The plant has toloose water to gain water.
Importance of transpiration : WILTING
What is wilting?
Leaf folds up because ofexcessive loss of water
Rate of transpiration reduced
Leaf folds up toreduce surfaceexposed to sunlight
Causes guard cells to become flaccid(stomata will close) to prevent water lost
Rate of photosynthesisis reduced
Water becomes alimiting factor
Closed stomata cause theamount of carbon dioxideentering the leaf to reduce.
Walls made of lignin
Consists of mainly vessels
It has pits which allowwater and dissolvedminerals to betransported sidewaysto other cells.
Stretches from roots to leaves
It has lignified walls to support the plant
It has a hollow lumen with no crosswalls to let water pass through it easily
It is a dead structure with noprotoplasm (hollow lumen)
Provide mechanical support for the plant
Transport water from the roots to the rest of the plant
Movement of water
Water enters the plant throughthe roots through osmosis
Cell sap in root hair has lower waterpotential than the surrounding soilsolution. Therefore, water has to enterthrough osmosis (water flow from higherwater potential to lower water potential)
Water passes by osmosis from theroot hair cell to the inner cells.
This process continues until thewater reaches the xylem vesselsto be transported throughout theplant
Manufactured Food Substances
Transported as sucrose and amino acids
Translocation is an active process that requiresenergy (Not fully understood)