Means: Loss of water vapour fromaerial parts of the plant, especiallythrough the stomata of the leaves
Dependent upon evaporation.
Factors affecting Transpiration
Humidity of air
More Humid, slower rate of transpiration
Temperature of air
Higher temperature -> increasesrate of evaporation of water vapor ->Transpiration is greater
Strong Wind
Stronger Wind, higher rate of transpiration
Affects the size of stomata -> presenceof light = increase of transpiration
Transpiration Pull: As a result of transpiration,water moves up the whole column from theroots to the leaf. This is also how water gettransported up the plant. The plant has toloose water to gain water.
Importance of transpiration : WILTING
What is wilting?
Leaf folds up because ofexcessive loss of water
Rate of transpiration reduced
Leaf folds up toreduce surfaceexposed to sunlight
Causes guard cells to become flaccid(stomata will close) to prevent water lost
Rate of photosynthesisis reduced
Water becomes alimiting factor
Closed stomata cause theamount of carbon dioxideentering the leaf to reduce.