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- A concrete noun is a noun which can be identifiedthrough one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight,hearing, smell).
- Examples
- Phone
- Noise
- Rainbow
- Generic nouns are nouns whichare part of a generic statement.
- Generic nouns can be singular or plural.
- The opposite of generic nouns iscollective nouns
- In that thesentence they’re must be a blanket statement orquestion.
- Cats are animals.
- Civilization has always included cats.
- Possessive nouns are nouns whichpossess something, normally anothernoun
- The cat's toy
- Brandon's book
- The boss's house
- Irregular nouns are nouns which don’tfollow a spelling pattern whenpluralized.
- Child - children
- Mouse - mice
- A noun which cannot be identified using one ofthe five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing,smelling)
- Courage
- Stupidity
- Education
- Compound nouns are words where two nouns havebeen stuck together to make a new noun.
- Toothpaste
- Candlesticks
- Countable
- Countable nouns are nouns which can becounted, even if the number might beextraordinarily high
- Cat/Cats
- Boy/Boys
- Uncountable
- Uncountable nouns are nouns which come in astate or quantity which is impossible to count;
- Intelligence
- Common nouns are words for people, places orthings that aren’t specific
- Common nouns can becountable or uncountable.
- Paper
- Field
- A noun which is refers to a group of nouns
- Bouquet
- Bunch
- Pile
- Proper nouns are the names of specific peopleor places.