MindMap Gallery History of Kyoto
Here is a mind map concerning the history of Kyoto. It lists the significant events in history. For example, during the Azuchi - Momoyama period, the battle of Sekigahara occurred in 1660.
Edited at 2021-03-02 07:14:09Here is a mind map concerning the history of Montreal. In 19th century, the population in Montreal was around 58000 and it kept on growing quickly,
Here is a mind map concerning the fun fact about Osaka, which is the third-largest in Japan. Besides, Osaka is popular because of its underground shopping mall.
Here is a mind map about the history of Osaka. From the 15th century to the 19th century Osaka grew out to become a center of economy and a well-known major city of Japan.
Here is a mind map concerning the history of Montreal. In 19th century, the population in Montreal was around 58000 and it kept on growing quickly,
Here is a mind map concerning the fun fact about Osaka, which is the third-largest in Japan. Besides, Osaka is popular because of its underground shopping mall.
Here is a mind map about the history of Osaka. From the 15th century to the 19th century Osaka grew out to become a center of economy and a well-known major city of Japan.
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History of Kyoto
Early Beginnings
Around the sixth century, the popular Shimogamo Shrine was accepted to be built, one of the oldest Shinto places of worship in Japan.
The seventh century saw the development of the Kamo-jinja sanctuary.
The eighth-century was to a great extent known as the Nara period, a time-frame where Heijō-kyō (as of now Nara) was Japan's capital.
In 794, Emperor Kanmu migrated the capital to Heian-kyō which was later to become known as Kyoto.
Kamakura Period
During the Kamakura Period, the Kennin-Ji Zen Buddhist temple was assembled.
The recreation of the Kozan-Ji temple was observed.
The Kamakura Shogunate was defeated around 1333, offering to ascend to the Muromachi Shogunate.
Muromachi Period
It was during this period that the notable Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Kinkaku-Ji, was developed.
The once separated Northern and Southern courts got rejoined in 1392.
Azuchi – Momoyama Period
In 1573 the Muromachi Shogunate fell when Oda Nobunaga collapsed the Muromachi bakufu and oversaw the entirety of Japan.
The Battle of Sekigahara occurred in 1600.
After his win, Tokugawa Ieyasu turned into the shogun of Japan.
Edo Period
This period brought about 250 years of stability in Japan.
The Great Tenmei Fire, a fire that broke out in the Kyoto Imperial Palace in 1788.
Meiji Period
During the Meiji Period, Japan started its incorporation of Western human civilization progress and the Emperor moved the magnificent capital from Kyoto to Tokyo.
Media transmission lines were built and trains started running.
Kyoto Prefecture was made in 1871.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the Heian-Jingu Shrine was constructed and Jidai-matsuri celebrations were made to respect the establishment and history of Kyoto.