The garbage caused by human is a reallly big problem that have occuped many espaces such as; sea, beach, mountains, fields etc...
This generate pollution in the soil, ground water, also, theres a whole continent, the jungles, forest are diying, and also the animals die in this terrible conditions
Even if we don´t want ot belive in this, this bad changes affect every one, not only some people or some animals, if we don´t care about the situation, the earth is going to desappear with us
Garbage discontrol
Have humans impacted earth?
The inhale of contaminated air
A big jungle is now a big patch of soil
Since the human came to earth, we have contaminated, things like; agriculture, the creation of industries, cattle raising, etc...
Even when we breathe we contaminate the earth, there is a estimation that says that the 80% of the earth sufrces has been modified by human hands
Humans have done good things for earth, but also bad things that affect
Hydro sources contaminated
Nonrenewable resources
Sources that won´t renew again
Once that this resourses finish, they can´t be replaced, this happens because the big and absurd consumerism that we have
This resources are; coal, fossil fuels, oil and natural gas
The coal gives energy, also its liquid form gives fuel to vehicles
fossil fuels
This also gave us really necessary things, but, the problem is that they are consuming really fast this resource and it takes millions of ages to form
oil and natural gas
Oil is petrolium, this is very necessary for our daily lives, but, a problem that the cosumerism gave was fracking, this contaminates a lot. And, natural gas provides us things that we always use, such as; stoves, showers, and it powers furnances