Mindmap-Galerie mapping career learning
This mind map clearly presents two educational career paths: Early Childhood Trainee, Diploma Qualified Educator. The section on "Early Childhood Trainee" explains skill development and career planning during internship; "Diploma Qualified Educator" discusses the requirements for teacher qualification certification and pathways for professional growth. These are significant for the career development and advancement of educators.
Bearbeitet um 2024-07-21 12:16:03Mapping Career learning
Early Childhood Trainee
A choice influenced by my upbringing, family dynamic, childhood trauma and compassion for childrens wellbeing with consideration to my experiences as a child and adulescent.
Commenced in highschool as a school based traineeship and continued once high school was completed.
Upon completion of highschool, I was awarded the gold award for Early Childhood studies where I was made to feel competent and capable to continue my passion for Early childhood development and care.
Through out my traineeship I encountered adversity- Senior educator was not supportive and continued to try and sabbotage my study and job. Regardless I completed my traineeship in 8months, with minimal support, role modeling or guidance and was left to step into a senior educator role as 3 senior educators left within the time period I completed my traineeship. I then continued on to be a Senior educator myself.
Certificate III qualified educator, Studying Diploma
Continued my learning as an Early childhood educator by commencing my diploma and leading age groups as the Lead educator from 18 (after certIII) to 19years old.
Due to my age, knowledge and experience I was faced with many obsatcles of failing and not being the correct fit for many childcare services along the way.
At 19 I finally found a service and Director who saw my potential and guided, supported and mentored me in the role of a senior educator, commencing with school aged care, stepping me through the paperwork and legislative side, then moving to a room into a senior educator position, mentoring staff in implementing the EYLF and new way of documenting, attending various PD's to strengthen my knowledge and learning and continued to progress, even with management change and adversity with other staff members.
Continued my diploma as I worked in Early Childhood plus worked 2 other jobs in retail- service station attendant and customer service at a clothes shop. No time to complete studies plus have a social life of a young adult. My studies took me almost 5years to complete and I had to merge into the new Diploma and opted for RPL in 2014
Diploma Qualified educator
My career moved to another location where i truly flourished in my role as a Senior educator, studying my Diploma.
In 2012 I had my daughter and from my 5th month of pregnancy my body struggled to carry her, and I had to stop working, and in turn studying.
In 2013, 1 year after having my daughter, my mother passed from cancer. From diagnosis to her passing my whole life and being was on hold. Study, work, relationships and motherhood all struggled to stay kept together.
June 2014 i married my partner despite relationship breakdowns and battles of addiction I tolerated.
In September 2014, I became Diploma qualified via RPL, as my study had lapsed but my experience was enough to push me over the line in 6months, providing evidence of knowledge and practical onsite (at the centre I worked at) evidence to recieve the Diploma.
At this time I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child and we were in the process of purchasing our first home, and Early Childhood Teachers were introduced, with no prior Teaching Qualifications required to do the position, I decided to give it a try, moving from 6wk - 3yr age groups to the older children.
Now I had my own children maybe I felt I needed to take on this role to better faciliate those embarking in their school readiness jourmey, to nurture the child in me who struggled?
Diploma qualified, working as ECT-commencing a Bachelor degree
Working as an ECT at a service, to fill the position of maternity leave, i found my passion for school readiness.
In 2017 commenced my Bachelor Degree via online learning methods for flexibility.
I had our thrid child and thought maternity leave was a great opportunity to add another layer to my career, when the mandate was enacted that ECT's must be studying toward a Teaching degree.
I worked as an ECT in July 2016 at a local service.
I continued this love of Teaching, and then with the disruptions decided to step back to Senior educator roles, in a service that appreictaed my abundance of knowledge.
Learning and Covid
Covid halted my career, but i continued to learn as I did 6months in body corporate and trained as an office manager.
This took me to the area of management in ECEC and I was loving the roles in Educational Leader, Assistant director, where I was better able to menor others.
For administrative licensing, if the construction land planning license and the construction project planning license are handled uniformly or jointly or centrally, the processing time shall not exceed 45 days.
Career after Covid and studying-Graduate Diploma of Early years Teaching 2023
After leaving managemetn in Childcare, I struggled to find who i was again and then found the servoce i am at currently. Where the centre manager shared her kindness and understadning, instilling adn growing self love, confidence, and my passion to Teach again, by understadning, being compassionate and always available to support me through my ongoing disruptions in my on and off marriage, childrens diagnosis adn struggles, school commenicng for 3. She gave me an opportunity to reignite my passion for Teaching and school readiness sipport and created a workplace that fostered and nurtured my passion again.
With this I commenced my graduate diploma in early childhood teaching and continue my Graduate certificate of education learning, as I discovered that my passion for teaching stemmed further than the age of 4-5years of age, and I wanted to be the difference in education as a whole. To support those who faced disruptions and still push through to achieve.
Affordances within the mapped ecology
Although many disadvantages interupted my career ecology, these disadvantages became affordances as they pushed and molded me to be driven, determined and wanting better for myself and children, and got me to where I am now, in 2024, 3/4 through a graduate certificate and 1/4 through a gradiate diploma.
An affordance to my career and trajection forward to CHildcare management roles.
Minimal knowledge and consistant in workplace immature disruotions, lead to me stepping down to a senior position again and then not moving form this position due to severe anxiety, depression and lack of self worth and belief.
This has been the biggest disruption since meeting my life partner
The addictions of my partner continued and in 2019 I packed myself 3 kids and 4th infant and moved over 100kms north of our family home.
Bachelors degree with home life struggles in relationship, and having 3 children under the age of 8
Moving houses in 2016 while on maternity leave with a 3year old, 18month old and 3month old, at home.
Falling pregnant not long after being with my lifelong partner
Ending a 4year highschool relationship
Meeting my life partner in 2021
Multiple jobs being a disruption to learning.