Galería de mapas mentales Challenges Faced by Start-ups
Challenges Faced by Start-ups
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Unrealistic Expectations
Startups tend to face challenges
These are due to when ‘unrealistic expectations’ following success. .
Success is short-lived and expectations never end
The competitive environment keeps the startups on their toes.
There is no margin of error available.
Startups tend to get stuck in the "startup" phase
Growth brings its new set of chalenges
Hiring new employees
Changing Priorities
More need for Administration
Selecting a suitable candidate is difficult .
There is a huge pool of aspiring individuals available.
Marketing and Sales
Lead generation is slow
Startups need a lot of leads to keep going
Word of mouth is not enough.
Marketing teams are needed.
Organic growth is not enough
Time Management
There’s never enough time.
There are a countless decisions to be made and only 24 hours in a day
Customers Trust
The Customer is the most important.
Startups need to work aggressively to implement a customer-centric philosophy
They are the real force behind a startup’s success.
Cyber Security
They will exploit any loophole within a startup system.
Financial Management
When income increases, the expenditures also increase.
Small startups find it really hard to properly manage their finances.
The same people who nurtured their idea from nothing actually may be contributing to its issues.
Founders get over confident after their successes
Maybe overcofident
Sometimes too ambitious