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Concept Map Of Java

MindMap Gallery Concept Map Of Java

Concept Map Of Java

This is a Concept Map Of Java. Java is an object-oriented programming language with a high level of abstraction and as few implementation dependencies as possible. It's a general-purpose programming language designed to let programmers write once and run anywhere (WORA), which means that compiled Java code can run on any platform that supports Java without requiring a recompilation. Java applications are usually compiled to bytecode, which may execute on any Java virtual machine (JVM), regardless of the computer architecture. Java has a syntax that is similar to C and C++, although it has fewer low-level features than any of these languages. Traditional compiled languages lack dynamic capabilities (such as reflection and runtime code modification), which the Java runtime enables. According to GitHub, as of 2019, Java was one of the most popular programming languages in use, especially for client-server web applications, with 9 million developers. In the EdrawMind community, you can get more templates related to IT or other topics in the study, work, and life.

Edited at 2022-04-02 15:34:57

Concept Map Of Java

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