MindMap Gallery Confucianism
This is a mind map that contains information about Confucianism.
Vegetarian Circular Map
Hozier Album
What is Valentine's Day
Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes
Connections Between the 6 Main Religions of the World
Myths and heroes
Do's and Don'ts in a foreign country
Minoan Trade Routes Map
Gender Equality
Origins and Founder
Founder was Confucius
Started from Confucius's ideas of wantingto solve China's disorder
Tried to spread his ideas but was neverelected into a political office
After he died his students came and tookhis writings/ideas and put them into theAnalects
Sacred Texts
The 5 Classics
The Book of History
Spring and Autumn Annals
In the 12th century Zhu Xi wrote TheSacred Texts of Confucianism compiled offour books:
The Great Learning
Analects of Confucious
Book of Mencius
The Doctrine of the Mean
Core Beliefs
Central Principal: "Donot do to others whatyou do not want doneto yourself"
Confucius also Emphasized:
Social Order
Fulfillment of Responsibility
Family and Society come before theindividual
Self Control of emotions
Where did it spread and why?
Spread to China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japanbecause...
It was written down so Confucian ideascould easily be transported from place toplace
Confucian ideas were taught in mostschools
China's government tookConfucianism ideas into theirgovernment
It also just spread through word of mouth
Political and Social Impact
Everyone had a place in society.
Lower levels gave obedience to higherlevels (at the family level and national level).
"Collectivism" vs "Individualism", peopleare defined by their relationship to thegroup.
Strong family ties.
A moral code of ethics focusing on
truthfulness, generosity, respect,diligence, industriousness, andkindness.
Hierarchy structured.
Ideas helped guide a good government.