Nursuing Diagnosis:1. Disturbed Sensory Perception RTaltered sensory perception AEBdelusings and hallucinations.
Patient will learn and verbalize ways to refrain fromreacting to hallucinations.
Student Name: Jeeica FriskeDate:
Nursuing Intervention/Rationale:(9)
1. Dependent - Maintain medication regimenas ordered.2. Dependent - Take necessary environmentalsafety precautions if voices tell client to harmself or others.3.Dependent - Apply sendative or restraints asper ordered for the safety of patient andothers.4.Independent - Recognize the client'sdelusions and hallucinations.5. Independent - Sympathy towards thepatient's feelings.6.Independent - Provide and maintain acalming and ressuring environment.7.Interdependent - Encourage supportivecounseling and therapy.8. Interdependent - Social skils therapies.9. Interdependent - Vecational shelteredemployment rehabilitaion therapy.
1.Hallucinations2. Delusions3. Disorganized Behavior4. Disorganized Speech5. Negative Symptoms6. Amnesia7. Anxiety and Paranoia
Diagnostics: (Lab/X-ray)
1. MRI2. CT scan3. Psychiatric Evaluation4. CBC
Pathophysiology: COmplex disorrder involvingdyseregulation of multiple pethways inits pathophysology. Dopaminergic,glutamatergic, and GABAergic,glutamatergic, and GABAergicneurotransmitter systems are ffectedin schizophrenia
Risk Factors:
1. Family HX Generics2. Birth complications3.Auotimmune abnormalities4.Past drug abuse during adolescence andearly adulthood5.Structural and Chemical changes in braindevelopment.
Complications & Actions to prevent:
1. Depression - therapeuticcommunication, build a rapport withpatient.2. Anxiety - calm, empathetic personality,and quiet environment.3.Suicide - keep close watch, anchorthem to reality from the hallucinations.4.Drag Abuse-Constant checks ofpossessions to ensure no drugs thanwhat they are prescribed.