Key Ideas and Question:Health and Nutrition
We will learn about the food pyramidand the importance of papernurtrition
You are what you eat Why is this saying so relevant to our health?
How does maintaning a healthy lifestyle affect your body?
Check up:Watch the brain popvideo Boogers and takethe following quite!
How are boogers useful to our body?
Homework:computer and contrast red blood cells and white blood cells.
Assesment : UsingMiscrosoft Publisher create a brochure on an auto-immune disease of choice.inculde definition,symptoms, treatment, andcauses.
Key Ideas and Question:The Immune System
We will learn about our bodys Immune system and how its helps product our bodiesfrom harmful invaders.
Explain how the Immune system productsyour body
How due white blood cells protect us from foreign innoders?
Living Enviroment standards:
5.2c The immune system protects against antigens associated with pathongenic organisms or forreign substances and somecancer cells.
5.2d some white blood cells engulf invader.others produce antibodies that attack themor mark them for killing some specializedwhite blood cells will remain able tofight offsubsequent invaders of the some kind.
common core standards
CCSS. ELA -Literacy. RST 6-8 7 Intergadequantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e g in a flowchat, diagram , model, graph or table).
Nets2 a design or adapt relevent learning experiences that incorporate digital tools andreseorces to promote student learning andcreativity.
Ms. obidlenzo's 8th grade science class
http://www. brainpop. com/health/ personalhealth/boogers/