MindMap Gallery Detailed steps for holistic learning
It organizes holistic learning methods, detailed steps and holistic learning techniques in a structured form, which can improve users' reading speed and reading quality, and enable users to conduct holistic learning in different ways to expand their horizons, increase knowledge and purposes applied to practical life.
Edited at 2020-12-21 19:11:09これは稲盛和夫に関するマインドマップです。私のこれまでの人生のすべての経験は、ビジネスの明確な目的と意味、強い意志、売上の最大化、業務の最小化、そして運営は強い意志に依存することを主な内容としています。
かんばんボードのデザインはシンプルかつ明確で、計画が一目で明確になります。毎日の進捗状況を簡単に記録し、月末に要約を作成して成長と成果を確認することができます。 実用性が高い:読書、早起き、運動など、さまざまなプランをカバーします。 操作簡単:シンプルなデザイン、便利な記録、いつでも進捗状況を確認できます。 明確な概要: 毎月の概要により、成長を明確に確認できます。 小さい まとめ、今月の振り返り掲示板、今月の習慣掲示板、今月のまとめ掲示板。
2025 年度計画テンプレートは、1 年間の開発を包括的に計画するためのツールであり、今後の方向性を示すことができます。このテンプレートでは、夢の実現に向けた取り組みに役立つ、年間目標の設定、四半期目標の内訳、月次計画の策定について詳しく説明しています。
かんばんボードのデザインはシンプルかつ明確で、計画が一目で明確になります。毎日の進捗状況を簡単に記録し、月末に要約を作成して成長と成果を確認することができます。 実用性が高い:読書、早起き、運動など、さまざまなプランをカバーします。 操作簡単:シンプルなデザイン、便利な記録、いつでも進捗状況を確認できます。 明確な概要: 毎月の概要により、成長を明確に確認できます。 小さい まとめ、今月の振り返り掲示板、今月の習慣掲示板、今月のまとめ掲示板。
2025 年度計画テンプレートは、1 年間の開発を包括的に計画するためのツールであり、今後の方向性を示すことができます。このテンプレートでは、夢の実現に向けた取り組みに役立つ、年間目標の設定、四半期目標の内訳、月次計画の策定について詳しく説明しています。
Detailed steps for holistic learning
What is holistic learning?
Establish knowledge associations and mobilize multiple neurons in the brain to integrate information
Learn through multiple channels and from different angles
Holistic Learning Basics
three concepts
The connection between structure and structure
Simplify structure and compress information
a closely related set of knowledge
Learning sequence
what is
Information comes from the outside world and is collected by the brain
what to do
Find out what information you really need
Simplify to get as much information as possible
Use good methods to achieve fast and efficient goals
what is
Understand the basic meaning of information and understand it in context
Encounter difficulties
Break down the problem into smaller areas
what is
The beginning of holistic learning and establishing connections
How to do it
Applying models to simplify and expand structures
Expand understanding of sources and connections of information
Deep expansion
Explore the sources and background of knowledge
Horizontal expansion
Make connections around knowledge and find similarities and differences
vertical expansion
Build highways and get creative
Commonly used: drawing diagrams, metaphors, internalization methods
Expand method
what is
Find errors in models and highways, delete invalid connections
The ultimate way is practice
construction work
Add special case
Delete connections that do not exist in reality
what is
Most knowledge exists in the subconscious mind
Create new ways to apply knowledge in life and work
This is the ultimate goal of learning
what is
Find problems in learning and improve learning techniques
acquisition phase
Did I know this knowledge before?
understanding stage
Do I understand what knowledge means?
Expansion stage
Do I know where knowledge comes from and what knowledge it is related to?
error correction stage
What inappropriate contacts did I delete?
application stage
Am I applying my knowledge to real life situations?
Test every stage!
holistic learning techniques
acquire knowledge
Speed Reading
finger reading
Finger focus can help focus and increase speed
Place your index finger under the line you want to read and move your finger
You can adjust the finger movement speed to control the reading speed
Improve reading speed
Read a book you have never read before. Use the finger reading method to read slightly faster than your own speed. Set it to stop after 3 minutes and mark it.
Number of lines read * average number of words = total number of reads
Get the number of words read/minute and test how much room there is for improvement.
practice reading
Understand what you read as quickly as possible and increase your reading speed
Improve reading skills
Read the material for 3 minutes and write down as many knowledge points as you can remember.
Read the material again, memorize knowledge points while reading, and compare the two copies.
Improve reading comprehension skills through slow-speed exercises
active reading
Emphasis on in-depth understanding of materials and true integration of knowledge points
Take notes
What is the main point of this section?
to get complete information
How can I remember the main ideas?
Help you connect, visualize, and metaphorize information
How can I expand and apply my main ideas?
Help you apply information in different situations
Note flow
Detailed and complicated notes are not recommended, but "learn it once"
When studying, pay full attention to the lecture instead of taking notes
write down the main ideas
Use words as much as possible to improve recording efficiency
build connection
Draw arrows between this idea and other ideas
Use a combination of metaphors, diagrams, etc.
Mixed flow notes
Linear note taking combined with note flow
Note flow will sacrifice some information
If you don’t have enough time, you can organize your notes after class
Commentary stream
Too much information and no time to record it
Write down key information first, then make connections
contact point of view
Suitable for abstract information
How to do it
Make connections between knowledge and familiar information
Identify the information you want to deeply understand and remember
Look for similar things in personal experience, familiarity is best
Repeat the above process to check for inappropriate metaphors
Have a desire to find metaphors
keep asking yourself
Pay attention to the first thought that comes to mind
Don't suppress creativity
Optimize and test your metaphors
internalization method
Suitable for specific information
what is
Visualize images in your mind and associate them with sounds, touch, and emotions
The connection between feeling, sound and muscle movement makes it easier to remember
How to do it
Identify concepts to be internalized
Simply create an image in your mind
Make static images move
Add your other senses and try touching, listening, tasting
Add more feelings and emotions
Keep repeating the optimization until the memory can be recalled as soon as you think of it.
Chart method
Simplify and compress information
what is
Internalized simplification, a drawing that compresses multiple pieces of information together
three types
flow chart
A series of steps, systems, historical events
Concept map
Reflect the internal connections between ideas through arrows
Replace text with simple graffiti to make it more vivid
Note compression
information compression technology
Use one word to store multiple information, such as WWF/NASA
image contact
Put multiple pieces of information into one image to connect the memory
Note compression
Prepare compressed notes and a few blank sheets of paper
Write down the main points in your notes in the smallest possible words
Write down related ideas, formulas, concepts, and definitions
Continue the above process until all the main points are written down
Modify what you write down to make it more beautiful and organized
other good methods
project-based learning
Start with small projects, difficult projects will shake your confidence
Projects of 1-3 months are preferred
Record the project process in this notebook and refer to it frequently
Create a meaningful, clear goal
Feynman Technique
Understand knowledge points that are not truly mastered
Remember the knowledge points that you can understand but are easy to forget
Help efficient review
Identify the concepts you want to learn and understand in depth and write them down on paper
Imagine you are a teacher and you are teaching a new student this knowledge
Speak it out and record your explanation process
When you feel confused, go back and understand
Look up information, listen to lectures, and find answers from teachers until you understand
Simplify and metaphor, try to use straightforward and vivid language to describe