MindMap Gallery Consumer Psychology - Product Strategy and Consumer Psychology
Reading Notes: Consumer Psychology - Product Strategy and Consumer Psychology
Edited at 2020-01-02 14:44:52One Hundred Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Reading this book begins with making sense of the characters' relationships, which are centered on the Buendía family and tells the story of the family's prosperity and decline, internal relationships and political struggles, self-mixing and rebirth over the course of a hundred years.
One Hundred Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Reading this book begins with making sense of the characters' relationships, which are centered on the Buendía family and tells the story of the family's prosperity and decline, internal relationships and political struggles, self-mixing and rebirth over the course of a hundred years.
Project management is the process of applying specialized knowledge, skills, tools, and methods to project activities so that the project can achieve or exceed the set needs and expectations within the constraints of limited resources. This diagram provides a comprehensive overview of the 8 components of the project management process and can be used as a generic template for direct application.
One Hundred Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Reading this book begins with making sense of the characters' relationships, which are centered on the Buendía family and tells the story of the family's prosperity and decline, internal relationships and political struggles, self-mixing and rebirth over the course of a hundred years.
One Hundred Years of Solitude is the masterpiece of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Reading this book begins with making sense of the characters' relationships, which are centered on the Buendía family and tells the story of the family's prosperity and decline, internal relationships and political struggles, self-mixing and rebirth over the course of a hundred years.
Project management is the process of applying specialized knowledge, skills, tools, and methods to project activities so that the project can achieve or exceed the set needs and expectations within the constraints of limited resources. This diagram provides a comprehensive overview of the 8 components of the project management process and can be used as a generic template for direct application.
Product strategy and consumer psychology
Section 1 Product Naming, Packaging Design and Consumer Psychology
1. Product naming and consumer psychology
(1) The psychological function of product naming
Get to know the product
Easy to remember
induce emotion
inspiring association
(2) Psychological strategies for product naming
Name the product according to its main function
Name the product according to its main function
Name the product according to its main ingredients
named after person
Name the product according to its appearance
Name the product according to its production method
Name things based on beautiful images or adjectives
Named according to foreign transliteration
(3) Product naming skills
Positioning accuracy
Easy to understand
good meaning
High information discrimination
pleasant to the ear
2. Product packaging design and consumer psychology,
(1) The role and psychological function of commodity packaging
Protective function
psychological attention function
Convenience features
Beautification function
transfer information function
(2) Psychological requirements for product packaging design
Safe to use and easy to carry
Product attributes are clear
Novel and unique
induced association
sense of trust
(3) Psychological strategies for product packaging design
1. Design packaging according to consumer customs
Traditional packaging
Series packaging
Matching packaging
Portion packaging
2. Design packaging according to consumers’ consumption levels
convenient pack
Premium packaging
Special packaging
reusable packaging
3. Design packaging according to consumer gender and age
Masculine packaging
Feminine packaging
Supplies for middle-aged and elderly people
Youth product packaging
Section 2 Product Brands, Trademarks and Consumer Psychology
1. Commodity brands and consumer psychology
(1) The concept and function of brand
1. The concept of brand: A brand is a name, term, mark, symbol or pattern, or a combination of them
2. Brand function
Identification function
Shopping guide function
security function
Value-added functions
(2) The consumer psychological effect of commodity brands
information hint
Personality display
consumption experience
(3) Strategies to improve brand loyalty
1. Brand loyalty: refers to the behavioral reaction that consumers have repeatedly shown preference for a certain brand when making purchase decisions, rather than random behavior.
2. Strategies to improve brand loyalty
Effectively meet consumer needs
Products are constantly innovating
Listen to what consumers have to say
Provide value-for-money add-on products and services
2. Product trademark and consumption manager
(1) The concept of trademark and its psychological function
1. The concept of trademark: It is a mark used to express the special nature of the goods and is used by industrial and commercial enterprises to indicate the quality, specifications and characteristics of the goods they manufacture or operate.
2. The psychological function of trademarks
Identification function
Protective function
Communication function
Enhanced functionality
(2) Psychological strategies for trademark design
Easy to tie
Match target market
Reflect the characteristics and style of the product
respect customs
Section 3 Product Life Cycle and Consumption Manager
1. Product life cycle theory
(1) Product life cycle
Introduction period
growth period
mature stage
(2) Product life cycle curve
Introduction period: sales are slow and profits are zero or negative
Growth stage: sales grow rapidly and profits increase significantly
Maturity period: After profits reach their highest point, they decline
Recession period: sales decline significantly and profits decline sharply
2. Consumer behavior characteristics and marketing strategies at each stage of the product life cycle
(1) Consumer behavior characteristics and marketing strategies during the introduction period
1. Characteristics of consumer behavior in the introduction period
The consumers faced by the company at this stage are mainly innovators and early adopters
They are risk-taking consumers who will buy a product soon after it is launched in the market
2. Marketing strategy in the introduction period
Create product awareness and increase product usage, attracting innovators and early adopters who are key consumers
Companies can adopt fast skimming strategy, slow skimming strategy, fast penetration strategy and slow penetration strategy
(2) Consumer behavior characteristics and marketing strategies in the growth stage
1. Characteristics of consumer behavior in the growth stage
Enterprises face more early stage public
The public is characterized by thinking carefully before taking action. They spend more time and energy deciding whether to try new products and seek advice from innovators and early adopters.
2. Marketing focus in the growth stage
Improve product quality, expand service-guaranteed extension products, increase product features and styles, find and enter new market segments, focus on market penetration pricing methods, and lower prices to attract the next layer of price-sensitive buyers.
Adopting intensive distribution methods, expanding distribution coverage and opening up new distribution channels, and conducting high-confidence publicity in promotions can help the early public shift from product understanding to product preference and purchase
(3) Consumer behavior characteristics and marketing strategies in the mature stage
1. Characteristics of consumer behavior in the mature stage
The superiority of the product has become very prominent and has been recognized by consumers, with a large number of late-stage buyers among the buyers.
2. Marketing strategy in mature stage
Conduct market innovation to increase usage by existing consumers by discovering new uses for the product or entering new market segments
Secondly, product innovation optimizes product features, such as attracting new consumers through quality, features, and style.
Finally, there is marketing mix innovation and improving sales through the four market marketing mix factors of product, price, channel, and promotion.
(4) Consumer behavior characteristics and marketing strategies during the recession period
1. Characteristics of consumer behavior during the recession period
The novelty of most consumers gradually disappears and they turn to new alternatives at this stage. They are characterized by a more conservative mentality, older age, lower income and lower social status.
Bound by tradition and uneasy about new changes, they will only accept an innovation when it slowly becomes a tradition
2. Marketing strategies during recession
You can return to the introduction futures growth stage of the product life cycle by repositioning the brand or finding new product features.
The harvest strategy is to obtain short-term profits by reducing various costs and continuing sales.
Abandonment strategy: only gradually withdraw from product series and abandon operations