MindMap Gallery PMP-agile review
Agile development-related knowledge and test points are compiled before the PMP exam. The content includes project life cycle selection, Agile Manifesto, Twelve Principles, Scrum framework, other agile concepts, and looking at agile according to 10 major knowledge areas.
Edited at 2023-05-18 23:36:51El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
PMP agile review
Project life cycle options
Traditional projects, mature industries: such as construction, manufacturing, IT industry
Company transitions from predictive to agile
Forecasting to agile projects are partly prediction and partly agile
Prediction or agility, using the answer to the question as the direction of choice
Use keywords as questions to distinguish between agile and predictive
Organizational Change: From Predictive to Agile
First analyze and evaluate the company’s culture and the impact of transformation on the company
Make changes from the top down, involving people at all levels of the company to understand the benefits and imperatives of change
You can choose a less complex project as a pilot to achieve rapid success and bring confidence to other projects.
Agile Manifesto
Individual interactions trump processes and tools
Customer collaboration trumps contract negotiation
value delivery
Usable software trumps complete archives
Dealing with change is better than following a plan
twelve principles
value delivery
Our most important goal is to satisfy our customers through timely and consistent delivery of valuable software
Be prepared to face changes in requirements, even late in development. Agile processes control change for customers’ competitive advantage
Deliver working software frequently, a few weeks or a month or two apart, favoring shorter cycles
Working software is the primary measure of progress
Business people and developers must collaborate with each other, every day of the project
Stimulate the fighting spirit of individuals and build projects with them as the core. Provide the necessary environment and support, supported by trust, to achieve goals
Whether inside or outside the team, the best and most efficient way to convey information is through face-to-face conversations.
Agile processes promote sustainable development. Owners, developers and users must be able to work together to maintain a steady and continuous pace
The best architecture, requirements, and designs come from the organizational team
The team regularly reflects on how they can improve their performance and adjusts their behavior accordingly
Agile capabilities are enhanced by a relentless pursuit of technical excellence and good design
Technical debt and refactoring
Based on simplicity, it is the art of minimizing unnecessary workload
Scrum framework
overall framework
overall framework
Product Vision and Product Roadmap
How many versions are needed to achieve the final product?
release plan
1 version determines the number of iterations or sprints for a release
sprint planning
Main points
Agile Project Charter
Why are we doing this project?
Project Vision
who will benefit from it
This may be part of the project vision and/or project goals
For this project, what conditions are met to mean that the project is completed?
Project release standards
how we will cooperate
Expected workflow
Team Charter (Team Social Contract)
team values
Such as sustainable development speed and core working hours
working agreement
For example, how is "readiness" defined, which is the prerequisite for the team to accept the work;
For example, how to define “done” so that the team can consistently judge completeness;
Consider timeboxing
Use work process restrictions
basic rules
For example, rules regarding a person speaking at a meeting
team norms
For example, how teams treat meeting time
3 characters
product owner
development team
Scrum Master
3 artifacts
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog
product increment
5 events
Sprint planning meeting
Daily stand-up meeting
Sprint review meeting
Sprint retrospective meeting
5 values
3 characters
Product Owner PO (Customer representative, business expert)
Maintain and update product backlog
The Product Owner is the sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog
Maintain product backlog and prioritize
Clearly described and expressed so the team can fully understand the Product Backlog
Determine and approve whether the product increment is completed
Determine whether the product increment is complete and meets the DOD definition of completion
Frequently visited test centers
The PO must be full-time and independent and cannot be held concurrently by the development team or SM.
What should I do if new requirements change during the conflict?
Generally speaking, new requirements are now on the PB table and are prioritized by the PO. This requirement is usually not done in this sprint.
The question emphasizes legal and regulatory requirements and extremely high-priority requirements. If not completed immediately, it will lead to project failure. In this case, the PO generally needs to communicate with the team and readjust the goals of this sprint so that completion as soon as possible is related to the life and death of the project. needs
development team
self-organizing team
One specialty, multiple abilities, cross-functional team
Development team members are not recognized by their titles, they are still developers no matter what kind of work they do
It’s best to be 100% committed, a full-time team, and overcome organizational silos
Track the sun
Common test points
If there are requirements, orders, or forcing the team to do things in the question, they will be eliminated directly.
The development team decides and is responsible for estimating user stories, assigning work, etc.
Scrum Master Also known as agile coach, team facilitator, Scrum Master, Project Manager
Ensure that the entire agile team and relevant parties follow the theories, practices and rules of Scrum
For PO
Make sure he understands the PO's job responsibilities, including how to maintain and update the PB table
For the development team
Ensure that he can follow daily agile events, such as daily stand-up meetings, and use transparent tools, etc.
For outside the project
Make sure you understand agile practices. For example, if you need to understand the progress, you can look at the information emission source. If you need to understand the priority of user stories, you can communicate with the PO, etc.
Servant leadership, servant leadership, focusing on team growth and helping the team eliminate obstacles
internal barriers
When the development team encounters technical, process and other problems, they assist in solving them rather than solving them themselves.
external obstacles
SM negotiates and communicates with external parties
Common test points
In an agile environment, SM is not responsible for specific work allocation, work arrangements, etc.
Generally, SM is responsible for eliminating some external factors and obstacles that interfere with the team.
3 artifacts
Product backlog Product backlog
user stories
As a <role>, I want <functionality> so that <value> can be achieved
INVEST principle
Estimatable (evaluable)
story point
As an internal reference standard, used within the team. Comparing the number of story points between different teams is meaningless
Estimate user story points
Planning Poker (Broadband Delphi)
Benefits of Using Agile Estimation Poker
Promote communication among team members to share and learn more information
The team's discussion and evaluation of the estimation results will make the estimation results more real and objective, and avoid many overly arbitrary decisions.
Applies to a specific user story or to all user stories used in an iteration
Affinity estimation
Applies to the entire PB table, rough overall estimate
Contains content
List all features, functions, requirements, enhancements, and fixes that will change the product for future releases
According to a sequence of priorities from high to low, high value and high risk > high value and low risk > low value and low risk
Higher ranked Product Backlog items are clearer, more specific, DOR compliant and require immediate development
Continuous dynamic updates, progressive details
The product owner is responsible for
Sprint backlog Sprint backlog
Move high-priority user stories from the PB list to the Sprint Backlog. In this sprint, the team decides how many stories to do, and the team refines the user stories.
Mainly to obtain background knowledge to know whether a certain requirement is technically feasible or not. This method is usually used when user stories cannot be effectively estimated.
Include at least one high-priority process improvement identified in a previous retrospective meeting
The development team is responsible, and the PO will answer questions.
Product Increment Product Increment
Hitting the definition of "done" standard DOD
The product owner decides whether it is completed or not. Regardless of whether it is released or not, the increment must be available and continuously integrated.
5 events
Translated as "sprint" or "iteration"
Time 2-4 weeks (fixed time box), 5-9 people
Cannot make changes that are detrimental to the Sprint Goal
Goals that cannot compromise quality
Only the product owner has the power to cancel Sprints. Since Sprints are very short, cancellation is of little significance.
Sprint planning meeting
make a plan
What should be included in the increment delivered in the next Sprint?
How to do the work required to deliver the increment
It is up to the development team to decide how many product backlog items to choose
Product Owner can help explain selected user stories and make trade-offs
Generally, SM, development team, and PO jointly participate, and important stakeholders can also be invited to participate.
Daily stand-up meeting
Conference content
What I did to help the Development Team achieve the Sprint Goal
What am I going to do to help the Development Team achieve their Sprint Goal?
Are there any obstacles that are preventing me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?
After the meeting, update information emission sources (boards, burndown charts, gas charts, etc.) and problem boards
Only record the problems instead of discussing them. After the meeting, specialized relevant personnel can conduct a problem-solving meeting.
SM must be held at the same time and place. It is generally recommended that team members host it. The duration is usually 15 minutes.
Common test points
Daily stand-up meetings can immediately follow up on progress and make corrections
Daily stand-up meetings can prevent the same work from being repeated by different members
Ability to detect problems and risks in a timely manner and make timely improvements after the meeting to minimize the impact of risks on the project
Development team (SM, PO, important stakeholders as appropriate)
SOS meeting (Scrum of Scrums)
Sprint review meeting review meeting
Review product increments and get feedback
The development team demonstrates the product increment, the PO invites stakeholders to participate, and the PO determines whether the product increment is completed.
Adjust the product backlog
Articulate Product Backlog items that are likely to make it into the next Sprint
The result of the Sprint Review meeting is a revised Product Backlog
important parties
development team
Sprint retrospective meeting Retrospective meeting
Review what went well and what needs improvement, and put what needs improvement into the next Sprint to follow up (continuous improvement)
development team
PO (subject to availability)
5 values
Willingness to commit to goals
Put your mind and abilities into the work you committed to
Scrum makes everything in the project open for everyone to see
Everyone has his or her own unique background and experience
Have the courage to make promises, fulfill them, and accept the respect of others
Other agile concepts
Kanban management
Visual workflow
A whiteboard and some cards can be created
Eliminate bottlenecks
WIP (Work In Progress) restrictions on work in progress
Common test points
The question mentioned that the project workflow is chaotic, causing some processes to be blocked. Kanban management can effectively solve this problem.
The question mentions that other processes or procedures are going very smoothly, but only one process encounters a bottleneck, causing a delay in the progress of the entire process. You can consider assigning cross-functional team members from other processes to the entire bottleneck process.
MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
Quickly build a minimal set of features that meet the product's intended functionality, contain enough functionality to meet product deployment requirements, and validate key assumptions about customer interactions with the product.
Experiment with the least resources and the shortest time to get feedback from early users
Common test points
If customers cannot clearly determine their needs, they can build a preliminary product prototype and ultimately meet customer needs through subsequent feedback and corrections.
When the market is uncertain or risks are high, use MVP design experiments to quickly test whether your product or direction is feasible.
Looking at agile according to the 10 major knowledge areas
Delegate control of the planning and delivery of specific products to the team. Team members decide how to plan and integrate
The project manager's focus is to create a collaborative decision-making environment and ensure the team's ability to respond to changes
There is no change control process in agile. Agile is about embracing change.
Agile methods purposefully build and review prototypes and clarify requirements through multiple releases. This way, the scope is defined and redefined throughout the project
Define the scope before each sprint
Sprint Planning Meeting and Sprint Backlog
Confirm scope before the end of each sprint
Sprint review meeting review and product increment approval
The relationship between product vision, release planning, and iteration planning
Iterative schedule with unfinished items
It is a rolling planning based on the adaptive life cycle. This approach requires requirements to be documented in user stories, then the user stories are prioritized and refined before being built, and finally product features are developed within a defined time box. This approach is typically used to deliver incremental value to customer interactions, or for multiple teams to develop a large number of less interconnected features in parallel.
on-demand schedule
Typically used in Kanban systems, based on the theory of constraints and the pull scheduling concept from lean production, to limit the work being done by the team based on its ability to deliver. The on-demand scheduling approach does not rely on previously specified schedules for product development or product increments, but instead pulls from backlog items and work sequences as resources become available.
Control progress tools
Information emission source
burn down chart
Ignition chart
Use lightweight estimating methods
Detailed estimates are suitable for short-term planning using just-in-time
Plan quality management
Definition of DOD
Manage and control quality
Cycle review, regularly check the effectiveness of the quality process, find the root causes of problems, and implement new quality improvement methods
Focus on small batches and can deliver frequently
Test driven development (TDD), continuous integration
Benefit from team structures that maximize focus and collaboration, such as self-organizing teams with generalists
Try to simplify the channels for team members to obtain information, conduct frequent team checks, and allow team members to work together
Centralized office
Daily work: daily stand-up meeting
Project artifacts need to be published in a transparent manner and stakeholders regularly invited to review project artifacts
Daily Work: Sources of Information Emissions
Reporting and Communication: Sprint Review Meeting
virtual team
fish tank window
Establish a long-term video conference link
remote pairing
Share your screen by using virtual meeting tools, including voice and video links
Risks should be considered when planning iterations
Risks should be identified, analyzed and managed during iterations
Requirements documents should be updated regularly based on an increased understanding of current risk exposures, and work reprioritized as the project progresses
May require collaboration with specific sellers to expand the team. This collaborative relationship creates a shared-risk procurement model where buyers and sellers share project risks and project rewards.
flexible agreement
multi-layer structure
master agreement
Supplementary Agreement
interested parties
Promote a high degree of transparency
For example, inviting all relevant parties to participate in project meetings and reviews, or posting project artifacts to a public space, with the intent that inconsistencies and dependencies between parties, or other issues related to an ever-changing project, surface as quickly as possible.
Highly changing projects require effective interaction and participation from project stakeholders. To enable timely and hilarious discussions and decisions, adaptive teams interact directly with stakeholders rather than going through layers of management