MindMap Gallery PMP project management exam preparation notes
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Edited at 2023-03-28 17:42:30El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
PMP project management
01-Basic concept of project
A project is temporary work undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.
Project management is a methodology for getting things done, and everything can be a project.
Project characteristics
There are clear "start" and "stop" time nodes, regardless of the length of time;
As long as there are differences in the production process or results, it is possible to use "the same team members", "the same technology", "the same production process", or even produce "the same results".
progressive detail
Basic elements of the project
Start background
Address factors affecting the organization's ongoing operations and business strategy:
1. Comply with regulations, laws or social requirements;
2. Meet the requirements or needs of relevant parties;
3. Implement and change business or technology strategies;
4. Create, improve or repair products, processes or services.
Driver changes
Create business value
Project management development history
Organizational Project Management
Project management focuses on the interdependencies of the project itself to determine the best way to manage it.
Program management focuses on the dependencies between the component projects and the programs to determine the best way to manage those projects.
A program is a group of related projects that are managed in a coordinated manner to achieve benefits and control that would not be possible if the projects were managed individually.
A program may include related work outside the scope of the individual projects in the program, such as managing the program itself.
Program managers do not manage projects but coordinate integration or conflicting work between projects. The program manager manages the project manager.
Integration: Go through all the procedures and buy materials;
Conflict: If you want to use one road at the same time.
Project portfolio management refers to centralized management to achieve strategic goals. The programs or projects in a portfolio are not necessarily dependent on or directly related to each other. When conducting organizational and portfolio planning, portfolio components are prioritized based on risk, funding, and other considerations.
The programs or projects in a portfolio are not necessarily dependent on or directly related to each other. When conducting organizational and portfolio planning, portfolio components are prioritized based on risk, funding, and other considerations.
The goal of project portfolio management is to ensure that the group is "doing the right things" rather than focusing on how to "do things right".
the difference
Manage business documents
needs assessment
A needs assessment is usually conducted before a business case and involves understanding business goals and objectives, problems and opportunities, and making recommendations for how to deal with them. The results of the needs assessment may be summarized in a business case document.
business case
Refers to a documented economic feasibility study report, used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the benefits of a selected solution that lacks sufficient definition, and is the basis for initiating subsequent project management activities. For example, cost-benefit analysis data.
① After passing the business case before starting the project, a decision to continue/terminate the project may be made.
②The business case is a project business document that can be used throughout the project life cycle.
③The business case lists the goals and reasons for starting the project. It helps measure the success of the project against the project objectives at the end of the project.
Benefit Management Plan
The project benefits management plan describes how and when the project will achieve benefits, as well as the benefit measurement mechanisms that should be developed.
It describes the key elements of effectiveness:
Target benefits (such as the tangible and intangible values expected to be created through project implementation; financial value is reflected in net present value);
Strategic alignment (e.g., the degree to which project benefits are aligned with the organization’s business strategy);
The time frame for realizing benefits (e.g. stage benefits, short-term benefits, long-term benefits and ongoing benefits);
Benefits owner (e.g. the person responsible for monitoring, recording and reporting on the benefits achieved throughout the timeframe defined in the plan);
Measurement indicators (e.g. direct and indirect measurements used to show realized benefits);
Assumptions (such as factors that are expected to exist or are obvious);
Risks (e.g. risks of realizing benefits).
Developing a benefits management plan requires the use of data and information from the business case and needs assessment.
The development and maintenance of a project benefits management plan is an iterative activity. It is a complementary document to the business case, project charter and project management plan.
The project manager works with the sponsor to ensure that the project charter, project management plan, and benefits management plan remain consistent throughout the project life cycle.
Project Charter
The project charter is a document issued by the project sponsor that formally approves the establishment of the project and authorizes the project manager to use organizational resources to carry out project activities.
project management plan
A project management plan is a document that describes how a project will be executed, monitored, and controlled.
Project success criteria
Determining whether a project is successful is one of the most common challenges in project management. Project management measurements such as time, cost, scope, and quality have historically been viewed as the most important factors in determining project success.
Key stakeholders and project managers should consider the following three questions.
①What makes a project successful?
②How to evaluate project success?
③What factors will affect the success of the project?
Project success may involve other criteria related to organizational strategy and delivery of business results. These project goals may include (but are not limited to):
■ Complete the project benefit management plan;
■ Achieve agreed financial measures documented in the business case:
Net present value (NPV);
Return on Investment (ROI);
Internal rate of return (IRR);
Payback Period (PBP);
Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR).
Basic methodology of project management
Five process groups
start process group
planning process group
executive process group
monitoring process group
Closing process group
Top ten areas of knowledge
Integrated management
scope management
Progress management
cost management
Quality Control
Resource management
communication management
Risk Management
Procurement management
Stakeholder management
49 processes
Tool Tools&Technology
various stages
stages and gates
Conducted at the end of a project phase, the project's performance and progress are compared with project and business documents to determine whether it can move to the next phase.
Documents include: project business case; project charter; project management plan; benefit management plan.
The project life cycle refers to the series of stages that a project goes through from initiation to completion.
Predictive (Waterfall)
Concept Development Feasibility Study Customer Requirements Solution Development Design Prototyping Build/Develop Testing Conversion Commissioning Milestone Review (Final Acceptance) Lessons Learned
Project life cycle
02-Project operating environment
business environment factors
inside and outside
Objective existence
may be influential or helpful
PM cannot choose
organizational process assets
experience or lesson
helpful for the future
can be accumulated
PM can choose
the difference
organizational system
The interaction of multiple factors within a single organization creates a unique system that affects the projects operating within that system. Factors include:
◆Management elements;
Functions, such as responsible for safety, responsible for development, production
◆Governance framework;
management of management
◆Organizational structure type
Organization structure type
Advantages: One leader, strong professionalism, clear path
1. Strong professionalism and easy sharing of knowledge and experience;
2. High stability and clear promotion path;
3. Flexible switching between project work and daily operation work;
4. Strong resistance to the risk of personnel movement
Disadvantages: departmental barriers, lack of focus on cross-functional projects
1. Communication barriers formed between functional departments
2. Functional functions tend to take priority over project work
3. Lack of clear project responsible person, resulting in "uncertain powers and responsibilities"
4. Project management skills are slowly improved
weak matrix
PM power is weak
balanced matrix
Exam default
strong matrix
PM has great power
Multiple management Difficulty communicating
Project type
Advantages: clear structure, one leader, unified management, easy team building, smooth communication
1. The project structure is clear, simple and effective
2. The project manager has clear rights and responsibilities, which facilitates unified management
3. Smooth communication between different functions on the same project
4. Facilitate project team building
Disadvantages: PMs are T-shaped talents, data is duplicated and wasted, and members lack a sense of security.
1. High resource requirements, general project managers and specialized personnel
2. Members lack a sense of security about their ownership after the project is completed.
3. There is little sharing of functional experience between projects
4. Duplication of organizations and resources can easily lead to waste
Organizational governance framework (Governance: the management of management.)
Governance refers to the organized or structured arrangements at all levels of an organization designed to determine and influence the behavior of its members. Including rules, policies, procedures, norms, relationships, systems, etc.
Project governance refers to the framework, functions, and processes used to guide project management activities.
Management elements (functions)
Organizations are assigned general management elements based on the governance framework and type of organizational structure they choose. The duties, responsibilities, and authorities assigned to each level indicate the manner in which employees at each level perform the above functions within the organizational structure.
Project Management Office (PMO)
An organizational structure that standardizes project-related governance processes and facilitates the sharing of resources, methodologies, tools, and techniques.
Resource Sharing
unified practice approach
Guidance, coaching, training and supervision
Cross-project communication
Resource coordination
Serve as a consultant, providing the project with templates, best practices, and information and lessons learned from other projects. (resource library)
Not only provide support to the project, but also require the project to obey through various means. (Medium level of control)
command type
Directly manage and control projects. The project manager is designated by and reports to the PMO. (high degree of control)
03-Project Manager Role
T-shaped talents
Communicate 80-90% of the time
Assign tasks, track progress, and report
the difference
project manager
Organize delegation and lead the team to achieve project goals
functional manager
Focus on management supervision in a certain functional area
operations manager
Responsible for ensuring the efficiency of business operations
Scope and objects of PM influence
PMI Talent Triangle
Technical project management
The knowledge, skills and behaviors relevant to the specific areas of project, program and portfolio management, i.e. the technical aspects of role performance.
PMP five process groups
Top ten areas of knowledge
Agile project management
The knowledge, skills and behaviors required to coach, motivate and lead teams to help organizations achieve business goals.
Strategy and Business Management
Across the organization, outline and effectively negotiate and execute decisions and actions that facilitate strategic alignment and innovation.
Think offside, operate in place
PM professional ethics
Responsibility, respect, fairness, honesty
Maintain personal integrity and integrity
Resolve conflicts of interest
Balance the interests of relevant parties
Respect the intellectual property rights of others
Properly resolve culturally sensitive issues
Contribute to the project management industry
Proactively solve problems
Haoran is upright
Fishing in dirty company
Project manager skills
Manage relationships and conflicts by:
■ Build trust;
■ Address concerns;
■ Seek consensus;
■ Balancing competing and opposing goals;
■ Use persuasion, negotiation, compromise and conflict resolution skills;
■ Develop and nurture personal and professional networks;
■ Taking a long-term view of relationships is as important as projects
■ Continuously develop and apply political acumen.
Communicate via:
■ Spend a lot of time communicating (research shows that top project managers spend about 90% of their time communicating);
■ Manage expectations;
■Accept feedback sincerely;
■Provide constructive feedback;
■Ask and listen.
04-Project integration management
Develop project charter
business documents
business case
Benefit Management Plan
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
focus group
Interpersonal and team skills
conflict management
Conference management
Project Charter
Hypothetical log
Develop project management plan
Project Charter
Output from other processes
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
focus group
Interpersonal and team skills
conflict management
Conference management
project management plan
Ten sub-plans: scope management, requirements management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, resource management, communication management, risk management, procurement management, and stakeholder participation
Three major benchmarks: scope benchmark, schedule benchmark, and cost benchmark
Other components: Change management plan, configuration management plan, performance measurement baseline, project life cycle description, development methodology, management review, etc.
Direct and manage project work
Project Management Plan (any component)
project files
Change log
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
Project communication record
Project schedule
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk register
risk report
Approved change request
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
Project Management Information System (PMIS)
job performance data
Problem log
change request
Corrective Action
Defect Remediation
Project Management Plan Update
Project file updates
Activity list
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
requirements document
risk register
Interested Party Register
Organizational process asset updates
Managing project knowledge
Project Management Plan (all components)
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project team dispatches work orders
resource breakdown structure
Supplier selection criteria
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
knowledge management
information management
Interpersonal and team skills
active listening
interpersonal communication
political awareness
Lessons Learned Register
Project Management Plan Updates (any component)
Organizational process asset updates
Monitor project work
Project Management Plan (any component)
project files
Hypothetical log
Estimate basis
cost forecast
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
quality report
risk register
risk report
progress forecast
job performance information
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
Earned value analysis
Root Cause Analysis
trend analysis
Deviation analysis
decision making
job performance report
change request
Project Management Plan Updates (any component)
Project file updates
cost forecast
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
progress forecast
Implement holistic change control
project management plan
change management plan
configuration management plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
project files
Estimate basis
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk report
job performance report
change request
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
change control tools
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
decision making
authoritarian decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Approved change request
Project Management Plan Updates (any component)
Project file updates (change log)
End project or phase
Project Charter
Project Management Plan (all components)
project files
Hypothetical log
Estimate basis
Change log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
Project communication record
Quality control measurement results
quality report
requirements document
risk register
risk report
Deliverables for acceptance
business documents
business case
Benefit management documents
Procurement documents
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
File analysis
regression analysis
trend analysis
Deviation analysis
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
Handover of final product, service or result
final report
Organizational process asset updates
05-Project scope management
Standardize scope management
Project Charter
project management plan
quality management plan
Project life cycle description
development method
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
scope management plan
demand management plan
Gather requirements
Project Charter
project management plan
scope management plan
demand management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
project files
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
Interested Party Register
business documents
business case
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
focus group
data analysis
File analysis
decision making
autocratic decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Data performance
Affinity diagram
mind Mapping
Interpersonal and team skills
nominal group technique
Joint Application Design or Development (JAD)
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
user stories
System interaction diagram
prototype method
requirements document
Business needs
Stakeholder needs
Solution requirements
Functional Requirements
non-functional requirements
Transition and readiness needs
Project requirements
quality requirements
Requirements Tracking Matrix
Define scope
Project Charter
project management plan
scope management plan
project files
Hypothetical log
requirements document
risk register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Interpersonal and team skills
product analysis
project scope statement
Product range description
Acceptance Criteria
Project Exclusions
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
Interested Party Register
Create WBS
project management plan
scope management plan
project files
project scope statement
requirements document
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
break down
Scope Baseline
project scope statement
work package
planning package
WBS Dictionary
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
requirements document
Confirm scope
project management plan
scope management plan
demand management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Lessons Learned Register
quality report
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
Verified deliverables
job performance data
Tools & Techniques
decision making
Deliverables for acceptance
job performance information
change request
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
Control range
project management plan
scope management plan
demand management plan
change management plan
configuration management plan
Scope Baseline
performance measurement benchmarks
project files
Lessons Learned Register
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
job performance data
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
data analysis
Deviation analysis
trend analysis
job performance information
change request
Project Management Plan Update
scope management plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
performance measurement benchmarks
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
06-Project progress management
Planning progress management
Project Charter
project management plan
scope management plan
development method
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
progress management plan
Project schedule model development
Release and iteration length of schedule
unit of measurement
Organization Program Links
Project schedule model maintenance
control threshold
Performance Measurement Planning
report format
Define activities
project management plan
progress management plan
Scope Baseline
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
break down
rolling planning
Activity list
Activity properties
Milestone List
change request
Project Management Plan Update
progress baseline
cost basis
Sequence activities
project management plan
progress management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Activity properties
Activity list
Hypothetical log
Milestone List
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
predecessor relationship drawing method
Finish to start FS
Complete to Complete FF
Start to Start SS
Start to finish SF
Determine and integrate dependencies
mandatory dependencies
selective dependency
external dependencies
internal dependencies
lead and lag
project management information system
Project progress network diagram
Project file updates
Activity properties
Activity list
Hypothetical log
Milestone List
Estimate activity duration
project management plan
progress management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Activity properties
Activity list
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
Project team dispatches work orders
resource breakdown structure
Resource Calendar
Resource requirements
risk register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
analogy estimation
parameter estimation
three point estimate
Bottom-up estimation
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Reserve analysis
decision making
duration estimate
Estimate basis
Project file updates
Activity properties
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
Develop a progress plan
project management plan
progress management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Activity properties
Activity list
Hypothetical log
Estimate basis
duration estimate
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
Project progress network diagram
Project team dispatches work orders
Resource Calendar
Resource requirements
risk register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
Progress network analysis
critical path method
Resource optimization
resource balancing
Resource smoothing
data analysis
What-if scenario analysis
Monte Carlo analysis
lead and lag
Progress compression
Fast Track (High Risk)
Rush work (high cost)
project management information system
Agile release planning
progress baseline
Project schedule
Gantt Chart (Gantt Chart)
milestone chart
Project progress network diagram
progress data
Project Calendar
change request
Project Management Plan Update
progress management plan
cost basis
Project file updates
Activity properties
Hypothetical log
duration estimate
Lessons Learned Register
Resource requirements
risk register
control progress
project management plan
progress management plan
progress baseline
Scope Baseline
performance measurement benchmarks
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project Calendar
Project schedule
Resource Calendar
progress data
job performance data
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
data analysis
Earned value analysis
Iterative burndown chart
performance review
trend analysis
Deviation analysis
What-if scenario analysis
critical path method
project management information system
Resource optimization
lead and lag
Progress compression
job performance information
progress forecast
change request
Project Management Plan Update
progress management plan
progress baseline
cost basis
performance measurement benchmarks
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Estimate basis
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
Resource Calendar
risk register
progress data
07-Project cost management
planning cost management
Project Charter
project management plan
progress management plan
risk management plan
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
cost management plan
unit of measurement
Organization Program Links
control threshold
performance measurement rules
report format
Other details
Estimate cost
project management plan
cost management plan
quality management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
Resource requirements
risk register
business environment factors
market conditions
Published business information
Exchange rates and inflation rates
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
analogy estimation
parameter estimation
Bottom-up estimation
three point estimate
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Reserve analysis
quality cost
project management information system
decision making
Cost Estimate
Estimate basis
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
project management plan
cost management plan
resource management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Estimate basis
Cost Estimate
Project schedule
risk register
business documents
business case
Benefit Management Plan
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
cost summary
data analysis
Historical information review
Funding Limit Balance
cost basis
Project funding requirements
Project file updates
Cost Estimate
Project schedule
risk register
Control costs
project management plan
cost management plan
cost basis
performance measurement benchmarks
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project funding requirements
job performance data
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
Earned value analysis
planned value
earned value
actual cost
Deviation analysis
progress deviation
cost deviation
schedule performance index
cost performance index
trend analysis
Reserve analysis
Performance index to completion
project management information system
job performance information
cost forecast
change request
Project Management Plan Update
cost management plan
cost basis
performance measurement benchmarks
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Estimate basis
Cost Estimate
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
08-Project quality management
Plan quality management
Project Charter
project management plan
demand management plan
risk management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Hypothetical log
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk register
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
data analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
quality cost
Consistency cost (avoiding failure)
prevention cost
Evaluate costs
Inconsistency costs (due to failure)
internal failure costs
external failure costs
decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Data performance
flow chart
logical data model
Matrix diagram
mind Mapping
Test and inspection planning
quality management plan
quality measures
Project Management Plan Update
risk management plan
Scope Baseline
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk register
Interested Party Register
Management quality
project management plan
quality management plan
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Quality control measurement results
quality measures
risk report
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
data collection
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
File analysis
process analysis
Root Cause Analysis
decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Data performance
Affinity diagram
Cause and effect diagram: fishbone diagram, why-why diagram, Ishikawa diagram
flow chart
Matrix diagram
Scatter plot
Design for X
problem solved
quality improvement methods
Deming Circle (PDCA)
Six Sigma
quality report
Test and Evaluation Documents
change request
Project Management Plan Update
quality management plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
Control quality
project management plan
quality management plan
project files
Lessons Learned Register
quality measures
Test and Evaluation Documents
Approved change request
job performance data
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
data collection
statistical sampling
data analysis
performance review
Root Cause Analysis
Inspection (review, peer review, audit or inspection)
Testing/Product Evaluation
Data performance
cause and effect diagram
Control Charts
Scatter plot
Review approved change requests
Review/Lessons Learned
Quality control measurement results
Verified deliverables
job performance information
change request
Project Management Plan Update
quality management plan
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
Test and Evaluation Documents
09-Project resource management
Planning resource management
Project Charter
project management plan
quality management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Project schedule
requirements document
risk register
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
Data performance
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)
resource breakdown structure
Responsibility Allocation Matrix (RACI)
text type
organization theory
resource management plan
Identify resources
Access to resources
Roles and Responsibilities
Project organization chart
Project team resource management
Team building
Resource control
accreditation scheme
Team charter
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
risk register
Estimate activity resources
project management plan
resource management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Activity properties
Activity list
Hypothetical log
Resource Calendar
risk register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
Bottom-up estimation
analogy estimation
parameter estimation
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
project management information system
Resource requirements
Estimate basis
resource breakdown structure
Project file updates
Activity properties
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
Access to resources
project management plan
resource management plan
Procurement Management Plan
cost basis
project files
Project schedule
Resource Calendar
Resource requirements
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Interpersonal and team skills
virtual team
physical resource allocation sheet
Project team dispatches work orders
Resource Calendar
change request
Project Management Plan Update
resource management plan
cost basis
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
resource breakdown structure
Resource requirements
risk register
Interested Party Register
Update on business environment factors
Organizational process asset updates
Building a team (Formation - Shock - Standardization - Maturity - Dissolution)
project management plan
resource management plan
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
Project team dispatches work orders
Resource Calendar
Team charter
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
Centralized office
virtual team
communication technology
Interpersonal and team skills
conflict management
Team building
Recognition and Rewards
Individual and team assessment
Team performance evaluation
change request
Project Management Plan Update
resource management plan
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
Project team dispatches work orders
Resource Calendar
Team charter
Update on business environment factors
Organizational process asset updates
management team
project management plan
resource management plan
project files
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Project team dispatches work orders
Team charter
job performance report
Team performance evaluation
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
Interpersonal and team skills
conflict management
Collaborate/Problem Solve
Make decisions
Emotional intelligence
project management information system
change request
Project Management Plan Update
resource management plan
progress baseline
cost basis
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Project team dispatches work orders
Update on business environment factors
Control resources
project management plan
resource management plan
project files
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
physical resource allocation sheet
Project schedule
resource breakdown structure
Resource requirements
risk register
job performance data
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Cost-benefit analysis
performance review
trend analysis
problem solved
Interpersonal and team skills
project management information system
job performance information
change request
Project Management Plan Update
resource management plan
progress baseline
cost basis
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
material resource allocation sheet
resource breakdown structure
risk register
10-Project communication management
Planning communication management
Project Charter
project management plan
resource management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
project files
requirements document
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
Communication needs analysis
communication technology
communication model
communication method
interactive communication
push communication
pull communication
Interpersonal and team skills
communication style assessment
political awareness
cultural awareness
Data performance
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix
communication management plan
Project Management Plan Update
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project file updates
Project schedule
Interested Party Register
management communication
project management plan
resource management plan
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
project files
Change log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
quality report
risk report
Interested Party Register
job performance report
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
communication technology
communication method
communication skills
communication competency
nonverbal skills
project management information system
Project report released
Interpersonal and team skills
active listening
conflict management
cultural awareness
Conference management
interpersonal communication
political awareness
Project communication record
Project Management Plan Update
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
risk register
Interested Party Register
Organizational process asset updates
Supervise communication
project management plan
resource management plan
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
project files
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Project communication record
job performance data
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
project management information system
Data representation (data analysis)
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix
Interpersonal and team skills
job performance information
change request
Project Management Plan Update
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Interested Party Register
11-Project Risk Management
planning risk management
Project Charter
Project Management Plan (all components)
project files
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data analysis
Stakeholder analysis
risk management plan
Identify risks
project management plan
demand management plan
progress management plan
cost management plan
quality management plan
resource management plan
risk management plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
project files
Hypothetical log
Cost Estimate
duration estimate
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
requirements document
Resource requirements
Interested Party Register
Procurement documents
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
data analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Assumptions and constraints analysis
SWOT analysis
File analysis
Interpersonal and team skills
Tip list
risk register
List of identified risks
Potential Risk Responsible Person
List of potential risk response measures
risk report
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Qualitative risk analysis
project management plan
risk management plan
project files
Hypothetical log
risk register
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
data analysis
Risk data quality assessment
Risk probability and impact assessment
Assessment of other risk parameters
Interpersonal and team skills
Risk classification
Data performance
Probability and Impact Matrix
hierarchy diagram
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Problem log
risk register
risk report
Risk Quantitative Analysis
project management plan
risk management plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
project files
Hypothetical log
Estimate basis
Cost Estimate
cost forecast
duration estimate
Milestone List
Resource requirements
risk register
risk report
progress forecast
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
Interpersonal and team skills
How uncertainty manifests
data analysis
Simulation (Monte Carlo analysis)
Sensitivity Analysis (Tornado Plot)
Decision Tree Analysis (Expected Monetary Value EMV)
influence diagram
Project file updates
risk report
Plan risk responses
project management plan
resource management plan
risk management plan
cost basis
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
Project team dispatches work orders
Resource Calendar
risk report
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
Interpersonal and team skills
Threat response strategy
Opportunity coping strategies
open up
emergency response strategies
Overall project risk response strategy
open up
transfer or share
reduce or improve
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
cost effectiveness analysis
decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
change request
Project Management Plan Update
progress management plan
cost management plan
quality management plan
resource management plan
Procurement Management Plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
cost forecast
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
Project team dispatches work orders
risk register
risk report
Implement risk responses
project management plan
risk management plan
project files
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
risk report
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
Interpersonal and team skills
project management information system
change request
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Project team dispatches work orders
risk register
risk report
Oversight risk
project management plan
risk management plan
project files
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
risk report
job performance data
job performance report
Tools & Techniques
data analysis
Technical performance analysis
Reserve analysis
job performance information
change request
Project Management Plan Update
any component
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
risk report
Organizational process asset updates
12-Project Procurement Management
Planning Procurement Management
Determine procurement management plan
The procurement management plan contains the various activities to be carried out during the procurement process.
A procurement management plan may include the following:
■ How to coordinate procurement with other work of the project, such as project schedule development and control;
■Timetable for carrying out important procurement activities;
■Procurement measurement indicators used to manage contracts;
■ Stakeholder roles and responsibilities related to procurement; if the executing organization has a procurement department, the project team’s authority and restrictions;
■ Constraints and assumptions that may affect procurement;
■ Jurisdiction and currency of payment;
■Whether an independent estimate needs to be prepared and whether it should be used as an evaluation criterion;
■ Risk management matters, including requirements for performance bonds or insurance contracts to mitigate certain project risks;
■Pre-qualified seller to be used (if any).
Determine whether to make or outsource
Make-or-buy analysis is used to determine whether a piece of work or deliverable is best done by the project team in-house or should be sourced from outside.
Factors to consider when making a make-or-buy decision include:
■ The organization's current resource allocation and its skills and capabilities;
■ Demand for expertise;
■ Unwillingness to assume the obligations of permanent employment;
■ and the need for unique technical expertise;
■ Also assess the risks associated with each make-or-buy decision.
Determine Procurement Strategy - Contract Payment Type
type of contract
lump sum contract
fixed price contract
Most commonly used, the buyer prefers that no changes are allowed unless the scope of work changes.
Total price plus incentive fee
There are upper and lower limits. If the price exceeds the upper limit, the seller will bear the responsibility; if the price falls below the lower limit, a reward will be given.
Total price plus economic price adjustment
Long performance times or payment in different currencies. Adjustable allowed for inflation or special item cost changes.
Work and materials contract
Add staff, hire experts, or seek outside support when you can't quickly produce an accurate statement of work.
cost reimbursement contract
cost plus fixed fee
The seller is reimbursed for all allowable costs incurred for contract work and is paid a fixed fee.
cost plus incentive fee
Reimburse costs. If the final cost exceeds or is less than the original cost, the buyer and seller share it proportionally.
cost plus incentive fee
All legitimate costs are reimbursed, but fees are paid only if the buyer's performance standards are met.
Prepare Procurement Statement of Work (SOW)
Based on the project scope baseline, a Statement of Work (SOW) is prepared for each procurement, defining only that portion of the project scope that will be included in the associated contract. The statement of work describes the products, services, or results to be procured in sufficient detail to allow the potential seller to determine whether it has the ability to provide such products, services, or results.
The procurement statement of work should strive to be clear, complete and concise. The contents of the statement of work include: specifications, required quantities, quality levels, performance data, performance period, work location and other requirements.
For the procurement of services, the term "Torem of Work (TOR)" may be used.
Similar to a procurement statement of work, an outline of work typically includes the following:
■ The tasks that the contractor needs to perform, and the coordination required
■ Applicable standards that contractors must meet;
■ Data required to be submitted for approval;
■ A detailed list of all data and services provided by the Buyer to the Contractor that will be used for the performance of the Contract (if applicable);
■ Schedule for submission and review (or approval) of initial results.
Determine supplier selection criteria
In determining the evaluation criteria, the buyer strives to ensure that the proposals selected will provide the required services of the best quality.
Supplier selection criteria may include (but are not limited to):
■ Ability and potential
■ Qualifications, availability and competencies of key staff
■ The financial stability of the company
■ Product costs and life cycle costs
■ Management experience
■ Delivery date
■ Technical expertise and methods
■ Knowledge transfer programs, including training programs
■Specific relevant experience
■ Work methods and work plans in response to the statement of work
independent cost estimate
For larger purchases, the purchasing organization can prepare its own independent estimate or hire an outside professional estimator to produce a cost estimate and use it as a baseline against which to evaluate the seller's bid. If there is a significant difference between the two, it may indicate that the procurement statement of work is flawed or unclear, or that the potential seller has misunderstood or failed to fully respond to the procurement statement of work.
Implement procurement
Publish tender advertisements or tender documents
Information invitation
A request for information is used when the seller is required to provide more information about the goods and services to be purchased. This is typically followed by an invitation to quote or an invitation to propose.
Invitation for quotation
Use a request for quotation if you need more information from the supplier about how the need will be met and/or how much it will cost.
invitation to propose
Use a request for proposal if a problem arises in the project and a solution is difficult to determine. This is the most formal "invitation" document and is subject to strict procurement rules regarding content, timelines, and seller responses.
Identify shortlist of qualified sellers
Hold bidders meeting
A bidder's meeting (also known as a contractor meeting, supplier meeting, or pre-bid meeting) is a meeting between a buyer and a potential seller before the seller submits a proposal, the purpose of which is to ensure that all potential bidders have a clear understanding of the procurement requirements Have a clear and consistent understanding and ensure that no bidder receives special treatment.
The seller submits a proposal (tender document)
Evaluation of proposals (technical and cost)
■ lowest cost
■Based on qualifications only
■ Score based on quality or technical solutions
■ Based on quality and cost
■ Unique source
■ Fixed budget
Select the winning proposal
End negotiation and sign contract
A contract is an agreement that is binding on both parties. It forces the seller to provide specified products, services or results, and the buyer to pay corresponding remuneration to the seller. A contract establishes a legally protected relationship between buyer and seller.
The main contents of the agreement text will vary and may include (but are not limited to):
■ Insurance and performance bonds
■ Procurement statement of work or key deliverables;
■ Approval of subordinate subcontractors
■ Schedule, milestones, or dates specified in the schedule
■ General terms and conditions
■Performance reporting
■ Change request processing
■ Inspection, quality and acceptance criteria
■Pricing and payment terms
■ Termination provisions and alternative dispute resolution
■ Incentives and punishments
■ Warranty and follow-up product support
Control purchasing
Execution of Contracts - Inspections and Audits
performance review
Measure, compare and analyze quality, resource, schedule and cost performance to review performance of contract work. These include determining whether the work package is ahead of or behind schedule, over or under budget, and whether there are resource or quality issues.
An inspection is a structured review of the work being performed by the contractor and may involve a simple review of the deliverables or an on-site review of the work itself.
An audit is a structured review of the procurement process. Rights and obligations related to auditing should be clearly defined in the procurement contract. Both the buyer's project manager and the seller's project manager should pay attention to the audit results so that necessary adjustments can be made to the project.
If the buyer and seller cannot agree on compensation for the change, or disagree on whether the change should occur, then the requested change becomes a contested change or a potential constructive change. Such disputed changes are called claims. If not properly resolved, they can become disputes and eventually lead to grievances. Throughout the contract life cycle, claims are typically recorded, processed, monitored and managed in accordance with the terms of the contract. If the parties to the contract are unable to resolve the claim on their own, they may have to use alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in accordance with the procedures specified in the contract. Negotiation is the preferred method of resolving all claims and disputes. Arbitration and litigation are the next options. If the contract stipulates that no claim will be made for losses caused by force majeure, this is an exclusion.
Procurement closed
Planning Procurement Management
Project Charter
business documents
business case
Benefit Management Plan
project management plan
scope management plan
quality management plan
resource management plan
Scope Baseline
project files
Milestone List
Project team dispatches work orders
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
Resource requirements
risk register
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Pre-approved seller list
Formal procurement policies, procedures and guidelines
type of contract
lump sum contract
fixed total price
Total price plus incentive fee
Total price plus economic price adjustment
cost reimbursement contract
cost plus incentive fee contract
cost plus fixed fee contract
cost plus incentive fee contract
Work and materials contract
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
market research
data analysis
Make-or-Buy Analysis
Supplier selection analysis
Procurement Management Plan
Procurement strategy
Bidding Documents
Information invitation
Invitation for quotation
invitation to propose
Purchasing Statement of Work
Supplier selection criteria
Make or buy decision
independent cost estimate
change request
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk register
Interested Party Register
Organizational process asset updates
Implement procurement
project management plan
scope management plan
demand management plan
communication management plan
risk management plan
Procurement Management Plan
configuration management plan
cost basis
project files
Lessons Learned Register
Project schedule
requirements document
risk register
Interested Party Register
Procurement documents
seller proposal
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
bidders meeting
data analysis
Proposal evaluation
Interpersonal and team skills
bidders meeting
change request
Project Management Plan Update
demand management plan
quality management plan
communication management plan
risk management plan
Procurement Management Plan
Scope Baseline
progress baseline
cost basis
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
Resource Calendar
risk register
Interested Party Register
Organizational process asset updates
Control purchasing
project management plan
demand management plan
risk management plan
Procurement Management Plan
change management plan
progress baseline
project files
Hypothetical log
Lessons Learned Register
Milestone List
quality report
requirements document
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk register
Interested Party Register
Procurement documents
Approved change request
job performance data
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
Claims management
data analysis
performance review
Earned value analysis
trend analysis
Procurement Closed (Closed Procurement)
job performance information
Procurement document updates
change request
Project Management Plan Update
risk management plan
Procurement Management Plan
progress baseline
cost basis
Project file updates
Lessons Learned Register
Resource requirements
Requirements Tracking Matrix
risk register
Interested Party Register
Organizational process asset updates
Payment plans and requests
Seller Performance Evaluation Document
Pre-Qualified Seller List Update
Lessons Learned Knowledge Base
Procurement file
13-Project stakeholder management
Test points
The importance of identifying interested parties
Stakeholder and project relationships
Stakeholders will be positively or negatively affected by the project, or can exert a positive or negative impact on the project.
Identify the importance of interested parties
To increase your likelihood of success, you should:
■ Start identifying interested parties early
■ Prioritize stakeholders
■ Involve relevant parties.
Concept of interested parties
Identify interested parties
Identify, analyze, record
Identifying stakeholders is the process of regularly identifying project stakeholders and analyzing and documenting their interests, involvement, interdependencies, influence, and potential impact on project success. The primary purpose of this process is to enable the project team to establish appropriate levels of focus for each stakeholder or stakeholder group. This process should be carried out regularly throughout the project as needed.
This process is usually first conducted before or at the same time as the project charter is prepared and approved. and repeat in the process.
Planning stakeholders
Develop an approach to stakeholder engagement in the project
Planning stakeholder engagement is the process of developing an approach to stakeholder engagement in a project based on their needs, expectations, interests, and potential impact on the project. The primary purpose of this process is to provide a workable plan for effective interaction with interested parties. This process should be carried out regularly throughout the project as needed.
Manage stakeholder engagement
Promote reasonable participation of relevant parties as planned
Managing stakeholder engagement is the process of communicating and collaborating with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations, address issues, and promote appropriate stakeholder engagement. The main purpose of this process is to enable the project manager to increase stakeholder support and minimize stakeholder resistance. This process needs to be carried out throughout the project.
Supervise stakeholder participation
Revise participation strategies and plans to guide relevant parties to participate appropriately
Supervising stakeholder participation is the process of supervising project stakeholder relationships and guiding stakeholders to reasonably participate in the project by revising participation strategies and plans. The main function of this process is to maintain or improve the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholder participation activities as the project progresses and the environment changes. This process needs to be carried out throughout the project.
data collection
Questionnaires and surveys.
Questionnaires and surveys can include one-on-one surveys, focus groups, or other large-scale information gathering techniques.
Brainstorming techniques for identifying relevant parties include brainstorming and brainwriting.
A common data collection and creative technique used to solicit input from a small group, such as team members or subject matter experts.
■Brain writing
A modified form of brainstorming that allows individual participants time to think individually before group ideation discussions begin. Information can be collected through face-to-face group meetings, or in a virtual environment supported by technology.
Stakeholder analysis
Stakeholder analysis produces a list of interested parties and various information about them
The interests of relevant parties may include (but are not limited to) a combination of the following:
■ Rights
■ Ownership
■ knowledge
■ Contribution
Data performance
power interest grid
Stakeholders are grouped according to their authority (power) and degree of concern (interest) for the project results.
power influence grid
Relevant parties are grouped according to their authority (power) and degree of active participation (influence) in the project.
Effect square
Stakeholders are grouped according to their degree of involvement (influence) in the project and their ability (role) to change the project plan or execution.
Applicable to: ∠ Small projects; ② Projects where the relationship between the relevant parties and the project is very simple; ③ Projects where the relationship between the relevant parties is very simple.
highlight model
Influence direction
Interested Party Register
Planning stakeholder engagement
An effective plan should be developed early in the project life cycle; then, the plan is regularly reviewed and updated as the stakeholder community changes.
Typical situations that would trigger updates to the plan include (but are not limited to):
■ A new phase of the project begins;
■ changes within the organizational structure or industry;
■ New individuals or groups become stakeholders, existing stakeholders cease to be members of the stakeholder community, or the importance of a particular stakeholder to the success of the project changes;
■ When outputs from other project processes (such as change management, risk management, or issue management) result in the need to revisit the stakeholder engagement strategy.
Identify interested parties
Project Charter
business documents
business case
Benefit Management Plan
project management plan
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
project files
Change log
Problem log
requirements document
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
data analysis
Stakeholder analysis
File analysis
Data performance
Stakeholder mapping analysis/performance
Interested Party Register
change request
Project Management Plan Update
demand management plan
communication management plan
risk management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project file updates
Hypothetical log
Problem log
risk register
Planning stakeholder engagement
Project Charter
project management plan
resource management plan
communication management plan
risk management plan
project files
Hypothetical log
Change log
Problem log
Project schedule
risk register
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
data collection
data analysis
Assumptions and constraints analysis
Root Cause Analysis
decision making
Data performance
mind Mapping
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix
Don't understand type
leadership type
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
The stakeholder engagement plan is an integral part of the project management plan. It identifies strategies and actions to promote effective participation of interested parties in decision-making and implementation. Based on the needs of the project and the expectations of the stakeholders, the stakeholder engagement plan can be formal or informal, very detailed or high-level.
A stakeholder engagement plan may include (but is not limited to) specific strategies or methods for engaging individuals or stakeholders.
Manage stakeholder engagement
project management plan
communication management plan
risk management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
change management plan
project files
Change log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Interested Party Register
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
expert judgment
communication skills
When carrying out the management stakeholder engagement process, appropriate communication methods should be adopted for each stakeholder according to the communication management plan. The project management team should use feedback mechanisms to understand stakeholder reactions to various project management activities and key decisions.
Ways to collect feedback include (but are not limited to):
■ Formal and informal dialogue;
■ Problem identification and discussion;
■Progress report;
Interpersonal and team skills
conflict management
■ Conflict management. The project manager should ensure that conflicts are resolved promptly.
cultural awareness
■ Cultural awareness. Cultural awareness helps project managers and teams communicate effectively by considering cultural differences and stakeholder needs.
■ Negotiation. Negotiation is used to gain support or reach agreements to support project work or outcomes, and to resolve conflicts within the team or between the team and other interested parties.
■ Observe and talk. Keep abreast of the work and attitudes of project team members and other relevant parties through observation and conversation.
political awareness
■ Political awareness. Build political awareness by understanding power relations within and outside projects.
basic rules
Meetings are used to discuss and address any issues or concerns related to stakeholder engagement.
The types of meetings that need to be held during this process include but are not limited to):
■Problem solving;
■ Lessons learned and review and summary;
■ Project commencement;
■Iterative planning;
■Status updates.
change request
Project Management Plan Update
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project file updates
Change log
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Interested Party Register
Supervise stakeholder participation
project management plan
resource management plan
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
the difference
project files
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
Project communication record
risk register
Interested Party Register
job performance data
business environment factors
organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
data analysis
Alternatives Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Stakeholder analysis
decision making
Multi-criteria decision analysis
Data performance
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix
communication skills
Interpersonal and team skills
active listening
cultural awareness
interpersonal communication
political awareness
job performance information
change request
Project Management Plan Update
resource management plan
communication management plan
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project file updates
Problem log
Lessons Learned Register
risk register
Interested Party Register