MindMap Gallery PMP project management principles
[PMP Project Management Principles] summarized in the PMP exam tutorial: Be a diligent, respectful and caring steward of others, create a collaborative project team environment, effectively engage stakeholders, focus on value, identify, evaluate and respond to system interactions, and demonstrate leadership behaviors , tailor according to the environment, integrate quality into processes and deliverables, master complexity, optimize risk response, embrace adaptability and resilience, and drive change to achieve the desired future state, a total of 12 aspects are told
Edited at 2022-08-02 15:21:06El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
PMP project management principles
Be a diligent, respectful and caring steward of others
Stewards are expected to act responsibly and conduct their activities with integrity, care and trustworthiness while adhering to internal and external guidelines
They should demonstrate a broad commitment to the financial, social and environmental impacts of the projects they support
Stewardship includes responsibilities both within and outside the organization
Butler management includes
Stewardship includes responsibilities both internal and external to the organization
Within the organization, stewardship includes
Operate in a manner that is consistent with the organization and its goals, strategy, vision, and mission and maintains its long-term value
Commitment to and respect for project team member participation, including compensation, access to opportunities, and fair treatment
Diligently monitor organizational funds, materials, and other resources used in projects
Understand the appropriate application of authority, responsibilities and responsibilities
Outside the organization, stewardship includes
Environmental sustainability and use of organizational materials and natural resources
The organization's relationships with external stakeholders, such as its partners and channels
The impact of an organization or project on the market, society and the region in which it operates
Improve the practical level of specialized industries
Create a collaborative project team environment
The project team is composed of individuals with diverse skills, knowledge and experience
Project teams working together can achieve common goals more efficiently and effectively than individuals working alone
Projects are delivered by project teams
Project teams work within the confines of organizational and professional culture and norms, often establishing their own "local" culture
A collaborative project team environment helps
Align with other organizational culture and guidelines
Individual and team learning and development
Make the best contribution to delivering desired results
Team consensus
organizational structure
The project team defines the processes that will accomplish the tasks and assigned work
Effective stakeholder engagement
Proactively engage stakeholders to the extent necessary to drive project success and customer satisfaction
Stakeholders influence projects, performance and results
Project teams engage other stakeholders in their services
Stakeholder engagement actively drives value delivery
Stakeholders can influence many aspects of the project
Scope/Requirements: By indicating the need to add, adjust, or remove elements of the scope/project requirements
Schedule: by proposing ideas to speed up delivery, or by slowing down or stopping the delivery of key project activities
Cost: By helping to reduce or eliminate planned expenses, or adding steps, requirements, or constraints that increase costs or require additional resources
Project Team: By limiting or allowing access to people who have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver the desired outcomes and who can drive a learning culture
Planning: by informing plans or advocating for changes to agreed activities and efforts
Outcomes: the work required to achieve the desired outcome by performing or preventing it
Culture: By establishing or influencing or even defining the degree and character of engagement within the project team and wider community
Benefit Realization: By setting and defining long-term goals so that the project delivers the expected and defined value
Risk: By defining the risk critical value of the project and participating in subsequent risk management activities
Quality: Provide quality needs through identification and requirements
Success: by defining success factors and participating in the evaluation of success
Stakeholder engagement relies heavily on interpersonal skills
focus on value
Continuously evaluate and make adjustments to whether the project meets business objectives and expected benefits and value
Value is the ultimate indicator of success
Value can be realized throughout the project, at the end of the project, or after the project is completed
Value and the benefits that contribute to value can be defined from a qualitative/quantitative perspective
Focusing on outcomes enables project teams to support the expected benefits of value creation
Project teams assess progress and make adaptive adjustments to maximize expected value
Recognize, evaluate, and respond to system interactions
Identify, assess, and respond to the dynamic environment within and around projects from a holistic perspective to positively impact project performance
A project is a system composed of multiple interdependent and interacting activity domains
Systems thinking requires a holistic view of how the various parts of a project interact with each other and with external systems
Systems are constantly changing and require constant attention to internal and external conditions
Project teams should be responsive to system interactions, allowing the project team to take full advantage of positive outcomes
Skill support project system
Have empathy for the business world
Critical thinking that focuses on the big picture
Challenge assumptions and thinking patterns
Seek external review and advice
Use integrated methods, artifacts, and practices to create a shared understanding of project work, deliverables, and success
Use modeling and scenarios to envision how system dynamics interact and react
Proactively manage integration to help achieve business results
Identify, evaluate, and respond to the outcomes of system interactions
Consider uncertainties and risks in projects early, explore alternatives and prescribe unintended consequences
Ability to adjust assumptions and plans throughout the project life cycle
Continuously provide information and insights to inform planning and delivery
Communicate plans, progress and forecasts clearly to relevant stakeholders
Align project goals and objectives with those of the client organization
Ability to adapt to the changing needs of end users, sponsors or customers of project deliverables
Ability to take advantage of unexplored opportunities or see threats faced or posed by other projects or initiatives
Provide clarification on optimal project performance measurement and its impact on the behavior of project participants
Decisions that benefit the entire organization
Identify risks more comprehensively and intelligently
Demonstrate leadership behavior
Demonstrate and adapt leadership behaviors to support individual and team needs
Effective leadership drives project results and helps projects achieve positive outcomes
Any project team member can demonstrate leadership behaviors
Leadership is different from authority
Effective leaders adapt their style to the situation
Effective leaders recognize motivational differences among project team members
Leaders are expected to demonstrate expected behavior in terms of honesty, integrity and ethical conduct
Project members can improve their leadership skills through various methods
Keep project teams focused on agreed goals
Articulate incentives and support for project outcomes
Seek resources and support for projects
Reach consensus on the best way forward
Overcome obstacles to project progress
Negotiate and resolve conflicts within the project team and between the project team and other stakeholders
Adapt communication style and messaging to make it relevant to your audience
Coaching and mentoring project team members
Appreciate and reward positive behaviors and contributions
Provide opportunities for skills growth and development
Guide collaborative decision-making
Use effective dialogue and active listening
Empower project team members and delegate responsibilities to them
Build a responsible, cohesive project team
Demonstrate empathy for the project team and stakeholders’ perspectives
Be self-aware of your own biases and behaviors
Manage and adapt to change during the project life cycle
Promotes a fail-fast/learn-fast mindset by admitting mistakes
Role model the desired behavior
Tailor to the environment
Design a project development approach based on the context of the project and its goals, stakeholders, governance and environment, using a “just enough” process to achieve desired outcomes while maximizing value, managing costs and increasing velocity
Every project is unique
Project success depends on adapting to the unique circumstances of the project to determine the most appropriate method to produce the desired results
Tailoring methods is iterative and therefore an ongoing process throughout the project
A tailored project approach can generate benefits for the organization
Project team members will have a deeper commitment because they are involved in defining the approach
There will be less waste in actions or resources
Customer-oriented (because the needs of customers and other stakeholders are important factors in project tailoring)
Project resources are used more efficiently because the project team is aware of the weight of individual project processes
Positive outcomes that tailoring projects can bring
Improve innovation, efficiency and productivity
Learn lessons learned so improvements to specific delivery methods can be shared and applied to the next round of work or future projects
The organization's methodology is further improved by adopting new practices, methods and work
An improved success, process, or method discovered through experimentation
Methods and practices used to deliver project results are effectively integrated within project teams with multiple professional backgrounds
Organizational adaptability increases in the long run
Integrate quality into processes and deliverables
Maintain a focus on the quality of produced deliverables that meet project objectives and are consistent with the needs, purpose, and acceptance requirements of relevant stakeholders
Project quality requirements meet stakeholder expectations and meet project and product requirements
Quality focuses on meeting acceptance criteria for deliverables
Project quality requirements ensure that project processes are as appropriate and effective as possible
Quality may have several different dimensions
Pay close attention to the positive results of quality
Project deliverables meet the purpose defined by the acceptance criteria
Project deliverables meet stakeholder expectations and business goals
Project deliverables with minimal or no defects
Delivery is timely or expedited
Strengthen cost control
Improve product delivery quality
Reduce rework and scrap
Reduce customer complaints
Good supply chain integration
increase productivity
Improve project team morale and satisfaction
Robust service delivery
Improve decision-making
continuous improvement process
Master complexity
Continuously assess and navigate project complexity so that these methods and plans enable the project team to successfully navigate the project life cycle
Complexity is caused by human behavior, system interactions, uncertainty and ambiguity
Complexity may arise at any time during the project
Complexity may arise from events or circumstances that impact value, scope, communication, stakeholders, risk, and program innovation
Project teams can be vigilant in identifying elements of complexity and use various methods to reduce the amount or impact of complexity
Common sources of complexity
Human Behavior
system behavior
uncertainty and ambiguity
technological innovation
Optimize risk response
Continuously assess risk exposures, including opportunities and threats, to maximize positive impacts and minimize negative impacts on projects and their outcomes
Individual and collective risks can impact a project
Risks may be positive (opportunities) or negative (threats)
The project team will continue to respond to various risks throughout the project
An organization’s risk attitudes, appetites and thresholds influence how risks are addressed
Risk response measures
Match the significance of the risk
cost effective
Be realistic in the project environment
Relevant stakeholders reach consensus
by a responsible person
Embrace adaptability and resilience
Incorporate adaptability and resilience into organizational and project team approaches to help projects adapt to change, recover from setbacks and advance project work
Adaptability is the ability to cope with changing situations
Resilience is the ability to absorb shocks and recover quickly from setbacks or failures
Focusing on results rather than output helps increase adaptability
Capabilities to support adaptability and resilience
Short feedback loops for quick adaptation
Continuous learning and improvement
Project teams with a broad skill set, as well as individuals with extensive knowledge in each required skill area
Regularly review and adjust project work to identify opportunities for improvement
Diverse project teams for broad experience
Develop and transparent planning involving internal and external stakeholders
Small-scale prototyping and experimentation to test ideas and try new approaches
The ability to fully utilize new ways of thinking and working
Process design that balances work speed and demand stability
Organizational open dialogue
A diverse project team with a broad range of skill sets, culture and experience, as well as subject matter experts in each required skill area
Ability to understand the learning outcomes gained in the same or similar work in the past
Ability and willingness to anticipate multiple potential scenarios and prepare for a variety of possible situations
Delay decisions until the last moment of responsibility
management support
Open design balances speed and stability
Drive change to achieve desired future state
Prepare affected persons to adopt and sustain new and different behaviors and processes required to transition from the current state to the expected future state resulting from project outcomes
A structured approach to change that helps individuals, groups and organizations transition from their current state to their desired future state
Change may arise from internal influences or external sources
Facilitating change can be challenging because not all stakeholders are receptive to the change
Trying to make too many changes in a short period of time can lead to change fatigue/resistance
Stakeholder engagement and motivation methods help make change happen smoothly