6. Control scope
Controlling scope is the process of monitoring the scope status of projects and products and managing changes to the scope baseline; ensuring that all changes to the scope baseline are under control. Conducted regularly throughout the project.
The idea of control scope: measure and evaluate the deviation of work performance data from the scope benchmark. If there is a deviation, conduct a deviation analysis. If the deviation is unacceptable, a change request needs to be initiated. Changes in the scope shall be managed in accordance with the change management process set in integrated management. .
Scope creep VS gold plating: Scope creep refers to "the uncontrolled expansion of the scope. Uncontrolled refers to the lack of corresponding adjustments to the cost, resources, construction schedule, etc. of the project." Gold plating refers to the fact that the project team may feel that some additions are made out of their own judgment. The content will make the project better, and spontaneous changes will be made to the work content, but this change will not correspondingly adjust the project's cost, resources, construction period, etc.