MindMap Gallery How to lose weight quickly
It tells how to lose weight quickly, all the things you need to pay attention to at the end of the weight loss process, and coping strategies. Hope this mind map helps you!
Edited at 2023-12-29 00:46:26El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
How to lose weight quickly?
Understand the fundamentals of weight loss
Understand the relationship between calorie intake and expenditure
Understand where calories come from and how they are consumed
Know the calorie content in food
What are calories?
Calories are units of energy in food
Calories come from carbohydrates, proteins and fats in food
Calories are an important source of energy to sustain life activities, promote physical development, and maintain health
Classification of calories
Carbohydrates: sugar, starch, cellulose, etc.
Protein: meat, beans, dairy products, etc.
Fat: edible oil, nuts, animal fat, etc.
How to calculate calories
Calorie calculation formula: Calories = Carbohydrates Protein Fat
Food Facts: Check the Nutrition Facts on food packages to see how many calories are in the food
Food calorie query tool: Use the online food calorie query tool to quickly understand the calorie content in food
Calorie intake and expenditure
Calorie intake: Determine daily calorie intake based on personal weight, age, gender, activity level and other factors
Calorie consumption: Calories consumed through exercise, daily activities, and basal metabolism
Calorie Balance: Maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure to maintain a healthy weight
low calorie food
Vegetables: green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.
Fruit: apples, bananas, oranges, etc.
Protein: chicken breast, eggs, tofu, etc.
Whole grains: oats, brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc.
high calorie food
Fried food: fried chicken, French fries, fried dough sticks, etc.
Sweets: cakes, chocolates, candies, etc.
Beverages: carbonated drinks, juice, milk tea, etc.
High-fat foods: fatty meat, butter, nuts, etc.
Healthy eating advice
Control caloric intake: Reasonably control caloric intake according to personal needs
Balanced diet: ensure a balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats
Diversified diet: Diverse food types to ensure comprehensive nutrition
Moderate exercise: Combined with exercise to increase calorie consumption and promote good health
Understand the calories burned by exercise
Understand the calories burned by exercise
exercise type
Aerobic exercise
Benefits of running
Things to note when running
benefits of swimming
Things to note when swimming
Benefits of riding a bicycle
Things to note when riding a bicycle
Anaerobic exercise
Strength Training
Benefits of Strength Training
Dos and Don’ts of Strength Training
high intensity interval training
Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training
High Intensity Interval Training Tips
exercise intensity
low intensity exercise
Benefits of walking
Things to note when taking a walk
moderate intensity exercise
Go quickly
Benefits of walking briskly
Tips for walking quickly
high intensity exercise
Benefits of running
Things to note when running
excercise time
30 minutes
30 minutes of benefits
30 minutes of notes
60 minutes
60 minutes benefits
60 minutes of notes
3 times a week
Benefits of 3 times a week
Things to note 3 times a week
5 times a week
Benefits of 5 times a week
Things to note 5 times a week
sports diet
Diet control
Reduce caloric intake
Benefits of reducing caloric intake
Tips for reducing caloric intake
Increase protein intake
Benefits of increasing protein intake
Tips for increasing protein intake
Post-exercise diet
Add water
Benefits of Hydration
Precautions for hydration
protein supplement
Benefits of protein supplements
Things to note when taking protein supplements
exercise plan
making plans
clear goal
The benefits of clear goals
Things to note when clarifying goals
Choose exercise type
Benefits of choosing exercise type
Things to consider when choosing exercise type
Implementation plan
Exercise regularly
Benefits of exercising
Things to keep in mind when exercising
Adjust plan
Benefits of adjusting your plan
Things to note when adjusting your plan
Movement effect
weight changes
weight loss
Benefits of weight loss
Things to note when losing weight
body shape changes
body shape improvement
Benefits of body improvement
Tips for improving your body shape
health improvement
Enhanced cardiopulmonary function
Benefits of enhanced cardiopulmonary function
Precautions for improving cardiopulmonary function
Increased muscle strength
Muscle Strength Building Benefits
Tips for building muscle strength
sports mentality
How to maintain a positive attitude?
stay optimistic
look at things positively
Focus on the positive side of things
Discover the beauty in life
Appreciate the beauty of nature
Be grateful to the people and things around you
Avoid focusing too much on the negative
Avoid paying too much attention to negative news
Avoid paying too much attention to negative comments from others
stay positive
stay positive
stay optimistic
look at things positively
set a goal
Set achievable goals
Set short-term goals
Set weekly goals
Set daily goals
Set long-term goals
Set annual goals
Set life goals
Develop an action plan
Develop a specific action plan
Make a daily action plan
Develop a weekly action plan
Regularly evaluate and adjust plans
Assess progress regularly
Regularly adjust the plan
Cultivate interests and hobbies
Cultivate interests and hobbies
Find things that interest you
try new things
Explore your interests
Invest time and effort
Invest time and effort
Cultivate interests and hobbies
Attend social events
Attend social events
Join an interest group
Attend community events
Meet new friends
Make like-minded friends
Make friends in different fields
Maintain healthy living habits
maintain healthy eating habits
Balanced diet
Balance your intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates
Eat fruits and vegetables in moderation
Keep a regular schedule
get enough sleep
Keep a regular schedule
Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly
Keep up with aerobic exercise
Keep strength training
maintain a good attitude
stay optimistic
stay positive
possible difficulties
lack of motivation
Difficult to persist
give up easily
unable to maintain enthusiasm
Difficulty finding the right form of exercise
There is no suitable sport for you
Difficulty finding the right time to exercise
Difficulty controlling diet
Can't resist the temptation of delicious food
Difficulty sticking to a healthy diet
Difficulty controlling food intake
Difficulty maintaining good living habits
Difficulty going to bed early and getting up early
Difficulty maintaining good work and rest habits
Difficulty maintaining a good attitude
lack of expertise
Difficulty formulating a scientific weight loss plan
Difficulty understanding how weight loss works
Difficulty understanding how to lose weight
Difficulty understanding the dos and don’ts of losing weight
Difficulty finding the right weight loss product
Difficulty understanding the effectiveness of weight loss products
Difficulty understanding the side effects of weight loss products
Difficulty understanding how to use weight loss products
lack of support
Difficulty finding like-minded partners
Difficulty finding a partner to lose weight with
Difficulty finding a partner to exercise with
Difficulty finding a partner to control diet with
Difficulty getting support from family
Difficulty getting encouragement from family members
Difficulty getting supervision from family members
Difficulty getting help from family members
lack of time
Difficulty finding time to exercise
Busy Work
Learning pressure
Many family affairs
Difficulty finding time to control diet
Busy Work
Learning pressure
Many family affairs
lack of money
Difficulty purchasing professional sports equipment
Difficulty purchasing professional sports equipment
Difficulty purchasing professional exercise classes
Difficulty purchasing healthy food
Difficulty purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables
Difficulty buying healthy snacks
Difficulty purchasing healthy drinks
Learn how to control calorie intake and expenditure
Learn how to control your diet
The importance of controlling your diet
Controlling your diet can help you eat fewer calories and lose weight
Controlling your diet can help you improve your eating habits and improve your health
Ways to control your diet
Develop a reasonable diet plan
Determine daily caloric requirements
Develop a reasonable diet structure
Determine the type and amount of food at each meal
Control dietary intake
Control intake at each meal
Control snack intake
Control beverage intake
Control your eating time
Eat regular meals
avoid overeating
Control the quality of your diet
Avoid foods high in calories, fat and sugar
Increase the intake of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
Control the eating environment
Avoid eating when you are depressed or stressed
Avoid eating in front of the TV or computer
Control eating habits
Avoid eating while doing other things
Avoid gobbling
Avoid drinking too much alcohol
Things to note when controlling your diet
Controlling your diet requires perseverance and cannot be done halfway.
Diet control needs to be combined with exercise to achieve better weight loss results
To control your diet, you need to develop a diet plan that suits you according to your own situation.
Controlling your diet requires maintaining a good attitude, and your mood should not be affected by temporary weight changes.
Learn how to increase your physical activity
Learn how to increase your physical activity
Definition of amount of exercise
The amount of exercise refers to the amount of physical activity that the human body engages in per unit time.
Exercise volume includes exercise intensity, exercise time and exercise frequency
Choice of exercise intensity
Exercise intensity is divided into three levels: low, medium and high
Low-intensity exercise includes walking, jogging, etc.
Moderate intensity exercise includes brisk walking, swimming, etc.
High-intensity exercise including running, skipping, etc.
Exercise time arrangement
Exercise time should be arranged according to personal physique and exercise intensity
It is generally recommended to exercise for more than 30 minutes each time
The number of exercises per week should reach 35 times
Determination of exercise frequency
Exercise frequency refers to the number of times you exercise per week
Exercise frequency should be determined based on personal physique and exercise intensity
It is generally recommended to exercise 35 times per week
Choice of exercise methods
Exercise methods include aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise includes running, swimming, cycling, etc.
Anaerobic exercise includes weightlifting, fitness, etc.
Development of exercise plan
Exercise plans should be developed based on personal physique, exercise intensity, exercise time and exercise frequency
The exercise plan should include exercise items, exercise time, exercise intensity and exercise frequency
Choice of sports equipment
Sports equipment includes sports shoes, sportswear, sports protective gear, etc.
Sports equipment should be selected based on the sport and personal needs
Warm up before exercise
Warm-up activities should be carried out before exercise to reduce sports injuries
Warm-up activities include stretching, jogging, etc.
Relaxation after exercise
Relaxation activities should be performed after exercise to promote recovery
Relaxation activities include stretching, massage, etc.
Exercise and diet combination
Sports diet should be matched according to exercise intensity and exercise time
A sports diet should include nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fat and water
Assessment of exercise effects
Exercise effects should be evaluated based on individual physique, exercise intensity, exercise time and exercise frequency
Assessment of exercise effects should include indicators such as weight, body fat percentage, and muscle mass.
Understand the relationship between weight and body shape
Understand the difference between weight and body shape
Understand the factors that influence weight and body shape
Factors affecting weight
genetic factors
family inheritance
Gene mutation
dietary factors
caloric intake
Nutritional balance
kinematic factors
amount of exercise
Movement style
lifestyle factors
Sleep quality
Work and rest routine
Factors affecting body shape
Skeleton size
shoulder width
Muscle mass
muscle density
muscle morphology
fat mass
fat distribution
Fat type
Moisture content
body water
skin moisture
The relationship between weight and body shape
Effect of weight on body shape
Effect of body shape on weight
thin body
How to Lose Weight Fast by Changing Your Weight and Body Shape
Control your diet
Reduce caloric intake
Increase nutritional intake
Increase exercise
Aerobic exercise
Strength Training
Improve living habits
Get enough sleep
Regular work and rest time
adjust your mindset
stay positive
Avoid excessive anxiety
Learn how to change your body shape through diet and exercise
Learn how to change your body shape through diet and exercise
Learn about nutritional facts
Meat, fish, legumes, milk
Rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables
Nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados
Make a meal plan
Oatmeal, eggs, fruit
Lean meats, vegetables, whole grains
Vegetables, beans, lean meat
Understand the types of exercise
Aerobic exercise
Running, swimming, skipping, brisk walking
Strength Training
Weightlifting, squats, push-ups, pull-ups
Make an exercise plan
warm up
Stretching, jogging, skipping rope
Combined aerobic exercise and strength training
Stretching, deep breathing, meditation
living habit
Guarantee 78 hours of sleep per day
drink water
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day
Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe that you can successfully lose weight
Develop a weight loss plan
Set weight loss goals
Set reasonable weight loss goals
Learn how to set reasonable weight loss goals
Factors to consider when setting weight loss goals
weight and body shape
Body mass index (BMI)
Body mass index (BMI)
What is BMI?
BMI is a measure of body obesity
BMI = weight (kg)/height (m)²
The normal range of BMI is 18.524.9
How to calculate BMI?
Measure weight and height
Calculate BMI using formula
The relationship between BMI and weight loss
BMI that is too high or too low may affect health
You need to know your BMI before losing weight
Develop a reasonable weight loss plan
The relationship between BMI and diet
Controlling your diet is the key to losing weight
Properly mix your diet to ensure nutritional balance
Avoid foods high in calories, fat and sugar
The relationship between BMI and exercise
Exercise is an important means of losing weight
Combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise
Develop a reasonable exercise plan and keep exercising
The relationship between BMI and health
Maintaining a normal BMI is good for your health
Obesity can cause many diseases
Weight loss needs to be scientific, healthy and sustainable
body fat percentage
What is body fat percentage?
Body fat rate refers to the proportion of body fat weight in the total body weight.
Body fat rate is an important indicator of human obesity
Excessive body fat percentage can lead to various health problems
How to measure body fat percentage?
Body fat percentage can be measured with professional instruments
Body fat percentage can also be calculated using the formula
Body fat percentage measurements need to be carried out regularly in order to adjust the weight loss plan in a timely manner
What is a normal body fat percentage?
Body fat percentage varies depending on factors such as gender, age, physical fitness, etc.
The normal body fat range for men is 15%-20%
The normal body fat range for women is 20%-25%
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts may have lower body fat percentages
What should I do if my body fat rate is too high?
Excessive body fat percentage requires weight loss measures
Losing weight requires controlling diet and increasing exercise
Dietary control requires reducing caloric intake and increasing protein and vegetable intake
Exercise requires increased aerobic exercise and strength training
Losing weight requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed.
What should I do if my body fat rate is too low?
If your body fat percentage is too low, you need to gain weight and muscle mass
Gaining weight requires increasing caloric intake and reducing exercise
Gaining muscle mass requires more strength training and less aerobic exercise
Increasing weight and muscle mass requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and health?
Excessive body fat percentage can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes.
Low body fat percentage can lead to malnutrition, reduced immunity and other health problems
Maintaining a normal body fat percentage helps maintain good health
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and exercise?
Exercise can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass
Aerobic exercise can burn fat and improve cardiopulmonary function
Strength training can increase muscle mass and increase basal metabolic rate
Exercise requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed for success.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and diet?
Diet can affect body fat percentage and increase or decrease weight
Controlling your diet can reduce caloric intake and increase protein and vegetable intake
Increased diet can increase caloric intake and reduce exercise
Diet requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and sleep?
Sleep can affect body fat percentage, gain or lose weight
Adequate sleep helps maintain normal body fat percentage
Lack of sleep may lead to weight gain
Sleep requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and age?
Age can affect body fat percentage, gaining or losing weight
As you age, your basal metabolic rate will decrease, easily leading to weight gain
Young people are more likely to maintain lower body fat percentages than older people
Age requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed for success.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and gender?
Gender can affect body fat percentage, gain or lose weight
Men are more likely than women to maintain lower body fat percentages
Women store fat more easily than men
Gender requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and physical fitness?
Physical fitness can affect body fat percentage, increase or decrease weight
People with obesity-prone physiques are more likely to store fat
People with lean physiques are more likely to maintain a lower body fat percentage
Physique requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed for success.
What is the relationship between body fat percentage and genetics?
Genetics can influence body fat percentage, gain or lose weight
People with a family history of obesity are more likely to be obese
People with a family history of thinness are more likely to maintain lower body fat percentages
Heredity requires long-term persistence and cannot be rushed.
Health status
chronic disease
eating habits
exercise habits
living habit
Sleep quality
stress level
Social activities
How to set weight loss goals
SMART principle
Set short-term and long-term goals
Short term goal: 3 months
Long-term goal: 6 months or more
Things to consider when setting weight loss goals
Avoid setting goals that are too high or too low
Keep goals flexible and adjust according to actual conditions
Consider personal preferences and interests when setting goals
Maintain a positive attitude and avoid excessive anxiety and stress
Steps to setting weight loss goals
self assessment
Record basic information such as weight, body shape, health status, etc.
set a goal
Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals based on self-assessment results
making plans
Develop a diet and exercise plan to ensure it meets personal preferences and interests
Implementation Plan
Stick to your diet and exercise plan and regularly evaluate progress and results
Adjust plan
Make timely adjustments to the plan based on feedback during the implementation process to ensure the achievement of goals
Set weight loss cycle
Make a meal plan
Learn how to create a good meal plan
Control your diet: 7 minutes full per meal
Increase food diversity: Eat as many different types of vegetables and high-quality fats and proteins as possible
Implement a weight loss plan
Stick to your meal plan
Learn how to stick to your eating plan
Overcome food temptations
Understand the sources of temptation
Identify food temptations
Understand where food temptations come from
Understand the types of food temptations
Understand the impact of food temptations
Recognize emotional temptations
Understand the sources of emotional temptation
Understand the types of emotional temptations
Understanding the impact of emotional temptation
Identify environmental temptations
Understand the sources of environmental temptations
Understand the types of environmental temptations
Understanding the impact of environmental temptations
Develop coping strategies
Develop food coping strategies
Choose healthy food
Control food intake
Develop emotional coping strategies
Recognize emotional states
Adjust emotional state
Develop environmental response strategies
change environmental factors
Avoid environmental temptations
Adjust your diet plan
Stick to your exercise plan
Learn how to stick to an exercise plan
Overcome movement difficulties
Adjust exercise plan
Regularly evaluate weight loss results
Learn how to regularly evaluate your weight loss results
Measure weight and body shape
Adjust weight loss plan
Maintain weight loss
Learn how to maintain your weight loss
maintain healthy eating habits
Maintain regular exercise habits