MindMap Gallery lifelong growth
The main introduction to "Lifelong Growth" shows that our success is not determined by ability and talent, but is more affected by the thinking patterns we display in the process of pursuing our goals. She introduced two mindsets: fixed and growth, which reflect the two basic mindsets when dealing with success and failure, achievements and challenges. Which one do you think is more important, intelligence or hard work? Whether your ability can be changed through hard work determines whether you will be satisfied with existing results or actively explore new knowledge. Only by looking at problems with a correct mindset can we better achieve our life and career goals.
Edited at 2022-06-05 21:27:27El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
lifelong growth
thinking pattern
Two modes of thinking
Growth mindset: Your basic abilities can be developed through your efforts
Misunderstandings about “Growth Mindset”
Call some of their favorite qualities a “growth mindset” → it focuses on the development of personal abilities
Believes that a growth mindset is only about hard work, especially praising others for their efforts → attaches great importance to both hard work and strategy
Praising non-existent efforts
A growth mindset is equivalent to telling children they can do anything → It’s not simply telling children “you can do anything” but helping them acquire the skills and resources to reach their goals through hard work
Putting the responsibility entirely on students - scolding or criticizing them for not exhibiting growth mindset traits → Creating a friendly growth mindset environment - in which children are not afraid of being criticized, they Know that we believe in their potential to grow and that we are committed to helping them learn
Fixed mindset: Believe that your talents are set in stone
what do they want to prove
Different, superior to others → I am unique
Similar to "Perfectionism" → I can't have flaws
Why are you afraid of "effort"?
Great talent requires no effort. The need for effort can cast a shadow on your abilities
It stops you from making excuses. Without effort, you can say "I could have..."
Possible "Having" Syndrome
"CEO" syndrome
"Reluctance to Effort" Syndrome
“Big shot – little shot” syndrome
Choose your ideal partner
Growth-oriented people, they choose
See their shortcomings and help them correct them.
Push them to become better people.
Encourage them to learn new things.
Fixed people, they choose
Put them on the altar.
Make them feel perfect.
Worship them.
Thought patterns and depression
Students with a fixed mindset have higher levels of depression
The more depressed people with a growth mindset are, the more they take action to combat their problems
Experimental verification
Jigsaw puzzle
Target audience: four-year-old children
Process: Give the child the choice to repeat simple puzzles or more difficult puzzles
Results: Growing kids: increasingly difficult puzzles; Fixed kids: simple, repeatable puzzles
learning English
Target audience: Freshmen of the University of Hong Kong
Interview: Ask students if they would participate if the school offered a course for students who need to improve their English proficiency
Quiz: Test their thinking patterns
Results: Growing students: willing to participate; fixed students: not very interested in the course
brain waves
Test location: Columbia University’s Brainwave Laboratory
Target audience: People with two mindsets
Process: Answer difficult questions and get feedback → Can EEG show when they feel interested and more focused
Result: Growth-oriented people pay high attention to information that can improve their knowledge; Fixed-type people only show interest in feedback that reflects their level of ability.
Follow-up study (two years)
Assessment of the thinking patterns of junior high school freshmen: Do they believe their intelligence level is fixed or can be developed and improved?
Results: Only students with a fixed mindset experienced declines in performance
Praise for experiments
Experimental process: These students were given ten very difficult non-verbal IQ test questions, and some students were praised for their abilities; for other students, we were praised for their efforts.
Result: Praising ability puts students into a fixed mindset
brain science project
Experimental process: Let students watch a cartoon about brain science.
The result: Show students that the human brain is more like a muscle—it changes, and the more you use it, the stronger it gets. And scientists have proven that when you learn, your brain grows and becomes stronger.
Thinking patterns in different fields
Sports: The Champion’s Mindset
Geniuses bound by "fixed abilities": Bean in "The Midas", tennis Pedro Martinez, tennis John McEnroe, golf Sergio Garcia
Efforts with a "growth mindset": boxer Muhammad Ali, basketball player Michael Jordan, baseball player Babe Ruth, sprinter Wilma Rudolph, heptathlete Jesse Joyner- cosey soccer mia hamm golf woods
Characteristics of Two Thinkers
Research result 1: About success
People with a growth mindset believe that success comes from doing things to the best of your ability and from learning and self-improvement.
For those with a fixed mindset, success is to establish one's own superiority. The purpose is that simple and simple.
Research Result 2: About Failure
People with a growth mindset believe that setbacks can give people motivation, setbacks can tell us a lot, and they are a wake-up call.
In a fixed mindset, setbacks label you
Research Finding 3: Take Control of Success
People with a growth mindset are in control of their own journey to success and the process of maintaining success.
In a fixed mindset, you have no control over your abilities and motivation. You count on your talent to get you through, you think you're set
The core of "growth type": having such a disposition - the ability to dig out and find strength when things go contrary to your expectations. (Self-development, self-motivation and responsibility)
Business: Mindset and Leadership
Stationary vs. Growth Companies: Enron & Wortzel
CEOs with fixed mindsets: Scott Paper, Albert Dunlap of Sanpin, Jerry Levine of AOL Time Warner, Steve Case, Enron Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling
Growth Mindset Leaders: Jack Welch, Louis Gerstner, and Anne Mulcahy
Characteristics of Two Thinkers
Fixed mindset leaders
They believe that people are divided into good and bad. Some people are just superior to others
They all need to prove and demonstrate their superiority and will use their subordinates to prove this rather than promote the development of their subordinates. And in order to prove their superiority, they ultimately sacrificed the interests of the company.
Leads to the emergence of "groupthink" (people tend to think in the same way during the group decision-making process, no one raises objections, and no one adopts a critical attitude)
growth leader
They believe in human potential and potential for growth—both in themselves and in others.
In their eyes, the company is not a tool to highlight their own superiority, but an engine that can promote growth—the growth of themselves, their employees, and the company as a whole.
Get rid of the "talent theory" - negotiation skills, management abilities, and leadership abilities can all be "developed"
Interpersonal relationships: thinking patterns about getting along
Growth mindset people say that all of this can be cultivated. Everything—including you, your partner, and your relationship—can grow and change.
Help your partner achieve their goals and realize their potential in the relationship. This is what a growth mindset does.
People with a fixed mindset believe that the ideal situation is immediate, perfect, and eternal harmony. That's what we say, it's all meant to be.
If you encounter "problems"
growth type
They believe that a healthy and long-lasting relationship between the sexes requires the efforts of both parties, and requires both parties to adjust to their inevitable differences.
People with a growth mindset see imperfections in their partners but still view their relationship as a good one. )
Fixed type
If you have to work hard for it, it means it is not destined to be yours
Questions indicate a character flaw
Research experiment – Self-esteem in adolescent boys
Experimental process: 1. Ask boys to what extent they agree with some negative stereotypes about girls. For example, do they think girls are bad at math, or that girls are less rational than boys? 2. She will reassess the boy's self-esteem.
Boys with a fixed mindset who endorsed these stereotypes experienced significant increases in their self-esteem. Thinking girls are dumber and more careless makes them feel better about themselves.
Boys with a growth mindset did not share these views, nor did they inspire self-aggrandizement.
Conclusion: The mentality of a "fixed thinker" can also destroy friendships between people. That is to say, the worse you are, the better I feel about myself.
Experiment: Shy people in both mindsets seemed very nervous during the first 5 minutes of contact with strangers, but after that, people with a growth mindset showed better social skills and were more likeable, Creates more interesting interactions.
People with a fixed mindset are more likely to be shy. Because a fixed mindset makes people care about the evaluations of others, it can also easily make people doubt themselves and create anxiety.
Shyness can hinder the social activities of people with a fixed mindset, but not those with a growth mindset.
Shy people with a growth mindset view social situations like this as a challenge. Even if they feel anxious, they will proactively welcome the opportunity to meet new people.
Shy people with a fixed mindset are just the opposite. They are unwilling to interact with people whose social skills are better than their own. They said they were more worried about making mistakes in social interactions
School Violence: Thoughts on “Revenge”
Abusers: Judging and putting others down can cause their self-esteem to soar. They can also gain social status through their actions, and others may look up to them, think they are cool, powerful, interesting, or be intimidated by them.
Victims and Revenge
fixed thinker
First, students with a fixed mindset are more likely to believe that these behaviors reflect judgment on them personally.
Later, they expressed their intention to retaliate violently. They strongly agree with the statement "My first goal is revenge."
growth thinker
Students with a growth mindset do not tend to view bullying as a judgment on themselves. On the contrary, they believe that the perpetrator has mental problems and needs to bully others to improve his or her status and enhance his or her self-esteem.
People with a growth mindset often want to educate their abusers: “I’ll talk to them. I’ll ask them questions.
Even if a bully victim doesn’t have a fixed mindset to begin with, long-term bullying can embed a fixed mindset in them, especially when others simply stand by or even join in the bullying.
Reasonable coping methods - what schools/teachers can do
Teachers have the ability to guide students not to judge and bully others, and to enable them to grow themselves and become more compassionate.
First, enforce consistent discipline without passing judgment on the perpetrators themselves or outright characterizing them. Instead, he makes them feel welcome every day at school.
Afterwards, he praised them for every improvement. But what he praised was still not the people themselves, but their efforts to change.
For Children – What Parents, Teachers and Coaches Can Do
About parents
Messages about success: Delivering a message that focuses on process and growth
Messages about Failure: Honest and Constructive Feedback
bad education method
What comes with punishment: If you don’t follow your parents’ rules and values, you will be judged and punished
“We love you – but on condition”: “I’m judging you, and we’ll only love you if you succeed on our terms.”
Teach children how to think about problems so that they can make more reasonable and mature decisions on their own.
When they help children develop an ideal image of a growth mindset, they give them a goal to strive for. They also give their children space to grow, give them space to grow into people with complete personalities, and contribute to society in the way they like.
About the teacher
Believe that people's intelligence and talents can grow and develop, and they are also very interested in the learning process
A high standard of “equal treatment” and a good learning environment
Teach students good strategies and techniques so they learn how to achieve high standards
About the coach
Be fully prepared and give your best
Treat everyone equally
Care, passion and thoughtfulness are always top priority. "
Be careful with wins – they can push people into a fixed mindset
change mindset
Continuous change - let "growth mindset" become your behavior pattern and thinking pattern
The journey to a growth mindset
The first step: accept - accept the "fixed" thinking that exists in us
Step 2: Observe – Observe when and where your “fixed” thinking appears
Step 3: Naming – Personify your “fixed” thinking and give it a name
Step 4: Education – Let your “fixed” mindset travel with you on your journey to progress, and allow it to give you the time and space to practice and grow.
Set a plan and stick to it (post the mind map of the differences between "growth type" and "fixed type" where you can see it.)