MindMap Gallery local blood circulation disorder
This is a mind map about local blood circulation disorders, including congestion, bleeding, Thrombosis, embolism, infarction, Edema, etc.
Edited at 2023-12-19 22:40:34El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
local blood circulation disorder
Uterine congestion during pregnancy, gastrointestinal congestion after eating, and skeletal muscle congestion during exercise
After decompression
Cause of congestion
venous compression
venous lumen obstruction
heart failure
Congestion of vital organs
pulmonary congestion
Left heart failure, coughing pink frothy sputum
Acute: The lung volume increases, becomes dark red, and foamy red bloody fluid oozes from the cut surface. Microscopically, the alveolar wall capillaries are dilated and congested, and the alveolar walls become thickened. This may be accompanied by edema of the alveolar septa. Some alveolar cavities are filled with edema fluid, and bleeding can be seen. *Chronic: The alveolar wall telangiectasias and congestion are more obvious, and the alveolar septa can be thickened and fibrosed. In addition to edema fluid and bleeding in the alveolar cavities, a large number of macrophages (heart failure cells) can also be seen engulfing hemosiderin particles. , in pulmonary congestion sclerosis, the texture becomes hard and brown, becoming non-brown sclerosis.
Liver congestion
right heart failure
Chronic: Red (congestion area) and yellow (hepatic steatosis area) stripes that look like betel nut appear on the liver cut surface, which is called betel nut liver. Microscopically, the central hepatic sinusoids of the liver lobules are highly dilated with congestion and bleeding, and the liver cells atrophy. , or even disappear.
Bleeding part
internal bleeding
Body cavity hemorrhage, hematoma
external bleeding
Epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, hematuria, petechiae, purpura, ecchymosis
Bleeding mechanism points
rupture hemorrhage
leakage bleeding
Definition: In the living heart and cardiovascular system, the process of coagulation of blood or the aggregation of certain specific components in the blood to form a solid mass is called thrombosis, and the solid mass formed is called thrombus.
Three major forming conditions
*Injury to cardiovascular endothelial cells
Abnormalities in blood flow status
slow blood flow
vortex formation
increased blood coagulability
Four major types of blood clots
White thrombus
mixed thrombus
red blood clot
hyaline thrombus
Soften, dissolve, absorb, fall off
mechanization and recanalization
pulmonary embolism
lungs, heart
systemic arterial embolism
Brain, kidney, spleen, lower limbs
fat embolism
Comminuted long bone fractures, severe adipose tissue contusion, fatty liver crush injury
gas embolism
air embolism
decompression sickness
amniotic fluid embolism
Evidence of amniotic fluid embolism is the presence of amniotic fluid components in small branches of the pulmonary arteries and alveolar capillaries at autopsy.
Other embolisms
*Thrombus formation
arterial embolism
arterial spasm
blood vessel compression and occlusion
Factors affecting infarction formation
Organ blood supply characteristics
Sensitivity of local tissue to ischemia
anemic infarction
It easily occurs in solid organs with dense tissue structure and insufficient collateral circulation, such as spleen, kidney, heart and brain tissue. Because the infarct contains less blood, it appears grayish white. The shape of the infarct depends on the blood vessel distribution of the organ. For example, the arteries of the spleen and kidney have tapered branches, so the infarct is also tapered, with the tip toward the center of the organ and the bottom close to the organ surface; the mesenteric blood vessels have fan-shaped branches, so intestinal infarction It is segmental; the coronary artery branches are irregular, so the shape of myocardial infarction is irregular and map-like.
hemorrhagic infarction
Occurrence conditions
*Severe congestion
Loose organizational structure
Often occurs in the lungs and intestines
septic infarction
Increased venous hydrostatic pressure
Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure
lymphatic drainage disorder