MindMap Gallery local blood circulation disorder
Local blood circulation disorders can manifest as abnormalities in local circulating blood volume; changes in blood properties and abnormalities in vascular contents; increased permeability of blood vessel walls and damage to their integrity.
Edited at 2023-03-30 19:09:04El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
local blood circulation disorder
Local blood circulation disorders can manifest as abnormalities in local circulating blood volume; changes in blood properties and abnormalities in vascular contents; increased permeability of blood vessel walls and damage to their integrity.
local congestion
Increased blood volume in blood vessels of local tissues and organs is called local congestion
arterial congestion
An increase in the amount of blood in the blood vessels of that organ or tissue due to excessive inflow of arterial blood is called arterial congestion (aortic congestion, congestion)
Cause and pathogenesis
Any cause that can cause dilation of fine arteries and arterioles can cause congestion of local tissues and organs.
Physiological congestion
Pathological congestion
inflammatory hyperemia
Hyperemia after decompression
Pathological changes
under the mirror
Small arteries and capillaries dilate and local blood content increases
in general
red, swollen, hot, prosperous
Pathological outcome
It is usually temporary and can return to normal after the cause is eliminated, and generally does not cause adverse consequences.
Congestion is usually beneficial to the body, but long-term or severe arterial congestion can often cause vascular rupture in damaged arteries.
venous congestion
Due to obstruction of venous return, blood accumulates in veins and capillaries, causing local tissues or organs to increase blood content, which is called venous congestion or passive congestion, referred to as congestion.
Cause and pathogenesis
venous compression
Venous stenosis or obstruction
heart failure
Pathological changes
under the mirror
Significant dilation of small veins and capillaries, increased local blood content
in general
Purple, swollen, cold, weak
Pathological outcome
Depends on how quickly the venous obstruction occurs, the extent of the obstruction, the location of the congestion, and how long the congestion lasts
Long-term congestion can cause
congestion edema
Congestive bleeding
tissue damage
Congestive sclerosis, interstitial fibrous tissue hyperplasia
Examples of congestion
chronic pulmonary congestion
Pathological changes
in general
The lungs increase in size, weight, purple-red color, and slightly firm texture. Dark red bloody or light red foamy liquid can be seen flowing out during incision.
Brown sclerosis of the lung: long-term pulmonary congestion, fibrous tissue proliferation in the interstitium of the lungs, and a thin texture. The lung tissue turns brown due to the deposition of hemosiderin.
under the mirror
The pulmonary venules and alveolar wall capillaries are highly dilated and congested, and the alveolar walls are thickened due to congestion and edema. There is edema fluid accumulated in the alveolar cavity, which often contains a small number of red blood cells and macrophages, producing heart failure cells. Pulmonary interstitial fibroplasia
Heart failure cells: Pulmonary congestion can occur when the left heart fails. During chronic pulmonary congestion, edema fluid accumulates in the alveolar cavity, often containing a small number of red blood cells and macrophages. The macrophages phagocytose the red blood cells and decompose the hemoglobin in the red blood cells into brown-yellow granular hemosiderin. This phagocytosis Cells containing hemosiderin are called heart failure cells.
chronic liver congestion
Pathological changes
in general
The liver increases in size and weight, is dark red in color, tense to the touch, and has a solid texture. The cut surface shows that the center of the liver lobules is dark red and the periphery of the liver lobules is grayish yellow.
Liver congestion may occur in right heart failure, and long-term liver congestion may occur. In the cross section of the liver, it can be seen that the congestion areas in the center of adjacent liver lobules are connected to each other, forming a red and yellow pattern-like structure, which resembles the cut surface of a betel nut, so it is called "betel nut liver" (liver lobule). The central congestion is dark red; the peripheral fat of the liver lobules turns grayish yellow)
under the mirror
The central veins of the liver lobules and nearby hepatic sinusoids are highly dilated and congestion, the liver cells in the congestion area shrink or even disappear, and the liver cells in the periphery of the lobules and near the congestion area undergo fatty degeneration.
Reduced blood input from arteries in an organ or local tissue is called anemia or ischemia
Cause and pathogenesis
Any cause that blocks the flow of arterial blood to organs or tissues can cause ischemic anemia.
Arterial lumen narrowing or obstruction
Arterial pressure
arterial spasm
Pathological changes
small, white, cold, painful
Pathological outcome
The extent and speed of blood vessel obstruction
The establishment of collateral circulation
local tissue tolerance to hypoxia