MindMap Gallery anaesthetization
Surgery has compiled the content of pre-anesthesia preparation and pre-anesthesia medication, general anesthesia, local anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, monitoring and management during anesthesia and anesthesia recovery period. If you are interested, you can take a look.
Edited at 2023-04-12 13:38:35El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
Preparation before anesthesia and medication before anesthesia
Pre-anesthesia assessment
Medical history collection
Physical examination
laboratory tests
Physical Status Assessment Grading
Preanesthetic evaluation of comorbid conditions
Preparation before anesthesia
Correct or improve pathophysiological conditions
psychological preparation
Gastrointestinal tract preparation
Preparation of anesthetic supplies, equipment and drugs
informed consent
Pre-anesthetic medication
drug selection
Commonly used drugs
general anesthesia
general anesthetic
inhalation anesthetic
Physicochemical properties and pharmacological properties
Factors Affecting Alveolar Drug Concentrations
Ventilation effect: Increased alveolar ventilation can transport more drugs to the alveoli to compensate for the uptake of drugs by the pulmonary circulation. As a result, the rate of increase in FA (alveolar concentration) and FA/FI is accelerated.
Concentration effect: The concentration of inhaled drugs not only affects the level of FA, but also affects the rate of FA rising. That is, the higher the FI (inhaled drug concentration), the faster FA rises. This phenomenon is called "concentration effect".
Cardiac output (CO): Anesthetics are transferred from the alveoli to the blood by diffusion.
Blood/gas distribution coefficient: refers to the dissolved amount of anesthetic gas in a unit volume of blood when the anesthetic gas and blood reach a state of equilibrium.
The concentration difference of anesthetics in alveoli and venous blood (FA-V): The greater the FA-V, the greater the amount of drug taken up by the pulmonary circulation, that is, the more anesthetics are taken away from the alveoli by the pulmonary blood.
Metabolism and toxicity
Commonly used inhalation anesthetics
Nitrous oxide (nitrous oxide,): It is a gas anesthetic with weak anesthetic properties. Its MAC (minimum alveolar concentration) is estimated to be 105%.
Sevoflurane: has strong anesthetic properties.
Desflurane (desflurane): has weak anesthetic properties.
intravenous anesthetic
Etomidate (etomidate)
Propofol (propofol)
muscle relaxants
Mechanism of action and classification
Depolarizing muscle relaxants: represented by succinylcholine.
① Make the postsynaptic membrane remain in a state of continuous depolarization;
② After the first injection, before the muscle relaxation effect occurs, there may be muscle fiber bundle tremor, which is the result of uncoordinated muscle fiber contraction;
③ Cholinesterase inhibitors not only cannot antagonize its muscle relaxant effect, but also enhance it.
Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants: represented by tubocurarine.
① The blockade site is at the nerve-muscle junction, occupying acetylcholine receptors on the postsynaptic membrane;
② During nerve excitation, the amount of acetylcholine released from the presynaptic membrane does not decrease, but it cannot function;
③There is no muscle fiber bundle contraction before muscle relaxation occurs;
④ Can be antagonized by cholinesterase inhibitors.
Commonly used muscle relaxants
Succinylcholine (Skolin): It is a depolarizing muscle relaxant with a rapid onset of action and complete and short-lived muscle relaxant effect.
Vecuronium (Vacronin): It is a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant with strong muscle relaxant effect, 1 to 1.5 times that of pancuronium, but its action time is shorter.
Rocuronium (Ecoson): It is a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant with a weak muscle relaxant effect, 1/7 that of vecuronium; its action time is 2/3 that of vecuronium, and it is moderately effective. Muscle relaxants.
Cisatracurium: a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant.
Precautions when using muscle relaxants
①An artificial airway (such as endotracheal intubation or supraglottic ventilation device) should be established and assisted or controlled breathing should be implemented;
② Muscle relaxants have no sedative or analgesic effects and cannot be used alone. They should be used in combination with other general anesthetics;
③The application of succinylcholine can cause a temporary increase in blood potassium, intraocular pressure and intracranial pressure. Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients with severe trauma, burns, paraplegia, glaucoma and elevated intracranial pressure;
④ Hypothermia can prolong the action time of muscle relaxants; inhaled anesthetics, certain antibiotics (such as streptomycin, gentamicin and polymyxin) and magnesium sulfate can enhance the effect of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants. effect;
⑤For patients with neuromuscular junction, such as patients with myasthenia gravis, the use of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants is contraindicated;
⑥Some muscle relaxants have a histamine-releasing effect, and should be used with caution by those with a history of asthma and allergies.
Narcotic analgesics
Mechanism of action and classification
Commonly used narcotic analgesics
Morphine: An opioid drug extracted from opium.
Pethidine (Meperidine): It has the effects of analgesia, hypnosis and relieving smooth muscle spasm.
Fentanyl: Its effect on the central nervous system is similar to other opioids. Its analgesic effect is 75 to 125 times that of morphine. It lasts for 30 minutes and has an inhibitory effect on breathing.
Remifentanil: an ultra-short-acting analgesic.
Sufentanil: It is a derivative of fentanyl. Its analgesic effect is 5 to 10 times that of the latter, and its duration is approximately twice that of the latter.
Administration of general anesthesia
Induction of general anesthesia
Mask inhalation induction method
intravenous induction
Maintenance of general anesthesia
Inhalation anesthetic maintenance
intravenous anesthetic maintenance
Combined general anesthesia
Total intravenous anesthesia: refers to the combined application of multiple short-acting intravenous anesthetics after the induction of intravenous anesthesia, and the maintenance of anesthesia by intermittent or continuous intravenous injection.
Intravenous-inhalation combined anesthesia: The depth of total intravenous anesthesia lacks obvious signs, the timing of administration is difficult to grasp, and sometimes the anesthesia can suddenly lighten.
The following points should be noted when applying combined static-inhalation anesthesia:
① Administer a sufficient dose during intravenous induction and include an appropriate amount of analgesics;
② Actively deal with the stress reaction after intubation;
③ Increase the fresh gas flow and the inhalation concentration of volatile anesthetics;
④ During induction, choose an intravenous general anesthetic with a slightly longer acting time or use an inhaled drug with a low blood gas distribution coefficient;
⑤ On the basis of intravenous anesthesia, volatile anesthetics are inhaled during the time when the anesthesia is reduced. This can not only maintain the relative stability of the depth of anesthesia, but also reduce the dosage of inhaled anesthetics, and is conducive to rapid recovery after anesthesia.
Judgment of depth of general anesthesia
Management of respiratory tract
Maintain airway patency
endotracheal intubation
Its purpose is to: ① keep the patient's respiratory tract open during anesthesia, prevent foreign matter from entering the respiratory tract, and facilitate timely suction of tracheal secretions or blood;
② Carry out effective artificial or mechanical ventilation to prevent patients from hypoxia and carbon dioxide accumulation;
③Facilitates the application of inhaled general anesthetics.
Transoral photopic intubation
Confirmation method:
① When pressing the chest, there is air flow out of the catheter port;
② During artificial respiration, the symmetrical rise and fall of the bilateral thorax can be seen, and clear alveolar breath sounds can be heard in both lungs;
③If a transparent catheter is used, the tube wall will be clear when inhaling, and an obvious "white mist"-like change will be visible when exhaling;
④ If the patient is breathing spontaneously, after the catheter is connected to the anesthesia machine, the breathing bag will expand and contract with breathing;
⑤ If the end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure can be monitored and a regular carbon dioxide pattern is displayed, the successful intubation will be confirmed.
Nasal intubation
Complications of endotracheal intubation
Endotracheal intubation may cause damage or loss of teeth, damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, throat and nasal cavity leading to bleeding, and temporomandibular joint dislocation.
Endotracheal intubation under light anesthesia can cause severe choking, breath holding, larynx and bronchial spasm, increased heart rate and severe fluctuations in blood pressure, which can lead to myocardial ischemia or cerebrovascular accidents.
If the inner diameter of the endotracheal tube is too small, the respiratory resistance will increase; if the tube is too soft, it will easily deform, or cause respiratory obstruction due to compression or twisting.
If the catheter is inserted too deep, it may accidentally enter the main bronchus on one side, causing hypoventilation, hypoxia, or postoperative atelectasis.
laryngeal mask
Complications of general anesthesia and their prevention and treatment
Reflux and aspiration
airway obstruction
upper respiratory tract obstruction
lower respiratory tract obstruction
Insufficient ventilation
Common causes and handling principles are:
① Failure of the anesthesia machine and insufficient oxygen supply can cause low inhaled oxygen concentration; insertion of the endotracheal tube into one side of the bronchus or protrusion outside the trachea, as well as respiratory obstruction, can cause hypoxemia, which should be discovered and corrected in time.
②Diffuse hypoxia: can cause nitrous oxide inhalation anesthesia. After stopping inhalation of nitrous oxide, oxygen should be continued for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
③Atelectasis: It can be corrected by suctioning sputum, increasing ventilation and lung recruitment.
④Aspiration: Oxygen therapy is effective in mild cases, and mechanical ventilation should be used in severe cases.
⑤Pulmonary edema: It can occur in acute left heart failure or increased pulmonary capillary permeability. The concentration of inspired oxygen should be increased and the primary disease should be actively treated.
Common reasons include:
① Excessive anesthesia can cause blood pressure to drop and pulse pressure to become smaller, especially in patients with hypovolemia before anesthesia.
② Excessive blood loss during surgery can cause hypovolemic shock.
③Allergic reactions, adrenal insufficiency, and rewarming can cause a decrease in vascular tone and lead to hypotension. Treatment includes replenishing blood volume, restoring vascular tone (application of vasoconstrictors), and treating the cause.
④Stretching the internal organs during surgery can often cause a reflex drop in blood pressure and bradycardia. The stimulation should be removed promptly and atropine treatment should be given if necessary.
Common causes of intraoperative hypertension include:
①Related to comorbid diseases, such as essential hypertension, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism, primary aldosteronism, and increased intracranial pressure.
②Related to surgery and anesthesia operations, such as surgical exploration, tracheal intubation, etc.
③Insufficient ventilation causes carbon dioxide retention.
④ Increase in blood pressure caused by drugs, such as ketamine.
High fever, convulsions, and convulsions
Local anesthesia
Pharmacology of local anesthetics
Chemical Structure and Classification
Physicochemical properties and anesthetic properties
Dissociation constant (pKa)
Since the nonionic part is lipophilic and easily penetrates tissues, the pKa of local anesthetics can affect:
① Onset time: The larger the pKa, the more ions there are, which are difficult to penetrate through the nerve sheath and membrane, and the onset time is prolonged.
②Diffusion performance: The larger the pKa, the worse the dispersion performance.
fat soluble
Protein binding rate
Absorption, distribution, biotransformation and clearance
Influencing factors:
① Drug dose: The peak blood drug concentration is proportional to the dose of one injection. In order to avoid drug poisoning caused by excessive peak blood concentration, a dosage limit is specified for each local anesthetic.
②Injection site: It is directly related to the blood supply there. Generally, the absorption will be faster with intercostal nerve block, but slower with subcutaneous injection. If used on the throat, tracheal mucosa or inflammatory tissue, the absorption rate is very fast. The absorption rate in the alveoli is close to that of intravenous injection.
③Performance of local anesthetics: Procaine and tetracaine can significantly dilate blood vessels in the injection area and accelerate the absorption of drugs. Ropivacaine and bupivacaine are easily bound to proteins, so their absorption rate slows down.
④ Vasoconstrictor: If an appropriate amount of epinephrine is added to the local anesthetic solution, it can constrict the blood vessels, delay the absorption of the solution, prolong the action time, and reduce the occurrence of toxic reactions. However, it has little effect on the absorption of bupivacaine and ropivacaine.
Biotransformation and clearance
Adverse reactions
toxic reactions
Common reasons:
① The dosage at one time exceeds the patient’s tolerance;
②Accidental injection into blood vessels;
③The injection site has rich blood supply and accelerated absorption;
④The patient's tolerance is reduced due to physical weakness and other reasons.
Clinical manifestations: It mainly affects the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, and the central nervous system is more sensitive to local anesthetics.
Prevention and treatment: In order to prevent the occurrence of local anesthetic toxic reactions, pre-anesthetic drugs such as diazepam or barbiturates can be given; the amount of local anesthetic used at one time should not exceed the limit. The dosage should be reduced according to the specific situation and the site of administration. Add an appropriate amount of epinephrine to the solution. Before injecting the drug, no blood should be sucked back and the drug should be administered slowly.
allergic reaction
Commonly used local anesthetics
Procaine (noflucaine)
Tetracaine (tetracaine)
Lidocaine (Xylocaine)
Bupivacaine (Bupivacaine)
Local anesthesia method
topical anesthesia
local infiltration anesthesia
When using local infiltration anesthesia, you should pay attention to:
① The medicinal liquid injected into the tissue must have a certain volume to form tension in the tissue, so that the medicinal liquid is in extensive contact with nerve endings to enhance the anesthesia effect;
② In order to avoid the dosage exceeding the one-time limit, the concentration of the medicinal solution should be reduced;
③Aspirate before each injection to avoid injecting into blood vessels;
④ There is no pain in parenchymal organs and brain tissue, so no injection of medicine is required;
⑤ The concentration of epinephrine in the medicinal solution is 1:200,000 to 1:400,000 (i.e. 2.5 to 5ug/ml), which can slow down the absorption of local anesthetics and prolong the action time.
area block
Its advantages are:
①It can avoid penetrating into tumor tissue;
② It will not make the operation more difficult because some small lumps are not easily palpable after local infiltration of the medicinal solution;
③The local anatomy of the surgical area will not be difficult to identify due to injection of medicine.
nerve block
brachial plexus block
Intercostal groove path: The patient lies on his back with his head turned to the opposite side and his arms next to his body so that his shoulders droop.
Supraclavicular approach: The patient's position is the same as the interscalene approach, but a small thin pillow is placed under the affected shoulder to fully expose the neck.
Axillary approach: The patient lies on his back, abduct the affected limb 90 degrees, and then flex the forearm upward 90 degrees, assuming a military salute posture.
cervical plexus block
Deep plexus block: There are two commonly used block methods:
①Anterior cervical block method: Block method at one point of C4 transverse process is often used.
②Interscalene block method: It is the same as the interscalene route method of brachial plexus block, but the puncture point is at the tip of the interscalene groove. After piercing the prevertebral fascia, without looking for any strange sensation, inject 10ml of local anesthetic solution. And compress the lower part of the interscalene groove to prevent the medicine from going down and blocking the brachial plexus.
Superficial plexus: Same position as above.
Complications of deep plexus block include:
①Toxic reaction of local anesthetic: The neck has rich blood vessels and is absorbed quickly. If injected into the vertebral artery, the drug solution will directly enter the brain and cause a toxic reaction;
② The medicinal solution is accidentally injected into the subarachnoid space or epidural space;
③ Phrenic nerve paralysis;
④Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis: Therefore, bilateral deep plexus block cannot be performed at the same time;
⑤Horner syndrome.
intercostal nerve block
②Toxic reaction of local anesthetic: caused by accidental injection of the drug liquid into the intercostal blood vessels, or excessive dosage and rapid absorption during multi-point block.
Digital (or toe) nerve block
Finger root block: Insert a needle into the dorsal part of the finger root, slide forward through the phalanx and subcutaneously on the palm side. The operator can feel the tip of the needle against the palm side with his finger. At this time, the needle is retreated 0.2 to 0.3 cm, and 1% lidocaine is injected. 1ml.
Intermetacarpal block: The needle is inserted from the back of the hand between the metacarpal bones, directly to the subcutaneous surface of the palm.
neuraxial anesthesia
Anatomical basis of neuraxial anesthesia
spine and spinal canal
Spinal cord, meninges and cavities
Root dura mater, root arachnoid membrane and root pia mater
sacral canal
spinal nerve
The mechanism and physiology of spinal anesthesia
cerebrospinal fluid
drug action site
During spinal anesthesia, the local anesthetic acts directly on the spinal nerve roots and surface of the spinal cord. The ways in which local anesthetics act during epidural anesthesia may include:
① Enter the subarachnoid space of the root through the arachnoid villi and act on the spinal nerve root;
② The medicinal liquid leaks out of the intervertebral foramen and blocks the spinal nerves at the paravertebral level. Because the nerve sheath in the intervertebral foramen is very thin, local anesthetic may penetrate here and act on the spinal nerve root;
③ Directly penetrates the dura mater and arachnoid mater into the subarachnoid space, acting on the spinal nerve roots and spinal cord surface like spinal anesthesia.
Level of anesthesia and blockade
Physiological effects of spinal anesthesia
effects on breathing
Effect on circulation
①Hypotension: During neuraxial anesthesia, due to the blockade of sympathetic nerves, arterioles dilate, peripheral resistance decreases, venous dilation increases blood volume in the venous system, decreases blood return to the heart, and decreases cardiac output, resulting in hypotension. .
②Bradycardia: Because the sympathetic nerve is blocked, the excitability of the vagus nerve is enhanced, or when the high-level block is performed, the heart accelerating nerve (level above T4) is also blocked, which can slow down the heart rate.
Impact on other systems
subarachnoid space block
Dosing method
anesthesia plane
Proportion of local anesthetic solution
spinal anesthesia
Commonly used drugs for spinal anesthesia
Adjustment of anesthesia level
Puncture gap
patient position
Injection speed
intraoperative complications
Drop in blood pressure and slowed heart rate: The incidence and severity of drop in blood pressure during spinal anesthesia are closely related to the level of anesthesia.
Respiratory depression: often occurs in patients with high-level spinal anesthesia. Due to extensive thoracic spinal nerve block and intercostal muscle paralysis, the patient feels chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty speaking, weakened thoracic breathing, and cyanosis.
Nausea and vomiting: common in
① If the level of anesthesia is too high, hypotension and respiratory depression may occur, causing cerebral ischemia and hypoxia and exciting the vomiting center;
② Vagus nerve hyperactivity and gastrointestinal motility enhancement;
③Retraction of abdominal viscera;
④ Adverse reactions caused by other medications used during the operation, etc.
Postoperative complications
Headache after spinal anesthesia: the incidence rate is 3% to 30%, often occurring 2 to 7 days after anesthesia, and is more common in young women.
Urinary retention: More common.
Neurological complications after spinal anesthesia:
①Cranial nerve palsy: Usually onset occurs 1 week after spinal anesthesia. Severe headache, photophobia and dizziness often occur first, followed by strabismus and diplopia.
② Adhesive arachnoiditis: The course of the disease develops slowly. Sensory impairment often occurs first, and gradually develops into sensory loss and paralysis.
③ Cauda equina syndrome: It is characterized by sensory and motor disorders limited to the perineal area and distal lower limbs. In mild cases, it only shows urinary retention, and in severe cases, it is incontinence.
Suppurative meningitis: It can be caused by direct or indirect reasons, such as skin infection, sepsis, etc. Severe cases can be life-threatening, so prevention is important.
Indications and contraindications
① Central nervous system diseases, such as meningitis, anterior horn poliomyelitis, increased intracranial pressure, etc.;
② Coagulation dysfunction;
④Skin infection at the puncture site;
⑥Spinal trauma or tuberculosis;
⑦Acute heart failure or coronary heart disease attack.
epidural space block
epidural puncture
There are two methods to determine whether the needle tip penetrates the ligamentum flavum and reaches the epidural space during puncture.
① Resistance disappearance method: During the puncture process, the resistance is small at first, and when it reaches the ligamentum flavum, the resistance increases and there is a sense of toughness.
②Capillary negative pressure method: After the puncture needle reaches the ligamentum flavum, it is connected to the glass capillary tube containing liquid, and the needle continues to be inserted slowly.
Commonly used local anesthetics and injection methods
Adjustment of anesthesia level
intraoperative complications
Total spinal anesthesia: This is a phenomenon in which most or all of the local anesthetic used for epidural anesthesia is accidentally injected into the subarachnoid space, causing all spinal nerves to be blocked.
Toxic reactions of local anesthetics: There is a rich venous plexus in the epidural space, which absorbs local anesthetics quickly; the catheter can accidentally enter the blood vessel, allowing local anesthetics to be directly injected into the blood vessels; damage to the blood vessels by the catheter can also accelerate the absorption of local anesthetics.
Drop in blood pressure: Mainly due to the blockage of sympathetic nerves, which causes the dilation of resistance blood vessels and capacity blood vessels, leading to a drop in blood pressure.
① Epidural block has a slower onset of action, so the blood pressure decrease also occurs later.
②Although the level of epidural anesthesia is high, if the range of anesthesia that can be controlled is relatively limited, the blood pressure will decrease slightly.
③ Due to the large dosage of local anesthetic, it has a direct inhibitory effect on the cardiovascular system after absorption, which can aggravate the inhibition of circulation.
Respiratory depression: Epidural blockade can affect the movement of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm, leading to a reduction in respiratory reserve function, but has little effect on resting ventilation.
Nausea and vomiting: Same as spinal anesthesia.
Postoperative complications
Nerve injury: Direct damage to the spinal nerve roots or spinal cord can occur due to puncture needles or harder catheters. The neurotoxicity of local anesthetics should also be considered.
Epidural hematoma: The incidence rate has dropped to 1:500,000 to 1:150,000 in recent years, but we must be vigilant that hematoma formation can cause paraplegia if not treated in time.
Anterior spinal artery syndrome: The anterior spinal artery is a terminal blood vessel that supplies the first 2/3 of the spinal cord cross section. If the blood supply is insufficient for a long time, it will cause spinal cord ischemia or even necrosis and a series of manifestations, called anterior spinal artery syndrome. levy.
Patients generally have no sensory impairment and complain of heaviness and difficulty in turning over. Some patients can gradually recover, and some develop paraplegia. Possible reasons are:
①Pre-existing arteriosclerosis and stenosis of blood vessel lumen are common in the elderly;
② The concentration of epinephrine in the local anesthetic is too high, causing continued contraction of the anterior spinal artery;
③ There is a long period of hypotension during anesthesia.
Epidural abscess: Because the aseptic operation is not strict, or the puncture needle passes through the infected tissue, the epidural space is infected and an abscess gradually forms.
Difficulty in pulling out or breaking the catheter: The catheter may be difficult to pull out due to ankylosis of the lamina, ligaments and paravertebral muscles.
Indications and contraindications
sacral block
sacrocanal puncture
Commonly used local anesthetics
Combined subarachnoid and epidural space block
Monitoring and management during and after anesthesia
Monitoring and management during anesthesia
Respiratory monitoring and management
Cycle monitoring and management
controlled blood pressure reduction
Monitoring and management of body temperature
Monitoring and management of anesthesia recovery period
Treatment of delayed awakening after general anesthesia
Keep airway open
Maintain the stability of the circulatory system
Common causes of postoperative hypotension include
①Hypovolemia: manifested by dry mucous membranes, increased heart rate, and oliguria.
② Venous return disorder: can occur in mechanical ventilation, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, etc.
③ Decreased vascular tone: It can occur in neuraxial anesthesia, allergic reactions, adrenal insufficiency, etc., and can also occur when antihypertensive drugs, antiarrhythmic drugs, and rewarming are used.
④ Cardiogenic: including arrhythmia, acute heart failure, myocardial ischemia and pulmonary embolism.
Common causes of postoperative hypertension include
① Postoperative pain, bladder retention, patient restlessness or vomiting.
②Hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia.
③ Increased intracranial pressure, hypothermia or medication errors.
④ There is a history of hypertension in the past, especially when the patient stops taking antihypertensive drugs before surgery.
Common causes of postoperative arrhythmias include
Common causes of postoperative myocardial ischemia include
Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting