MindMap Gallery Market research in product innovation
This is a mind map about Chapter 5 Market Research in Product Innovation, including multivariate analysis, quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, etc.
Edited at 2023-11-27 11:32:07El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
Chapter 5 Market Research in Product Innovation
Market Research Overview
Provide basic information for correct decisions in the new product development process and reduce risks and uncertainties in the process
Risk management and control
Plan, identify, assess, respond, mitigate
Information needed in the decision-making process
What opportunities exist in the market now and in the future?
What are the true explicit and implicit needs of customers?
What factors drive customers to purchase a product?
What value proposition does the new product have?
How can the product be improved to make it more acceptable?
What price is acceptable to customers?
Main reasons for product failure
Poor market research
No real market need is identified
Six steps of market research
1. Define the problem
Clearly state what is being sought or what question to answer
2. Determine the accuracy of the results
What is the statistical reliability and error interval required by the regulations to qualify?
3. Collect data
Choose and apply appropriate methods to collect receipts
4. Analysis and interpretation
Select data analysis and summarize the questions raised
5. Draw conclusions
Connect the questions to interpret the data results and draw specific conclusions.
6. Application
Apply findings and conclusions to the defined problem
Customer Voice
The process of stimulating consumer demand using structured and in-depth means
In order to find solutions to problems, we guide consumers through a series of scenarios and conduct structured in-depth interviews to refine customer needs.
Use stage
Mostly used in the early stages of new product development (1, 2)
Is a professional term for “capturing customer needs”
Market research methods
secondary market research
Potential opportunities can be researched
Market research based on already conducted research and published information
method of obtaining
Publications, magazines, websites, books, journals, articles, etc. are all acceptable
Advantages and Disadvantages
Collecting information takes a short time and is low cost
Data sources are extensive
Lay a good foundation for in-depth and concentrated first-level research
There are differences in data definition calibers
Not relevant enough to the important things you need to investigate
Data accuracy and credibility are insufficient
The information is expired and will not be updated in real time.
Information is protected by property rights and cannot be used without permission
Primary market research
Primary market research
Direct and dedicated approach to gathering first-hand information
Sampling method
simple random sampling
Ensure representativeness of target groups and eliminate sampling bias
When the sample size is too large, cost and time do not allow
Difficult to achieve in reality
systematic sampling
Equally spaced sampling. Number the samples and divide them into several parts according to distance, then determine the first sample number and take regular samples.
Equally proportioned samples can be obtained
stratified sampling
Sampling according to different levels, different grades, different age groups
The smaller the variation within a layer, the better, and the larger the variation between layers, the better.
cluster sampling
Divide into multiple small groups and select different groups for sampling
The larger the intra-layer variation, the better, and the smaller the inter-layer variation, the better.
sample size
confidence interval
What is the acceptable margin of error for the results?
The smaller the confidence interval, the larger the sample size required
Confidence level
Confidence that true results fall within the confidence interval
The higher the confidence level, the greater the sample size requirement
The larger the population variance, the larger the sample size required
Qualitative research methods
exploratory information
Scan a small number of interviewees (individuals or groups) to gain information, motivations, perceptions, and perspectives
focus group
Not indoctrination Do not promote
Bring 8-12 participants together in a room for a discussion focused on the product, consumer problems and potential solutions
organizational form
Conference facilities include round tables, one-way mirrors, audio and video recording equipment
Participants usually range from 8-12
Guide participants to collaborate with each other
Observers in the next room watched the entire meeting through a one-way mirror
Can provide insights into all new product process stages
Ideas to discover gaps in the market
Understand the explicit needs of customers
Clarify the value proposition of the product and better understand the features that bring value
Focus groups of lead users are valuable
A topic should have 3 or more focus groups
The host must have professional training background
To filter out focus group regulars
Carry out careful planning and management
Non-quantitative method and therefore no statistical conclusions can be drawn
Advantages and Disadvantages
Group discussions can promote in-depth thinking
Access to first-hand information from the market
Questions can be modified at any time to quickly respond to participants
Can observe participant behavior, especially when using product research
Gather insights from your target users
Major benefits! ! !
Suppress the activity of some participants to avoid being dominated by one person
Open speech can be misunderstood in various ways
Results do not apply to populations outside the focus group
The quality of the results obtained depends largely on the quality of the supporter
Depth interviews
Conduct long and in-depth one-on-one discussions with interviewees on a certain topic
Applicable scene
When research requires specific knowledge or expertise
When sensitive information or personal privacy is involved in the survey
Advantages and Disadvantages
Provides more detail, context, language and emotional relationships to each topic explored
The design is more open, conducive to obtaining more information
More relaxed, private, safe and humane
One to one
Time consuming, high cost, few participants
There must be a match between the time and place and the interviewees.
Higher skill requirements for interviewers
There will be bias and subjective interpretation
It can only represent the views of a few people and is not universal.
It is impossible to predict future trends
Provide insights throughout the entire process
Provide a framework for subsequent quantitative research
Uncover opportunities that are gaps in the market
Understand the explicit needs of customers
Clear value proposition
Hidden needs to C more
A qualitative, descriptive market research approach to studying customers and their related environments
Applicable scene
at the scene
Consumer venues such as automobiles, offices, restaurants, etc.
at home
Survey within the home environment
Advantages and Disadvantages
Opportunity to understand what customers really want
takes longer
Depends on the researcher's interpretation of what is observed
Research basic information on customer behavior habits and deep needs
Customer site visit
Customization to B more
Go to the work site and observe how customers use product functions to solve demand problems
Discover opportunities (insight into new technologies and competitive product information)
Understand customer needs (mainly explicit)
Gather in-depth market and technology information
be careful
Get buying list from salesperson
Verify that interviewees have the necessary knowledge to provide the required information
Unprofessionalism will affect customer relationships, which is the biggest risk! ! !
Be sure to watch the product in use
Ask questions to customers (hidden needs)
Use samples, visual aids and other methods to communicate more conveniently and clearly with customers
Advantages and Disadvantages
Can communicate face to face and obtain more information
You can see the product in use, observe it first-hand, and directly discuss with customers what improvements can be made
Developed technical personnel can better understand customer needs and convert customer needs into product design specifications.
Promote better communication between team members and customers, improve team cohesion, and stabilize customer relationships
Time consuming and expensive
Interviewers must have professional knowledge
Customers also need professional knowledge
The sample size is not large enough to represent global customers
social media
"Online Research"
Analyze customers’ opinions on a certain topic through online communication
Advantages and Disadvantages
Provide instant, direct contact with existing and potential markets
Screening allows you to connect with specific customers
Opportunity to interact with leading users or supporters to gain new ideas
Batch users in advance
highly affected by prejudice
Unable to focus on a problem
no authenticity
Uncover opportunities and provide a great source of real-time information
Provides developers with extensive information related to the overall market, making it easier to understand customer needs
Transform products by guiding consumer groups online
Quantitative research methods
Verified information
Conduct surveys on a large enough sample of consumers to produce reliable statistical results
Quantitative research methods
Also known as "research"
Determine customer satisfaction and new product needs based on customer votes
A series of canonical fixed issues
Large sample size
Can be used as a qualitative or quantitative technique
Qualitative: Purposive sampling, non-random sampling
Quantitative: Statistical Sampling
Understand customer needs
Better suggestions for improvements
No need to stick to the location, it is easy to predict the customer’s purchase frequency and location
Find out what drives customers to buy your product
Choose this one if the sample size is large
consumer evaluation team
A certain type of consumer group selected by a research company or institution to conduct research and provide feedback on them
“Untrained” test panel
Qualitative assessment
Advantages and Disadvantages
Can provide valuable insights into products regarding consumer preferences and recommendations
Not a statistical representation of the target market, unrepresentative
"Well-trained" evaluation team
Quantitative assessment
Advantages and Disadvantages
Can be used in industries where instruments cannot measure or provide information, such as the food or cosmetics industry
Never act as a representative of any target market and avoid biased data
Understand consumer preferences for products
Can point out directions for improvement
Suitable for short-term quick surveys
Concept testing/concept classification
Used to assess customer acceptance of new product concepts
Determine whether potential customers really need it and use consumer feedback to help develop value that improves sales
Concept categorization helps the community identify and rank product concepts that are most relevant to multiple development projects.
Determine whether the potential customer needs the proposed product
Advantages and Disadvantages
Survival of the fittest, choosing good concepts and filtering out bad concepts
Help enterprises save time and money, thereby minimizing investment and reducing risks
Obtain customer needs for products
Not suitable for radical innovation
It cannot be done in the actual environment of the product, it can only be done in the early stage.
Because it is an interview technique, it depends on the consumers in the survey and the quality of the data collected.
For example, concept tests conducted by a small number of people cannot represent the whole
When testing the benefits of a product or service in personal experience (arts or entertainment), concept testing cannot accurately measure potential customer reactions.
For example, movie trends
Typically used in the early stages before the development phase
sensory testing
Evaluate products through human sensory responses to the product being tested (sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch)
Three-point test in difference test
find difference
Find the differences between two identical samples among the three.
Two or three point inspection
Find the same
Compare two samples with a control sample and find out which ones are the same as the control
pleasure test
9-point pleasure scale
7 points or above - "represents user satisfaction"
pairwise comparison test
pairwise preference test
Similarity and difference test
Widely used in consumer products
eye tracking
Use special tools (headphones or goggles) to measure people’s gaze and time
Widely used in software, retail product packaging, marketing and advertising
biometric feedback
Use specialized tools, biometrics and app logging to respond
technology type
FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
EEG (electroencephalogram)
Big data/crowdsourcing
Large amounts of complex data collected with different devices during acquisition, storage and sharing to analysis and visualization
Big Data
Big amount of data
Data transmission speed is high and data streams need to be processed in a timely manner
Data formats are diverse, including text, audio, video, etc.
Advantages and Disadvantages
It allows enterprises to discover patterns in disorganized massive data and apply them
Big data storage is not difficult, the difficulty is how to utilize it
Applicable to the entire process of product development
Can increase indirect customer engagement
Obtain more comprehensive requirements (explicit and implicit)
Data updated in real time
Directly affected by how the organization's overall data is used
Data is at risk of leakage
Tools for obtaining information and applying it to a specific task or project by soliciting solutions from others
The amount of data is huge! !
multivariate analysis
Discuss the relationship between a change in an outcome (dependent variable) and one or more predictor variables (independent variables)
multivariate analysis methods
factor analysis
Techniques for dimensionality reduction and data simplification, studying the internal dependencies between many variables and the basic structure of observed data
1️⃣Reduce the number of variables
2️⃣Find out the structural relationship between variables
For prioritization and grouping of key variables
multidimensional scaling analysis
Analyze customer perceptions of differences between similar products
1. Choose the object to be studied
2. List all possible combinations of existing products
Ask a sample of the target market to assess the similarity and substitutability of the products
Analyze comparison scores of pairs and generate visual graphs
conjoint analysis
Determine how much customers value different attributes of a product or service
Define potential attributes of new products that vary in level and characteristics
Randomly combine different attributes
Ask a sample of consumers (30-50 people) to rate a combination of attributes
Analyze results
A/B testing
Online execution designed to test and compare two versions or variants
Not applicable to the concept of world-class new products
Usually used more
Cumulative unique reach rate and frequency analysis
A probability 50%
B probability 30%
A and B jointly account for 20%
Final probability 50% 30%-20%=60%
Need help from people with good statistical foundation or professional skills
Product usage test
Mainly used in the development process and pre-launch stages
Is the product functioning properly?
Test whether it conforms to the development design
Test whether it solves the customer's potential problem
Product usage test methods
Test method 1
alpha test
Eliminate design defects and perform functional and usability testing
beta testing
Public beta version, adding functions based on public beta feedback
gamma test
Final version, specific customers asked if they are satisfied
You can proceed directly without going through internal testing.
Same content as Chapter 4
Test method 2
virtual reality VR
Using professional 3D equipment, there is no need to develop actual product testing, which can reduce financial cost risks
Augmented Reality AR
Overlay elements from reality onto participants’ current environment
Advantages and Disadvantages of Product Usage Testing
Understand customers’ impressions of new products. Are they consistent with expectations?
Reveal some previously unknown new uses for the product
Actual users conduct experiments in real scenarios to promote customers’ in-depth understanding of new products.
Comprehensive mass production drills to finally lay a solid foundation
If customers are dissatisfied after real testing, they will not buy
Exposing new products to the market prematurely
Testing may delay time to market
Cost-producing consumption (one-time production)
market test
When there are no problems with basic testing, the investment is relatively low, and the organization understands the situation, there is no need for market testing.
Market testing methods
Sales wave research
Provide it for free first, and then provide it to customers together with low-priced products to observe consumer choices.
Comparison test, can be repeated up to 5 times
Mock test marketing
Test the effectiveness of promotional materials
Select some customers to be exposed to product-related promotional materials
controlled test marketing
In the real market, control the location of product display racks and the number of products placed for consumers, and record sales
Control store shelves and record sales
All sales
test marketing
Select a sample of a specific region or a representative city
restricted sale
simulated sales
fake sales
Often an extension of a concept test or focus group
Counterfeit currency, points, and virtual environment purchases
Typically used in general consumer products
Complete the story and ask the customer about the possibility of purchasing
test marketing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Test Marketing
Provides effective information to improve the accuracy of decision-making when products enter the market
Reduce risk and probability of failure
All elements can be tested
Time consuming and expensive
Extended product time to market
Easily noticed by competitors
Launch marketing activities containing various elements within selected markets
Market research at various stages
No need to think about financial analysis
Opportunity identification and assessment
Discover more opportunities
SWOT analysis
Discover and identify opportunities
Use research methods
1️⃣Focus Group
2️⃣Social media
3️⃣On-site visit
5️⃣Multivariate analysis
6️⃣Secondary market research
Trade fairs, magazines, patent suppliers, etc.
Discover new products, improved solutions, expanded product lines, and more✅
Creative evaluation and early business analysis
Opportunity assessment, concept generation phase
Creative evaluation, preliminary business analysis, concept generation
Use research methods
1️⃣Secondary market research
2️⃣Focus Group
4️⃣Questionnaire survey
Some basic information on market size and sales potential✅
Concept Development/Concept Testing
concept assessment, screening
Form a more detailed concept description and elicit product design specifications
Use research methods
1️⃣Secondary market research
2️⃣Leading User Group
3️⃣Online forum
4️⃣Onsite visit
stage deliverables
product agreement
A written agreement indicating what needs to be done to complete the new product development effort and bring it to market
The objectives of product usage testing need to be documented in the product agreement
business case
Determine required attributes and functionality based on customers and stakeholders✅
Prototype and product usage testing phase
Signs of the Development Phase: Prototype
Concept to physical form/function alpha testing
Use research methods
1️⃣Secondary market research
2️⃣Focus Group
3️⃣On-site visit
4️⃣Questionnaire survey
5️⃣Alpha testing
6️⃣Consumer Monitoring Group
Transform product concepts into functional and tangible products✅
Pre-launch product and market testing
Commercial testing, beta testing, market testing
Use research methods
1️⃣Beta testing
2️⃣Market testing
The product is developed and produced into its final form, which is the most expensive stage✅
Post-launch product testing and market research
Complete product launch
Use research methods
Secondary market research