Insulin utilization defects, low tissue acceptance of insulin, and resistance to insulin are not a problem with the insulin itself, but are manifested as a decrease in insulin function. Then due to tolerance, more and more insulin must be secreted to satisfy the body, pancreatic beta cells We have to work twice as hard to secrete more insulin, but it has a limit. If it is not enough, there is nothing we can do about it. It is not that there is no insulin, but just a little bit is missing, resulting in a relative lack of insulin. However, pancreatic islet cells will be exhausted if they are in a long-term high-load working state. Over time, pancreatic islet β-cells change from a healthy state to a declining state. The function of pancreatic islet β-cells continues to decline, from a relative lack of insulin to an absolute deficiency. (Finally, insulin replacement therapy is required)