MindMap Gallery Reading Notes on Burns' New Emotional Therapy
This book has been ranked No. 1 on the best-seller list for many years in a row, with more than 5 million copies sold worldwide. You will notice that the book constantly asks you to pick up a pen to do tests and exercises while reading. Please treat it calmly. You are gradually getting familiar with it. Learn some particularly effective concepts and techniques to help you overcome negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, sadness, frustration, guilt, tension, shame, low self-esteem, and loneliness. 22 simple and effective principles and techniques. Dig deep into the emotional roots behind depression and learn to control daily swinging negative emotions and self-denying behaviors, thereby helping people safely get through every trough in life and making everyone's spiritual sky fresh and clear!
Edited at 2023-10-19 17:57:11El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
Reading Notes on "Burns' New Emotional Therapy"
Part 2 Practice
Start by building self-esteem
The self-image of a depressed patient can be represented by the four D’s
When you are depressed, you inevitably believe that you are worthless
From a therapeutic perspective, the way a psychiatrist handles patients' inferiority complex is crucial, because the crux of depression is inferiority complex.
If you are currently depressed, or have been depressed in the past, you may find it difficult to recognize the illogic of thoughts that make you think less of yourself.
This all-or-nothing self-evaluation system is not only extremely unrealistic and easily undermines self-confidence, it can also bring about devastating anxiety, which can lead to frequent disappointments.
First, your value does not depend on whether you are successful or not
One of the main functions of cognitive therapy is that it can strongly resist feelings of inferiority.
I would ask the same question over and over: "You insist that you are a complete loser. Is this really true?"
This study actually shows that during a depressive episode, you lose some of your ability to think clearly. You lose the ability to understand things from a normal perspective.
From your point of view, everything is real, and you are convinced by the illusion you created.
Overcome feelings of worthlessness
Mere emotional catharsis is often not enough to overcome feelings of worthlessness, nor are intuitive insights and psychological explanations.
Three goals for addressing feelings of worthlessness
Quickly and decisively change the way you think, feel and behave
Special Ways to Boost Self-Esteem
Counter your self-criticism
Undertake training to recognize self-critical thoughts when they cross your mind and record them
Find out where these distortions come from
refute them and thereby develop a more objective self-assessment system
There is an effective way to achieve this goal, it is the "Three Column Method"
Subliminal thinking (self-criticism)
cognitive distortions
Rational response (self-defense)
Monitor your negative thoughts with a golf counter
Before you take a break every day, write down the total score you got for the day and write it in your diary.
Systematic self-monitoring generally improves self-control
The score will increase at first, then enter a stagnant period. When the score drops, harmful thoughts are decreasing.
It usually takes 3 weeks to take effect
Take action and don’t feel sorry for yourself
When you look down on yourself, you may use negative labels such as "idiot," "liar," and "fool" to define your true self.
At this point, you have to ask yourself, what is your original intention? Only in this way can it help solve the problem.
Once you peel off these harmful labels, you'll find that they are both arbitrary and empty
How can I convince myself?
First, you must understand that life is an ever-changing process
Your body will continue to change as it develops, ages, and your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors will also change during your breath.
You are not a fixed thing; therefore any label has its limitations, and it is too big to be accurate.
Your worth is not determined by how you feel, nor by what you think or do
If you are willing to work hard, these can all be changed
You have to know that they cannot prove that you are not good at all. There are no good-for-nothing people in the world.
Special methods to boost self-esteem
How to build self-esteem
You don't have to do anything worthwhile to build or gain self-esteem; you just need to block out your inner criticism.
Three steps for depression
Identify negative subconscious thoughts and write them down one by one
Don't let them buzz in your head: trap them on paper and annihilate them one by one
Go back and read the list of the top 10 cognitive distortions to understand how your thinking is distorted and how you lose objectivity.
Find the lie that makes you feel inferior and replace it with more objective thoughts
You don’t need to improve your self-esteem, and feelings of worthlessness (and of course depression) will disappear.
Defeat Quietism
One of the most devastating aspects of depression is that it paralyzes your will
When you are depressed, you may not want to do anything
The famous theory of "quietism"
Your essence is laziness; it is your "nature"
The problem: random labeling
You want to hurt yourself and suffer. You either like to be depressed, or you are impatient and have self-destructive tendencies.
The problem: No empathy
You have passive-aggressive personality disorder, where you just want to do nothing and drive the people around you crazy.
The problem: Believing that depressive behavior stems from “repressed anger”
But most depressed people don’t feel particularly angry at all
If you either do nothing or procrastinate, you must have gained some benefit from it
The problem: Don’t care about rewards and punishments when you’re depressed
Find the real reason for your lack of motivation
You just need to ask yourself, "When I think about the task not being completed, what thoughts immediately come to my mind?"
All emotional changes are ultimately caused by cognition
When changing your behavior patterns, you will feel more confident if you can positively influence your thinking patterns
The vicious cycle of "sloth disease"
self-destructive thinking
No mood, no energy
self-destructive emotions
Unable to lift up my spirits, sad and discouraged, hopeless and helpless
self-destructive behavior
Bedridden, avoiding work
The vicious cycle of “sloth disease”
Staying away from friends and lacking motivation
13 mindsets
2. Helpless
3. Defeat yourself
4. Come to a conclusion
5. Label yourself
6. Disregarding rewards
Anhedonia is a technical term that refers to the loss of the ability to experience satisfaction and pleasure
The root of this problem may be a common thinking error-"denying positive thinking"
8. Fear of failure
There are several thinking errors related to the fear of failure. The most common one is to generalize.
The second mindset that leads to fear of failure is to only look at the results and not the process when judging performance.
In your opinion, failure to succeed despite your efforts is a huge failure, so you dare not try anything.
9. Fear of success
Success seems more dangerous than failure because you think success is all about luck
Another reason may be that you are worried that others will demand more from you.
10. Fear of opposition and criticism
11. Obsession and Resentment
12. Low ability to resist frustration
13. Guilt and self-blame
self-activation method
Daily activity schedule
two column method
In the "Goal" column, you can fill in your daily action plan in hours.
In the evening please fill in the "Results" column, writing down in each time column what you actually did during the day
Please mark each activity with the letters M and P, estimate the level of enjoyment or difficulty of the task, and then mark it with a number between 0 and 5.
M stands for mastery activity
P stands for leisure activities
Why this simple activity planner might help
First of all, if you are endlessly obsessed with the value of various activities and fighting in your heart, the schedule can eradicate your bad habits.
Moreover, even if you complete only part of your plan, you may feel satisfied, which can offset your depression.
anti procrastination chart
Each day, write down in the appropriate column one or more tasks that you have been putting off.
six column method
Activities (each task is broken down into several small steps)
Estimated difficulty
expected level of satisfaction
actual difficulty
actual satisfaction
It’s best to break it down into a series of small steps, each of which can be completed in less than 15 minutes.
Predict the difficulty of each step and write it down in the next column using a value between 0 and 100%
The greater the difficulty, the greater the number
In the next column, write down the level of satisfaction you expect after completing the task.
The last two columns record the actual difficulty and actual degree of satisfaction.
negative thinking journal
Write down the thoughts that are bothering you on paper
This way you can reflect to identify cognitive distortions and come up with some useful solutions
Six column analysis
subconscious thinking
rational response
happiness prediction table
Think about activities that might help you improve your health or make you happy and content, and plan these activities for yourself over the course of a few weeks.
Then you can just go and do it. Finally, in the "Actual level of happiness" column, please write down the actual level of happiness for each activity
You may be surprised to find that the joy you get from doing things yourself may be far beyond your imagination
five column method
Type of activity (specifically activities that give you a sense of accomplishment or happiness)
The person who accompanies you to complete the activity
Estimated happiness (percentage)
Actual happiness (percentage)
How to get rid of "but" and counter "but"
Refutation of the "but" method
"But" Column - "Rebuttal to the 'But' Column"
Counterattack with new counter-arguments and keep going until there are no more excuses to make
Learn to identify yourself
The first step is to find out what self-deprecating thinking is.
Then, refute these thoughts and replace them with some more objective and more self-identifying thoughts.
double column method
self-deprecating statement
self-identity statement
TIC-TOC method
TIC stands for Task-Interfering Cognition
TOC stands for Task-Oriented Cognition
If you only procrastinate on a specific task, write down your thoughts on that task
Use the double-column method, write down the TIC, and then replace the TIC with a more rational TOC. You will be much less disturbed.
Divide into zeros
Learn to break down a given task into discrete parts
Self-motivation and rejection of coercion
Your self-propulsion mechanism is wrong
You wanted to use many "shoulds", "shoulds" and "musts" to push yourself, but you inadvertently destroyed all your enthusiasm.
Replace "I should" with "I want"
Make a table of the advantages and disadvantages of procrastination
contact alert
The more you feel others are forcing you to do something, the less you want to do it. This is a tragedy of human nature.
Convert other people's decisions into your own
Visualize success
The first step is to list all the benefits you can think of.
Before going to bed every night, you can visualize that you are in your favorite place. On a crisp autumn day, you are walking in the shade of the mountains; or you are lying on an uninhabited beach on the azure seaside, warmly embraced by the sun. your body
Visualize yourself still in that pleasant scenery. You have now achieved what you want to achieve.
Go over that list of benefits and repeat each one to yourself: "I'm healthier now, and I love it."
I started to respect myself
Now that I have strong self-control, I can take on other challenges if I am willing
Record the positives
The solution was much simpler than he imagined
Buy a golf counter and press the counting button every day when you consciously complete something without being urged or motivated by others.
At the end of the day, write down the total. Do this every day.
Validate your “no”
One form of cognitive therapy that is extremely successful is to actually test your negative predictions.
Suppose you keep hinting that you can't concentrate and can't read any books. "
You can sit down with a copy of the day's newspaper, read a sentence first, and then see if you can summarize the main idea out loud.
You might also predict: "But if I had to read the entire paragraph, I wouldn't be able to read it, let alone understand it."
Verify this prediction again and read a paragraph to summarize the main idea.
The power of this method is overwhelming, and many severe chronic depressions have been cured in this way.
The “can’t lose” approach
double column method
Identify the cognitive distortions that scare you
Also consider how you would effectively pick up the pieces if you did fail.
To distinguish the order of precedence
Where does the power come from?
Action must come first, motivation must come later
First: Action Second: Motivation Third: More Action
three column method
The main symptoms
self-propelled approach
method goal
Verbal Judo—Learning to Refute Self-Criticism
No one in this world has the ability to knock you down, except yourself - only you can hurt yourself
Many depression relapses are due to external criticism
If you feel that your self-worth and happiness are based on the love and approval of others, you are likely to fear criticism
From this perspective, the problem is that you have to do everything possible to please others, so you have no time to take care of yourself, and your life is neither exciting nor rich.
But the paradox is that many people may still think you are boring and rigid, difficult to get along with, and much worse than your more confident friends.
The first step to overcoming your fear of criticism is to understand your thought process
The best way to find out negative thinking is the double column method
This can help you analyze your thinking and identify illogicalities or errors in your thinking
Finally, write down a rational response that is objective, reasonable, and not extreme.
language skill
Step 1: Empathy
If someone criticizes or attacks you, he or she may be trying to help you, or he or she may be trying to hurt you.
Therefore, what your critic says may be right, wrong, or somewhere in between.
You have to ask the person a series of specific questions to understand his or her true intentions
Don’t jump to conclusions easily when asking questions, and don’t rush to defend yourself.
Instead, keep asking questions, be as detailed as possible, and find ways to see things from your critic’s perspective.
Step Two: Eliminate Critics’ Hostility
Regardless of whether what the critic is saying is right or wrong, find a way to acknowledge him or her from the beginning.
Step Three: Feedback and Negotiation
Sometimes the disagreement between you and your critics isn’t about facts, it’s about each person’s position
Explain your position and feelings in a tactful yet firm way, while also exploring any perceived differences between the parties
You first admit that you may be wrong, and then express your opinion objectively
If you can negotiate with your critics, you have many options
If he continues to accuse you and dwells on one point endlessly, you should politely insist on repeating your answer until the other person runs out of energy.
In many cases, it may indeed be you who are wrong and the critics who are right
When faced with this situation, if you can admit your mistake, thank the other person for criticizing you, and apologize for any harm he (or she) may have caused, the critic is likely to admire you greatly.
rebuttal questioning
Immediately thank the heckler for the question
It’s important to acknowledge the issues raised by the other person
Emphasize that you need to know more to be able to answer the question, and then encourage the critic to conduct in-depth research and investigation on the issue.
Finally, I invite the questioner to join me after the presentation to further explore his or her perspective
Are you angry? What is your “irritability quotient”?
There are two ways
Vent anger “inwardly”
Vent anger "outward"
Who made you angry?
In many cases, your anger is caused by subtle cognitive distortions
As with depression, many of your perceptions are distorted and one-sided, or even wildly wrong.
Like all emotions, anger stems from cognitive
You must first understand what happened and then explain it using your own thinking
Your feelings come from how you understand things, not the things themselves
Four types of distorted thinking
Tags indiscriminately
It can bring you unnecessary anger and create an absurd sense of moral superiority.
If you deny others in this way, you will only remember every detail that you dislike about them (psychological filtering), and you will turn a blind eye or deny all their advantages (negative positive thinking)
In fact, everyone has strengths, weaknesses and some neutral traits. They are all a complex mixture.
Mind reading
You don’t understand the reasons for what others do, so you guess the motive for committing the crime out of thin air.
If you exaggerate the importance of a negative event, the intensity and length of your emotional response may be disproportionately inflated
Wrong "should" and "shouldn't" sentences
Most of the causes of anger are that you think others are treating you unfairly or unjustly
In fact, we can define anger as a single emotion that arises when you believe you have been treated unfairly
Since fairness is relative, your anger is simply wrong logically.
You must understand that his behavior is unfair only relative to your value system
Much of the reason we get angry in our daily lives is because we confuse personal desires with universal moral principles
two guiding principles
Did the person I was angry with hurt me intentionally? Did he (or she) have to hurt me?
Is it useful for me to be angry? Will it help me achieve my desired goals? Or will it just defeat me?
How to control anger
stimulate desire
Make a double-column list of the pros and cons of getting angry and retaliating. Be sure to consider the short-term and long-term consequences of getting angry.
Cool down angry thoughts
Use the double column method
Write down the various “angry thoughts” that come to your mind when you are angry
List rational and objective “calm thoughts”
negative thinking journal
angry things
angry thoughts
calm thoughts
imaginary substitution method
There is a great way to use your imagination to transform them into images that make you less angry.
Humor is a powerful tool you can use
The second way is to stop angry thoughts
Many images are shown in your mind every day. You can tell yourself: You have the right to turn off the projector.
Rewrite rules
Sometimes your frustrations may be self-inflicted because you set unrealistic rules for your relationships, so you always end up disappointed.
If your “should” or “shouldn’t” rules are frustrating you over and over again, rewrite them in a more realistic way.
The first step to success is to replace the word "should" with "it would be better if..."
Learn to be tolerant
What are the expected effects of these changes?
Just change her expectations and her frustrations will be greatly reduced.
smart controls
However, you can at least try this optimistic reward system
Learn to focus on the positive aspects of others instead of dwelling on their shortcomings
Reduce the “shoulds”
Many of the thoughts that make you angry are filled with didactic "should"s, so you'll need to learn how to eliminate them.
One way to do this is to use the two-column method and list all the reasons why you think the other person “shouldn’t” let you down.
Then, question those reasons and find out how ridiculous and unrealistic they are
Negotiation strategy
When you stop wasting energy sulking, you can find ways to achieve your goals
The following negotiation points may be useful in this situation:
Don't tell him to get lost. Instead, praise him for what he did well.
Next, you can tactfully bring up the problem with the cabinet doors and then calmly explain why you want them to rework them.
If he quarrels with you, you have to eliminate his intentions
No matter how ridiculous his words are, you have to find ways to agree with him. This will leave him speechless
Reiterate your opinion again calmly and firmly
empathize accurately
Empathy is the ultimate nemesis of anger
Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s exact thoughts and motivations so that the other person has to say, “Yes, that’s exactly what I thought.”
Remember, it’s not what other people do that actually makes you angry, it’s what you think
The amazing thing about empathy is that once you understand someone else’s intentions, it automatically counters the thoughts that make you angry
Organizing your thoughts: Cognitive rehearsal
Start by making a list of the things that irritate you the most and then create an “anger scale” from lowest to highest
1 means the least angry, 10 means the most angry
Starting with the first item on the list (the one with the lowest level of anger), imagine yourself in the situation as vividly as possible
Then describe the “angry thoughts” in your mind and write them down
Ways to beat guilt
This idea of oneself as “bad” is the root of guilt
In short, regret or remorse is about "things", while guilt is about "people".
This type of thinking error can also trigger many other negative emotions
You think you did something wrong
"Labeling" Because you did something wrong, you labeled yourself a "bad person"
"The blame lies with oneself
Wrong "should" sentence structure
guilt cycle
Guilt makes you feel bad about yourself, making you feel even more guilty
This "cognition-emotion" chain connects your thoughts and emotions, causing you to end up in a loop.
irresponsible guilt
In order to learn lessons and correct your mistakes as quickly as possible, you must meet two conditions
Admit that a mistake has occurred
Develop a strategy for correcting mistakes
Adopting a self-loving, relaxed attitude will help you, while guilt will generally just add to the mess.
To act ethically, you can replace guilt with a wiser approach: empathy
6 ways to overcome guilt
negative thinking journal
six column method
guilt-inducing thoughts
cognitive distortions
rational response
Eliminate “should” laws
The root cause of loss of control is "should" sentences, which can make you discouraged
Ask yourself: "Who says I should? What rule says I should?"
The purpose of this is to let you know that you are being too harsh on yourself
Use the two-column method to replace "should" with other words
Replace "should" with "it would be nice if" or "I hope"
Use golf counter
As soon as you're sure that "should" sentences aren't serving you, you can start counting.
Every time you say a sentence like "should" to yourself, press the button
The principle is to increase your trust in yourself
coercive control
You need to spend 2 minutes saying out loud all of your "should"s and self-obsessives 3 times a day.
Know the limits of your knowledge
If you can learn to accept your limitations, you will be happier
you have two choices
Choose to accept that you are just an imperfect human being, that your knowledge is limited, and that you will sometimes make mistakes.
You can hate yourself for it
Asking back: "Why should I?"
You can question your reasons for “shoulding” and find out the illogicalities in them
Learn to stick to principles
A great weakness of people who are prone to guilt is that others can use their guilt to manipulate them
anti-cry law
This is one of the most amazing and effective methods in the book
This method is tantamount to a panacea when others (usually your loved ones) cry, complain, and nag, making you feel helpless, guilty, and helpless.
Methods as below
No matter what her mother says, Zhizi must try her best to agree (method of eliminating hostility)
Next, instead of offering advice, she should say some genuine compliments
The reason why people complain all the time is usually because they are restless and insecure.
If you try to help them, they will feel like you are criticizing them because your advice means they are not handling the situation properly.
On the contrary, if you agree with them and appreciate them, it will be like injecting a "stimulant" into them, so they will often feel relieved and calm down.
Murray's Anti-Crying Law
Agree with what your friend is saying, and then distract your friend by finding some positive aspects in their complaint and focusing on those aspects.
change mentality
Among the cognitive distortions that lead to guilt, the most common is blaming oneself.
You believe that you are ultimately responsible for other people's feelings and actions, even for natural events.
Division of responsibilities
Where does the other party's responsibility begin? Where does your responsibility stop?
You might also call it “looking at things objectively”
Part 7 Emotional Chemistry
Searching for "black bile"
Is depression caused by a 'chemical imbalance' in the brain?
Clinical depression may be caused by some type of chemical imbalance or brain abnormality
First, judging from the physiological (or physical) symptoms of severe depression, patients may have organic diseases.
Physiological-like symptoms include agitation (an increase in neurotic movements, such as pacing around and frantically wringing fingers) or apathy (a numbness, not caring about anything, and feeling like a ton of bricks) ,, don’t want to do anything)
In addition, you may also have a changing pattern of "heavy in the morning and light in the evening".
A second argument for a physical root cause of depression is that at least some mood disorders appear to run in families, suggesting that genetic factors play a role.
If a congenital abnormality makes some people more susceptible to depression, it could manifest as a chemical imbalance in the body
how the brain works
Various parts of the brain have various functions
The surface layer of the brain above the hindbrain is called the "occipital cortex", which is responsible for visual functions
If this part of the brain is hit hard, vision is likely to be affected
There is a small area on the surface of the left hemisphere called "Broca's area", which is responsible for language function.
There is also a very important part of the brain - the "limbic system", which is responsible for controlling emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear or anger.
biogenic amines
Chemically speaking, many of them fall into the category of “biogenic amines” because they are derived from amino acids in the foods we eat.
These amine transmitters are the brain’s biochemical messengers
There are three amine transmitters in the limbic (emotional) area of the brain: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
Theoretically, these three amine transmitters play a certain role in a variety of mental illnesses.
Since these chemical messengers can be called "biogenic amines," the theory that they are related to depression or mania can also be called the "biogenic amine theory."
What’s the problem with depression?
Some scientists have made a hypothesis,
Depression may be caused by a lack of one or more of these biogenic amine transmitters in the brain.
Mania (a state of excessive euphoria or excitement) is caused by an overdose of one or more of these transmitters
Some researchers believe that serotonin has the greatest impact on depression and mania
Some other researchers believe that abnormalities in norepinephrine or dopamine may also have a certain impact.
This nerve cannot correctly send its nerve signal to the postsynaptic nerve through the synapse, and the circuits in the brain will have connection failures.
This can be mentally and emotionally disruptive, like music coming from a loose tuner wire.
There are two types of emotional interference
One is due to insufficient serotonin, which can cause depression
The other is due to excess serotonin, which can trigger mania
How antidepressants work
Antidepressants are like a fake key created by drug companies
Because drugmakers know the three-dimensional shapes of natural transmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, they can create new drugs with strikingly similar shapes
These drugs match the shape of the receptors on the nerve surface, so they mimic the effects of natural transmitters.
The brain doesn't know the key in the lock is antidepressants
The brain also thinks that the receptors on the nerve surface are natural transmitters
Part 6 Coping with the Stress of Everyday Life
How I lead by example
"Doctor, heal yourself." Luke 4:23
defuse hostility
The key points of this “unique skill” are as follows
Don't rush to defend yourself so as not to make Hank more trouble.
You should try the opposite method to encourage him to express all his dissatisfaction with you. The more and the more unpleasant the words, the better.
Find out the truth in his accusations and agree with him
Point out what you think you disagree with in a straightforward yet tactful way, and be careful not to argue.
I reiterate that although there are some differences of opinion between you, cooperation between the two parties is still very important.
Part 5: Overcoming despair and refusing to commit suicide
The final victory - choose to survive
Cognitive therapy can quickly control suicidal impulses and eliminate them gradually
According to research, one of the most critical factors why suicidal people have a strong desire to commit suicide is the despair of reality.
Because of your distorted thinking, you feel that you are stuck in a dead end and you can't get out of it.
So you arbitrarily believe that your problem cannot be solved
Almost all suicidal patients without exception have an illogical sense of hopelessness and believe that they have insurmountable difficulties.
Hopelessness is one of the strangest symptoms of depression
First, remember that depression generally heals on its own (although this is not always the case)
In most cases, it eventually goes away even without treatment
The purpose of treatment is simply to speed up the healing process
When you're depressed, you may confuse feelings with facts
Your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are just symptoms of depression
Part 4 Preventive Measures and Personal Growth
The causes of depression
Actual improvement
You understand why you suffer from depression
You know why you got better and how to recover
You regain your confidence and self-esteem
Confidence is a belief that makes you believe that you will achieve considerable results in your relationships and career
Self-esteem is the ability to have as much self-love and happiness as possible no matter when, whether you succeed or not.
You have found the underlying cause of your depression
Method 1 to dig deeper into implicit assumptions: vertical arrow method
The vertical arrow method is actually a variation of the double column method. It can eliminate distorted ideas from your thinking patterns and make you feel more relaxed.
double column method
Write down negative subconscious thoughts in the left column
Write an objective and rational response in the right column
Method 2 to dig deeper into implicit assumptions: Dysfunctional Attitudes Questionnaire (DAS)
Dr. Chengsman identified 100 common self-defeating attitudes that can easily lead to emotional loss and compiled them into a table.
Her research shows that although patients' negative subconscious thoughts will be greatly reduced when depression is not occurring, there is almost no change in self-defeating attitudes during depression and when the mood is relieved.
Dr. Weisman's research proves one thing: implicit assumptions are the cause of mood swings and they will remain unchanged.
Identify with addiction
Only your thoughts and beliefs can lift your spirit
Whether someone agrees with you or not will not affect your mood at all, unless you believe what he or she says is correct.
External approval must first be confirmed by you before it can boost your mood
This validation represents your personal self-identity
In many cases, the reason why others oppose you is indeed because your fault is yours.
If others oppose you, it only means that you are doing something wrong, but it does not negate your value.
No one can do only wrong things all the time, and no one can do even one right thing
But does this mean you are useless? Of course not
Recognize the root causes of addiction
The root of this problem may have been laid when you started interacting with relatives and friends when you were a child.
As long as others oppose you, you will subconsciously look down on yourself. You have developed this habit since you were a child. It is not your fault.
It is your responsibility as an adult to think rationally about this issue and it is your responsibility to take clear steps to overcome this weakness
The road to independence and self-respect
cost-benefit analysis
self-defeating hypothesis
Conduct cost-benefit analysis
Believe in the benefits of this thought
The downside of believing this idea
Make a list of all the pros and cons of this attitude, and then you can take smart steps to create a healthier value system
rewrite hypothesis
Rewrite any of the 35 attitudes in the Dysfunctional Attitudes Questionnaire. They are psychological weaknesses and revise your thoughts.
self-esteem blueprint
Write an article titled “Why is there no need to fear opposition and criticism? Why is this fear absurd?" short article, which may be helpful to you
This short article can help you achieve self-reliance and autonomy
Here are some methods
Remember, if someone reacts negatively to you, the dissatisfaction may boil down to the fact that he or she has irrational thoughts
If other people's criticism is correct, it won't destroy you
You can identify your own mistakes and take steps to correct them
Even if you make a mistake, it doesn't mean you are born a waste
It is impossible for a person to make mistakes all his life, or even for most of his life.
Others cannot judge the value of your life
They can only judge whether something you do or say is correct and valuable
No matter how well you do, no matter how bad your behavior is, everyone can't have the same opinion of you.
Opposition and criticism are generally uncomfortable, but they will eventually pass.
When others criticize or disagree with you, you won't feel bad as long as you don't believe what they say
Objections are generally unlikely to be permanent
If you criticize others, your criticism does not mean that they are worthless
Oral skills
If you are afraid of others criticizing you, can you personally ask the person criticizing you if he (or she) really looks down on you?
anti-rejection techniques
Aside from physical injury or property damage, there is nothing more painful than being rejected.
This threat is the source of your fear of being "looked down upon"
3 types of rejection
teenage rejection
Suppose you dated someone or met someone, and you fell in love with him (or her), but the other person was not interested in you
angry rejection
If you're angrily rejected because of your flaws, it's still not your fault
Manipulative rejection
In this situation, the other person manipulates you in some way by threatening to alienate or reject you
How to Heal After Criticism or Rejection
First of all, you must understand that life still has to go on, and this disappointment will not affect your happiness forever.
If these objections or criticisms are overwhelming you, it means your ideas are hurting you emotionally.
However, if you can refute these thoughts and never give in to these twisted thoughts of self-blame, then the trouble will disappear
You can also use this "grief" method if you've been rejected or criticized
Setting aside one or more blocks of time each day for 5 to 10 minutes may be enough to release all feelings of sadness, anger, and despair.
If you are sad, you can cry
If you want to vent, you can punch the pillow
During this entire period of time set aside, you can release painful memories and thoughts to your heart's content
self motivation
Use the Golf Counter to focus on something positive you have done each day, something you could have done well even without external rewards.
The Disadvantages of Love Addiction
Is it absolutely necessary to be loved? Do you have to be loved to be happy?
The more independent you are, the safer you will feel
If we understand ourselves, we all have a better chance of achieving our goals
If you still think being dependent on others is a good thing, list its benefits in two columns.
If you believe that your personal worth depends on whether or not you are loved, clearly list the benefits that this thought brings to you.
Then, in order to evaluate the situation objectively, write your rebuttal in the right column
How to understand the difference between loneliness and being alone
Love is not necessary, you can be happy alone
In fact, we can also find many simple joys in life when we are alone
For example, you can climb a mountain, pick flowers, read a book, or enjoy a hot chocolate sundae, all without the company of others.
happiness prediction method
To help you, I designed the "Happiness Prediction Chart"
type of activity
The person who accompanies you to complete the activity
Estimated level of happiness
actual happiness
Correct mentality
I began to realize that "want" and "need" are two completely different concepts
Needs and needs are two different things
Oxygen is what we need, but love is just a need
I repeat: for adults, love is not a necessity
It’s normal for you to want someone to love you. There’s nothing wrong with that. Of course it’s a pleasure to hold hands with your lover.
However, if no one recognizes you, loves you or cares about you, it does not mean that you cannot live, nor does it mean that you cannot obtain maximum happiness.
“Being alone is a disaster.” Rebuttal: The benefits of being alone
When people are alone, they can see clearly into their own hearts and understand what they know, think, and feel.
People can try all kinds of new things when they are alone, without being constrained by roommates, lovers, etc.
Being alone forces you to use your strengths
You have to take responsibility for yourself when you're alone because you can't find any excuses
As a woman, it is better to be alone than to find an unsuitable man.
This rule also applies to men
As a woman, being alone can make you more independent without having to become a dependency of a man.
As a woman, being alone allows me to better understand the issues women face in different situations.
As a woman, after being alone for a while, she will know that when she has a man in the future, she does not have to worry about him leaving or dying.
She and the man will establish a mutually reinforcing relationship rather than a mutually dependent and mutually demanding relationship.
work personal value
The third implicit assumption that contributes to anxiety and depression is “My personal worth is determined by what I achieve in real life.”
The answer is obvious: success does not equal happiness
They are two completely different concepts and there is no causal relationship between them
It is thinking, not success, that determines emotions, so the joy of victory will soon fade.
Like any kind of addiction, as long as you have a work addiction, you will constantly want to climb up and be better than others.
Does work equal value?
Maybe you have a neighbor or friend who is very successful in business, but you don’t like him (or her) because he (or she) is too greedy and domineering.
The words that truly humiliate you are actually inside your head
Self-worth: self-confidence, self-love, self-esteem
In some aspects such as intelligence, influence, status, etc.
If you have advantages, so you are better than me as a person and have higher value than me, I can immediately identify with you, which means that you do have advantages in these aspects.
Then I can ask you: "But does this prove that you are better than me and have higher value than me?" This kind of question cannot be answered.
My question gets to the heart of any value system that distinguishes people as superior or inferior.
Four roads to self-esteem
Essentially, you have to realize that personal "worth" is just an abstract concept, it doesn't exist
There is no such thing as personal value in the world
It doesn't matter whether you get it or not, and you can't measure it.
You have to admit that everyone has only one "unit of value" from birth to death.
When you are still an infant, you may not have accomplished much, but you are still precious and valuable.
When you are old or sick, when you rest or sleep, when you do nothing, you still have "value"
Your "unit of value" is immeasurable, it never changes, and everyone's "unit of value" is the same
You have to know that there is only one way to lose your sense of self-worth, and that is to persecute yourself with ridiculous, illogical negative thinking.
Self-esteem is a state. When you no longer criticize and insult yourself arbitrarily, but choose to refute those negative subconscious thoughts with meaningful and rational responses, you have self-esteem.
If you can refute effectively, you will naturally become happy and gain a sense of self-identity.
All in all, you don’t need to figure out how to make the river flow, you just don’t build a dam to stop it
You can think of self-esteem as a kind of determination. When you decide to love yourself as a best friend, you have self-esteem.
Escape the Trap of Achievement
Remember to refute
The first effective way is to refute those negative distorted thoughts that make you feel inferior. Keep practicing and form a habit.
This way, you can realize that the problem isn't your actual success or failure, but your mean attitude in devaluing yourself
If you can learn to objectively evaluate what you do, your sense of satisfaction and self-identity will increase.
love what you love
Most of the satisfaction in life has nothing to do with success
Diligence and serious work will bring great satisfaction and happiness to people
But to be most happy, you don’t need to do great things
To feel satisfied, to gain self-esteem and inner peace, you don’t need to work hard to win the love or respect of others, nor do you need to be a superior person.
Dare to be ordinary—the surefire way to defeat perfectionism
I advise you to be an "ordinary person"
First, as an "ordinary person", you don't need to be particularly successful.
Second, even though you are ordinary, you can still get endless satisfaction from life, which you cannot usually experience.
Defeat perfectionism
To defeat perfectionism, the best first step is to start with motivation.
After writing your list, you can look at the pros and cons of striving for perfection
If you are an obsessive perfectionist, you may believe that if you don’t strive for perfection, you won’t be able to fully enjoy life and find true happiness.
To test this idea, you can use the "Anti-Perfectionism Chart"
Record the actual level of satisfaction you gained from the activity
Estimate how perfectly you completed each activity
You can still be happy if you do something on time and even if it’s not perfect
There are two options
No longer force yourself to pursue perfection, just live happily and do things efficiently.
Should you put happiness in a secondary position, or should you relentlessly pursue perfection? The more painful your emotions are and the less efficient you are, the more satisfied you will be.
We assume you've decided to give up on perfectionism and just give it a try, but you can always see results.
conquer fear
You need to resist this habit of pursuing perfection. Never give in, but you can think about the problems that make you anxious and afraid.
No matter how nervous you are, you must persist and never give in
reaction prevention method
level of anxiety
subconscious thinking
You might be asking yourself: “If it’s fear that drives me crazy in my pursuit of perfection, where does this stupid fear come from?”
The reason why you adopt a harsh and tense attitude towards life is rooted in implicit assumptions
To find these assumptions, you can use the vertical arrow method introduced in Chapter 10
Learn to value the process
This means that when you judge things, the standard you use should be the process rather than the result.
assume life responsibilities
You need to set a strict time limit for all activities, just one week
The most effective way to defeat perfectionism is to learn to make mistakes
If you have perfectionism obsession, you will always focus on your shortcomings
You can use a golf counter. As long as you do one correct thing every day, click the counter
Sometimes, the reason why you pursue perfection is because you have either/or thinking
confide in one's heart
Imagine that you have to concentrate on recalling a happy time in your life
greed method
This method is based on a principle. The reason why most of us demand perfection is to be better than others.
But have you ever thought that if you lower your standards, you might be more successful?
Humans make mistakes
Do you agree? Okay, now tell me: what are you
Man, this is your answer
Additionally, you can ask yourself: “What can I learn from my mistakes?
Part 3 “Realistic” Depression
Sadness Does Not Equal Depression – 5 Myths That Lead to “Realistic Depression”
sadness and depression
Sadness is a normal emotion that occurs when you experience a negative event like loss or failure in a real, tangible way.
Depression is a disease that is usually caused by some form of distorted thinking
The cause of depression is distorted negative thinking
When a truly negative event occurs, the only thing that can affect your mood is your thinking and perception.
reactive depression
When faced with extreme pressures such as illness, the death of a loved one, or a plummeting business,
Sometimes, depression occurs but it is difficult to find the external cause of it
endogenous depression
Depression occurs but it is difficult to find the external cause of it. Its symptoms seem to occur completely for no reason.
Myth 1: Losing your life
I suggested that she draw a coordinate chart based on her personal "value" in her life from birth to death.
Treating self-worth as a constant, and then expressing it as a percentage between 0 and 100%, she estimated that it should be 85%. She also drew the coordinate scale according to her own imagination.
I also want her to estimate her contribution over the same period on the same scale.
Just like that, she suddenly understood two things
First, although her illness reduced her contribution, she still did a lot for herself and her family
Although these things are trivial, they are very important and extremely valuable
Second, she understands that her personal value is a stable constant. This number is a given and has nothing to do with her contribution.
This means her personal worth is not earned
Myth 2: Losing limbs
Stop focusing on the negative things that have been lost and focus on the positive things that still exist.
Myth 3: Losing your job
Adopting double standards will do you no good
Use the "subliminal thinking-rational response" method
Negative thoughts (self-criticism)
Rational response (self-defense)
Myth 4: Losing a Loved One
If she wants to be responsible, she should reject any feelings of guilt, get out of the trough of depression, actively pursue her own happiness, and live happily.
This is responsible behavior
Myth 5: Sad but not sad
Sadness is a kind of sublimation, the highest experience in life
Part One Theory and Research
Latest breakthroughs in the treatment of mood disorders
Cognitive therapy is a quick-acting emotion regulation method that is easy to learn and use.
Not only does it eliminate symptoms of depression, but it also matures you psychologically
The most critical indicator of recovery is
Can you take firm and positive steps to help yourself?
Attitude determines success
four effects
Improve symptoms quickly
It usually only takes about 12 weeks for patients with mild depression to experience symptom relief.
know yourself
You can clearly understand why you are moody and how to regulate abnormal emotions
You’ll also learn about the origins of such strong emotions, how to differentiate between “normal” and “abnormal” emotions, and how to diagnose and assess the severity of such irritable emotions.
self control
You will learn a safe and effective way to deal with it, so that whenever you feel upset, you can quickly adjust your mood.
I will guide you to develop a simple, practical and effective progressive self-help plan
As long as you use it, you can control your emotions as you like
Prevent depression and “arm” your psychology
To truly and effectively prevent future mood swings, you need to examine some of your basic values and attitudes
Here's the key to whether you're going to suffer from deep, painful depression
Some personal value assumptions are too misleading. Next, I will tell you how to question and re-evaluate them.
three principles
All your emotions come from "cognition" or thinking
Cognition is the way you look at things, that is, your perceptual knowledge, mentality and beliefs
It includes the way you understand things—what you say to yourself when you encounter something or someone
In short, thinking determines emotion
When you are depressed, your thinking will be dominated by an inescapable sense of negativity.
Not only do you look at yourself with a gloomy and depressing eye, but you also look at the entire world with this eye.
Worse yet, you'll begin to believe that reality is just as terrible as you imagined
Optimistic attitude and treatment are crucial
Our research shows that negative thoughts that lead to mood swings almost always contain significant distortions
Although this kind of thinking seems reliable, it is irrational and even wrong.
This distorted thinking is the main source of your pain
Diagnosing Emotions: The First Step in Treatment
Burns Depression Checklist score explanation
dysthymic disorder
Also known as "mild chronic depression"
All it means is: "This person is almost always terribly gloomy and full of negative thoughts."
Some depressed patients with total scores in the mild range are actually the most difficult to treat
Patients often cannot get rid of mild depression for several years or even most of their lives.
In fact, sometimes patients with the most severe depression recover the fastest
Mania is a specific form of mood disorder
Mania is the exact opposite of depression and requires immediate intervention by a psychiatrist and the prescription of lithium.
Its symptoms include extreme moodiness
Cracking Emotions: Thinking Determines Emotions
subconscious thinking
Your negative thinking has become deeply ingrained and has become a conditioned reflex
The critical first step to unlocking your emotions: Emotions are all about the way you see things
It's a neurological problem
Before you feel anything, you must use your mind to interpret it and then define it
Feelings are not facts
Your thoughts create your emotions, therefore your emotions do not justify your thoughts
10 Cognitive Distortions
either/or thinking
You see things in black and white categories, and if your performance is less than perfect, you see yourself as a complete failure.
generalize from partial to complete
You see an isolated negative event as a pattern of failure that will continue forever
mental filter
You choose a negative detail and think about it over and over again
As a result, the entire reality becomes dark in your eyes, like a drop of ink darkening the entire glass of water.
Negate positive thinking
You refuse to acknowledge positive experiences and you find one reason or another to think that they "don't count"
This way you can hold on to negative beliefs that contradict your daily experience
reverse alchemy
It causes some depressed patients to stubbornly convert neutral or even positive experiences into negative experiences
It’s not that you don’t see positive experiences, you just cunningly and quickly convert them into nightmarish negative experiences.
A common example is the way we respond to compliments
When someone compliments your appearance or your work, you're likely to automatically think, "That's just their way of being friendly."
With just one quick move, you can psychologically dissolve other people's praises into nothingness.
It can also have the same defuse effect when you tell them, "Oh, it's really nothing."
jumping to conclusions
You will interpret things negatively even if there are no definite facts to convincingly support your conclusion
Mind reading
You arbitrarily assume that others react negatively to you, and you don't even bother to take the time to test it out.
prophetic error
You expect things to get worse, and you firmly believe that this prediction is an established fact
Exaggerate and reduce
You exaggerate the importance of things (such as things you messed up or someone else's achievements), or you exaggerate the importance of small things inappropriately until they seem small (your own good qualities or someone else's shortcomings).
This distortion is also known as the "binocular trick"
emotional reasoning
You assume that your negative emotions must reflect the true state of affairs: "I feel this way, so it must be true."
A common consequence of emotional reasoning is procrastination
"should" statements
You try to motivate yourself with shoulds or shouldn'ts, as if you should be whipped or punished before you are expected to do something
"Must" and "should" are also culprits
The result of this emotion is a feeling of guilt
You experience anger, discouragement, and resentment when you use should statements to ask others
Tags indiscriminately
Labeling is an extreme form of overgeneralization
Labeling yourself means using mistakes to build a completely negative self-image
It is an extreme form of generalization
Blame yourself
You will see yourself as the cause of many negative events in the outside world, when in fact you are not primarily responsible for them
Placing blame on yourself can make you feel extremely guilty
Book information
Author: [US] David Burns
Doctor of Medicine from Stanford University, USA, a famous psychologist and one of the most important developers of cognitive therapy.
A nationwide survey shows that among more than 1,000 self-help books, American mental health professionals are most willing to recommend "Burns' New Emotional Therapy"
Subtitle: Clinically proven, completely effective non-drug treatment for depression
Publisher: China City Press
Year of publication: 2011-1