MindMap Gallery Mind map of the basic principles of Marxism
Afraid of failing the exam? Look at it! ! It includes the materiality of the world and its development laws, practice and understanding and its development laws, human society and its development laws, etc.
Edited at 2024-01-17 22:14:27El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
A summary of Ma Yuan’s knowledge points
Contents and theoretical sources of the Marxist system
1. Contents of the Marxist system: three basic components: Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy and scientific socialism.
2. Theoretical sources: German classical philosophy (Hegel, Feuerbach), British classical political economy and French (Adam Private, David Ricardo), British utopian socialism (Saint-Simon, Owen, Fourier)
The distinctive characteristics of Marxism
① Marxism is scientific
② Marxism is revolutionary
③The unity of scientific nature and revolutionary nature is embodied in a scientific worldview and methodology, a clear political stance, important theoretical qualities and lofty social ideals.
Chapter 1 The materiality of the world and its development laws
1. Basic philosophical issues and their contents
The basic question of philosophy is the relationship between thinking and existence. It includes two aspects:
First, there is the question of which one is primary or secondary, thinking or existence, that is, whether the origin of the world is thinking or existence. It is the objective standard for dividing materialism and idealism, because it stipulates the development direction of various schools of philosophy and determines the nature of philosophy.
Second, there is the issue of whether thinking and existence are identical, that is, whether human thinking can understand and reflect the real world. It is the objective criterion for distinguishing agnosticism and agnosticism.
2. The principle of material unity of the world
The world is unified, that is, the origin of the world is one. The unity of the world lies in its materiality, that is, the basis of the unity of the world is matter. The unity of the material world is the unity of diversity, not a single undifferentiated unity. The material unity of the world is premised on the difference and diversity of specific material forms, and the difference and diversity of material forms are based on them. based on objective reality.
Three Views and One Enlightenment
Material view (the definition and significance of matter)
The common characteristic of all things—objective reality—is abstracted from the objectively existing material world. The so-called matter refers to objective existence that does not depend on human consciousness and can be reflected by human consciousness.
1. Adhere to materialist monism and draw a clear line between idealist monism and dualism.
2. Adhere to the theory of active reflection and agnosticism, and criticize agnosticism.
3. It embodies the unity of materialism and dialectics and overcomes the shortcomings of metaphysical materialism.
4. It embodies the unity of the materialist view of nature and the materialist view of history, laying a theoretical foundation for thorough materialism.
Consciousness concept (the origin, nature and function of consciousness)
The origin of consciousness: Consciousness is the product of the long-term evolution of nature, and it is also the product of social and historical development.
The essence of consciousness: it is the function of the human brain and the subjective image of the objective world.
The role of consciousness:
1. Consciousness activities are purposeful and planned
2. Consciousness activities are creative
3. Consciousness has the role of guiding practice to transform the objective world
4. Consciousness has the function of regulating human behavior and physiological activities.
Practical view (social life is practical in nature)
1. Practice is the material activity in which human beings actively transform the objective world.
2. Understand the nature of social life from practice.
The relationship between matter and consciousness (the relationship between respecting objective regularity and exerting subjective initiative)
A. Respecting objective laws is the premise and basis for exerting subjective initiative. Only by respecting objective laws can people better exert their subjective initiative.
B. Giving full play to people's subjective initiative is a necessary condition for understanding, mastering and utilizing objective laws, because objective laws are hidden inside things (give full play to subjective initiative on the basis of respecting objective laws.)
C. Respecting objective laws and giving full play to people's subjective initiative are complementary and dialectically unified. We must not only respect objective laws, but also give full play to people's subjective initiative, and organically unify adhering to materialism and dialectics.
4. The relationship between motion and stillness
The relationship between movement and stillness is mainly reflected in:
Difference: Movement is unconditional, eternal, and absolute, while rest is conditional, temporary, and relative;
Connection: Movement and stillness penetrate each other, depend on each other, and contain each other. There is stillness in movement, and there is movement in stillness.
5. The essence, core, general characteristics and fundamental methods of materialist dialectics
The essence and core of materialist dialectics is the law of the unity of opposites.
The general characteristics of materialist dialectics are connection and development.
Characteristics of connection: objectivity, universality and diversity.
The essence of development: the emergence of new things and the demise of old things.
Materialist dialectics is the fundamental method to understand and transform the world.
6Three major laws of materialist dialectics
1. The law of the unity of opposites (the identity and struggle of contradictions, the universality and particularity of contradictions)
(1) The law of unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the development of things. Everything in the world contains two aspects of contradiction within and between things. The two sides of the contradiction are both opposite and unified. There are two basic attributes of contradiction: struggle and identity, universality and particularity. Concrete analysis of specific issues is the living soul of Marxism.
2. The law of mutual transformation between degree and quality
The law of quantitative change and qualitative change: the dialectical relationship between quantitative change and qualitative change: quantitative change is the basis and necessary preparation for qualitative change. Qualitative change is the inevitable result of quantitative change. Quantitative change and qualitative change are interpenetrated.
Degree: grasp the appropriateness
3. Dialectical view of negation and the law of negation
Dialectical view of negation:
The law of negation of negation: The dialectical development of things goes through two negations and three stages, forming a cycle.
Chapter 2 Practice and understanding and its development rules
The nature of practice
The decisive role of practice in understanding
Practice and understanding
Practice is the basis of cognition and plays a decisive role in cognition
1. Practice creates the need for understanding.
2. Practice provides the possibility for understanding.
3. Practice enables understanding to arise and develop.
4. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth of knowledge.
In short, human understanding is generated from practice, serves practice, develops with practice, and is tested by practice.
Understand and practice the subject-object relationship
(1) Practical relationship: the relationship between transformation and being transformed (essential relationship)
(2) Cognitive relationship; the relationship between reflection and being reflected (essential relationship)
(3) Value relationship: the interest relationship in which the object meets the needs of the subject
(4) Aesthetic relationship: the aesthetic feeling gained by the subject in the transformation and understanding of the subject
Two fundamental lines of epistemology
(1) Adhere to the materialist line from things to feelings and thoughts
(2) Adhere to the idealist line of thinking and feeling
Understand the basic laws of exercise
From practice to understanding, from understanding to practice, practice, understanding, practice again, understanding again, the movement of understanding continues to repeat and develop infinitely.
Perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge
① Rational knowledge depends on perceptual knowledge, and rational knowledge must be based on perceptual knowledge.
②Perceptual knowledge needs to be developed and deepened into rational knowledge.
③Perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge interpenetrate and include each other.
truth and value
Objectivity and dialectic of truth
(1) The content is objective and contains objective content that does not change according to human will.
(2) The test standards are objective and based on practice.
(1) Opposition: The absoluteness and relativity of truth are two different attributes of any truth. Absoluteness mainly refers to the objectivity of truth, and relativity mainly refers to the subjectivity of truth.
(2) Unification: the two penetrate each other and include each other. There is absoluteness in relativeness, and absoluteness resides in relativeness: the absoluteness of truth is expressed through relativity.
(3) Transformation: Relative truth is constantly transforming into absolute truth.
Practice is the only criterion for testing truth
From the perspective of the nature of truth, truth is people’s correct reflection of objective things and their development laws. Its nature lies in the consistency between subjectivity and objectivity.
From the perspective of the characteristics of practice, practice is the objective material activity that people use to transform the world, and has the characteristics of direct reality. The direct reality characteristic of practice is the main basis as the standard for testing truth.
The nature of truth and the characteristics of practice determine that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.
Truth and value relationship
Difference: ①Truth is the correspondence relationship between the subject's understanding of the state of the object, while value is the satisfaction relationship between the object's attributes and the subject's needs. ②Truth is to understand the world as it is, while value is to transform the world according to the needs of human survival and development.
Dialectical unity: ①Successful practice is predicated on the dialectical unity of truth. ②The formation and realization of value are predicated on adhering to truth, and truth must have value. ③Truth and value restrict, guide and promote each other in practice and cognitive activities.
Chapter 3 Human Society and its Development Laws
The relationship between social existence and social consciousness
Social existence and social consciousness are dialectically unified.
1. Social existence determines social consciousness. Social existence is the objective source of social consciousness; social consciousness is a reflection of social existence; social existence promotes the development and change of social consciousness.
2. Social consciousness has its relative independence. The incomplete synchronicity and imbalance in the development of social consciousness and social existence; social consciousness has historical inheritance in its own development; various forms of social consciousness influence and interact with each other; social consciousness has an active reaction to social existence .
The relative independence of social consciousness
The relative independence of social consciousness is a general characteristic of social consciousness
①Incomplete synchronicity and imbalance in the development of social consciousness and social existence;
②The mutual influence between various forms within social consciousness and their respective historical inheritance;
③The active reaction of social consciousness on social existence.
Basic contradictions and laws of movement of human society
The basic contradictions in society are the contradictions between productive forces and production relations, and between economic base and superstructure. They run through the entire history of human society and determine the existence and development of other social contradictions.
The law of social movement is that production relations must adapt to the conditions of productive forces, and the superstructure must suit the conditions of the economic base.
The mass view of history and the heroic view of history
(1) Materialist mass view of history:
1. The people are the main body of social history and the creators of history. The people play a decisive role in the development process of social history.
2. The people are the creators of social material wealth.
3. The people are the creators of social spiritual wealth.
4. The people are the decisive force for social change.
5. The people’s history-making activities must be restricted by certain social and historical conditions.
(2) Idealistic view of heroic history:
1. Understand the root cause: unable to see the essence through the phenomenon, exaggerating the role of heroes or only seeing ideological motives.
2. Social and historical roots: The productive forces are not developed enough. Most people are engaged in productive labor, while a few are engaged in political rule and monopolize spiritual and cultural life.
3. Class roots: In order to maintain the exploitation and rule of the broad masses of the people, the exploiting classes of past dynasties have tried their best to belittle the historical role of the people.
Chapter 4 The Essence and Laws of Capitalism
Commodity Economics and the Law of Value
Historical conditions for the emergence of commodity economy
(1) The emergence of social division of labor.
(2) The means of production and the products of labor belong to different owners.
The relationship between the two factors of commodities and the duality of labor in producing commodities
1. Two factors of commodities: use value and value
2. The duality of labor in producing commodities: concrete labor and abstract labor
The duality of labor determines the duality of commodities
Use value and value relationship
The relationship of unity of opposites:
(1) Oppositeness: The use value and value of commodities are mutually exclusive, and you cannot have both.
(2) Unity: Goods must have both use value and value.
Determinants of commodity value
Socially necessary labor time determines the value of commodities.
Factors affecting commodity prices
Supply and demand affect price, but value determines price. Value is the basis of price, and price is the monetary expression of value; the amount of value is determined by socially necessary labor time; the unit value is inversely proportional to social labor productivity.
Currency circulation rules
The content of the law of currency circulation is: the actual amount of currency required in circulation is directly proportional to the total price of commodities and inversely proportional to the velocity of currency circulation.
The actual amount of money needed in circulation = total commodity price/money circulation velocity
The content, expression and function of the law of value
Content: The value of a commodity is determined by the socially necessary labor time to produce the commodity, and commodity exchange is carried out according to the principle of equivalent exchange.
Manifestation: The price fluctuates up and down with value as the center.
(1) Spontaneously regulate production;
(2) Stimulate the improvement of production technology, improve labor productivity, and promote the development of productivity;
(3) Accelerate the survival of the fittest among commodity producers;
(4) Side effects: hindering technological progress; causing polarization; causing a waste of social resources.
The nature of the capitalist economic system
1. Labor value
Labour becomes a commodity and money is transformed into capital
Labor force becoming a commodity is the prerequisite for money to be converted into capital. The turning of labor power into a commodity marks a new stage in the development of simple commodity production into capitalist commodity production. Under capitalism, capitalists use money to purchase labor force, a special commodity, to continuously create surplus value for themselves, and money is converted into capital.
Value and use value of labor commodity
The value of labor force, measured by the socially necessary labor time spent on producing and reproducing labor force, is reduced to the value of the means of living spent on producing and reproducing labor force. It has special use value, and the use value of labor force can create a value greater than the labor force itself, that is, surplus value.
2. Residual value
Processes and methods of surplus value production
The value appreciation process is the production process of surplus value. All capital is value that can bring surplus value. In the process of value appreciation, the labor of wage workers is divided into two parts:
(1) Necessary labor, used to reproduce the value of labor power.
(2) Surplus labor: used to produce surplus value for capitalists free of charge.
Two methods of production of surplus value
absolute surplus value production
relative surplus value production
Relative residual value and excess residual value
Absolute surplus value refers to the surplus value produced by extending the length of the labor day under the condition that the necessary labor time remains unchanged.
Relative surplus value refers to the surplus value produced by shortening necessary labor time and relatively extending surplus labor time under the condition that the length of the working day remains unchanged.
3.Capital and profit
Capital circulation conditions and factors affecting capital turnover
Industrial capital refers to the functional capital invested in the field of material production; the cycle of industrial capital refers to the three stages of industrial capital: purchase, production, and sales.
Industrial capital circulation conditions:
a. Coexistence, industrial capital must coexist in the three functional forms of currency, production and commodity capital at a certain proportion.
b. Succession, the three functional forms of industrial capital must maintain continuity in time.
Influencing factors: capital turnover time, ratio of fixed capital and working capital
Division of two types of capital (constant capital and variable capital, fixed capital and circulating capital)
Produced capital can be divided into constant capital and variable capital, and can also be divided into fixed capital and circulating capital.
The basis, meaning and content of these two divisions are different and cannot be confused.
The difference between these two divisions is:
(1) The purpose and meaning of division are different. The purpose of distinguishing capital into constant capital and variable capital is to reveal the true source of surplus value, while the division of fixed capital into circulating capital is to reveal their impact on capital turnover rate
(2) The standards and basis for classification are different. The basis for distinguishing constant capital and variable capital is the different roles of different parts of produced capital in the production of surplus value; the basis for distinguishing fixed capital and circulating capital is the difference in the ways of value transfer and value turnover of different parts of produced capital.
(3) The contents of division are different. Fixed capital is part of constant capital, and variable capital is part of circulating capital.
Organic composition of capital
The composition of capital can be examined from two aspects: material form and value form. The composition of capital is expressed as the proportional relationship between the quantity of production means in the production process and the quantity of labor using these means of production, which is called the technical composition of capital. From the perspective of value form, capital composition is expressed as the proportional relationship between the value of production means and the value of labor force, that is, the quantity of constant capital and variable capital, which is called capital value composition. There is a close relationship between the technical composition of capital and the value composition of capital. The latter is determined by the former. Changes in the value composition of capital generally reflect changes in the technical composition of capital. Marx called this capital value composition, which is determined by the technical composition of capital and reflects changes in the technical composition, the organic composition of capital.
What are the factors that affect profit margins and how are average profit margins formed?
Factors affecting profit margins:
(1) Surplus value rate. When the rate of surplus value is high, the profit rate is high; when the rate of surplus value is low, the profit rate is also low.
(2) Capital has an organic composition. The organic composition of capital is high and the profit rate is low; the organic composition of capital is low and the profit rate is high.
(3) Capital turnover speed. The speed of capital turnover increases, increasing the annual rate of surplus value, thereby increasing the annual profit rate.
(4) Savings of constant capital. Saving constant capital reduces upfront capital and thus increases profit margins.
How the average profit rate is formed:
Capitalists' pursuit of high profit margins and the transfer of capital between sectors lead to price and value deviations, which average the profit margins of each sector and form an average profit rate. The average rate of profit is the ratio of the total social surplus value to the total social capital advanced. It is formed through competition between departments.
The formation process of the average profit rate is actually a process in which the surplus value of the whole society is redistributed among the capitalists in various sectors. The result of the redistribution of surplus value among various production sectors is that equal amounts of capital obtain equal amounts of profits, that is, average profits are formed.
Core issues in the reproduction of social capital
The problem of realizing the total social product is the issue of value compensation and physical compensation of the total social product.
Historical trends in the development of capitalism
On the one hand, it manifests itself in the self-adjustment of production relations to the requirements of socialized large-scale production within all possible limits of capitalist production relations;
On the other hand, it shows the inevitability of the replacement of capitalist society by socialism and prepares the necessary conditions for the transformation to socialism.
The root and essence of the economic crisis
Root cause: private ownership of means of production and socialized mass production
Essence: relative overproduction
Chapter 5 The Development and Trend of Capitalism
Monopoly arises
Free competition leads to production concentration and capital concentration, and when production concentration and capital concentration develop to a certain stage, they will inevitably lead to monopoly.
Common monopoly organizations include: cartels, syndicates, trusts and corporations, etc.
The relationship between monopoly and competition
(1) Monopoly does not eliminate the economic conditions for competition
(2) Monopoly must be maintained through competition
(3) It is impossible for any monopoly organization to contract out all social production
The emergence, role and essence of state monopoly capitalism
Origin: State monopoly capitalism is monopoly capitalism in which state power and monopoly capital are integrated. It is transformed from general monopoly capitalism and is the inevitable result of the continuous development of the basic contradictions of capitalism.
Role: (1) Positive role: further develop productivity, promote economic development, promote scientific and technological progress and upgrading of industrial structure, and ease class conflicts.
(2) Historical limitations: Without changing capitalist private ownership and changing the status of the proletariat as employed and exploited, it is impossible to resolve the basic contradictions of capitalism.
Essence: Monopoly capital relies on its monopoly position to obtain high monopoly profits.
The essence and role of economic globalization (positive and negative roles) and its impact on China
Essence: Economic globalization is essentially a global marketization process.
Role: (1) Positive role: Developed countries are the main beneficiaries of economic globalization, and economic globalization also has a positive impact on developing countries.
(2) Negative effects: The gap between developed and developing countries is widening; social progress is ignored in economic growth, and environmental degradation and economic globalization may occur at the same time; governance crises of varying degrees occur both within the country and in the international community; and a global economic crisis breaks out. The risks are increasing.
For China: (1) It is conducive to attracting and utilizing foreign investment, introducing the world's advanced management theories and experiences and realizing management innovation. (2) It is conducive to accelerating China’s industrialization process and improving the industrial structure. (3) It is conducive to in-depth participation in the international division of labor, giving full play to the country's actual and potential comparative advantages, and expanding overseas markets. (4) We can seize the opportunities brought by the new technological revolution, give full play to our advantages, develop high-tech industries, and achieve leap-forward economic development.
New changes in contemporary capitalist economics and politics (after World War II and after 2008)
(1) Changes in ownership of production means. As joint-stock companies became the dominant form of business organization, private share capital ownership replaced individual capital ownership as the dominant form of ownership. Corporate capital ownership has emerged and become the dominant form of capital ownership. The main feature of state capital ownership is that the state, as the investor, has ownership and control of state-owned enterprises.
(2) Changes in labor relations and distribution relations. The main systems include: employee participation in decision-making: lifetime employment: employee stock ownership.
(3) Changes in social class and class structure. The status and role of capitalists have undergone great changes; senior professional managers have become the actual controllers of the business activities of large companies; the number of knowledge and service workers has continued to increase, and new changes have taken place in labor methods.
(4) Changes in economic adjustment mechanisms and economic crisis patterns. The state intervenes comprehensively in the economy.
(5) Changes in political system
How should contemporary college students establish and pursue their life ideals?
Basic characteristics of communist society
First, social productivity is highly developed and material wealth is extremely abundant, reaching a level that can meet the needs of the entire society and its members.
Second, the ownership relationship of the means of production is completely freed from the shackles of private ownership, and the means of production and labor products are publicly owned by the entire society.
Third, implement the principle of everyone according to their ability and distribution according to their needs.
Fourth, due to the high development of productive forces, the social conditions that created exploiting classes no longer exist, and class and class distinctions will be eliminated. The major social differences between urban and rural areas, between workers and peasants, and between mental labor and physical labor will also disappear.
Fifth, all members of society must have a high degree of communist consciousness and moral character.
Sixth, with the complete elimination of classes and class distinctions, the state as an instrument of class rule will completely disappear. At that time, although the institutions for managing public affairs existed, its social functions had lost their class character.
(1. Material wealth is extremely abundant, and consumption materials are distributed according to needs. 2. Social relations are highly harmonious, and people’s spiritual realm is greatly improved. 3. Everyone develops freely and comprehensively, and mankind leaps from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom.