MindMap Gallery Enterprise (Comprehensive) Risk Management
Enterprise risk management is a method and process by which an enterprise attempts to control the results of various uncertainties within the expected acceptable range in the process of achieving future strategic goals, so as to ensure and promote the realization of the overall interests of the organization. This brain map mainly focuses on how to implement comprehensive risk management from the perspective of banking financial institutions, and briefly introduces risk management content, management framework, work responsibilities, etc.
Edited at 2023-05-31 21:05:46El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise (Comprehensive) Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management Overview
The modern financial market is changing rapidly, and the risks in the financial market are also dynamic and influence each other, rather than being static or separated from each other.
In today's context of global integration, corporate operations also require more comprehensive risk management methods.
traditional risk management system
Different types of risks are often assessed and managed by different departments
Advantages of traditional system
Relevant departments only need to focus on the management of a specific type of risk, and the relevant departments are often familiar with the characteristics of this type of risk.
Disadvantages of traditional system
(1) The traditional risk management system ignores the interrelationship between risks
Because risks are dynamic and interdependent, changes in one risk will affect another risk
(2) Traditional risk management systems often fail to pay attention to the interdependence and dynamic nature of risks, leading companies to over-hedging
(3) Under the traditional risk management system, each functional department often uses different methods to assess and measure risks according to their own needs, resulting in the management being unable to uniformly measure the risks faced by the company as a whole.
ERM definition
It is a comprehensive and integrated risk framework that optimizes risks and maximizes corporate value in order to achieve business goals.
The definition given by ISO 31000 (International Organization for Standardization): Risk refers to "uncertain impact on objectives", while risk management refers to "coordinating the relevant activities of an agency or organization to control risks."
The definition given by COSO (National Commission to Combat Fraudulent Financial Reporting) in 2004: Enterprise risk management refers to the identification and management of risks that may affect the entity within the scope of the enterprise's risk appetite when the board of directors, management and other personnel formulate overall corporate strategies. Potential risk events provide reasonable guarantee for the realization of the subject's goals.
The core of ERM
The core idea of comprehensive risk management is integration, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects
Comprehensive risk management requires a complete, integrated organization
(1) Comprehensive risk management requires a consistent risk management approach to risks from a company-wide (bank-wide) perspective.
(2) Comprehensive risk consistency is achieved through a healthy risk culture and the company’s risk appetite and governance persistence
(3) Lack of consistent risk management, it may happen that one business department rejects an opportunity due to risk, while a similar opportunity is accepted by another department
Comprehensive risk management requires an integrated risk transfer strategy
Risk transfer strategies are executed at a transactional or single level of risk, which often results in the portfolio's risk not being fully diversified
Comprehensive risk management requires integrating integrated risk management into the company's business processes
Dimensions of ERM
Risk appetite and the relationship between risk appetite and corporate strategic goals
risk appetite
risk limit
Risk-sensitive business objectives and strategy development
Board risk oversight
risk committee
Chief Risk Officer (CRO)
corporate governance structure
Report line and report content
Risk metrics
Scenario analysis
pressure test
Comprehensive risk measure
total risk cost
Indicators for specific risks
Company-wide risk mapping
ERM strategies
risk transfer strategy
risk transfer tools
risk monitoring tools
A strong risk culture is one where the actions of a company’s employees are based on a common understanding of shared goals, practices and behaviors
How employees behave
Accountability for Key Enterprise Risks
Open and effective challenge
risk compensation
Employee Risk Literacy
Reporting mechanism
Risk culture core indicators
Accountability mechanism and risk monitoring mechanism
Groundbreaking and Effectiveness Challenges
consistent risk compensation
Risk preference perception
Risk perception ability
risk information flow
risky decisions
risk reputation
Risk escalation/whistleblower (early warning)
Board risk priorities
Action against risk offenders
Risk events and near-leak response
Advantages and Disadvantages of Enterprise Risk Management
Traditional risk management vs. ERM
Benefits of ERM
1. Higher Organizational Effectiveness (Increased Organizational Effectiveness)
2. Better Risk Reporting
3. Improved Business Performance
10 specific advantages
(1) Help enterprises define and adhere to their risk appetite
(2) Focus on supervising the most threatening risks.
(3) Identify enterprise-level risks generated at the line-of-business level.
(4) Manage the risk concentration of the entire enterprise.
(5)Manage emerging enterprise risks
cyber risk
Anti-money laundering risk (AML)
Reputation risk
(6) Support compliance with company regulations and protect stakeholders.
(7) Help companies understand the correlation and cross-over risks of risk types.
(8) Optimize risk transfer fees based on risk scale and total cost.
(9) Factor capital costs in stress scenarios into company product pricing and business decisions.
(10) Incorporate risk into business model selection and strategic decisions.
Cost of ERM
The cost of ERM is that adopting an ERM system is expensive in terms of capital and human resources, and is quite time-consuming.
The entire process of ERM can last several years and requires ongoing support from senior management and the board of directors
The composition of ERM and the use of tools
The composition of ERM
(1) Corporate governance
(2) Business line management (line management)
(3) Portfolio management
(4) Risk transfer
(5) Risk analytics
(6) Data and technology resources
(7) Stakeholders management)
ERM tools
sensitivity test
Sensitivity analysis is to analyze the degree of impact on the economic effects of the program (or change the choice of the program) when various uncertain factors change to a certain extent (or to what extent they change).
A method to analyze and calculate the sensitivity of the optimal solution of a model to changes in model parameters
Among the uncertainty factors, the factors that have a greater impact on the economic effects of the program are called sensitivity factors.
Single factor sensitivity analysis
Assume that only one uncertainty factor changes
Multifactor sensitivity analysis
Similar to scenario analysis, multiple uncertain factors change at the same time
Analysis steps
(1) Determine analysis indicators
(2) Set uncertain factors and set their change range
(3) Calculate the degree of impact
(4) Look for sensitive factors
(5) Comprehensive evaluation
Analytical method
(1) Relative determination method
(2) Absolute determination method
It is impossible to explain the possibility of changes in uncertain factors, that is, it is impossible to determine the probability that uncertain factors will occur in the future.
Scenario analysis
1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Scenario Analysis
(1) Advantages
There is no need to consider the frequency of risk occurrence;
Scenes can take the form of transparent and intuitive narratives;
Promote companies to imagine worst-case scenarios and measure their impact;
Allowing companies to focus on their key risk exposures, key risk types and how risks develop over time;
Allows companies to identify early warning signs and develop contingency plans;
Instead of relying on historical data, historical events or hypothetical events can be used as analysis scenarios;
Conduct complex or straightforward scenario analysis;
Stress test results impact risk appetite, risk limits and capital adequacy.
(2) Disadvantages
It is difficult to estimate the probability of an event occurring and to quantify risks;
Scenarios can become complex as choices expand;
Companies may be constrained from using their imaginations
For example, scenarios may underestimate the impact of extreme loss events or ignore important risk exposures
There are only a limited number of scenarios to choose from;
The scenarios chosen are often triggered by the last major crisis, and imagined scenarios are often considered impossible;
Scenario analyzes vary in quality and sophistication, and credibility and complexity can be difficult to assess;
Usefulness depends on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of a company's stress testing procedures.
2. Scenario analysis after the financial crisis
pressure test
Regulators around the world are beginning to insist that large, systemically important banks prove they can withstand tougher and more realistic scenarios
Fed sets out three macroeconomic scenarios designed by regulators
In line with consensus forecasts from economists at major banks
Moderate recession
serious disadvantage
A severe, widespread global economic recession or depression and a corresponding decline in demand for long-term fixed income investments
Two separate annual stress tests by the Fed
Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test (DFAST)
Target banks with assets over $10 billion
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR)
Targets banks with more than $50 billion in assets
The European Banking Authority's (EBA) testing program is more static, less complex and less flexible in changing risks and business strategies as situations develop
Towards stress testing a wider range of banks
Banks may move from testing a limited number of deterministic scenarios to a more dynamic, stochastic approach
This approach will apply simulation techniques to explore many different scenarios over time
Macroeconomic shocks
geopolitical shock
Outlook for ERM
1. Risks are multi-dimensional and it is very important to think comprehensively.
(1) Capture multiple dimensions of risk through a series of risk indicators; develop new forms of scenario analysis and stress testing to supplement the overall statistical data
(2) Scenario analysis and stress testing shift to a more comprehensive approach
Better simulation technology
A more rigorous approach to scene selection
A more dynamic form of testing
(3) Comprehensive thinking about risks is the direction forward for management. Traditional risk management and comprehensive risk management are not antagonistic.
2. Risks span risk types in business models and markets
(1) Scenario stress testing can help banks understand how risks develop over a long period of time and how they transition between different risk types.
(2) Risk models must play a key role in setting the enterprise's risk appetite, analyzing the risks of each business model, explaining how risks interact, and planning for contingencies.
(3) The company needs to determine in advance what response it should give when key warning indicators change.
3. Integrate risk management with business and statistical analysis
(1) Future risk managers will operate at the intersection of risk, data science, new understandings of human behavior, and business judgment
(2) Risk managers need to think comprehensively and use new methods to formulate the company’s business strategy
(3) Even if the risk signal is vague, it is necessary to ensure that the company responds reasonably to the risk signal
chief risk officer
main duty
(1) Fully responsible for risk management
(2) Suggest an integrated risk management framework for all risks faced by the enterprise
(3) Formulate risk management policies
(4) Construct risk measurement indicators and write risk reports
(5) Allocate capital according to the risks faced by each business unit, and optimize the company's risk investment portfolio through business activities and risk transfer strategies
(6) Communicate the company’s risk information to key stakeholders
(7) Develop analytical systems and data management capabilities to support risk management projects;