MindMap Gallery PMP-13 Stakeholder Management
This mind map is for Xisai PMP, Chapter 13 - Stakeholder Management - Summary of knowledge points, At the same time, there are PMP test questions with relevant knowledge points. From knowledge points to corresponding test questions, It can deepen your understanding and memory of knowledge points!
Edited at 2023-05-06 17:48:33El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
PMP-13 Stakeholder Management
Identify relevant parties early to avoid lack of stakeholder support
1. Identify interested parties
Identify, analyze, record
2. planning stakeholders
Develop an approach to stakeholder engagement in the project
3. Manage stakeholder engagement
Promote reasonable participation of relevant parties as planned
4. Supervise stakeholder participation
Revise participation strategies and plans to guide relevant parties to participate appropriately
1. Identify relevant parties
1. definition
Is the process of regularly identifying project stakeholders, analyzing and documenting their interests, involvement, interdependencies, influence and potential impact on project success
Interest, involvement, interdependence, influence, potential impact
2. effect
Enable the project team to establish appropriate focus on each stakeholder, or each stakeholder group
build attention
3. importance
To increase the likelihood of success
Start identifying stakeholders early
Prioritize stakeholders
Guide relevant parties to participate
4. process
This process should be carried out regularly throughout the project, as needed
This process is typically first conducted before or at the same time as the project charter is prepared and approved
Conducted before or concurrently with the project charter
and repeat in the process
5. Tools & Techniques
data collection
Questionnaires and surveys
can include
1. one-on-one survey
from scope management
1. a formal or informal method of obtaining information through direct conversation
2. Interviews are often "one-to-one" or "one-to-many"
"One-to-one", "One-to-many"
Suitable for small groups of people
3. Interviews can also be used to obtain confidential information
Get confidential information
4. Speak directly with interviewees and maintain confidentiality
5. Interviews can be conducted in an environment of confidentiality and trust, with the goal of obtaining authentic and credible information
2. focus group discussion
focus group
from scope management
A trained moderator leads the interactive discussion
Host-guided, interactive discussion
6 to 10 people, not suitable for large teams
Focus groups tend to be more lively than “one-on-one” interviews
more enthusiastic
Convene meetings with scheduled stakeholders or experts to gain more expectations
3. Other large-scale collection techniques
data collection techniques
from scope management
1. A technique used to generate and collect diverse ideas for project requirements and product requirements
2. It is a tool for innovation and creativity
nominal group
A technique used to facilitate brainstorming by voting to rank the most useful ideas for further brainstorming or prioritization
An appointment with Luyu
1. a formal or informal method of obtaining information through direct conversation
2. Interviews are often "one-to-one" or "one-to-many"
"One-to-one", "One-to-many"
Suitable for small groups of people
3. Interviews can also be used to obtain confidential information
Get confidential information
4. Speak directly with interviewees and maintain confidentiality
5. Interviews can be conducted in an environment of confidentiality and trust, with the goal of obtaining authentic and credible information
focus group
Host guidance interactive discussion
1. A trained moderator leads the interactive discussion
Host-guided, interactive discussion
focus, observe, record
6 to 10 people, not suitable for large teams
2. Focus groups tend to be more lively than “one-on-one” interviews
more enthusiastic
3. Convene meetings with scheduled stakeholders or experts to gain more expectations
1. The audience is diverse, the survey needs to be completed quickly, the respondents are geographically dispersed, and it is suitable for statistical analysis
Complete quickly
Geographically dispersed
2. Suitable for quickly completing surveys, where respondents are geographically dispersed and there are many relevant parties
Delphi technique
1. A group of selected experts answer the questionnaire and provide feedback on the results of each round of requirements gathering in order to reach a consensus.
Experts answer questionnaire
2. Expert responses can only be given to moderators to maintain anonymity
Anonymous status
3. Expert, anonymous, multiple rounds
1. Compare actual or planned products, processes and practices to those of other comparable organizations in order to identify best practices
2. Comparables are needed to identify the best opinion
expert judgment
Expert judgment refers to a reasonable judgment about current activities based on professional knowledge in an application field, knowledge field, discipline, industry, etc.
Expertise in an application area, knowledge area, discipline, industry, etc.
I really have no choice but to choose
Brainstorming techniques for identifying interested parties
divided into
A general data collection and creative technique for soliciting input from groups
Such as team members, subject matter experts
brain writing
1. Modified form of brainstorming
2. Allow individual participants time to think individually before group creative discussions begin
3. Information can be gathered through face-to-face group meetings, or in a technology-enabled virtual environment
data analysis
Stakeholder analysis
Stakeholder analysis will produce a list of relevant parties and various information about the relevant parties. The interests of the relevant parties can include a combination of the following items:
1. interest
Interest in project information
2. right
1. position within the organization
2. Role in the project
3. Rights and interests, expectations, and support for the project
3. ownership
4. Knowledge
5. contribute
Data performance
Scope of application
small project
Projects where the relationship between stakeholders and the project is simple
Projects where the relationship between interested parties is simple
rights interest grid
Small and simple projects
Manage stakeholders based on their rights and interests
High power, high benefits
Focus on management
Manage closely
High power, low benefits
satisfy him
Low power, high benefits
Keep informed
Low power, low benefits
highlight model
Large and complex projects
Targeting large and complex stakeholder relationships
Analysis from the perspective of power, urgency and legality
Classification basis
Rights of interested parties
the ability to impose one's will
emergency level
Requires immediate attention
have the right to participate
Determine the relative importance of identified interested parties
Be applicable
Large, complex community of stakeholders
complex, large communities
Within the stakeholder community, there is a complex network of relationships
Internal, complex network of relationships among relevant parties
Influence direction
6. output
Interested Party Register
1. Role, 2. Expectations and needs, 3. Degree of interest, 4. Degree of influence, 5. Communication strategy
Basic information of relevant parties
1. Name
2. organizational position
3. Place
4. Contact information
5. Role in the project
Assessment information
1. Main needs
2. expect
3. Potential impact on the project
4. stage of influence
Stakeholder classification analysis
1. internal or external
2. effect
3. Influence
4. rights or interests
5. superior or subordinate
6. peripheral or lateral
Update time
Discover changes in relevant parties
or when identifying
2. Plan for stakeholder participation
1. definition
Planning stakeholder engagement is the process of developing a method for stakeholder engagement in a project based on their needs, expectations, interests, and potential impact on the project.
2. effect
Provide actionable plans for effective interactions with relevant parties
3. process
4. Typical situations that trigger project stakeholder engagement plan updates
1. A new phase of the project begins
2. Changes within the organizational structure or industry
3. New individuals and groups become relevant parties
4. An existing stakeholder who is no longer a member of the stakeholder community
5. Changes in the importance of specific stakeholders to the success of the project
6. Outputs from other project processes leading to the need to re-examine the stakeholder engagement strategy
1. Change management
2. Risk Management
3. problem management
5. Tools & Techniques
Stakeholder Engagement Assessment Matrix
How to manage stakeholder engagement
1. Don't know
2. resist
3. neutral
4. support
5. lead
5 levels of differences from Current and Desire to identify and formulate strategies
6. output
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
project management plan Part
1. Focus on management strategies developed based on the ability and needs of stakeholders to influence the project
2. Information about the project stakeholder community
3. It identifies strategies and actions for promoting effective stakeholder participation in decision-making and implementation
4. Stakeholder engagement plans may include
Specific strategies or methods for engaging individuals or interested parties
Develop and manage stakeholder involvement in projects
project planning period
planning stage
3. Manage stakeholder participation
1. definition
It is a process of communicating and collaborating with relevant parties to meet their needs and expectations, handle problems, and promote reasonable participation of relevant parties.
2. effect
Enables project managers to increase stakeholder buy-in and minimize stakeholder resistance
3. process
carried out throughout the project
4. Tools & Techniques
Communication skills (feedback)
The project management team should use feedback mechanisms to understand stakeholder reactions to various project management activities and key decisions
How feedback is collected
1. Formal and informal conversations
2. Problem identification and discussion
3. Meeting
4. progress report
5. investigation
Interpersonal and team skills
For teams outsiders
conflict management
against outside the team
The project manager should ensure that conflicts are resolved promptly
conflict management
against Inside the team
Conflict Management Definition
When disagreements or conflicts arise between members, conflict management skills should be used to bring them to a consensus
Five ways to resolve conflicts
postpone, transfer, wait
Seek common ground while reserving differences
put aside differences
1. Project manager selection, command
2. Quick, immediate decisions
Collaborate/Problem Solve
Dialogue, cooperation, long-term, effective, solution
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence consists of five characteristics: self-awareness, controlling emotions, self-motivation, recognizing other people's emotions, and handling relationships.
cultural awareness
Cultural awareness helps project managers and teams communicate effectively by considering cultural differences and stakeholder needs
Negotiation is used to gain support or reach an agreement to support project work or outcomes
and resolve conflicts within the team or between the team and other interested parties
observe and talk
Keep abreast of the work and attitudes of project team members and other relevant parties through observation and conversation
political awareness
Build political awareness by understanding power relationships within and outside projects
Customs and Culture, Conflict Resolution
Interpersonal and team skills
For teams insider
Also known as "job following," when product users have difficulty or are unwilling to clearly state their needs
participant observer
Key words
is a consensus
Used when many interested parties disagree
Reach consensus among relevant parties
Three usage scenarios
JAD, QFD, user stories
analytical skills
Joint Application Design or Development (JAD)
1. Suitable for software development industry
2. This workshop focuses on bringing business subject matter experts and development teams together to gather requirements and improve the software development process
Business subject matter experts, development teams
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
1. The manufacturing industry uses QFD as a guidance skill to help determine the key features of new products.
2. QFD begins by collecting customer needs (also known as the "voice of the customer"), then objectively classifying and ranking these needs, and setting goals for achieving these needs.
Convert requirements into quality characteristics, The design quality system expands to the quality of each functional part, component, and process
Collect needs, classify and sort, and set goals
user stories
1. User stories are short written descriptions of required functionality, often generated in requirements workshops
2. User stories describe which stakeholder will benefit from the functionality (role), what he needs to achieve (goal), and what benefits he expects to gain (motivation)
as: student I want to: type in live class To facilitate: interact with teachers
Facilitation is used in conjunction with topical workshops to bring key stakeholders together to define product requirements
Workshops can be used to quickly define cross-functional requirements and reconcile differences in requirements among relevant parties
Workshops can identify and solve problems earlier than distributed meetings
nominal group technique
Rank the most useful ideas by voting
Key words
It's a vote
Meeting to discuss and address any issues or concerns related to stakeholder engagement
The types of meetings that need to be held during this process include
1. decision making
2. problem solved
3. Lessons learned and review summary
4. Project started
5. iteration planning
6. status update
5. To meet their needs and expectations, address issues and promote appropriate participation of relevant parties
6. Application scenarios
When two relevant parties have made requirements, but the content of the requirements is conflicting
Analyze relevant parties and prioritize needs
4. Supervise the participation of relevant parties
1. definition
Project stakeholder relations
and by revising engagement strategies and plans
To guide relevant parties to reasonably participate in the project
2. effect
As the project progresses and the environment changes, maintain or improve the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholder participation activities
3. process
Obfuscated documents
Interested Party Register
Identify stakeholder outputs
1. Role, 2. Expectations and needs, 3. Degree of interest, 4. Degree of influence, 5. Communication strategy
Stakeholder information, expectations, classification
Basic information of relevant parties
1. Name
2. organizational position
3. Place
4. Contact information
5. Role in the project
Assessment information
1. Main needs
2. expect
3. Potential impact on the project
4. stage of influence
Stakeholder classification analysis
1. internal or external
2. effect
3. Influence
4. rights or interests
5. superior or subordinate
6. peripheral or lateral
Update time
Discover changes in relevant parties
or when identifying
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Focus on management strategies developed based on the ability and needs of stakeholders to influence the project
Impact, needs, management strategies
communication management plan
How to ensure the correct delivery of information
Guide the delivery of project information
Ensure correct information
at the right time
by the right way
Pass it on to the right person
achieve the right effect
Communications Management Plan and Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Stakeholders are not linked to the required information, is the communication management plan
linked to information
1. Question keywords
information gap
Process information
poor communication
(difficult, not timely) Not aware of project information, status, updates
2. Background keywords
Different countries, multiple countries
Global stakeholders, international projects
cultural difference
3. Purpose keywords
Improve internal consensus
Opinions on handling disputes
Determine whether the message can be sent
Confirm message format and sending frequency
No relevant parties identified, it is a relevant party participation plan
Relevant parties not identified, or changed