1.Set the fruit on a table and gently roll it around tosoften it up. You want the juice to be flowing inside thefruit without breaking its skin. Alternatively, you cansqueeze the fruit with your hands.
2.Insert the zinc and copper nails into the fruit so thatthey are about 2" or 5 cm apart. You don't want them tobe touching each other. Avoid puncturing through the endof the fruit.
3.Remove enough insulation from the leads of the light(about 1") so that you can wrap one lead around the zincnail and one lead around the copper nail. If you like, youcan use electrical tape or alligator clips to keep the wirefrom falling off the nails.
4.When you connect the second nail, the light will turn on!
What we know about fruitsbeing used as batteries?
Acidic fruits can produce electricitywith chemical reactions with certainelements.
Vegetables can also be usedas batteries.
Only fruits and vegetables that contain acidor other electrolyte can be used as fruitbatteries.
what do we need to know?
How much volts are there in a fruit?
Can fruits be used to make atelevision function?
How long can the "battery" last?
Does the level of sournessaffect the level of voltage in afruit?
What type fruits can beused as batteries?
Reasons for the hypothesis
The lemon is acidic whichhelps their juice toconduct electricity.
Fruits have chargesthat can be convertedto negative and positivecharges through copperand zinc materials.
The zinc is oxidized inside the fruit, exchangingsome of its electrons in order to reach a lowerenergy state, and the energy released provides thepower