1. Recurrent wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness or coughing are mostly related to exposure to allergens, cold air, physical or chemical stimulation, viral upper respiratory tract infections, exercise, etc.
2. During the attack, scattered diffuse wheezing sounds mainly in the expiratory phase can be heard in both lungs, and the expiratory phase is prolonged.
3. The above symptoms can be treated or resolve on their own.
4. Exclude wheezing, chest tightness and cough caused by other diseases.
5. Those with atypical symptoms should have at least one of the following three positives: ① Positive bronchial provocation test or exercise test; ② Positive bronchodilation test; ③ Intra-day variability rate or diurnal fluctuation rate of peak expiratory flow rate ≥ 20%.