MindMap Gallery Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (TSCI) Rehabilitation
Spinal cord injury rehabilitation treatment strategy, traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) refers to the damage or destruction of the integrity of the spinal structure caused by various traumatic factors, including damage to the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments that stabilize the spine, and paravertebral muscles, resulting in damage to the nerves in the spinal canal. Damage to structures (including spinal cord and nerve roots) and their functions, leading to impairment of spinal cord function (movement, sensation, reflex, etc.) at or below the level of injury.
Edited at 2024-10-14 17:17:51이는 액체 냉각 기술 및 냉각수 제조업체에 대한 마인드 맵입니다. 주요 내용에는 액체 냉각 산업의 주요 업체, 액체 냉각 기술 경로 및 액체 냉각 기술 개요가 포함됩니다.
ACS의 정의, 유형, 원인 및 실험실 테스트를 소개합니다. 급성관상동맥증후군은 관상동맥의 불안정한 플라크가 파열되어 혈전증, 색전증 또는 연축을 일으키고 관상동맥이 완전히 또는 불완전하게 폐색되어 발생하는 급성심근허혈과 관련된 임상증후군군을 말한다.
인지세, 소비세, 판매 및 사용세, 관세, 연방 실업세, 재산세, 사회보장 및 메디케어 등을 포함한 미국의 기타 세금에 대한 마인드맵입니다.
이는 액체 냉각 기술 및 냉각수 제조업체에 대한 마인드 맵입니다. 주요 내용에는 액체 냉각 산업의 주요 업체, 액체 냉각 기술 경로 및 액체 냉각 기술 개요가 포함됩니다.
ACS의 정의, 유형, 원인 및 실험실 테스트를 소개합니다. 급성관상동맥증후군은 관상동맥의 불안정한 플라크가 파열되어 혈전증, 색전증 또는 연축을 일으키고 관상동맥이 완전히 또는 불완전하게 폐색되어 발생하는 급성심근허혈과 관련된 임상증후군군을 말한다.
인지세, 소비세, 판매 및 사용세, 관세, 연방 실업세, 재산세, 사회보장 및 메디케어 등을 포함한 미국의 기타 세금에 대한 마인드맵입니다.
Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (TSCI) Rehabilitation
basic knowledge
Traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) refers to the damage or destruction of the integrity of the spinal structure caused by various traumatic factors, including damage to the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments that stabilize the spine, and paravertebral muscles, resulting in damage to the neural structures in the spinal canal (including the spinal cord and nerves). Root) and its function are damaged, and spinal cord function (movement, sensation, reflex, etc.) disorders occur at the level of injury and below.
The annual prevalence rate of TSCI in China is 237-606/1 million, which is slightly lower than the world average prevalence rate. Those aged 18 to 32 are the main group of people who suffer from TSCI. Cervical cord TSCI is the most common, accounting for 55% to 75% of all TSCI, followed by thoracic cord and lumbar cord. Traffic accidents and falls from heights are the main causes of injuries in TSCI. TSCI related to high-risk jobs and extreme sports also occurs
Grading of TSCI injuries
Grade A is a complete injury, with no motor or sensory function preserved in the sacral segment (S4~5); Grade B is an incomplete injury. There is sensory function below the nerve injury level, including the sacral segment (S4~5), but no motor function; Grade C is an incomplete injury, with motor function below the nerve injury level and more than half of the key muscle strength retained <Grade 3; Grade D is an incomplete injury, with motor function below the nerve injury level and at least half of the key muscle strength retained ≥ grade 3; Grade E is normal, with normal sensory and motor functions.
complete damage assessment
The evaluation of whether the injury is complete is based on the residual function of the lowest sacral segment (S1~5). When the sensory function is residual, the skin at the junction of the anal skin and mucosa reacts when stimulated; when the motor function is residual, the external anal sphincter is detected during digital anal examination. There is voluntary contraction. In complete spinal cord injury, S4~5 has neither sensory nor motor function; in incomplete spinal cord injury, S4~5 has sensory or motor function.
condition assessment
Rehabilitation Assessment for Spinal Injury
Vital Signs: ABCS Assessment
Causes and mechanisms of injury: helpful in formulating rehabilitation plans
Physical examination: A comprehensive physical and neurological examination of the body
Auxiliary examinations: blood tests, imaging examinations (X-ray, CT, MRI), and if necessary, limb venous color ultrasound examination to rule out venous thrombosis in the lower limbs.
Rehabilitation Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury
Assessment of sensory function
Key sensory points: Acupuncture and light touch scores are common methods for assessing sensory function in clinical rehabilitation.
Deep anal pressure (DAP): If any repeatable pressure sensation is found in the anus, it means that the patient has incomplete sensory function impairment.
Sensory plane determination: determined by normal or intact dermatomes
motor function assessment
Key muscle strength examination: Identify the key muscles and the nerve segments they represent in spinal cord injury motor examination
Elbow flexor muscle group-C5 Wrist extensor muscle group-C6 Elbow extensor muscle group-C7 Middle finger flexor muscle group-C8 Little finger flexor muscle group-T1 Hip flexor muscle group-L2 Knee extensor muscle group-L3 Ankle dorsiflexor group-L4 Extensor digitorum longus muscle group-L5 Ankle plantaris-S1
Voluntary Anal Contraction (VAC): If VAC is present, it is considered an incomplete spinal cord injury
Assessment of non-key muscle strength: The diaphragm, deltoid, hip internal muscles, hamstrings and other muscles can be used to determine the status of incomplete sports injuries.
Sports score: The assessment standard uses manual muscle testing (MMT) to measure muscle strength.
Determination of the plane of motion: The plane of motion is determined by examining 10 key muscles on one side of the body. The lowest key muscle with a muscle strength of level 3 or above represents the plane of motion, provided that the key muscles representing its upper segment function normally. The left and right sides of the body can be different, with the highest of the two sides being a single plane of motion.
Assessment of spinal cord injury level
Mainly the lowest spinal cord segment with normal motor and sensory functions on both sides of the body. The neurological level of spinal cord injury is mainly based on the motor injury level. The T2-L1 segment is relatively special and is usually determined by the sensory injury level. Motor injury level and sensory injury level: According to ASIA and ISCoS, the injury level can be determined accurately and quickly based on the key muscles and key sensory points innervated by the nerve. When determining the level of injury, the key muscle strength must be ≥ grade 3 and the muscle strength above the level must be normal.
Recording of injury planes: During assessment, the motor injury planes and sensory injury planes on both sides of the body should be recorded in detail.
Assessment of neurologic levels when the patient is unable to undergo examination: Sensory and motor scoring and grading should be performed on a later examination.
Emergency treatment period: The whole body should be comprehensively checked, life-threatening emergencies and related complications should be treated as a priority, and the principles of handling patients with spinal cord injuries should be correctly grasped.
Acute phase (within 3 weeks after injury): The spine and condition are relatively stable, and rehabilitation treatment can be carried out accordingly to improve the patient's ability to perform daily activities and quality of life. It mainly adopts bedside rehabilitation training, placing the correct body position, performing passive activities on the joints of the whole body, and then conducting muscle strength and endurance training on the remaining muscle strength and the muscles above the injury level. In addition, during the acute phase, attention should also be paid to respiratory sputum training and intermittent urination training to prevent the occurrence of disuse syndrome and pressure ulcers, shorten clinical treatment time, reduce medical burden, and create conditions for future rehabilitation treatment.
Recovery period (4-8 weeks after bed rest ends)
Rehabilitation treatment goals: Maximize the remaining muscle strength, enhance the patient's joint mobility, improve the functional status of defecation and respiratory tract, and reduce pain; prevent the occurrence of bedridden complications such as pressure ulcers and deep vein thrombosis, and improve the patient's living ability and survival quality.
Main methods of rehabilitation
Passive training of joint range of motion and muscle strength
active strength training
pain treatment
Bladder training and rectal management
Breathing and expectoration training
Prevent osteoporosis
Return to family and society
Psychological intervention and out-of-hospital care
Main rehabilitation measures
Hyperbaric oxygen;: The earlier the time, the better the effect
electrical stimulation
Rehabilitation assistive devices: orthotics, exoskeleton robots, wheelchairs, living assistive devices, training assistive devices, etc.