MindMap Gallery Nursing care for women with pregnancy complications
Exclusive to ysy, this mind map of nursing care for women with pregnancy complications introduces knowledge points such as pregnancy combined with heart disease, pregnancy complicated by diabetes, pregnancy complicated by viral hepatitis, pregnancy complicated by iron deficiency anemia, etc.
Edited at 2024-11-20 10:12:43生物学必修科目の第 2 単元は、知識の要点を要約して整理し、核となる内容をすべて網羅しており、誰でも学習するのに非常に便利です。学習効率を高めるための試験の復習やプレビューに適しています。急いで集めて一緒に学びましょう!
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生物学必修科目の第 2 単元は、知識の要点を要約して整理し、核となる内容をすべて網羅しており、誰でも学習するのに非常に便利です。学習効率を高めるための試験の復習やプレビューに適しています。急いで集めて一緒に学びましょう!
これは私の抽出と腐食に関するマインド マップです。主な内容は、金属の腐食、金属の抽出、および反応性シリーズです。
これは、金属の反応性に関するマインド マップです。主な内容は、金属の置換反応、金属の反応性シリーズです。
Nursing care for women with pregnancy complications
Pregnancy complicated by heart disease
Common types
Structural abnormal heart disease
Congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease and myocarditis
dysfunctional heart disease
Various cardiac arrhythmias without cardiovascular structural abnormalities
Heart disease specific to pregnancy
Hypertensive disease of pregnancy, cardiac disease and peripartum cardiomyopathy
clinical manifestations
Mild cases have no symptoms, while severe cases may have symptoms such as lack of appetite, palpitations, chest tightness, chest pain, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, edema and other symptoms.
physical signs
People with abnormal heart structure or valves may hear various types of heart murmurs in the chest area.
Arrhythmias may have various abnormal heart rates
Patients with metal valve replacement may experience valve replacement sound
acute heart failure and chronic heart failure
acute heart failure
Acute left heart failure with pulmonary edema as the main manifestation is more common
Difficulty breathing, orthopnea with a sense of suffocation, restlessness, coughing and coughing up white or pink frothy sputum
There are scattered wet rales at the bottom of both lungs. In severe cases, both lungs are full of wet rales and accompanied by wheezing.
chronic heart failure
Chronic left heart failure is characterized by dyspnea as the main manifestation
The main manifestations of chronic right heart failure include abdominal fullness, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, jugular venous distension, positive hepatic-jugular reflux sign, and edema.
Other complications
Pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary hypertensive crisis, malignant arrhythmias, infective endocarditis
nursing assessment
physical condition
Determine cardiac function status
subjective functional capacity
Level I: No restrictions on general physical activities
Level III: Those with obvious limitations in general physical activities, no discomfort when resting, discomfort, palpitations, difficulty breathing during minor daily tasks, or those with a history of heart failure.
Level II: Mild restriction of general physical activity, palpitations and mild shortness of breath after activity, asymptomatic at rest
Level IV: General physical activities are severely restricted, unable to perform any physical activities, and symptoms of heart failure such as palpitations and dyspnea are present at rest.
Objective means of inspection
Level A: No objective evidence of cardiovascular disease
Level B: Patients with mild cardiovascular disease according to objective examination
Level C: Patients with moderate cardiovascular disease according to objective examination
Level D: Objective examination shows that patients have severe cardiovascular disease
Assess symptoms and signs
The circulating blood volume of pregnant women reaches its peak at 23 to 34 weeks. The increase in total circulating blood volume can cause increased cardiac output and accelerated heart rate, aggravating the heart load.
The enlargement of the uterus and the elevation of the diaphragm cause the heart to shift upward, forward and to the left, causing slight distortion of the large blood vessels of the heart, further increasing the load on the heart.
Every time a woman contracts during labor, 250 to 500 ml of fluid is squeezed into the systemic circulation.
During the puerperium, especially within 3 days after delivery, uterine contractions cause a large amount of blood to enter the systemic circulation, and the fluid retained in the tissue spaces also begins to flow back, resulting in an increase in systemic circulation blood volume.
Diagnostic points
Diagnosis of abnormal heart rate, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction and the location of infarction
24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram
Provides duration and frequency of arrhythmia
Echocardiography (UCG)
Accurately reflects changes in the size of each heart chamber, heart valve structure and function
Measuring the degree of myocardial damage
Myocardial enzyme and troponin tests indicate whether there is myocardial damage The detection of brain natriuretic peptide can be used as an effective heart failure screening and prognostic indicator.
Fetal electronic monitoring
Assess fetal health
Treatment points
Standardize pregnancy care or intervention, early detection and prevention of heart failure
Nursing measures
Strengthen pregnancy health care
After 32 weeks of pregnancy, you need to check once a week, and you should be hospitalized in advance to wait for delivery at 36 to 38 weeks.
Condition observation
Early manifestations of heart failure
Chest tightness, palpitations, and shortness of breath occur after slight activity
Heart rate exceeds 110 beats/min and breathing exceeds 20 beats/min at rest
At night, I often sit up to breathe due to chest tightness, or go to the window to breathe fresh air
A small amount of persistent crackles appears at the base of the lungs and does not disappear after coughing
Prevent heart failure
Get adequate rest and sleep for at least 10 hours a day. When resting, sleep mainly on the left side or semi-recumbent position to avoid overwork, mental stress and emotional agitation.
The nutrition is scientific and reasonable. It is appropriate not to exceed 12.5kg during the entire pregnancy. Generally, the daily salt intake should not exceed 4~5g. Eat small and frequent meals to prevent constipation from aggravating the burden on the heart.
Prevent and treat various factors that induce heart failure, such as infection, anemia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, thromboembolism, etc.
Provide guidance to pregnant women and their families on relevant knowledge
Timing of pregnancy termination
If pregnancy is not suitable, the pregnancy should be terminated. In early pregnancy, therapeutic abortion should be performed before 12 weeks of pregnancy
Those with low risk of pregnancy due to heart disease and Class I heart function can carry their pregnancy to term.
Heart disease patients with higher pregnancy risk but cardiac function class I can terminate their pregnancy at 32 to 36 weeks.
Patients with severe heart disease who are contraindicated in pregnancy need to terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible once diagnosed
Emergency management of acute heart failure
Pregnant women should sit in a semi-recumbent or upright position with their legs drooping to reduce venous blood return.
Immediately inhale high-flow oxygen, and adjust the oxygen flow according to the results of arterial blood gas analysis
Open the intravenous channel and use cardiotonic drugs as directed by the doctor
labor period
Choice of delivery method
Those with cardiac function levels I to II, a small fetus, a normal fetal position, and good uterine cavity conditions can undergo vaginal delivery to avoid excessive birth.
Those with cardiac function levels III to IV, a relatively large fetus, poor uterine cavity conditions, and other complications are not suitable for vaginal delivery and may be given elective cesarean section.
Patients with structural abnormal heart disease need to take prophylactic antibiotics for 1 to 2 days before cesarean section.
general care
Lie on your left side and avoid lying on your back. During delivery, adopt a semi-recumbent position, raise the buttocks and lower the lower limbs, and avoid holding the mother's breath during the operation.
After the fetus is delivered, a sandbag should be placed immediately on the abdomen for 24 hours to prevent heart failure caused by a sudden drop in abdominal pressure.
Condition observation
During the first stage of labor, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and heart rate were measured every 15 minutes, and fetal heart rate was measured every 30 minutes.
Measure every 10 minutes during the second stage of labor
Shorten the second stage of labor and reduce maternal physical exertion
Prevent postpartum bleeding and infection
Follow the doctor's advice to inject oxytocin intravenously or intramuscularly, and ergometrine is prohibited to increase cubic venous pressure.
psychological care
general care
Pregnant women in semi-recumbent or left-side lying position
Early moderate activity to reduce thrombosis
Condition observation
Vital signs, chief complaints and cardiac function status to correctly identify early symptoms of heart failure
Prevent postpartum hemorrhage and infection
Continue to use oxytocin after delivery
Low molecular weight heparin can be administered subcutaneously in the first few days after surgery
Antibiotics prevent infection for 5 to 10 days
Women with cardiac function levels I to II can breastfeed, but should avoid overexertion.
People who have taken warfarin for a long time and have heart function level III or above should not breastfeed, and those who have lactation withdrawal should not use estrogen.
Pregnancy complicated by diabetes
Common types
pre-pregnancy diabetes
Women with diabetes who have been diagnosed before pregnancy are complicated by pregnancy or abnormal glucose tolerance before pregnancy and develop diabetes after pregnancy.
gestational diabetes
Normal glucose metabolism before pregnancy, diabetes discovered during pregnancy
high risk factors
Maternal age ≧35 years old, overweight or obesity before pregnancy, history of abnormal glucose tolerance, polycystic ovary syndrome
Have a family history of diabetes
History of unexplained stillbirth, stillbirth, miscarriage, macrosomia, fetal malformation, polyhydramnios, GDM
In this pregnancy, the fetus was found to be larger than the gestational age, polyhydramnios, and a history of recurrent vulvovaginal candida.
Category A: Diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy
Level A1: After controlled diet, fasting blood glucose <5.3mmol/L, blood glucose two hours after a meal <6.7mmol/L
Level A2: After controlled diet, fasting blood sugar ≧5.3mmol/L, two-hour postprandial blood sugar ≧6.7mmol/L
Grade B: Overt diabetes, onset after the age of 20, duration of disease <> 10 years
Grade C: age of onset is 10 to 19 years old, or disease duration is 10 to 19 years
Grade D: onset before 10 years old, or disease duration ≧20 years, or combined with simple retinopathy
Class F: Diabetic nephropathy
Grade R: Fundus proliferative retinopathy or vitreous hemorrhage
Class H: Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease
Category T: History of kidney transplantation
clinical manifestations
Polyuria, polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia
Diagnostic points
pre-pregnancy diabetes
Fasting blood glucose ≧7.0mmol/L
The two-hour blood glucose of the 75-gram oral glucose tolerance test is ≧11.1mmol/L (200mg/dl)
Glycated hemoglobin≧6.5%
Accompanied by typical symptoms of hyperglycemia or hyperglycemic crisis, and any blood sugar ≧11.1mmol/L
gestational diabetes
A 75g OGPTT was performed at 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy and at the first visit after 28 weeks. The blood glucose values on an empty stomach and 1 hour and 2 hours after taking sugar were lower than 5.1 mmol/L, 10.0 mmol/L, and 8.5 mmol/L respectively. Diagnosis can be made if the blood sugar level at any point reaches or exceeds the above standards.
First check fasting blood sugar between 24 and 28 weeks. Fasting blood glucose ≧5.1mmol/L, can be directly diagnosed
Nursing measures
Regular prenatal check-ups
Pregnant women with pregestational diabetes should be checked once a week in the early stages, once every 2 weeks after the 10th week, and once a week after 32 weeks of pregnancy.
Condition observation
GDP pregnant women: blood sugar levels before meals and 2 hours after meals are ≦5.3mmol/L or ≦6.7mmol/L respectively Nighttime blood sugar should not be lower than 3.3mmol/L HbA1c during pregnancy should be <5.5%
Pregnant women with PGDM: Do not control blood sugar too strictly in early pregnancy to prevent hypoglycemia. Its pre-meal, nighttime and fasting blood sugar should be controlled at 3.3~5.6mmol/L Postprandial blood sugar peak value is 5.6~7.1mmol/L HbA1c<6.0%
nutritional therapy
Nutritional therapy is the most important method in treating gestational diabetes
Control total energy, have balanced nutrition, eat small amounts with frequent meals, and emphasize eating before meals.
Eat a light, low-fat, low-fat, low-salt, high-fiber diet, and prohibit the intake of refined sugar.
exercise intervention
Reflect the characteristics of personalization and security
Treatment cooperation
Preferred blood insulin for drug treatment
ketoacidosis of pregnancy
For those with high blood sugar (>16.6mmol/L), first give a one-time intravenous injection of insulin.
0.9% sodium chloride injection, continuous intravenous drip of insulin
Monitor blood sugar once every hour since taking insulin, and make adjustments according to the drop in blood sugar. The average blood sugar drop per hour is 3.9~5.6mmol/L.
When blood sugar drops to 13.9mmol/L, change the 0.9% sodium chloride injection to 5% glucose or glucose saline
labor period
Timing of pregnancy termination
If blood sugar is well controlled and there are no maternal or fetal complications, the pregnancy can be terminated after 39 weeks of pregnancy under close monitoring.
mode of delivery
cesarean section
Treatment cooperation
For those with diabetes before pregnancy, intravenous infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride injection plus insulin
For patients undergoing cesarean section, subcutaneous insulin injection should be stopped and replaced with low-dose insulin and continuous intravenous infusion. Control blood sugar during the operation at 6.7~10.0mmol/L, and measure blood sugar every 2~4 hours after the operation until the diet is restored.
Condition observation
When a newborn is born, umbilical cord blood is taken to monitor blood sugar, and peripheral blood sugar is monitored within 30 minutes after birth.
Treatment cooperation
The dosage of insulin should be reduced to 1/3~2/3 of that before delivery, and the dosage should be adjusted according to postpartum fasting blood sugar
Pregnancy complicated by viral hepatitis
Common types and modes of transmission.
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
Gastrointestinal spread Contact with maternal blood, inhalation of amniotic fluid, or meconium contamination during delivery can lead to neonatal infection
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Mother-to-child pituitary transmission, intrapartum and postpartum transmission It can occur at any stage of pregnancy and is one of the main causes of maternal death in my country.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
mother-to-child vertical transmission Pregnant women who are infected are prone to develop chronic hepatitis and eventually cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
Hepatitis G and transfusion-transmitted hepatitis virus
clinical manifestations
incubation period
HAV lasts for 2 to 7 weeks, with an acute onset, short course, and rapid recovery. HBV lasts for 6 to 20 months. The course of the disease often recovers slowly and can easily develop into chronic disease. HCV2~26 weeks, HDV4~20 weeks, HEV 2~8 weeks
Unexplained loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, aversion to greasy food, fatigue, and percussion pain in the liver area
Nursing measures
perimarital health care
People with hepatitis should get pregnant under the guidance of a doctor half a year after recovery, preferably 2 years later.
Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care
general care
Avoid heavy physical labor and get enough sleep. Increase the intake of high-quality protein, high vitamins, rich in carbohydrates, and low-fat foods to maintain smooth bowel movements
Regular prenatal check-ups
People with chronic HPV infection need to check their liver function regularly after pregnancy
Prevent bleeding
Inject vitamin K1 intramuscularly a few days before delivery, and use oxytocin immediately after delivery of the fetal shoulder to prevent postpartum hemorrhage.
Handle production correctly to prevent mother-to-child transmission
Strict disinfection and isolation to prevent infection
All users use 200mg/L chlorine-containing preparations for soaking
Guidance on newborn feeding
Breastfeeding is prohibited during the acute phase of hepatitis and severe hepatitis. Estrogen is prohibited for lactation withdrawal. You can choose to take raw malt orally or apply Glauber's salt to the breast externally.
Pregnancy complicated by severe hepatitis
Protect liver
Prevent and treat hepatic encephalopathy
Prevent DIC and hepatorenal syndrome
prevent infection
Obstetric management
Intervention of mother-to-child transmission
Hepatitis A
Pregnant women should intramuscularly inject 2~3ml of gamma globulin within 7 days, and the newborn should be injected with gamma globulin once at birth and 1 week after birth.
Hepatitis B
Start antiviral treatment at 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, and inject hepatitis B immune globulin as soon as possible within 12 hours after birth.
Hepatitis C
Reduce hospital-borne infections
Pregnancy complicated by iron deficiency anemia
Mild anemia: 100~109g/L
Moderate anemia: 70~99g/L
Severe anemia: 40~69g/L
Extremely severe anemia: <40g/L
clinical manifestations
Pale skin, lip mucosa, and palpebral conjunctiva
Diagnostic points
Blood routine
Hemoglobin<110g/L, hematocrit<0.33, red blood cells<3.5×10¹²/L
Serum Iron Measurement
Serum iron <6.5 μmol/L is diagnostic
bone marrow cytology examination
The red blood cell system is mildly or moderately proliferative, with medium and late immature erythrocytes predominating.
Iron metabolism test
Serum ferritin is the most effective and easily available indicator for assessing iron deficiency
Iron reduction period: serum ferritin <20 μg/L, transferrin saturation and hemoglobin normal Iron-deficient erythropoiesis stage: serum ferritin <20 μg/L, transferrin saturation <15%, and normal hemoglobin IDA stage: serum ferritin <20μg/L, transferrin saturation <15%, hemoglobin <110g/L
Nursing measures
And actively treat chronic blood loss diseases, change bad habits, adjust dietary structure, and increase nutrition
Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care
Diet care
Consume iron-rich foods such as animal blood, liver, and lean meat Consume dark-colored vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C to promote iron absorption and utilization
Correct iron supplementation
Those with hemoglobin above 70g/L can take oral iron supplements and take vitamin C at the same time to promote iron absorption. They should be taken after or with meals.
blood transfusion
For those with hemoglobin <70g/L, give blood transfusion Hemoglobin is between 70 and 100g/L, and blood transfusion is decided based on whether the patient has surgery and heart function.
Ensure the safety of mothers and babies
Hemostatic agents (vitamin C, vitamin K1) are given before and after delivery. Prostaglandin preparations can be used after the placenta is delivered to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. At the same time, uterine infusion should be used for at least two hours.
Prevent infection
Before the test, subjects were subject to normal physical activity and normal diet for 3 consecutive days. Fast for at least 8 hours after dinner on the previous day until the morning of the 4th. Sit quietly and quit smoking during the examination. During the examination, 300 ml of liquid containing 75 g of glucose was taken orally within 5 minutes, and venous blood was drawn before taking sugar, 1 hour, and 2 hours after taking sugar (the time was calculated from the start of drinking glucose water), and the plasma glucose level was measured.