MindMap Gallery From internal friction to flow an action guide to entropy reduction in a complex era
How to get out of internal friction? By reading the map I summarized based on my own experience after reading the book with the title of the outline, readers can understand how to combat the increase in entropy, achieve the decrease in cognitive entropy, experience flow, and obtain sustained happiness. Hope this helps!
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這是趙周老師《這樣讀書就夠了》一書的第5章,這一章主要講了這些方面: ①學習能力的重要性 ②如何為信息添加上下文 ③如何辨別知識和信息 ④不要急於質疑和挑戰 ⑤如何用便簽法來升級學習力 ⑥為什麼追逐“乾貨”是偽學習?
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From internal friction to flow, an action guide for entropy reduction in a complex era
Entropy reduction practice plan
Why should we practice entropy reduction?
Why is self-awareness so difficult?
People are always easily driven by their emotional and instinctive brains. The rational brain has only developed for 2.5 million years, and it is relatively difficult to control self-awareness.
Social environment, social behavior, and the concept and rules culture of "you should xxxx" have always been around
Self-deceptive self-reflection cannot bring about clear and effective self-understanding, and it always leads to "hindsight"
The pleasure principle of the id is too powerful
Only relying on thinking to understand oneself, never putting it into practice
what is happiness
A victory experience full of enjoyment, including joy, ecstasy, warmth, comfort and other subjective feelings about the current positive situation
Some are durable and some are not.
Participate fully in something, the experience of flow
Endogenous, time stops, consciousness disappears
The power to unleash your potential
sense of control
self spirit
self body
Cognitive upgrade
cognitive division of labor
habitual cognition
rely on intuition
Does not consume brain power
Unconscious fast thinking system
rational cognition
active control
devote concentration
Conscious slow thinking system
inner mental entropy
Doing useless work for a long time - entropy increases
lack of creativity
passive participation
blurry target
Unable to immerse
internal friction
Nothing is done, the brain keeps running at high speed, lack of motivation, and resist each other.
Forced execution, no matter what, must reach a certain standard
Perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive tendencies
Always focus on uncontrollable results, entangled in the future and the past
High sensitivity, low self-esteem
High stress, low desire
What is the practice of entropy reduction?
The underlying logic of the concept of entropy reduction
Life activities are the process of hard work and the process of resisting the increase in entropy.
Establish a spiritual metabolic system for yourself
Reshape yourself into an open system that absorbs effective energy
Keep your mind open
Change from fixed mindset to growth mindset
Consciously far from equilibrium
Stepping from the comfort zone into the stretch zone
Action to ensure non-linear growth
Switch from result-oriented to process-oriented, "compound interest effect", patiently do the right things
Take the initiative to do the work yourself
Open source, introducing negentropy to cognition
Find high-quality energy sources
Get high quality information flow
Read more
read good books
make summary
Multiple outputs
Deliberate practice, Feynman learning
Clean up low-quality information flow
Reduce unnecessary information flow acquisition, Douyin, Bilibili, entertainment apps, etc.
Excellent interpersonal flow
Get close to excellent people first. What do excellent people look like?
It’s not about the number of people but the essence
Excellent environmental flow
Low entropy environment, chaos and disorder
Throttle, expel high entropy from within
Efficiency, allocating energy to actions
Activities that can focus your attention for a long time
Conducted in leisure time when people have complete autonomy of will
self-approval and pleasure
actively devote attention
Self-goal, endogenously driven
How to practice entropy reduction
Evaluate total entropy
Multidimensional entropy value
total entropy
High entropy
medium entropy
low entropy
degree of closure
growth mindset
Fixed thinking
work resistance
Enhanced type
Internal friction type
Growth type (temporary)
dolphin type
growing up
Increase efficiency
sloth type
growing up
internal friction
rhinoceros type
Increase efficiency
internal friction
Preparation before practice
Accept emotions
The entropy-related grief of the past, the projection of a sense of loss
Decompose it and write it down when you feel sad
Current entropy-related depression, loss of energy, low sense of self-worth, easy to fall into emptiness and self-doubt
First record and reduce sensitivity, actively clear out what you do every day to gain energy, make a "three tasks" list, and focus on important, meaningful negative entropy things.
Anxiety related to future entropy
Record it! Act effectively! Long-term investment, be patient
The unknown emotion associated with the entropy of bereavement
The complex emotions are mixed and you are short of words to express them. Write them down and name them!
Emotion diary, desensitization
Practice entropy reduction
Understand your own strengths, motivations, and values
Ranking of value elements
Career achievement
personal growth
In good health
Socialize with friends
Time investment ranking (discretionary time)
personal growth
Career achievement
Socialize with friends
entertainment enjoyment
In good health
Free spending sorting
Career achievement
Socialize with friends
entertainment enjoyment
Most afraid of losing
self-esteem (inner things)
nature value type
value leader
tendency description
Requires a strong sense of reality and control, is good at exerting influence to promote changes in the existing framework, and is more willing to inspire teams to collaborate than to work alone.
typical occupation
Entrepreneur, politician, community manager, NGO organizer
Have an overall picture, strong persuasion and negotiation skills, full of charisma, and are suitable for activities oriented to building group consensus. It is recommended to choose areas that can promote positive changes in society to set growth goals
intrinsic motivation
Use talents and pursue personal beliefs to lead the group to achieve common goals
exogenous motivation
Taking advantage of the group's trust in oneself to satisfy self-interest rather than altruism
ambiguity motivation
Lost faith, fell into obsession with power, and couldn't help but condemn himself
value communicator
tendency description
Need space for independent learning and thinking, and also like to export to the outside world. Compared with money and power, they value their own knowledge reserves and external recognition more.
typical occupation
Teacher, trainer, sports coach, self-media blogger
Able to take the initiative to learn, willing to share knowledge, and guide others to become better. Suitable for activities with directional dissemination and high feedback. It is recommended to choose the knowledge area in which you are most confident and set growth goals.
intrinsic motivation
Obtain the satisfaction of self-growth through the closed loop of learning and sharing feedback, and feel happiness through altruism
exogenous motivation
Pursuing the rapid realization of knowledge and personality, gradually losing enthusiasm for learning
ambiguity motivation
Oscillating between guiding others to grow and using others to become famous, unable to immerse in learning
value adder
tendency description
Likes to arrange and optimize the resources on hand, and can maximize value-added within a certain framework
typical occupation
Programmer, interior designer, engineer, therapist, chef, doctor, lawyer, civil servant
Sensitive to details, strong in execution and coordination, suitable for activities that require high focus and stable advancement. It is recommended to set growth goals in the professional areas in which you are best at
intrinsic motivation
Pursue the ultimate professional performance and enjoy the process of providing value to service recipients
exogenous motivation
Pursuing the use of resources at hand to maximize self-interest within the framework, gradually losing the depth of professionalism
ambiguity motivation
The goal is unclear, he acts according to the situation, and he cannot please both ends.
value creator
tendency description
Dare to grow in the unknown and like to create something new from scratch
typical occupation
Technology entrepreneur, artist, scientist, writer
Energetic, curious and adaptable, suitable for exploring the best path amid changes. It is recommended to choose a challenge area that you have preliminary understanding of and are passionate about to set growth goals.
intrinsic motivation
Take pleasure in focusing on creation and find a balance between satisfying yourself and others
exogenous motivation
Focused on winning fame and money through talent and creativity, gradually ignoring creation
ambiguity motivation
Wanting to enjoy creation while catering to the market often conflicts with the original intention
Invest your cognitive energy in an activity that best suits your true wishes
Recognition of own values
subjectively happy
actively devote attention
Goals are detailed enough
The purpose is to reduce mental entropy rather than achieve much external achievement
Can bring about growth, consistent with growth mindset and openness principles
Self-controllable, no interference from others or external resistance
Anchoring direction, what do I want most?
Identify your own advantageous traits
Is it self-controllable?
Focus on one action goal
type of thing
You don’t want to do it, but you have to do it. It’s valuable for personal growth. It’s best to do it with positive feedback.
You don’t want to do it, but you have to do it. It is of no value to personal growth. It is best to refuse it as much as possible until you get rid of it completely.
You can choose to do it or not to do it. It is valuable for personal growth. It is best to make a plan to do it more.
You can choose to do it or not to do it. It is of no value to personal growth. It is best to do less.
Objective conditions do not allow you to do it, or you want to do it even if others object to it. It is valuable for personal growth. It is best to create conditions to do more.
Objective conditions do not allow you to do it, or you want to do it even if others object to it. It is of no value to personal growth, so it is best not to do it.
Clearly define action goals
initial wish
Functional goals after revising initial wishes
Preliminary planned functional goals
It has both functional goals and meaningful goals, and also includes an action plan broken down into days.
I hope (meaningful goal, altruism), (what I output, functional goal) will help these people. If I (the day’s plan), I can output the closed loop before xx time
Execute the entropy reduction plan and decompose it into time units and key acitons. It is best to use days as the unit. Do not rely on willpower. It is difficult.
AMC model, challenges are slightly higher than abilities, and actions are mainly driven by endogenous motivations
Low Ability Low Challenge: Apathy
Medium ability, low challenge: boring
High ability, low challenge: slacking off
Low Ability Medium Challenge: Worry
Low Ability High Challenge: Panic
High Ability Medium Challenge: Control
Medium Ability High Challenge: Awakening
High ability, high challenge: flow
Achieve entropy reduction life through action chain, key actions drive life entropy reduction
Environmental entropy decrease
Information entropy reduction
Interpersonal entropy decreases
Habit entropy decreases
Coping with internal friction in the real world
Four major urban diseases of the times
Procrastination, a car that presses the accelerator and the brake at the same time
Procrastination is not laziness
It is irrational delaying behavior
Procrastination and anxiety
It’s not that there’s a lack of motivation in my heart, nor is it just resistance, it’s that the two are resisting each other.
WHAT? ,AMC model
The ability is clearly greater than the challenge, but the motivation is too low, because the brain determines that completing this challenge is a "loss", so it will delay the realization of the "loss" and prolong the sense of comfort and control.
Positive motivation
Don't rely on willpower
Loss cognition → Gain cognition, e.g. When you get up, you lose the "comfort" of sleeping a little longer, but you won't be late for work, there will be no problem with accounting and attendance, and you can still read a few more minutes of news
Action comes first, imagine you are already executing it
cognitive dissonance theory
The challenge is greater than the ability, the benefits are uncertain, the pain is right in front of you, and the deadline is still long, such as self-growth on a long-term front, postgraduate entrance examinations, finding a good job by the end of the year, etc.
Lower challenge
shorten the front
Simplify preparation
Split tasks, weaken fear, and enhance control
Reduce resistance, remove excuses, enhance immediacy
Transform the connotation of motivation and connect endogenous motivation
Set up positive feedback with long-term rewards. The longer the task, the more necessary it is.
Make yourself uncomfortable when you get used to rewards
Chicconi effect
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, the unstoppable battle to eliminate the little red dot
Not every stubbornness is obsessive-compulsive disorder
Is there a confrontation between myself and this compulsive behavior?
Bring yourself out with flow
Mobile phone dependence, I don’t know how to live without it
Obsessive attachment in love (high anxiety, low avoidance)
Deliberately practice, adapt to the separation of humans and machines, and control the use of mobile phones
Try not to touch your phone during breaks
Eat carefully when eating, chat seriously when chatting, wash carefully when taking a shower, and live in the moment.
Deliberately pause when browsing the phone, such as "pause for 5 seconds after watching this video"
Actively replace, introduce alternative activities, and restore mobile phone functions
Do more activities where you are not allowed to bring/use mobile phones, such as swimming, hot spring baths, concerts, watching movies, etc.
Analyze your most commonly used mobile phone functions and gradually replace them with specialized devices (if any)
Set up obstacles and use the AMC principle to make dependence difficult
Reducing ability, such as putting your phone in your bag so that you cannot pick up your phone anytime and anywhere
To increase the challenge, which apps are addictive and not useful for growth, set a password to log in, or set the browsing time
I have difficulty choosing, who can help me make a decision?
Overthinking in repeated entanglements
"Optimal" decision-making style, thinking too much
Want the benefits of an option but don’t want to risk the potential consequences behind it
When you toss a coin and decide to toss it again, your subconscious actually makes a choice.
Focus on how to deal with the worst-case scenario, and if you can't handle it, figure out how to endure it and then execute it
Don’t review it immediately after execution. Wait for a few days and then review it objectively.
After self-examination, no matter how it develops later, you must accept the consequences, cuz this is life and life sucks man
See the essence clearly, simplify thinking, and act decisively
The ultimate ability to widen the cognitive gap
Intentionality level, the higher the level, the simpler and more efficient the thinking, the lower the entropy value, the less likely it is to think randomly
First-level intentionality, having self-awareness and being able to express it from one’s own perspective
Second-level intentionality, using oneself as the subject to infer what others think of oneself, for example, I notice that he finds me attractive
Third-level intentionality, the individual infers how one person thinks about another person's thoughts. For example, I suspect that he also discovered that she likes him.
Level 4 intentionality, the individual infers how one person speculates on how another person thinks about a third party. For example, I guess you also think that he thinks she likes him, which is relatively advanced.
Level five intentionality, the individual infers how one person infers how another person thinks about the third party’s thoughts about the fourth party. For example, I think you are implying that she wants Xiao Li to believe that Xiao Wang likes her.
Use mental capacity to make decisions
high probability
High predictability
game theory
Raise the level of mental intentionality
After reading a book that you think is a good book, take reading notes
daily meditation
try writing
multi-practice game theory
Harnessing dopamine at work
Give yourself some slight pain before you start working in a focused state
In a list of tasks, do the difficult ones first, then the easy ones
Actively delay consumption of dopamine
Relational application of the concept of entropy reduction
What is love brain
Insufficient self-recognition, so that all self-worth is pinned on the other person, leading to an increase in entropy
lower expectations
divert attention
Ineffective social coping
Socialize with empathy, provide emotional comfort, relieve boredom, not picky, low value
Mutually beneficial social interaction, social interaction based on mutual appreciation of each other's certain qualities or abilities, picking people, high value
Distinguish the boundaries and wake up! If it’s just a relationship of empathy, don’t make demands for mutual benefit and take it for granted.
what is flow
lose sense of time
Perception of surrounding environment becomes blurred
You can feel that all cognitive energy is automatically output in one direction with high efficiency.
The feeling when I was a child, I often fell into flow, such as playing with my head in the sand
Simultaneously releases a total of 6 neurotransmitters: dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin and cannabinoids
Activities consistent with flow
clear goals
Decompose task goals and develop functional and meaningful goals from big goals
Refine goals for key actions
instant feedback
Achievement feedback of reward mechanism-Hall of Honor
Action feedback, check immediately after output
Match difficulty
AMC model, capabilities and challenges
Addiction vs non-addiction
Addiction refers to the uncontrollable participation in activities in which cognitive behavior is controlled by the reward stimulation system despite adverse consequences, such as gambling, watching short videos, online mobile games, etc.; once one enters, attention will no longer be available. It is under your own initiative to control and be taken away. After reaching a certain level of addiction, the brain will automatically secrete dopamine even when a conditioned signal appears.
Non-addiction refers to the energy-replenishing pleasure that a person obtains through hard work under the strong will to achieve a certain goal.
Why we need flow
For cheating
Basic skills for entering flow
concentration control
focus quickly
Establish a strong correlation between reloading and conversion: signals - micro-actions - positive feedback prompts; for example, drinking coffee → after taking a sip, immediately concentrate on doing something that can be done in 1 minute → snap your fingers → enter the state
Can you quickly detect when your mind wanders?
Once you receive the signal, you will know that your mind has wandered. Don’t blame yourself and relax appropriately. If your mind wanders too many times, you may need to adjust the difficulty of the task.
Stay focused
Reduce switching
Everything at hand is within reach, no need to stop and get up to look for it
The working method is input-processing-output, and there should be no breaks in the middle, such as drinking water and so on.
Are task-related areas and non-task-related areas separated? Are only task-related windows open?
Live in the moment and do whatever you do well.
Build psychological capital
Creation has both input and output, not pure input
Discrete mode, mind wandering scientifically, mind wandering consciously, relax the control of attention, and let your mind wander everywhere.
Altruistic, able to use one's own abilities and advantages to solve other people's problems
Your own goodwill will eventually develop into an added value exchange
Art is about pleasing yourself, not others.
Must make personal efforts
Become a better version of yourself
Unity of knowledge and action, signing a contract with the brain, true action
Make good use of solitude, solitude is the best value-added time
The best practice is to bring the concept of entropy reduction to others