MindMap Gallery water electrolyte
This is a mind map about water electrolytes. Water electrolytes refer to the phenomenon of ionization of water molecules, while electrolytes refer to compounds that can form ions in an aqueous solution or in a molten state and therefore conduct electricity.
Edited at 2024-11-19 00:28:36呼吸不全とは、外部呼吸機能の重度の障害により、動脈血酸素分圧 (PaO₂) が正常範囲より低い、または二酸化炭素分圧 (PaCO₂) の増加を伴う病理学的過程を指します。
準備から完了までのプロジェクトのさまざまな段階と主要なタスクを詳細に説明するサイト構築およびビジネス文書。これは、プロジェクト マネージャーがプロジェクトの進行状況と主要なリンクをより適切に把握し、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるのに役立ちます。
呼吸不全とは、外部呼吸機能の重度の障害により、動脈血酸素分圧 (PaO₂) が正常範囲より低い、または二酸化炭素分圧 (PaCO₂) の増加を伴う病理学的過程を指します。
準備から完了までのプロジェクトのさまざまな段階と主要なタスクを詳細に説明するサイト構築およびビジネス文書。これは、プロジェクト マネージャーがプロジェクトの進行状況と主要なリンクをより適切に把握し、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるのに役立ちます。
Water and electrolyte imbalance
Normal water and sodium metabolism
Volume and distribution of body fluids
Body fluids: The water in the body and the substances dissolved in it. The total body fluids of adults account for about 60% of the body weight.
Intracellular fluid (ICF): 40%
Extracellular fluid (ECF): ① interstitial fluid 14% ② plasma: 5% ③ permeable cell fluid 1%
Factors affecting body fluid content: ① Age ② Gender ③ Fat or thin
body fluid electrolytes
Distribution: Extracellular fluid (Na, Cl-, HCO3-), intracellular fluid (K, Mg2, HPO42-, Pr-)
Content: ① Blood [Na ]: 140mmol/L ② Blood [Cl-]: 10mmol/L ③ Blood [HCO3-]: 24mmol/L
The body's sodium metabolism: eat more and eliminate it, eat less and eliminate it, and don't eat and eliminate it. Hyponatremia: blood sodium concentration lower than 130mmol/L; hypernatremia: blood sodium concentration higher than 150mmol/L.
Osmotic pressure of body fluids
Osmotic pressure: It is an inherent characteristic of all solutions. It is formed by the osmotic effect produced by the solute particles in the solution. It depends on the number of solute particles and has nothing to do with the size of the particles.
plasma osmolarity
Colloidal osmotic pressure: generated by plasma proteins, plays an important role in maintaining fluid exchange and blood volume inside and outside blood vessels.
Crystal osmotic pressure: generated by plasma crystal substances such as electrolyte ions, plays an important role in maintaining liquid water inside and outside cells.
Plasma osmotic pressure = anion concentration, cation concentration, non-electrolyte concentration: 280~310mmol/L
Inside and outside cells: water passes freely; inside and outside blood vessels: water and electrolytes are exchanged freely.
Water and sodium balance and regulation
Water and sodium balance
The amount of water and sodium excreted and ingested is almost equal
Regulation of water and sodium balance
The regulating effect of thirst: increasing the body’s water intake
① The osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid increases ② The blood pressure and volume decrease ③ The secretion of angiotensin II increases, which excites the thirst center and causes thirst, and vice versa inhibits it.
Regulatory effects of antidiuretic hormone: Increased water reabsorption
① Increase in extracellular fluid osmotic pressure stimulates osmoreceptors ② Decrease in effective circulating blood volume stimulates volume receptors
Increased ADH secretion increases the water permeability of the renal distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct, thereby increasing water reabsorption, and ultimately the extracellular fluid volume increases and the osmotic pressure decreases.
Regulatory effects of aldosterone: Increased water and sodium reabsorption
① Decrease in effective circulating blood volume ② Hyponatremia and hyperkalemia will increase ALD secretion, increase renal reabsorption of water and sodium, and ultimately increase extracellular fluid volume.
Regulation of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
① Diuretic and natriuretic effects ② Antagonize the renin-aldosterone system ③ Inhibit ADH secretion and antagonize ADH effects.
Physiological functions of water and sodium
Water: ① Promote material metabolism ② Regulate body temperature ③ Lubricate
Sodium: ① Maintains the osmotic pressure and acid-base balance of body fluids ② Participates in the formation of cell action potentials
Water and sodium metabolism disorders
Reduced body fluid volume
isotonic dehydration
Sodium loss is equal to water loss, the final blood sodium concentration is 130~150mmol/L, and the plasma osmotic pressure is 280~310mmol/L
Reason: Loss of isotonic fluid
Gastrointestinal tract skin loss, skin loss, renal sodium loss, fluid accumulation in the third space
Paralytic intestinal obstruction, massive drainage of pleural effusion and ascites, congenital malformations of the digestive tract of newborns, etc.
Effects on the body
ECF osmotic pressure is normal, serum sodium concentration is normal
Massive loss of ECF → Decrease in blood volume and tissue fluid volume. No significant change in ICF
Increased secretion of ADH and ALD → enhanced renal reabsorption of sodium and water → reduced urine output
Prevention and treatment: Add more water than sodium
hypertonic dehydration
The main pathogenesis link is ECF hypertonicity, and the main dehydration site is ICF reduction. Water loss is greater than sodium loss, with the final blood sodium concentration lower than 150mmol/L and the plasma osmotic pressure higher than 310mmol/L.
Cause (insufficient drinking water, excessive water loss)
Simple water loss: ① Water loss through the skin, such as hyperthyroidism, etc. ② Water loss through the kidneys: such as diabetes insipidus. ③ Water loss through the lungs: such as increased evaporation of the respiratory tract caused by hyperventilation.
Water loss is greater than sodium loss, that is, loss of hypotonic fluid: ① Some infants and young children have diarrhea and gastrointestinal fluid loss (low to moderate loss of isotonic fluid) ② Profuse sweating ③ Loss of hypotonic urine through the kidneys, such as hypertonic glucose diuresis , draining more water than sodium.
Effects on the body
(sense of thirst, oliguria, transfer of intracellular fluid to extracellular, central nervous system dysfunction, changes in urinary sodium, dehydration fever)
Dehydration fever: due to less evaporated water from the skin, the body's heat dissipation is affected, causing the body temperature to rise. It is not a fever, but a passive increase in body temperature (overheating).
Decreased ECF amount → Decreased blood volume → Decreased pulse speed and blood pressure (late symptoms)
Increased ECF osmotic pressure: ① Increased blood sodium concentration and plasma osmotic pressure ② Increased ADH secretion → increased renal reabsorption of water → high oliguria and high specific gravity ③ Intracellular dehydration → CNS dysfunction → hallucinations and agitation ④ Acts on the thirst center → Thirsty
Reduced skin evaporation → dehydration fever
Prevention and treatment: ① replenish water in time; ② replenish sodium appropriately
hypotonic dehydration
Sodium loss is greater than water loss, with the final serum sodium concentration lower than 130mmol/L and plasma osmotic pressure lower than 280mmol/L. The main threat is circulatory failure; the main site of dehydration is ECF reduction.
Dehydration sign: Due to the decrease in interstitial fluid volume, clinical signs such as decreased skin elasticity, sunken eye sockets, and sunken fontanelles in infants and young children occur.
Reasons (losing a large amount of digestive juice and only replenishing water, only replenishing water after sweating, large area burns, renal sodium loss, cerebral salt wasting syndrome)
Gastrointestinal loss: The most common cause is the loss of a large amount of digestive juices while only replenishing water
Skin loss: ① After sweating profusely, only replenish water; ② After large area burns, only replenish water
Renal sodium loss: ① Natriuretic diuretics ② Polyuretic stage of acute renal failure ③ "Salt-losing nephritis" ④ Addison's disease
Effects on the body
(Easily prone to shock, obvious signs of dehydration, changes in urine output, and changes in urinary sodium)
Plasma osmotic pressure decreased and early urine output was normal.
Decreased ECF osmotic pressure: ① Decreased blood sodium concentration and plasma osmotic pressure ② Decreased secretion of ADH → Decreased renal reabsorption of water → Normal urine output (early stage) ③ Water moves into cells → Swelling of brain cells → Apathy and lethargy, which is also a factor in the decrease in ECF volume reason.
Decrease in ECF amount: ① Decreased blood volume (decreased pulse speed, blood pressure, venous collapse) → Decreased renal blood flow → Increased secretion of ALD and ADH → Oligouria, azotemia, and decreased urinary sodium (late stage) ② Direct induction of ADH and ALD Increased synthetic secretion ③ Decreased tissue fluid → dehydration
Prevention and treatment: ① In mild to moderate cases, supplement normal saline, and the body's drainage volume is greater than the amount of sodium excretion. ② In severe cases, supplement a small amount of hypertonic saline to reduce cell edema.
Increased body fluid volume
Excess fluid accumulates in the spaces between tissues. It is an accumulation of isotonic fluid and is generally not accompanied by cellular edema. The accumulation of excess fluid in body cavities is also called hydrops.
According to the cause: ① cardiac; ② hepatic; ③ renal; ④ inflammatory (not limited to unilateral); ⑤ allergic; ⑥ idiopathic
By location: ① subcutaneous edema; ② laryngeal edema; ③ papilledema; ④ pulmonary edema; ⑤ cerebral edema
According to scope: ① Local; ② Systemic
According to the existence status of edema fluid: ① Overt edema, also known as pitting edema. No inflammatory reaction; ② latent edema, invisible on the outside; ③ myxedema, accompanied by inflammatory reaction.
Cause (essentially changes in tissue fluid accumulation)
Basic factors affecting tissue fluid production and reflux
① Intracapillary pressure (17mmHg): Promotes the outflow of water from capillaries ② Tissue hydrostatic pressure (-6.5mmHg) antagonizes the outflow of water from capillaries ③Plasma colloid osmotic pressure (28mmHg) antagonizes the outflow of water from capillaries ④Tissue colloid osmotic pressure (5mmHg): promotes the outflow of water from capillaries
Abnormal fluid exchange inside and outside blood vessels, tissue fluid production > reflux: ① Increased capillary fluid hydrostatic pressure ② Decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, affecting intake, synthesis, and loss ③ Increased microvascular wall permeability, generally seen in inflammatory immune reactions. Pay attention to the difference between transudate and transudate ④ Lymphatic reflux disorder.
Imbalance of fluid exchange inside and outside the body - water and sodium retention: 99%~99.5% is reabsorbed by the renal tubules, of which the proximal tubule absorbs 65%~70%, and the final filtration is 0.5%~1%. ① Decreased glomerular filtration rate: affected by three aspects: decreased filtration area, effective circulating blood volume, and renal blood flow ② Increased renal tubular reabsorption: affected by far There are three effects: increased reabsorption in the convoluted tubules and collecting ducts (increased reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts), redistribution of intrarenal blood flow, and increased reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubules (imbalance of tubular balance).
Impact (microcirculation, kidney function)
Take common generalized edema as an example: cardiac edema is caused by right heart failure; while left heart failure causes cardiogenic pulmonary edema.
Cardiac edema first occurs in the sagging area due to the effect of gravity. Generally speaking, "swelling below the heart (ankles) and above the kidneys (head, face, eyelids)"
Prevention and treatment: restriction of activities, skin care.
Water intoxication (hypervolemic hyponatremia)
The pathological process of hypotonic fluid retention in the body, with blood sodium lower than 130mmol/L and plasma osmotic pressure lower than 280mmol/L
Reduced water excretion: seen in acute and chronic renal dysfunction, etc. Due to the sharp reduction in renal drainage function or the reduction in effective circulating blood volume and renal blood flow → the renal drainage volume is greatly reduced. If the water load is increased, poisoning may easily occur;
Excessive ADH secretion: ① Stress: sympathetic nerve ( ), parasympathetic nerve (-) ② Abnormal increase in ADH secretion, increased ADH or ADH substances ③ Drugs: isoproterenol, etc. promote ADH secretion/enhancement of effects ④ Others: a. Effective Circulating blood volume decreases, vagus nerve ( ), ADH secretion increases; b. Adrenocortical hypofunction, adrenocortical hormone (-), hypothalamus secretion of ADH is inhibited (-).
Excessive water intake: In the late stage of hypotonic dehydration, extracellular fluid → intracellular fluid shifts. If a large amount of water is input, excessive water intake will occur.
Due to water retention, ECF volume increases and ECF osmotic pressure decreases: blood sodium decreases and blood is diluted; water moves into cells: ① ICF osmotic pressure decreases and ICF volume increases; ② Brain cell edema → lethargy, restlessness, and brain herniation.
The amount of fluid inside and outside the cells increases, and the osmotic pressure both inside and outside the cells decreases. The osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid decreases more significantly. The osmotic pressure inside is always greater than outside, and cell edema continues to intensify. The main site of water retention is inside the cells; it is the most harmful to the body. It's cerebral edema.
Prevention and treatment: ① Prevention ② Water restriction ③ Excretion: diuresis ④ Transfer: small dose of hypertonic saline to reduce cell edema.
Potassium metabolism disorders
The main physiological functions of potassium: ① Participate in cell metabolism, potassium is an important coenzyme ② Maintain the resting potential of the cell membrane ③ Regulate osmotic pressure and acid-base balance
Normal metabolism of potassium (eat more and excrete more, eat less and excrete less, even if you don’t eat, it will be excreted; the chief cells of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule continuously secrete potassium)
potassium balance
Ingestion and absorption: ①Ingestion: food (banana, milk, etc.) ②Absorption: intestinal tract
Distribution: Potassium in the body (50mmol/kg): ① Extracellular potassium accounts for 2%, serum potassium 3.5~5.5mmol/L. Because the quantity is low, it is easy to change ② Intracellular potassium 98%, 150mmol/L
Excretion: ① Kidney (urine 80%~90%) ② Intestine (feces 10%) ③ Skin (sweat)
Regulation of potassium balance
① Transcellular transfer: the pump-leak mechanism is the basic mechanism ② Renal regulation (reabsorption: proximal convoluted tubule and medullary loop ② Secretion: distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct)
Hypokalemia (deficiency of potassium in the body leading to serum potassium content below 3.5mmol/L, abnormal acidic urine)
Etiology and pathogenesis
① Insufficient intake: seen in patients who cannot eat for a long time ② Excessive potassium loss: loss of digestive juice, renal potassium loss, increased secretion of corticosteroids and aldosterone, and increased anions in the lumen of the distal convoluted tubule ③ Transfer of potassium into the cells
Effects on the body
①Acute hypokalemia will reduce neuromuscular excitability ②Effects on the heart: "three highs and one low" ③Effects on renal function: Reduced responsiveness of collecting ducts to ADH, leading to increased polyuria and nocturia ④Response to acid Effects of Alkaline Balance: Hypokalemia leads to alkalosis.
Prevention and control principles
① Take orally first and then intravenously; ② Supplement potassium through urine ③ Control the amount and speed; intravenous injection is strictly prohibited
Hyperkalemia (increased potassium in the body leading to serum potassium content higher than 5.5mmol/L, abnormal alkaline urine)
Etiology and pathogenesis
Decreased potassium excretion: ① Oligouria ② Decreased aldosterone ③ Potassium-sparing diuretics
Potassium escapes from cells: ① Cell damage ② Acidosis ③ Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
Excessive potassium intake: mostly iatrogenic. Potassium supplementation is prohibited for postoperative patients and trauma patients.
Effects on the body
Effect of neuromuscular excitability: excitability increases first and then decreases
Depolarization block: The phenomenon that the resting potential is equal to or close to the threshold potential (Na channel inactivation) reduces cell excitability.
Heart: "Three lows and one high" ① myocardial excitability first increases and then decreases ② myocardial conductivity decreases ③ myocardial automaticity decreases ④ myocardial contractility decreases.
Acid-base balance: hyperkalemia causes acidosis
Prevention and control principles
① Reduce the source of blood potassium ② Promote the transfer of potassium into cells ③ Resist the toxicity of potassium ④ Excretion of potassium