MindMap Gallery Burns new mood therapy
This is a mind map about Burns' New Mood Therapy, a book that introduces the clinically proven and completely effective non-drug treatment for depression, namely cognitive therapy. The book elaborates on the relationship between emotions and thinking, pointing out that emotions do not directly originate from external events, but from an individual's cognition and interpretation of events. By changing negative thinking patterns, people can overcome negative emotions such as depression and establish a positive attitude towards life.
Edited at 2024-11-18 22:59:05呼吸不全とは、外部呼吸機能の重度の障害により、動脈血酸素分圧 (PaO₂) が正常範囲より低い、または二酸化炭素分圧 (PaCO₂) の増加を伴う病理学的過程を指します。
準備から完了までのプロジェクトのさまざまな段階と主要なタスクを詳細に説明するサイト構築およびビジネス文書。これは、プロジェクト マネージャーがプロジェクトの進行状況と主要なリンクをより適切に把握し、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるのに役立ちます。
呼吸不全とは、外部呼吸機能の重度の障害により、動脈血酸素分圧 (PaO₂) が正常範囲より低い、または二酸化炭素分圧 (PaCO₂) の増加を伴う病理学的過程を指します。
準備から完了までのプロジェクトのさまざまな段階と主要なタスクを詳細に説明するサイト構築およびビジネス文書。これは、プロジェクト マネージャーがプロジェクトの進行状況と主要なリンクをより適切に把握し、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるのに役立ちます。
Burns new mood therapy
Theory and Research
Cognitive therapy will provide you with
Rapid symptom improvement method
understanding symptoms
self control
Prevention and personal growth
Principles of cognitive therapy
All your emotions are created by your perceptions or thoughts
When you feel depressed, your mind is filled with negative emotions
The negative thoughts that cause you emotional turmoil are largely distorted
How to diagnose your emotions?
Beck Depression Inventory B D I
Various definitions of cognitive distortions
all or nothing thinking
You see things in black and white categories, and if your performance is less than perfect, you see yourself as a complete failure.
Once something happens, it will happen to you again and again
You see an isolated negative event as a pattern of failure that will continue forever
spiritual filter
selective absorption
You choose a negative detail and think about it over and over again. As a result, the entire reality becomes dark in your eyes, just like a drop of ink darkens the entire glass of water.
detract from something positive
You refuse to acknowledge positive experiences and you find one reason or another to think that they "don't count" so that you can cling to negative beliefs that contradict your daily experiences.
jumping to conclusions
You assume others will react negatively to you, and you don't even bother to test it out
prophetic error
You expect things to get worse, and you firmly believe that this prediction is an established fact
You will interpret things negatively even if there are no definite facts to convincingly support your conclusion
Exaggeration and exaggeration
You exaggerate the importance of things, or exaggerate small things inappropriately until they seem small
binocular trick
emotional reasoning
You assume that your negative emotions must reflect the true state of affairs
should be stated
You try to motivate yourself with shoulds or shouldn'ts, as if you should be whipped or punished before you are expected to do something
Labeling and Improper Labeling
Labeling is an extreme form of overgeneralization
Become one's own self
You will see yourself as the cause of many negative external events, when in fact you are not primarily responsible for them
Feelings are not facts
It's just a mirror of the way you think about things
Learn to correct the distorted thoughts that fool yourself when you are sad
Start by building self-esteem
defeated, defective, abandoned, deprived
A key feature of cognitive therapy
Stubbornly refusing to accept your sense of worthlessness
Overcome feelings of worthlessness
Complete three goals
Quickly and fundamentally change the way you think, feel and act
Special Ways to Boost Self-Esteem
Talk back to your inner critic!
Once you have self-critical thoughts in your mind, immediately sort them out and write them down
Figure out why these thoughts are twisted?
Respond to these thoughts in order to develop a more realistic self-evaluation system
three column method
Left column, subconscious thoughts (self-criticism)
Instead of looking for words to describe your emotional reactions, simply jot down the thoughts that trigger your emotions.
Middle column, cognitive distortions
Right column, rational response (self-defense)
Disturbed Thought Journal - A more refined approach
Wrist counter - record the total score of the day
Don’t be mopey about dealing with problems!
The mistake is to look at it from an overall perspective and make a moral judgment about oneself
You must realize that human life is an ongoing process, a period of both ongoing physical changes and a rapidly evolving series of changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Your life is therefore an evolution of experience, a continuous flow. You are not an object, so labels are too limiting, inaccurate, and too general.
Your feelings do not determine your value, it can only determine the relative state of whether you are comfortable or uncomfortable. A weak, useless, painful and miserable inner state does not mean that you are a weak, worthless person, just that you think you are; because you are temporarily depressed, you are thinking illogically and irrationally. yourself.
Just as your feelings do not determine your worth, your thoughts or actions do not determine your worth. Some of your thoughts or actions are positive, creative, and improving, while the vast majority are neutral. Others are irrational, self-defeating, and full of disaster. Things can change if you're willing to put in the effort, but that definitely doesn't mean you're bad. There are no worthless people in the universe.
You don’t have to do anything! You don't have to do anything particularly valuable to create or maintain your self-esteem; all you need to do is turn off the critical inner voice. Why? Because the critical inner voice is wrong! Your inner self-abuse originates from illogical, distorted thoughts. Your sense of worthlessness is not based on truth, it is just a boil growing at the core of your depression.
So, when you feel bad, remember these three key steps:
1. Let your subconscious negative thoughts dissolve and write them down. Don't let them buzz in your head. Capture these thoughts and put them on paper.
2. Read the Ten Distortions of Cognition. Understand exactly where you got wrapped up in, and break them down accordingly.
3. Replace thoughts that make you look down on yourself with more objective thoughts. When you do this, you will start to feel better. Your self-esteem will be greatly improved, and your feelings of worthlessness (including, of course, your depression) will dissipate.
Do Nothingism: How to Defeat It
If a person isolates himself for months, cutting off all normal activities and relationships, he is bound to fall into a state of depression.
A typical depressive cycle
Some of the most common psychological stereotypes of procrastinators and inactive people
scare yourself
jumping to conclusions
label yourself
Inadequate return
fear of failure
fear of success
Fear of disapproval, fear of criticism
compulsion and hatred
Lower ability to withstand setbacks
Guilt and self-blame
self-activation method
Daily activity schedule
M stands for mastery - an activity that has been completed
P is for happiness - reading, eating, watching movies, etc.
Use a number between 0 and 5 to express the actual level of happiness and difficulty.
Anti-Procrastination Checklist
Daily record of bad thoughts
Happy Prediction Checklist
But rebuttal
Learn to recognize yourself
TIC/TOC method
Follow up step by step
No forced incentives
disarmament law
visible success
Take note of what you have recorded
Test your "can't"
"Can't Lose" System
Don't put your cart in front of your horse!
self-activation method
Verbal Judo: Learning to retort under the fire of criticism
Step 1: Empathy
Step Two: Disarm Critics
Step Three: Feedback and Negotiation
The questioner’s opinions usually have the following characteristics:
(1) They are always very critical, but the material they present seems to be inaccurate or irrelevant;
(2) They are always the kind of people who are not accepted or recognized by their peers locally;
(3) They always express problems in accusatory and abusive terms.
(1) I immediately thanked this person for his comment;
(2) Acknowledge that the view he raised is indeed important;
(3) Emphasize that raising this point requires more knowledge, and encourage critics to conduct more meaningful research and investigation on this issue.
Angry? What is your IQ?
Nowak anger scale
0--You feel no worries or very little worries. 1--You feel a little troubled. 2--You feel annoyed (moderately). 3--You feel quite angry. 4--You feel very angry.
57-You respond to life's troubles with an equal amount of anger.
stop creating anger
It is virtually impossible for others to make you angry
Anger is created by your perception
This is not a negative world, but your perceptions and thoughts about the event create your emotional response
On many occasions, your anger is caused by subtle cognitive distortions. Because of depression, many of your perceptions are distorted, one-sided, or simply wrong. After you learn to replace these distorted thoughts with more realistic and healthy thoughts, you will be less easily angered and you will be able to control yourself better.
Ultimately, it’s only your own negative, distorted thoughts that will take away your self-esteem. In this world, there is one person and only one person who has the ability to threaten your self-esteem - that person is you. Only when you underestimate yourself can your sense of self-worth decline. The realistic solution is to put an end to the ridiculous accusations within you.
causing a twisted form of anger
Inappropriate should and should not statements
Let exciting thoughts cool down
Use a double-column method to list less upsetting, more objective "calm thoughts." Use your "third ear" to listen to these "exciting thoughts" to tune out the hostile statements in your head. Write down this private conversation uncritically
Daily record of disordered thoughts
Willingness to develop
Make a two-column list of the pros and cons of getting angry and acting in a revengeful way, and estimate the short-term and long-term consequences of getting angry.
Transform these images in a creative way
interrupt thoughts
Rewrite rules
It is an unquestionable fact that relationships, including marriages, are rarely "reciprocal" because people are different
Reward is no longer seen as an inevitable outcome, but as a goal she works hard to achieve while pursuing her own interests.
Learn to imagine madness
Enlightened approach
We need to reward behaviors we want, not punish things we don’t want. Punishment breeds resistance and resentment, and induces alienation and avoidance.
"should" statement reduction
Negotiation strategy
1. Don’t tell him to go away, but compliment him for doing something right.
2. If he argues, find a way to disarm him by agreeing with him, no matter how ridiculous his statements are.
3. Again, calmly and calmly clarify your point.
Unless you have to use ultimatums or threats as a last resort, make sure you are ready and willing to take responsibility for what you do before using these methods.
If you want to tell him about your negative feelings, you should do so objectively and without any exaggeration, and without any inflammatory words in the tone of your statement.
empathize accurately
Empathy is the last antidote to anger
Empathy is the ability to accurately understand the thoughts and motivations of others
Remember, it is actually your thoughts and not the actions of others that make you angry. The most surprising thing will be when you understand why others do things the way they do. This knowledge will prevent you from having angry thoughts.
Empathy is hard to come by.
Empathy can also be very useful when someone else's behavior is clearly and intentionally intended to hurt you.
Putting It All Together: A Cognitive Walkthrough
"Anger Level" Chart
It’s important not to judge your progress in terms of all-or-nothing thinking
Ten things you should know about anger
Nothing that happens in the world makes you angry
Your anger usually doesn't help you
Thoughts that lead to anger often involve distortions
Your anger is ultimately caused by what you believe to be someone's unfair behavior or an unjust incident
If you learn to see the world through other people's eyes, you'll often be surprised to realize that their actions are not unfair from their point of view
Others usually don't think you should punish them
A lot of your anger is protecting yourself from losing your self-esteem when others criticize you, disagree with you, or fail to act as you would like.
Frustration comes from unmet expectations
Insisting that you have a right to be angry is just childish
As a human being, you basically don’t need to be angry
Ways to beat guilt
The emotional roots of guilt
I did something I shouldn’t have done (or didn’t do something I should have done). My behavior did not comply with my moral standards and violated my concept of fairness.
This kind of "bad behavior" shows that I am a bad person (or I have evil characteristics, or bad characteristics, or I have a rotten heart, etc.)
1. I am inferior or worthless because of my "bad behavior" (this interpretation leads to depression).
2. If others find out what I do, they will look down on me (this perception leads to shame).
3. I am in danger of retaliation or punishment (this thought provokes anxiety).
guilt-producing distortion
you think you did something wrong
You label yourself a "bad person" because of something you did
Become one's own self
You inappropriately believe that you are responsible for events that you did not cause
Inappropriate "should"
guilt cycle
I felt guilty and felt I should be punished. This shows that I am bad.
Because I am bad, I deserve to suffer.
irresponsible guilt
Journal bad thoughts daily
Clear should method
Ask yourself, "Who said I should? Where does it say I should?"
Tell yourself that your supposed proposition is inconsistent with reality
forced suppression
Understand the limits of your own knowledge
"Why should I?"
Learn to stick to your own opinions
anti-cry law
Morey's lament
Find a way to agree with something someone else is saying, and then distract the lamenter by finding something specific to praise and comment on
improve view
"Realistic" melancholy
Sadness is not depression
In fact, some of the easiest depressions to resolve are those experienced by people who are facing death. Do you know why? These brave souls are often "super horse dealers" who are not troubled by their lifestyle. They are usually willing to help themselves in any way.
lose life
Personal worth is a stable constant, independent of achievements, and is valuable even in the weakest state.
lose a limb
List the things you can do, don’t focus on the things you can’t do
lose job
Applying double standards does not help his life
Remove the perfectionist’s double standards so that everyone, including himself, can be judged by an objective set of standards
lost lover
sorrow without pain
Obstacles and Personal Growth
Many causes of depression
a silent assumption
Learn to identify and evaluate your own silent assumptions
Discern silent assumptions
vertical arrow method
Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS)
a penchant for seeking approval
the root of the problem
Only your thoughts and beliefs have the ability to evaluate your spirit
Approval does not equal value
The path to independence and self-esteem
cost benefit analysis
What are the pros and cons of saying disapproval to yourself that makes you less valuable?
rewrite assumptions
self-esteem blueprint
Conversation method
Recovering from disapproval or rejection
grief method
Turn on the "light of the soul"
Hobby for seeking love
Understand the difference between loneliness and solitude
happiness prediction method
attitude adjustment
Your work does not equal your value
Happiness does not equal great achievement
Work = value?
Four Paths to Self-Esteem
Human value is abstract and does not exist. Put aside all claims about "value"
Your "unit of value" is immeasurable, never changes, and is the same for everyone.
Realize that there is only one way you can lose your sense of self-worth - and that is by persecuting yourself with irrational and illogical negative thoughts.
Think of self-esteem as your decision to be kind to yourself
Escape the Trap of Achievement
Make it a habit to counter negative, distorted thoughts that make you feel less than perfect.
double table method
Dare to be mediocre: How to overcome perfectionism
Mediocrity or perfection, which one do you choose?
Fight perfectionism
List the pros and cons of a perfect attitude
Test your hypothesized strengths
Don't aim for 100%
If you are a compulsive perfectionist
anti-perfectionism scale
Assuming you decide to give up perfectionism, give it a try and see what happens
New Way to Overcome Perfectionism 1: Face Your Fear
reaction prevention
How does this crazy fear of you wanting to be perfect start?
vertical arrow method
New method to overcome perfectionism 2: Learn to be process-oriented
A new way to overcome perfectionism: Take responsibility for your life
Try to study for just one hour a day
I bet you're afraid of making a mistake
learn to make mistakes
In perfectionism, you focus intensely on areas you believe are lacking
Revealing the absurdity of the all-or-nothing idea
New method to overcome perfectionism: personal exposure method
Focus on a time in your life when you felt truly happy
A new way to overcome perfectionism: the greed method
everyone makes mistakes
Overcoming Hopelessness and Suicide
The final victory: choose to survive
You are wrong to believe that suicide is the best solution to your problems
Assess your suicidal urges
Suicide is illogical
Dealing with the stress and tension of daily life (talking method, double column method)
How to practice it personally?
How to deal with hostility
How to deal with ungratefulness
Irrational thought: "If I help others, it is their duty to express gratitude and repay me.
How to deal with depression and feelings of helplessness
emotional chemistry
Antidepressant Use Guidelines
Searching for "black bile"
How antidepressants affect the brain
A must-read for doctors and patients-several common antidepressants
Tricyclic compounds
MAO inhibitors
Other medicines that may be on the prescription
compound drug therapy
Biochemical theory combined with cognitive approach
cognitive approach to drug therapy