MindMap Gallery Vision—Daniel Boorstin

Vision—Daniel Boorstin

“We are the most hallucinating people on earth. We dare not break free from our confusion, because hallucination is the house we inhabit, our news, our heroes, our adventures, our art form, all our experiences. " ★The pioneering work of popular culture research, the original version scored 9.7, created key concepts such as "pseudo-event" and "image revolution", inspired "Amusing Ourselves to Death", "Spectacle Society" and "Consumer Society", and introduced classics for the first time> pioneering cultural research, Explore the transformation of social concepts from the perspective of media development. The Los Angeles Times praised: "Almost every serious observer of pop culture has followed in his footsteps, from French philosopher Jean Baudrillard to American social critic Neil Postman." ★A book that comprehensively analyzes pop culture and mass media: illusion has become the only reality of our time >The earliest communication classic to analyze the phenomenon of fake news: concocting news replaces collecting news, and people and events are reduced to performances, competing for attention rather than reflecting the truth.

Edited at 2024-11-17 22:30:16
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