MindMap Gallery Top Ten Management ITO for Information System Project Managers-Project Integrated Management
Information system project manager's project integration management nanny-level outline is compiled with rich content, key points, clear structure and complete system! Very worth learning!
Edited at 2024-11-06 18:29:23이것은 선생님 Zhao Zhou의 저서 "This Is Enough To Bread"의 5 장입니다. 주로 이러한 측면에 대해 이야기합니다. 학습 능력의 중요성 resifice 정보에 컨텍스트를 추가하는 방법 지식과 정보를 구별하는 방법 질문과 도전에 서두르지 마십시오 sticky 스티커 메모를 사용하여 학습 능력을 업그레이드하는 방법 짐 "건조한 제품"을 의사 학습하는 이유는 무엇입니까?
모든 사람이 DeepSeek을보다 효율적으로 사용하도록 돕기 위해 DeepSeek 가이드 마인드 맵 모음이 특별히 편집되었습니다! 이 마인드 맵은 YITU 관련 링크, DS 프로파일 분석, DeepSeek 및 Chatgpt 기술 경로 비교, DeepSeek 및 Qwen 모델 배포 가이드, DeepSeek로 더 많은 돈을 버는 방법, DeepSeek, DeepSeek Scientific Research Application, How DeepSeek에서 Mindmaster로 텍스트를 가져 오려면 DeepSeek의 공식 권장 사항 잠깐, AI 상호 작용의 본질을 빠르게 파악할 수 있습니다. 컨텐츠 제작, 계획 계획, 코드 생성 또는 학습 개선이든 DeepSeek은 절반의 노력으로 결과의 두 배를 달성하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다!
이것은 DeepSeek의 30 개의 피드 레벨 지침에 대한 마인드 맵입니다. 주요 내용에는 전문 필드 향상 지침, 상호 작용 강화 지침, 의사 결정 지원 지침, 정보 처리 지침 및 기본 지침이 포함됩니다.
이것은 선생님 Zhao Zhou의 저서 "This Is Enough To Bread"의 5 장입니다. 주로 이러한 측면에 대해 이야기합니다. 학습 능력의 중요성 resifice 정보에 컨텍스트를 추가하는 방법 지식과 정보를 구별하는 방법 질문과 도전에 서두르지 마십시오 sticky 스티커 메모를 사용하여 학습 능력을 업그레이드하는 방법 짐 "건조한 제품"을 의사 학습하는 이유는 무엇입니까?
모든 사람이 DeepSeek을보다 효율적으로 사용하도록 돕기 위해 DeepSeek 가이드 마인드 맵 모음이 특별히 편집되었습니다! 이 마인드 맵은 YITU 관련 링크, DS 프로파일 분석, DeepSeek 및 Chatgpt 기술 경로 비교, DeepSeek 및 Qwen 모델 배포 가이드, DeepSeek로 더 많은 돈을 버는 방법, DeepSeek, DeepSeek Scientific Research Application, How DeepSeek에서 Mindmaster로 텍스트를 가져 오려면 DeepSeek의 공식 권장 사항 잠깐, AI 상호 작용의 본질을 빠르게 파악할 수 있습니다. 컨텐츠 제작, 계획 계획, 코드 생성 또는 학습 개선이든 DeepSeek은 절반의 노력으로 결과의 두 배를 달성하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다!
이것은 DeepSeek의 30 개의 피드 레벨 지침에 대한 마인드 맵입니다. 주요 내용에는 전문 필드 향상 지침, 상호 작용 강화 지침, 의사 결정 지원 지침, 정보 처리 지침 및 기본 지침이 포함됩니다.
Top Ten Management ITO for Information System Project Managers-Project Integrated Management
1. Develop project charter-initiate process group
Frequency: 1 time
Definition: The process of writing a document that formally approves a project and authorizes the project manager to use organizational resources in project activities.
1. Clarify the direct link between the project and the organization’s strategic goals 2. Establish the formal status of the project 3. Demonstrate organizational commitment to the project
1. Project management documents 2. Agreement 3. Business environment factors 4. Organizational process assets
1. Business case 2. Benefit Management Plan
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Data collection 3. Interpersonal and team skills 4. Meeting
1. Brainstorming 2. Focus groups 3. Interview
1. Conflict Management 2. Guidance 3. Meeting Management
1. "Project Charter" 2. "Hypothesis Log"
1. Project purpose 2. Measurable project goals and associated success criteria 3. High-level requirements, high-level project description, boundary definition, and main deliverables 4. Overall project risk 5. Overall milestone schedule 6. Pre-approved financial resources 7. List of key stakeholders 8. Project approval requirements 9. Project exit criteria 10. Delegated project manager and his responsibilities and authorities 11. Name and authority of the sponsor or other person who approved the project charter
Assumptions, constraints
2. Develop project management plan - planning process group
Frequency: 1 time
Definition: The process of defining, preparing, and coordinating all components of a project plan and integrating them into a comprehensive project management plan.
Role: Generates a comprehensive document that establishes the basis for all project work and how it will be performed
1. "Project Charter" 2. Outputs from planning processes in other knowledge areas 3. Business environment factors 4. Organizational process assets
1. Sub-plan 2. Benchmark
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Data collection 3. Interpersonal and team skills 4. Meeting
1. Brainstorming 2. Focus groups 3. Interview 4. Checklist
1. Conflict Management 2. Guidance 3. Meeting Management
Output: "Project Management Plan"
1. Can be general or detailed 2. Sub-management plans: scope management plan, requirements management plan, schedule management plan, cost management plan, quality management plan, resource management plan, communication management plan, risk management plan, procurement management plan, and stakeholder participation plan. 3. Baseline: scope baseline, schedule baseline and cost baseline. 4. Other components: Change management plan, configuration management plan, performance measurement baseline, project life cycle, development methodology, management review
3. Direct and manage project work-execution process group
Frequency: Conducted throughout the project period
Definition: The process of leading and executing the work identified in the project management plan and implementing approved changes to achieve project objectives
Role: Comprehensive management of project work and deliverables to increase the likelihood of project success
1. Approved change requirements 2. "Project Management Plan" 3. Project documents 4. Business environment factors 5. Organizational process assets
Change Control Board (CCB) only makes decisions but does not work
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Project Management Information System 3. Meeting
1. Work performance data 2. Deliverables 3. "Problem Log" 4. Change request
1. Work completed, key performance indicators, technical performance measures, actual start and finish dates of schedule activities 2. Completed story points, deliverable status, schedule progress, number of change requests, and number of defects 3. Actual costs incurred, actual duration, etc. 4. Generate work performance information through control processes in other areas
1. Corrective Action: Purposeful activities undertaken to bring project work performance back into compliance with the project management plan 2. Preventive measures: purposeful activities carried out to ensure that future performance of project work conforms to the project management plan 3. Defect Remediation: Purposeful activities to correct inconsistent products or product components 4. Update: Make changes to formally controlled project documents or plans to reflect modifications, added comments or content
4. Manage Project Knowledge-Execution Process Group
Frequency: Conducted throughout the project period
Definition: The process of using existing knowledge and generating new knowledge to achieve project goals and contribute to organizational learning
1. Leverage existing organizational knowledge to create or improve project outcomes 2. Make the knowledge created by current projects available to support organizational operations and future projects or phases
1. Deliverables 2. "Project Management Plan" 3. Project documents 4. Business environment factors 5. Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Knowledge Management: Tacit Knowledge 3. Information Management: Explicit Knowledge 4. Interpersonal and team skills
1. Active listening 2. Guidance 3. Leadership 4. Interpersonal communication 5. Think about the overall situation
1. "Register of Lessons Learned" 2. "Project Management Plan" (updated) 3. Organizational process assets (updated)
5. Monitor project work-monitoring process group
Frequency: Conducted throughout the project
Definition: The process of tracking, reviewing, and reporting overall project progress toward achieving the performance objectives identified in the project management plan
1. Supervision: collecting, measuring and analyzing measurement results, and predicting trends - static 2. Control: Develop corrective or preventive actions or re-planning, and track the implementation of the action plan
1. Keep stakeholders informed of the current status of the project and buy-in to actions taken to address performance issues 2. Let stakeholders understand the future status of the project through cost and schedule forecasts
1. Job performance information 2. "Project Management Plan" 3. Project documents 4. Agreement 5. Business environment factors 6. Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Data analysis 3. Decision making 4. Meeting
1. Analysis of alternatives: corrective measures selected when deviations occur 2. Cost-benefit analysis: select the most cost-effective corrective measures when deviations occur 3. Earned value analysis: Comprehensive analysis of scope, schedule and cost performance 4. Root cause analysis: Focus on identifying the main causes of the problem 5. Trend analysis: predict future performance and propose preventive measures 6. Deviation analysis: cost estimation, resource usage, resource rates, technical performance and other measurement indicators
Voting: unanimous consent, majority consent, relative majority rule
1. Work performance report 2. "Project Management Plan" (updated) 3. Project files (updated 4. Change request
(Status Reports and Progress Reports) - Earned value charts and information - Trend lines and forecasts - Reserve burndown chart - Defect histogram - Contract performance information - Risk overview information
6. Implement overall change control-monitoring process group
Frequency: Conducted throughout the project period
Definition: The process of reviewing all change requests, approving changes, managing changes to deliverables, project documents, and project management plans, and communicating the results of change processing
Role: Ensure a comprehensive review of documented changes in the project. Making changes without considering their impact on the overall project goals or plans will increase overall project risks.
1. Change request 2. "Project Management Plan" 3. Project documents 4. Work performance report 5. Business environment factors 6. Organizational process assets
Change decisions are usually made by the project manager, and risky changes are approved by the CCB and the customer or sponsor.
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Change control tools 3. Data analysis 4. Decision making 5. Meeting
1. Analysis of alternatives 2. Cost-benefit analysis
1. Vote 2. Autocratic decision-making 3. Multi-criteria decision analysis
1. Approved Change Request 2. "Project Management Plan" (updated) 3. Project files (updated)
7. Closing the project or phase - Closing process group
Frequency: 1 time
Definition: The process of closing all activities of a project, phase, or contract
1. Archive project or phase information and complete planned work 2. Free up organizational team resources to start new work
1. "Project Charter" 2. "Project Management Plan" 3. Project documents 4. Acceptance of deliverables 5. Project management documents 6. Agreement 7. "Procurement Documents" 8. Organizational process assets
Tools & Techniques
1. Expert judgment 2. Data analysis 3. Meeting
1. Document analysis 2. Regression analysis 3. Trend analysis 4. Deviation analysis
1. Final product, service or result 2. "Project Final Report" 3. Project files (updated) 4. Organizational process assets (updated)
1. Overview of the project or phase 2. Scope objectives, scope evaluation criteria, and evidence to prove completion standards are met 3. Quality objectives, project and product quality evaluation criteria 4. Cost Target 5. Progress plan goals 6. Risks and resolution 7. Summary, etc.