MindMap Gallery Remote sensing digital image processing
This is a mind map about remote sensing digital image processing. The main contents include: Chapter 11: Remote sensing digital image classification, Chapter 8: Image enhancement, Chapter 12: Remote sensing cartographic expression, Chapter 10: Feature extraction and selection, Chapter 9: Targets of Interest and Object Extraction, Chapter 7: Image Denoising, Chapter 6: Geometric Correction, Chapter 5: Radiation Correction, Chapter 4: Transform Domain Processing Method, Chapter 3: Space Domain processing methods, Chapter 2: Digital image storage and processing, Chapter 1: Digital image basics.
Edited at 2024-10-30 09:36:18생물학 필수과목의 두 번째 단원은 모든 핵심 내용을 다루면서 지식 포인트를 요약하고 정리하여 누구나 쉽게 배울 수 있도록 구성되었습니다. 학습 효율성을 높이기 위해 시험 검토 및 미리보기에 적합합니다. 빨리 모아서 함께 배워보세요!
나의 추출과 부식에 대한 마인드맵입니다. 주요 내용은 금속의 부식, 금속 추출, 반응성 시리즈입니다.
금속의 반응성에 관한 마인드맵입니다. 주요 내용은 금속 치환 반응, 금속 반응성 시리즈입니다.
생물학 필수과목의 두 번째 단원은 모든 핵심 내용을 다루면서 지식 포인트를 요약하고 정리하여 누구나 쉽게 배울 수 있도록 구성되었습니다. 학습 효율성을 높이기 위해 시험 검토 및 미리보기에 적합합니다. 빨리 모아서 함께 배워보세요!
나의 추출과 부식에 대한 마인드맵입니다. 주요 내용은 금속의 부식, 금속 추출, 반응성 시리즈입니다.
금속의 반응성에 관한 마인드맵입니다. 주요 내용은 금속 치환 반응, 금속 반응성 시리즈입니다.
Remote sensing digital image processing
Chapter 1: Digital Image Basics
digital image
simulated image
Digital image acquisition
spatial resolution
pixel size
Number of line pairs
instantaneous field of view
radiometric resolution
n bit 2 to the nth power gray level
Spectral resolution
time resolution
digital image features
spatial distribution characteristics
spatial location
numerical statistical characteristics
gray value
Histogram purpose
Image acquisition quality evaluation
Choice of boundary threshold
Noise type judgment
Digital image output
Output resolution
Corresponding spatial resolution
Grayscale resolution
Corresponding radiometric resolution
Quality characteristics
color space model
Corresponding spectrum, time resolution
informative features
Digital image types
black and white
false color
Chapter 2: Digital Image Storage and Processing
Storage of information on computers
Large end
Basic information stored in image files
header file
decoding order
The number of rows and columns of the image
Image data type
The number of bands in the image
image offset
Multi-band data storage method
Common image file storage formats
open storage format
Header files and data files are stored separately
Common: ENVI-format hdr
closed storage format
Chapter 3: Processing Methods of Spatial Domain
Numerical operations
Single band operation
Point arithmetic
linear point arithmetic
Piecewise linear point operations
Nonlinear point operations
Neighborhood operations
Convolution operation
neighborhood statistics
standard deviation
maximum value
minimum value
multi-band operation
algebraic operations
Section operation
Set operations
spatial operations
Image cropping
image mosaic
Band operation
Band extraction
band overlay
Logical operations
AND operation
OR operation
XOR operation
mathematical morphological operations
binary morphology
Open operation
closed operation
grayscale morphology
Open operation
Closed calculation
Chapter 4: Transform domain processing method
Principal component analysis
Basic principles
Principal component exchange in remote sensing image processing
image compression
Image denoising
image enhancement
image fusion
Feature extraction
minimal noise separation exchange
basic principles
Principal component exchange in remote sensing image processing
image compression
image enhancement
image fusion
Feature extraction
tassel exchange
Basic principles
Tassel cap exchange in remote sensing image processing
image compression
image enhancement
image fusion
Feature extraction
independent component analysis
Basic principles
Independent component analysis in remote sensing image processing
Image denoising
Feature extraction
Fourier transform
Basic principles
One-dimensional discrete Fourier transform
Fourier transform in remote sensing image processing
Image denoising
image enhancement
Feature extraction
Internal: low frequency, gently changing parts; External: high frequency, edge noise and other parts with steep changes.
Limitations of Fourier exchange and window Fourier transform
Chapter 5: Radiation Correction
Radiation distortion
radiometric correction
atmospheric radiation
radiance value
radiometric calibration
sensor calibration
Relative radiometric calibration
Absolute radiometric calibration
sun altitude angle
sun azimuth
Observation zenith angle
Observation azimuth
Lambert merchant
pass rate
Calibration parameter acquisition
Laboratory calibration
On-board calibration
Site calibration
atmospheric correction
absolute atmospheric correction
Based on physical model
Based on radiative transfer model
ATCOR model
es model
Based on a simplified radiative transfer transfer model
dark pixel method
Based on statistical models
empirical linear method
Relative atmospheric correction
Based on statistical models
internal average relative reflectance method
flat field method
Logarithmic residual method
constant goal method
Rectangular circle matching method
statistical model
physical model
terrain correction
terrain correction method
Band-based method
DEM-based methods
Statistical-empirical models
Teilet-return to proofreading
b correction
normalized model
Two stage correction
Lambertian reflection model
cosine correction
C correction
SCS correction
SCS C Correction
Dymond-shepherd correction
Non-Lambertian reflection model
Minnaert correction
Ekstrand correction
Minnaert-SCS correction
Hypersphere-based method
Hyperspherical direction cosine transformation correction
cosine correction method
c correction method
Sun altitude angle correction
Chapter 6: Geometric Correction
geometric distortion
Geometric precision and fine correction
Principles of geometric correction
Coordinate sampling
ground control point
nearest neighbor method
bilinear interpolation
cubic convolution method
Geometric correction steps
Establish a unified coordinate system and map projection for the distorted image and the reference image
Select ground control points, and according to the GCP selection principle, search for pairs of ground control points with the same features on the distorted image and the reference image.
Select calibration model
Choosing an appropriate resampling method
Accuracy analysis of geometric correction
Geometric correction type
Image-to-image geometric correction
Image to map geometric correction
Geometric correction with geolocation information
Strict physical model
collinear equation model
Affine transformation model
general empirical model
polynomial model
direct linear model
rational function model
neural network model
Image automatic matching
Image matching elements
Image matching performance
Image matching method
Grayscale-based matching method
feature-based matching methods
Projective transformation
Chapter 7: Image Denoising
external noise
internal noise
Common noise types and their identification
Random noise types and their identification
Gaussian noise
Rayleigh noise
gamma noise
Exponentially distributed noise
uniformly distributed noise
impulse noise
Random noise type identification
Periodic noise and its identification
Spatial domain noise removal
mean filter
median filter
edge preserving smooth filtering
mathematical morphological noise removal
Transform domain denoising
Fourier transform
ideal filter
ideal low pass filter
ideal band stop filter
ideal notch filter
Butterworth filter
Gaussian filter
Wavelet transformation
High frequency coefficients are set to zero
Wavelet threshold method
Other transformations
Chapter 8: Image Enhancement
Spatial domain image enhancement
point budget
Grayscale transformation
linear transformation
Piecewise linear transformation
inverse operation
Power transformation
Logarithmic and antilog transformations
Adjustment of Round Round ·
Square circle matching
Square circle equalization
rectangular circle
Cumulative rectangular circle
Grayscale probability square circle
cumulative probability square circle
Neighborhood operations
unsharp mask
differential operator
First order differential operator
One-way differential operator
ROBERTS cross differential operator
SOBE differential operator
PREWITT differential operator
second order differential operator
laplacian differential operator
WALLIS differential operator
Grayscale morphology gradient operation
Dilation-corrosion gradient, that is, the arithmetic difference between the dilation image and the corrosion image
corrosive gradient
dilational gradient
Transform domain image enhancement
Fourier transform
high frequency enhancement
high pass filter
ideal high pass filter
Bartworth Qualified filter
Gaussian high pass filter
bandpass filter
Homogenic filter
Basic steps
original image
Logarithmic transformation
Fourier transform
Inverse Fourier Transform
antilog transformation
Enhance images
Wavelet transform
color space transformation
Other transformations
Pseudo color processing
image fusion
Algebraic operations in space domain
Brovey transformation method
PBIM fusion algorithm
SFIM fusion algorithm
spatial domain substitution method
HSI fusion algorithm
Principal component transform fusion method
Wavelet transform fusion method
Chapter 9: Targets of Interest and Object Extraction
Image segmentation
threshold method
Basics of threshold method processing
global threshold
uniformity measure
maximum class spacing method
maximum class variance method
maximum entropy method
local adaptive threshold
boundary segmentation method
edge detection
Edge detection based on differential operators
Comprehensive edge detection
LoG operator
Canny operator
Edge detection based on morphological gradient
edge connection
region extraction method
region growing method
Region Split and Merge Method
Morphological watershed segmentation
Binary image processing
Basic concepts
Four nearest neighbors and eight nearest neighbors
Four-connection and eight-connection
interior points and boundary points
Hole filling and debris elimination
Object extraction
Boundary extraction
Chapter 10: Feature Extraction and Selection
Spectral feature extraction
spatial feature extraction
texture features
shape characteristics
basic shape characteristics
Shape factor
Minimum external matrix description
Minimum circumscribed ellipse description
aspect ratio
Placement angle
Other parameter descriptions
spatial relationship characteristics
Feature options
Feature selection process
subset generation
subset evaluation
Evaluation aborted
Result verification
Attribute evaluation criteria
Relevance criteria
independence criterion
distance measure
Relevance measure
Information measure
consistency measure
Comprehensive measure
Feature selection based on prior knowledge
Feature combination
Chapter 11: Remote Sensing Digital Image Classification
Background knowledge
Classification knowledge
Leveraging prior knowledge
First supervised classification
After unsupervised classification
Is it based on statistical characteristics of data?
Yes Statistical Decision
No decision tree classification
The pixel division probability is 100%
Yes Hard classification
No soft classification
Whether the classification object is a pixel
Yes Then pixel classification
No object-oriented classification
Understanding the purpose of classification and background of the study area
Data extraction
Pre -processing
Classification category determination and interpretation flag establishment
Training sample selection and evaluation
Feature extraction and selection·
Choice of classification method
Image classification
Classification post-processing
Accuracy evaluation
Classification method
Supervised classification
Selection of training samples
Source of training samples
Number of training samples required
Distribution of training samples
Evaluation of training samples
icon method
mean chart method
Rectangular circle method
Feature space multidimensional graph method
statistical method
Convert dispersion
JEFFRIES-MATUSITA distance method
Choice of classification method
parallel box algorithm
distance judgment method
maximum likelihood method
Common classification algorithms for hyperspectral remote sensing data
Spectral angle mapping
Spectral information dispersion
binary encoding
neural network algorithm
Support vector machine classification algorithm
Characteristics of supervised classification
unsupervised classification
Category setting for unsupervised classification
Common classifiers
K-means algorithm
ISODATA algorithm
Characteristics of supervised classification
Decision tree classification
Object extraction
Object classification
Classification post-processing
major/minor analysis
Filter processing
Other classification post-processing
Category merge
Manual correction
Vector data smoothing
Accuracy evaluation
Selection of test samples
simple random sampling
stratified sampling
cluster sampling
Accuracy evaluation method
confusion matrix
Definition of confusion matrix
Accuracy evaluation factor
Overall classification accuracy
Cartographic accuracy
User accuracy
Missing error
misclassification error
Kappa coefficient
Application of confusion matrix in accuracy evaluation
ROC curve method
Chapter 12: Remote Sensing Cartographic Expression
Basic requirements for remote sensing mapping
Drawing process
cartographic purposes
Cartographic planning
Cartographic color
Image retouching
Remote sensing image map production case
Remote sensing special production case