MindMap Gallery Chapter 2 Audit Plan
Certified Public Accountant, Audit Chapter 2 The audit plan is a work plan prepared by the certified public accountant before the specific implementation of the audit procedures in order to complete various audit services and achieve the expected audit objectives.
Edited at 2024-10-27 17:41:52호흡부전이란 외부 호흡 기능의 심각한 손상으로 인해 동맥의 산소분압(PaO2)이 정상 범위보다 낮거나 이산화탄소(PaCO2) 분압의 상승을 동반하는 병리학적 과정을 말한다.
준비부터 완료까지 프로젝트의 다양한 단계와 주요 작업을 자세히 설명하는 현장 건설 및 비즈니스 문서입니다. 이는 프로젝트 관리자가 프로젝트 진행 상황과 주요 링크를 더 잘 파악하여 프로젝트가 원활하게 진행될 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
지식 포인트를 정리 정리하고, 담배와 술을 멀리하기, 마약을 거부하기, 건강에 주의하기 등의 내용을 소개하여 지식 포인트를 익히고 기억력을 높일 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 도움이 필요한 학생은 저장할 수 있습니다.
호흡부전이란 외부 호흡 기능의 심각한 손상으로 인해 동맥의 산소분압(PaO2)이 정상 범위보다 낮거나 이산화탄소(PaCO2) 분압의 상승을 동반하는 병리학적 과정을 말한다.
준비부터 완료까지 프로젝트의 다양한 단계와 주요 작업을 자세히 설명하는 현장 건설 및 비즈니스 문서입니다. 이는 프로젝트 관리자가 프로젝트 진행 상황과 주요 링크를 더 잘 파악하여 프로젝트가 원활하게 진행될 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
지식 포인트를 정리 정리하고, 담배와 술을 멀리하기, 마약을 거부하기, 건강에 주의하기 등의 내용을 소개하여 지식 포인트를 익히고 기억력을 높일 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 도움이 필요한 학생은 저장할 수 있습니다.
Chapter 2 Audit Plan
Preliminary business activities (work done when taking on business)
Purpose 3 aspects
Have the independence and ability to execute business
There are no issues related to the integrity of management that may affect CPA's willingness to maintain this business.
There is no misunderstanding about the terms of the business agreement with the auditee
Content 3 aspects
Evaluate compliance with relevant professional ethical requirements
Reach an agreement on the terms of the audit engagement
Quality control procedures for maintaining client relationships and responding in real time to specific audit engagements,
action, whether something was done
Purpose determines content
Prerequisites for auditing
Basis for preparation of financial statements (acceptability, appropriateness)
Consider the nature of the entity being audited
Consider the purpose of preparing financial statements
Consider the nature (characteristics, characteristics) of the financial statements: a complete set or a single statement
Consider whether laws and regulations provide for the applicable basis for the preparation of financial statements
Agree on management's responsibilities
Prepare financial statements on a suitable basis (prepare according to rules)
Design, implement and maintain necessary internal controls
Provide necessary working conditions to the Association
Management's confirmation of responsibility
Provide a written statement to the AICPA
Audit engagement letter
The essence is a design contract
Basic content
1. Objectives and scope of the financial statement audit 2. Responsibilities of the Audit Committee 3. Management responsibilities 4. Point out the basis for the preparation of financial statements used 5. Mention the expected form and content of the audit report to be issued by the Audit Committee (two from each party) responsibilities, objectives and scope)
special considerations
Consider specific needs (17 items)
Continuously audit the modification of the agreed terms (whether the same company re-signed with the same company last year this year)
Changes in management rights, changes in ownership, changes in the nature or scale of the audited unit, changes in regulations, and whether the preparation basis has changed
Change of agreed terms (high degree of guarantee changes to low degree of guarantee)
Reasons for business changes (the article is not on topic)
Environmental changes have an impact on the demand for audit services
Misunderstanding of the nature of the audit engagement originally requested
reasonable grounds
Restrictions imposed by management or other circumstances causing the scope of the audit to be limited
Without reasonable justification, the CPA should not agree to change the audit engagement to one with a lower level of assurance
Overall audit strategy and specific audit plan
Overall audit strategy = overall audit direction: scope, time, direction, resources
Audit scope: areas and content involved in the audit (14 items)
Audit direction: focus of the project
Audit resources: the arrangement of manpower for the project
Specific audit plans (nature, timing, scope of audit procedures) – three broad types of plans
Risk assessment process - understanding the audited entity and its environment: inquiry, analysis, observation, inspection
Further procedures for planned implementation
Overall approach to further audits: testing of controls and substantive procedures
substantive plan
Comprehensive program
Specific audit procedures to be implemented
Control testing
Substantive proceedings
Other audit procedures
Determined based on professional judgment of the association
1. Determining the nature, timing and scope of the audit procedures is the core of the specific audit plan. 2. The audit plan runs through the entire audit and may be continuously modified.
Changes to the plan during the audit
Changes in planned audit work run through the entire audit engagement
After revising the plan, two should be done
The audit work should be revised accordingly
Significant changes and reasons should be recorded in the audit working papers
Guidance, supervision and review
Key factors affecting its nature, timing and scope
Size and complexity of the audited entity
Audit field
Assessed risk of material misstatement
Professional qualities and competencies of project team members performing audit work
Audit materiality
Understand the concept of materiality (is it a misstatement, does it affect user decision-making)
Conceptual understanding
From a CPA perspective: Materiality is the largest misstatement that a CPA can tolerate for the overall financial statements.
A misstatement is material if, individually or in the aggregate, the misstatements could reasonably be expected to affect the economic decisions of users of financial statements.
Judgments on materiality are made based on the specific environment (and the auditee and the environment) and are affected by the amount, nature, or both of the misstatements.
Since different financial statement users may have very different needs for financial information, the possible impact of misstatements on individual financial statement users is not considered.
2 points to note when determining importance:
If there is no significant change in the business scale of the audited entity compared with the previous year, the importance determined using an alternative basis should not exceed the importance of the previous year.
The inherent uncertainties associated with the measurement of specific items need not be considered when determining materiality levels.
Factors to consider when choosing a percentage
Are financial statements distributed to a broad range of users - broad range, low percentage
Whether the audited unit is provided with financing by related parties within the group or large-amount external financing - large-amount external financing, the percentage is low
Is the user particularly sensitive to benchmark data?
Determination of Importance Levels – Determining 3 Categories of Importance
Materiality of the financial statements as a whole: Determined when developing the overall audit plan. Overall materiality of financial statements = Appropriate basis * Appropriate percentage
Importance level: the amount of importance
The materiality of specific categories of transactions, account balances or disclosures
Whether laws, regulations or the basis for preparing financial statements used affect the expectations of users of financial statements regarding the measurement or disclosure of specific items
Key disclosures related to the industry in which the audited entity operates
Whether users of financial statements are particularly concerned about specific aspects disclosed separately in the financial statements
Importance of actual implementation (50%-70% of overall importance)
Concept: less material than the financial statements as a whole or less material than a specific transaction, account balance or disclosure); all businesses must determine actual execution material, at least one, can be multiple
Reasons for the importance of practical implementation: Expanding the safety boundary of auditing (making audit work safer, more prudent, and more in line with the principles of professional skepticism)
Determine the importance of execution
Knowledge of the unit being audited
The nature and scope of misstatements identified in previous audit work
Expectations for misstatements in the current period based on misstatements identified in previous periods
Modification materiality during audit: reasons
Significant changes occurred during the audit
Get new information
Changes in understanding of the auditee and its operations through the implementation of further audit procedures
How to apply the importance of practical execution during the audit process
Identification of transactions, account balances and disclosures requiring further audit procedures: impact of aggregation, impact of underestimation, impact of fraud
The materiality of actual performance is used to determine the nature, timing and scope of further audit procedures
Definition of misstatement
Refers to the amount, classification or presentation of enterprise statement items, differences from the preparation basis, or necessary adjustments deemed necessary by the Notes Committee
The purpose of misstatement is to ensure that the aggregate number of non-cumulative misstatements together with accumulated uncorrected misstatements does not exceed the significance of the financial statements as a whole and does not constitute a material misstatement.
4 factors that may be considered in determining the critical value of obviously minor misstatements
(1) Historical situation: the number and amount of misstatements identified in previous annual audits; (2) Risk of material misstatement: assessment results of risk of material misstatement; (3) Client requirements: The governance and management expectations of the audited entity for the CPA to communicate misstatements with them; (4) Regulatory requirements: Whether the financial indicators of the audited unit meet the requirements of regulatory agencies or the expectations of investors.
Misstatement Classification
Facts: There is no doubt
Judgment misstatement: The Note believes that management has made unreasonable and inappropriate judgments on the recognition, measurement and presentation of financial statements.
Inferred misstatements: misstatements of the population estimated from the test sample - specific misstatements identified
Obvious and minor misstatements do not need to be accumulated; the aggregate number of misstatements = identified specific misstatements Inferred misstatements = factual misstatements Judgment misstatements Inferred misstatements
Consideration of misstatements identified during the audit process
Misstatements may not occur in isolation
Sampling risk and non-sampling risk may cause some misstatements to go undetected
Evaluation of misstatements found
Factors to consider when choosing a benchmark
Financial statement elements (such as assets, revenue, profits)
Are there any items of particular concern to users of financial statements?
The nature, life cycle stage and economic environment of the industry in which the audited entity is located,
Ownership structure and financing methods of the audited entity
Relative volatility of the benchmark
Commonly used cases
Stable profitability: profit before tax
Large range of profits and losses: average pre-tax profits or losses in 3-5 years
New Enterprises: Total Assets
Open-ended funds: net assets
R&D Center: Cost or Operating Expenses
Charitable funds: donation income or expenses