MindMap Gallery New advances in amblyopia management through perceptual learning
This is a mind map about new developments in amblyopia management through perceptual learning. The main contents include: summary, discussion, research methods, conclusions, perceptual learning PL, pathogenesis, and amblyopia.
Edited at 2024-10-08 18:19:13이는 액체 냉각 기술 및 냉각수 제조업체에 대한 마인드 맵입니다. 주요 내용에는 액체 냉각 산업의 주요 업체, 액체 냉각 기술 경로 및 액체 냉각 기술 개요가 포함됩니다.
ACS의 정의, 유형, 원인 및 실험실 테스트를 소개합니다. 급성관상동맥증후군은 관상동맥의 불안정한 플라크가 파열되어 혈전증, 색전증 또는 연축을 일으키고 관상동맥이 완전히 또는 불완전하게 폐색되어 발생하는 급성심근허혈과 관련된 임상증후군군을 말한다.
인지세, 소비세, 판매 및 사용세, 관세, 연방 실업세, 재산세, 사회보장 및 메디케어 등을 포함한 미국의 기타 세금에 대한 마인드맵입니다.
이는 액체 냉각 기술 및 냉각수 제조업체에 대한 마인드 맵입니다. 주요 내용에는 액체 냉각 산업의 주요 업체, 액체 냉각 기술 경로 및 액체 냉각 기술 개요가 포함됩니다.
ACS의 정의, 유형, 원인 및 실험실 테스트를 소개합니다. 급성관상동맥증후군은 관상동맥의 불안정한 플라크가 파열되어 혈전증, 색전증 또는 연축을 일으키고 관상동맥이 완전히 또는 불완전하게 폐색되어 발생하는 급성심근허혈과 관련된 임상증후군군을 말한다.
인지세, 소비세, 판매 및 사용세, 관세, 연방 실업세, 재산세, 사회보장 및 메디케어 등을 포함한 미국의 기타 세금에 대한 마인드맵입니다.
learning through perception New advances in amblyopia management
is a neurodevelopmental disorder involving abnormalities in cortical processing of binocular visual input
Common childhood vision disorders that occur during a critical period of visual system development
The incidence rate among the population is 3.9%
Refractive error
More than 80% of the main causes of amblyopia in children under 3 years old
Under 7 years old, strabismus (38%) and anisometropia (37%) are the main causes
form deprivation
congenital cataract
Droopy eyelids
Corneal opacity, etc.
Vision effects
Impact on visual function affect daily life
Loss of stereopsis
binocular cues
Impaired contrast sensitivity
Spatial positioning affected
Shape and motion perception affected
Unsteady gaze
selective visual attention deficit
Visual motor coordination deficits
The result of changing from monocular impairment to binocular visual dysfunction
In 3-5 months, complex excitatory pathways in the visual cortex are established, and correct connections are continuously strengthened to suppress incorrect connections. critical period
Vision development continues until age 7
Neuroplasticity extends into adulthood
In individuals with amblyopia, the retinal points of both eyes receive different signals, leading to confusion and double vision. The brain suppresses information to prevent confusion.
Dominant eye - weak eye
The depth of suppression is positively correlated with the amount of visual acuity reduction.
Amblyopia is stronger in the foveal area of the retina, forming a blind spot.
Elevated contrast sensitivity threshold
Increased brightness threshold
Shape and motion information are suppressed
In the early stage of visual development, the influence of different visual inputs leads to unstable fixation, abnormal eye movements, and FEMs paracentral fixation causes greater visual impairment.
Eye movement training
May result from severe visual impairment
Perceptual Learning PL
Improved sensory perception or executive performance resulting from practice, achieved through repeated exposure to certain stimuli or repeated performance of certain physical tasks
Repeated stimulation leads to strong and synchronous activation of certain cell populations along neuronal pathways, mediates specific neurosensory tasks, and promotes synaptic strengthening between these neurons
Permanent neuroplastic changes through training that improve neurosensory responses
The effectiveness of PL in shaping neuroplasticity in the visual cortex and subsequently in rebalancing the dominant eye was demonstrated in patients with amblyopia through changes in steady-state visual arousal potential (SSVEP) amplitude measured before and after multiple treatments.
research methods
Literature search
in conclusion
binocular vision
Traditional methods – the gold standard
opaque eye mask
depressive membrane
Atropine medication
Improve vision while stimulating amblyopia in dominant eye
Cannot improve contrast sensitivity and stereoscopic sharpness
Solve binocular vision dysfunction
Perceptual Learning-Visual Tasks
Contrast sensitivity recognition
Letter recognition in noise
Location discrimination in noise
cursor acuity
Gabor identification
Refractive correction before perceptual learning
Strabismic amblyopia and form deprivation amblyopia require surgery first and then training
Monocular perception learning
Dominant eye training
May also improve vision and contrast sensitivity
binocular perception learning
Each eye is simultaneously exposed to similar but slightly varying stimuli, promoting disinhibition and binocular synergy
Strategy - dynamic adjustment
Contrast sensitivity balance
Blurred vision
Partial presentation (split view)
electronic equipment
Red and blue filter separation
Types of perceptual learning
interactive video games
Virtual Reality-Augmented Reality
Watching movies and videos under split vision
visual training
transcranial electrical stimulation
Factors affecting the effectiveness of treatment in perceptual learning
Amblyopia type
stereopsis baseline level
Baseline level of gaze stability
Contrast sensitivity baseline level
Advantages and Disadvantages of Perceptual Learning
Solve multiple complex amblyopia
restore vision
Restoring other visual functions - not possible with covering
contrast sensitivity
Improve crowding effect
Improve visual motor deficits
Highly interesting
Will not cause psychosocial disorders
Data tracking
The treatment effect is fast - at least 5 times faster
Improving compliance brings good results
Digital combination, good prognosis, reduced number of treatments
Sustainable results
Stable for 6 months
Relapse risk at 12 months similar to patching and atropine
Adults and patients for whom patching is ineffective may benefit
Low adverse reaction rate
Common adverse reactions
double vision
visual fatigue
Reverse amblyopia - worsening of vision in the dominant eye
Pre-existing strabismus
Complex and expensive
Contrast covering eye mask
Computers, VR and other equipment
Combined home and clinic
transportation cost
time cost
training cost
Interactive games are not suitable for young children
Might be better for video
Masking requires manual recording of treatment time
High perceptual learning compliance
Novel game design and tasks can improve compliance
Limited focus time
Amblyopia - Binocular Diseases, Binocular Interventions
Binocular vision function recovery
stereoscopic vision depth perception
reading ability
sports activities
driving behavior
motor coordination
Perception of the outside world
Perceptual learning is effective
more traditional covering
No difference in visual acuity improvement
Restoration of other features provides better results
Restore eyesight function
contrast sensitivity
Other visual functions
Perceptual learning training cycle is shorter
Better compliance
both children and adults