MindMap Gallery tumor
Pathology summarizes and organizes knowledge points to help learners understand and remember. Straight to the point, it can be used as study notes and review materials to help you systematically review and consolidate the knowledge you have learned. The knowledge points are systematic and comprehensive. I hope it will be helpful to everyone! Suitable for exam review.
Edited at 2024-10-01 23:36:23這是一篇關於《簡愛》人物關係分析的心智圖,幫助你理解和閱讀這本書,本圖關係梳理清楚,非常實用,值得收藏!
This is a mind map about the analysis of the character relationships in "Jane Eyre" to help you understand and read this book. The relationships in this map are clearly sorted out. It is very practical and worth collecting!
An outline of the knowledge points of air and oxygen in Chemistry, including the production of oxygen, catalysts, and reactions. This mind map will help you become familiar with the key points of knowledge and enhance your memory. Students in need can save it.
This is a mind map about the analysis of the character relationships in "Jane Eyre" to help you understand and read this book. The relationships in this map are clearly sorted out. It is very practical and worth collecting!
An outline of the knowledge points of air and oxygen in Chemistry, including the production of oxygen, catalysts, and reactions. This mind map will help you become familiar with the key points of knowledge and enhance your memory. Students in need can save it.
concepts and general forms
Under the influence of various tumorigenic factors, the body's cell growth regulation is severely disrupted, resulting in the abnormal proliferation of the body's cells and the formation of new organisms, which often appear as local abnormal tissue masses.
Difference from non-neoplastic proliferation
Not coordinated with the body and harmful to the body
Usually clonal
The morphology, metabolism and function are all abnormal, and the ability to differentiate and mature is lost to a certain extent.
Increased basophilia due to increased ribosomes
relatively autonomous
General form
General shape
Taking the primary tumor as the counting unit
Big or small
Polypoid, papillary, villous, nodular, lobulated, infiltrative, ulcerated, cystic, etc.
Can be hard or soft
Relationship with surrounding organizations
Benign tumors can form a capsule and separate clearly from the surrounding tissue
Most malignant tumors grow invasively and have unclear boundaries.
Organizational form
Main factors affecting tumor biological behavior
Generally composed of connective tissue, blood vessels and lymph, it plays nutritional and immune functions
Forms a microenvironment and has an important impact on tumor growth
differentiation and heteromorphism
Refers to the morphological and functional similarity of tumor tissue to the normal tissue from which it originated.
The degree of similarity is called the degree of differentiation
Tumor tissue structure and cell morphology are different from corresponding normal tissues to varying degrees.
divided into
structural heterogeneity
The tissue structure formed by tumor cells is different from the original tissue in terms of spatial arrangement.
For example, fibroids are braided and fibrosarcomas are irregular.
Major atypia of benign tumors
cellular atypia
Abnormality of original cells compared with cell volume
Tumor cells vary in size and shape, and tumor giant cells may appear
nuclear pleomorphism
Increased nuclear volume and increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio
Increased DNA in the nucleus and deepened staining
Interchange (extreme)
Tumors with obvious atypia
Add the word "tumor" after tissue or cell
epithelial tissue
mesenchymal tissue
special circumstances
Leukemia (does not form lumps)
traumatic neuroma
tumor growth and spread
growth pattern
Expansive growth
site of occurrence
benign tumors of solid organs
The growth rate is slow. As the size increases, the tumor pushes but does not invade surrounding tissues. It is clearly segmented and can form a complete fibrous capsule around the tumor.
Encapsulated tumors can be pushed during palpation and are easily removed by surgery.
local impact
exophytic growth
site of occurrence
Body surface, inner surface of body cavity, ductal and organ cavity surface
growth convex surface
This part is prone to necrosis and falling off
local impact
Invasive growth can occur at the base of malignant tumors
Ulcers form after shedding
infiltrative growth
site of occurrence
malignant tumor
The phenomenon of tumor cells growing into and destroying surrounding tissue is called invasion
Based on violation of base membrane
No membrane exists
No clear boundaries with surrounding tissue
Growth characteristics
Doubling time is no faster than that of normal cells
Growth fraction is usually higher than normal tissue
Growth fraction refers to the proportion of cells in a tumor cell population that are in a proliferating state.
Tumors have the ability to induce angiogenesis
evolution and heterogeneity
Increased tumor aggressiveness is called evolution
Tumor evolution is associated with the acquisition of greater heterogeneity
Heterogeneity means that cells with growth advantages and stronger invasiveness overwhelm weaker cells.
nuclear changes
Pathological mitotic figures can be seen in malignant tumors
Local infiltration and direct spread
Tumor cells continuously infiltrate and grow along tissue gaps or nerve corsets, destroying adjacent organs or tissues, which is called direct spread.
Tumor cells invade lymphatic vessels, blood vessels or body cavities from the original site, migrate to other sites, and continue to grow to form the same type of tumor.
lymphatic metastasis
The most common metastasis pattern of epithelial malignant tumors
Marginal sinuses that reach regional lymph nodes first
Hematogenous metastasis
Metastases from veins to the lungs, such as osteosarcoma
Metastases from the portal vein to the liver, such as gastrointestinal cancer
The lungs and liver are most commonly affected
Choriocarcinoma occurs early in blood vessel metastasis
The morphological characteristics are clear boundaries, scattered distribution, and mostly close to the surface of the organ.
Cancerous umbilicus formed on the surface of the organ
Implantation transfer
primary site
The surface of an organ within a body cavity
Most common in abdominal organs
transfer method
fall off
Mucinous carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract invades the serosa and sows to the ovary
This ovarian tumor is called a Krukenberg tumor
Effects on the body
Compression, etc., such as benign endocrine tumors, which can cause symptoms of increased endocrine
Pituitary somatotroph adenomas can cause gigantism and acromegaly
paraneoplastic syndrome
ectopic endocrine syndrome
Endocrine hormones can be expressed in tumors that are not part of the original organ
Broadly defined paraneoplastic syndrome refers to lesions that cannot be explained by metastasis
Common tumors
epithelial tissue tumors
site of occurrence
Covering epithelium such as squamous epithelium, urothelium
in general
exophytic growth
The root may have a pedicle connected to normal tissue
under the mirror
The axis of the nipple is composed of mesenchymal components such as blood vessels and connective tissue, and the surface is covered with epithelium
site of occurrence
Glandular epithelium, such as intestinal mammary gland thyroid gland
Tubular adenoma (villous adenoma)
in general
Polypoid, may have a pedicle connected to the mucosa
under the mirror
The tumor gland epithelium forms well-differentiated tubules or villous structures.
Predisposed areas
intestinal mucosa
The accumulation of secretions from tumor glands, the gradual expansion and fusion of glandular cavities
Predisposed areas
divided into
serous papillary cystadenoma
The glandular epithelium grows papillaryly into the cyst cavity and secretes serous fluid
mucinous cystadenoma
Secretion of mucus, often multilocular
Predisposed areas
mammary gland
In addition to glandular epithelial hyperplasia, fibrous connective tissue also hyperplases
squamous cell carcinoma
Areas covered by squamous epithelium, such as skin
Cauliflower-like, can form ulcers
In well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, keratin beads (lamellar keratin, or cancer beads) may appear in the center of the cancer nest; there are intercellular bridges between cells.
Gastrointestinal tract, lungs, breast, female reproductive system
divided into
papillary adenocarcinoma
Mainly papillary structure
The glandular cavity is highly dilated and cystic
papillary cystadenocarcinoma
Cystadenocarcinoma with papillary growth
Mucinous carcinoma (colloid carcinoma)
Mucus-secreting adenocarcinoma
But hormones cannot be synthesized because differentiation is poor
basal cell carcinoma
Elderly head and face
Slow growth, ulcers often form on the surface
Cancer nests are composed of hyperchromatic basaloid cancer cells
urothelial carcinoma
Bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis
Papillary or non-papillary
The higher the grade, the more likely it is to relapse and infiltrate deeply.
mesenchymal tissue tumors
fibrous tissue hyperplasia
Subcutaneously on limbs and trunk
naked eye
Nodular shape, clear boundary with surrounding tissue, grayish-white cut surface, visible braided stripes, hard texture
under the mirror
The collagen fibers in the tumor tissue are in the form of bundles and are woven with each other. There are slender fiber cells between the fibers. Generally, there are no mitotic figures.
biological behavior
Slow growth and less likely to relapse after removal
Subcutaneous tissue of back, shoulders and proximal extremities
Most common benign soft tissue tumors
in general
There is a film, the cut surface is yellow, like adipose tissue
under the mirror
Similar to normal adipose tissue, with fibrous membrane
Mostly occur congenitally, often in children, and may resolve spontaneously in adulthood.
divided into
capillary hemangioma
cavernous hemangioma
venous hemangioma
periosteal chondroma
endophytic enchondroma
More common in uterus
Malignant (sarcoma)
Deep, opposite to lipoma distribution
Characterized by the appearance of lipoblasts
It grows rapidly, is prone to hematological metastasis in the early stage, and has a poor prognosis.
Body surface characteristics
Papules or nodules, dark red and gray-white, prone to necrosis and bleeding
Predisposed areas
Subcutaneous tissue of limbs
growth pattern
infiltrative growth
general observation
Grayish white, fish-like, often accompanied by hemorrhage and necrosis
under the mirror
Atypical spindle cell herring bone arrangement
Most common bone malignant tumors
More common in teenagers
general observation
The triangular bulge formed between the cortical bone at the upper and lower ends of the tumor and the lifted episteum is the new bone produced by the episteum. Codman's triangle is seen on X-ray.
The periosteum is turned up, and vertical radial reactive new bone trabeculae are formed between the episteum and bone cortex, which appear as sun-ray shadows on X-ray.
under the mirror
Tumor cells have obvious atypia and form tumorous osteoid tissue or bone tissue, which is the most important basis for diagnosis.
Common features
Cancer cells are diffusely distributed with unclear boundaries between them and the stroma
Multiple hematogenous metastases
Precancerous lesions
Colorectal adenoma
Among them, familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) almost always becomes cancerous.
Includes villous adenomas, multiple adenomas of the colon
Breast ductal epithelial atypical hyperplasia ADH
Chronic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia
chronic atrophic gastritis
ulcerative colitis
chronic skin ulcers
Often occurs in places such as the oral cavity and vulva.
Common distractions
duodenal ulcer
tumorigenic factors
human papillomavirusHPV
Causes breast cancer, cervical cancer
Epstein-Barr virus
Causes lymphoma and nasopharyngeal cancer
Hepatitis B virus HBV
Causes chronic liver damage, liver cancer
stomach cancer
multiple germ layers
Commonly found in ovaries and testicles